blob: dfc9da71a51a60aa56bd9389f3da2af35673952e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.container
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import java.util.Timer
import java.util.TimerTask
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import whisk.common.Counter
import whisk.common.Logging
import whisk.common.TimingUtil
import whisk.common.TransactionId
import whisk.core.WhiskConfig
import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.dockerImageTag
import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerContainerNetwork
import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerContainerPolicy
import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerCoreShare
import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.invokerNumCore
import whisk.core.WhiskConfig.selfDockerEndpoint
import whisk.core.entity.ActionLimits
import whisk.core.entity.MemoryLimit
import whisk.core.entity.LogLimit
import whisk.core.entity.TimeLimit
import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAction
import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAuth
import whisk.core.entity.WhiskAuthStore
import whisk.core.entity.WhiskEntityStore
import whisk.core.entity.NodeJS6Exec
import akka.event.Logging.LogLevel
import akka.event.Logging.InfoLevel
import whisk.core.entity.BlackBoxExec
* A thread-safe container pool that internalizes container creation/teardown and allows users
* to check out a container.
* Synchronization via "this" is used to maintain integrity of the data structures.
* A separate object "gcSync" is used to prevent multiple GC's from occurring.
* TODO: for now supports only one container per key
* TODO: for now does not allow concurrent container creation
class ContainerPool(
config: WhiskConfig,
invokerInstance: Integer = 0,
verbosity: LogLevel = InfoLevel,
standalone: Boolean = false)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem)
extends ContainerUtils {
// These must be defined before verbosity is set
private val datastore = WhiskEntityStore.datastore(config)
private val authStore = WhiskAuthStore.datastore(config)
val dockerhost = config.selfDockerEndpoint
// Eventually, we will have a more sophisticated warmup strategy that does multiple sizes
private val defaultMemoryLimit = MemoryLimit(MemoryLimit.STD_MEMORY)
* Sets verbosity of this and owned objects.
override def setVerbosity(level: LogLevel) = {
* Enables GC.
def enableGC(): Unit = {
gcOn = true
* Disables GC. If disabled, overrides other flags/methods.
def disableGC(): Unit = {
gcOn = false
* Performs a GC immediately of all idle containers, blocking the caller until completed.
def forceGC()(implicit transid: TransactionId): Unit = {
removeAllIdle({ containerInfo => true })
* Getter/Setter for various GC parameters.
def gcThreshold: FiniteDuration = _gcThreshold
def maxIdle: Int = _maxIdle // container count
def maxActive: Int = _maxActive // container count
def gcThreshold_=(value: FiniteDuration): Unit = _gcThreshold = (Duration.Zero max value)
def maxIdle_=(value: Int): Unit = _maxIdle = Math.max(0, value)
def maxActive_=(value: Int): Unit = _maxActive = Math.max(0, value)
def resetMaxIdle() = _maxIdle = defaultMaxIdle
def resetMaxActive() = {
_maxActive = ContainerPool.getDefaultMaxActive(config)
info(this, s"maxActive set to ${_maxActive}")
def resetGCThreshold() = _gcThreshold = defaultGCThreshold
* Controls where docker container logs are put.
def logDir: String = _logDir
def logDir_=(value: String): Unit = _logDir = value
* How many containers are in the pool at the moment?
* There are also counts of containers we are trying to start but have not inserted into the data structure.
def idleCount() = countByState(State.Idle)
def activeCount() = countByState(State.Active)
private val startingCounter = new Counter()
private var shuttingDown = false
* Tracks requests for getting containers.
* The first value doled out via will be 1 and completedPosition.cur remains at 0 until completion.
private val nextPosition = new Counter()
private val completedPosition = new Counter()
* Lists ALL containers at this docker point with "docker ps -a --no-trunc".
* This could include containers not in this pool at all.
def listAll()(implicit transid: TransactionId): Seq[ContainerState] = listContainers(true)
* Retrieves (possibly create) a container based on the subject and versioned action.
* A flag is included to indicate whether initialization succeeded.
* The invariant of returning the container back to the pool holds regardless of whether init succeeded or not.
* In case of failure to start a container, None is returned.
def getAction(action: WhiskAction, auth: WhiskAuth)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[(WhiskContainer, Option[RunResult])] =
if (shuttingDown) {
info(this, s"Shutting down: Not getting container for ${action.fullyQualifiedName} with ${auth.uuid}")
} else {
try {
val myPos =
info(this, s"""Getting container for ${action.fullyQualifiedName} of kind ${action.exec.kind} with ${auth.uuid}:
| myPos = $myPos
| completed = ${completedPosition.cur}
| slack = ${slack()}
| startingCounter = ${startingCounter.cur}""".stripMargin)
val key = ActionContainerId(auth.uuid, action.fullyQualifiedName, action.rev)
getImpl(1, myPos, key, () => makeWhiskContainer(action, auth)) map {
case (c, initResult) =>
val cacheMsg = if (!initResult.isDefined) "(Cache Hit)" else "(Cache Miss)"
(c.asInstanceOf[WhiskContainer], initResult)
} finally {
* For testing
def getByImageName(imageName: String, args: Array[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[Container] = {
info(this, s"Getting container for image $imageName with args " + args.mkString(" "))
// Not a regular key. Doesn't matter in testing.
val key = new ActionContainerId(s"instantiated." + imageName + args.mkString("_"))
getImpl(1, 0, key, () => makeContainer(key, imageName, args)) map { _._1 }
* Tries to get/create a container via the thunk by delegating to getOrMake.
* This method will apply retry so that the caller is blocked until retry succeeds.
final def getImpl(tryCount: Int, position: Int, key: ActionContainerId, conMaker: () => FinalContainerResult)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[(Container, Option[RunResult])] = {
val positionInLine = position - completedPosition.cur // this will be 1 if at the front of the line
val available = slack()
if (tryCount % 100 == 0) {
warn(this, s"""getImpl possibly stuck because still in line:
| position = $position
| completed = ${completedPosition.cur}
| slack = $available
| maxActive = ${_maxActive}
| activeCount = ${activeCount()}
| startingCounter = ${startingCounter.cur}""".stripMargin)
if (positionInLine > available) { // e.g. if there is 1 available, then I wait if I am second in line (positionInLine = 2)
Thread.sleep(50) // TODO: replace with wait/notify but tricky to get right because of desire for maximal concurrency
} else getOrMake(key, conMaker) match {
case Success(con, initResult) =>
info(this, s"Obtained container ${}")
return Some(con, initResult)
case Error(str) =>
error(this, s"Error starting container: $str")
return None
case Busy =>
// This will not cause a busy loop because only those that could be productive will get a chance
getImpl(tryCount + 1, position, key, conMaker)
def getNumberOfIdleContainers(key: ActionContainerId)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Int = {
this.synchronized {
keyMap.get(key) map { bucket => bucket.count { _.isIdle() } } getOrElse 0
* How many containers can we start? Someone could have fully started a container so we must include startingCounter.
* The use of a method rather than a getter is meant to signify the synchronization in the implementation.
private def slack() = _maxActive - (activeCount() + startingCounter.cur)
* Try to get or create a container, returning None if there are too many
* active containers.
* The multiple synchronization block, and the use of startingCounter,
* is needed to make sure container count is accurately tracked,
* data structure maintains integrity, but to keep all length operations
* outside of the lock.
* The returned container will be active (not pause).
def getOrMake(key: ActionContainerId, conMaker: () => FinalContainerResult)(implicit transid: TransactionId): FinalContainerResult = {
retrieve(key) match {
case CacheMiss => {
conMaker() match { /* We make the container outside synchronization */
// Unfortunately, variables are not allowed in pattern alternatives even when the types line up.
case res @ Success(con, initResult) =>
this.synchronized {
val ci = introduceContainer(key, con)
ci.state = State.Active
case res @ Error(_) => res
case Busy =>
null // conMaker only returns Success or Error
case s @ Success(con, initResult) =>
con.transid = transid
runDockerOp { con.unpause() }
case b @ Busy => b
case e @ Error(_) => e
* Obtains a pre-existing container from the pool - and putting it to Active state but without docker unpausing.
* If we are over capacity, signal Busy.
* If it does not exist ready to do, indicate a miss.
def retrieve(key: ActionContainerId)(implicit transid: TransactionId): ContainerResult = {
this.synchronized {
// first check if there is a matching container and only if there aren't any
// determine if the pool is full or has capacity to accommodate a new container;
// this allows any new containers introduced into the pool to be reused if already idle
val bucket = keyMap.getOrElseUpdate(key, new ListBuffer())
bucket.find({ ci => ci.isIdle() }) match {
case None =>
if (activeCount() + startingCounter.cur >= _maxActive) {
} else {
case Some(ci) => {
ci.state = State.Active
Success(ci.container, None)
* Moves a container from one bucket (i.e. key) to a different one.
* This operation is performed when we specialize a pre-warmed container to an action.
* ContainerMap does not need to be updated as the Container <-> ContainerInfo relationship does not change.
def changeKey(ci: ContainerInfo, oldKey: ActionContainerId, newKey: ActionContainerId)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
this.synchronized {
assert(ci.state == State.Active)
val oldBucket = keyMap(oldKey)
val newBucket = keyMap.getOrElseUpdate(newKey, new ListBuffer())
oldBucket -= ci
newBucket += ci
* Returns the container to the pool or delete altogether.
* This call can be slow but not while locking data structure so it does not interfere with other activations.
def putBack(container: Container, delete: Boolean = false)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Unit = {
info(this, s"""putBack returning container ${}
| delete = $delete
| completed = ${completedPosition.cur}
| slack = ${slack()}
| maxActive = ${_maxActive}
| activeCount = ${activeCount()}
| startingCounter = ${startingCounter.cur}""".stripMargin)
// Docker operation outside sync block. Don't pause if we are deleting.
if (!delete) {
runDockerOp {
// pausing eagerly is pessimal; there could be an action waiting
// that will immediately unpause the same container to reuse it;
// to skip pausing, will need to inspect the queue of waiting activations
// for a matching key
val toBeDeleted = this.synchronized { // Return container to pool logically and then optionally delete
// Always put back logically for consistency
val Some(ci) = containerMap.get(container)
assert(ci.state == State.Active)
ci.lastUsed = System.currentTimeMillis()
ci.state = State.Idle
val toBeDeleted = if (delete) {
removeContainerInfo(ci) // no docker operation here
} else {
// Perform capacity-based GC here.
if (gcOn) { // Synchronization occurs inside calls in a fine-grained manner.
while (idleCount() > _maxIdle) { // it is safe for this to be non-atomic with body
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
object State extends Enumeration {
val Idle, Active = Value
* Wraps a Container to allow a ContainerPool-specific information.
class ContainerInfo(k: ActionContainerId, con: Container) {
val key = k
val container = con
var state = State.Idle
var lastUsed = System.currentTimeMillis()
def isIdle() = state == State.Idle
private val containerMap = new TrieMap[Container, ContainerInfo]
private val keyMap = new TrieMap[ActionContainerId, ListBuffer[ContainerInfo]]
// These are containers that are already removed from the data structure waiting to be docker-removed
private val toBeRemoved = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[ContainerInfo]()
// Note that the prefix separates the name space of this from regular keys.
// TODO: Generalize across language by storing image name when we generalize to other languages
// Better heuristic for # of containers to keep warm - make sensitive to idle capacity
private val warmNodejsKey = WarmNodeJsActionContainerId
private val nodejsExec = NodeJS6Exec("", None)
private def keyMapToString(): String = { => s"[${p._1.stringRepr} -> ${p._2}]").mkString(" ")
// Easier to walk containerMap than keyMap
private def countByState(state: State.Value) = this.synchronized { containerMap.count({ case (_, ci) => ci.state == state }) }
// Sample container name: wsk1_1_joeibmcomhelloWorldDemo_20150901T202701852Z
private def makeContainerName(localName: String): ContainerName =
ContainerCounter.containerName(invokerInstance.toString(), localName)
private def makeContainerName(action: WhiskAction): ContainerName =
* dockerLock is a fair lock used to serialize all docker operations except pull.
* However, a non-pull operation can run concurrently with a pull operation.
val dockerLock = new ReentrantLock(true)
* dockerPullLock is used to serialize all pull operations.
val dockerPullLock = new ReentrantLock(true)
/* A background thread that
* 1. Kills leftover action containers on startup
* 2. Periodically re-populates the container pool with fresh (un-instantiated) nodejs containers.
* 3. Periodically tears down containers that have logically been removed from the system
private def nannyThread(allContainers: Seq[ContainerState]) = new Thread {
override def run {
implicit val tid = TransactionId.invokerWarmup
if (!standalone) killStragglers(allContainers)
while (true) {
Thread.sleep(100) // serves to prevent busy looping
// create a new stem cell if the number of warm containers is less than the count allowed
// as long as there is slack so that any actions that may be waiting to create a container
// are not held back; Note since this method is not fully synchronized, it is possible to
// start this operation while there is slack and end up waiting on the docker lock later
if (!standalone && getNumberOfIdleContainers(warmNodejsKey) < WARM_NODEJS_CONTAINERS && slack() > 0) {
// We grab the size first so we know there has been enough delay for anything we are shutting down
val size = toBeRemoved.size()
1 to size foreach { _ =>
val ci = toBeRemoved.poll()
if (ci != null) { // should never happen but defensive
Thread.sleep(100) // serves to not hog docker lock and add slack
* Gracefully terminates by shutting down containers upon SIGTERM.
* If one desires to kill the invoker without this, send it SIGKILL.
private def shutdown() = {
implicit val id = TransactionId.invokerWarmup
shuttingDown = true
* All docker operations from the pool must pass through here (except for pull).
private def runDockerOp[T](dockerOp: => T)(implicit transid: TransactionId): T = {
runDockerOpWithLock(dockerLock, dockerOp)
* All docker pull operations from the pool must pass through here.
private def runDockerPull[T](dockerOp: => T)(implicit transid: TransactionId): T = {
runDockerOpWithLock(dockerPullLock, dockerOp)
* All docker operations from the pool must pass through here (except for pull).
private def runDockerOpWithLock[T](lock: ReentrantLock, dockerOp: => T)(implicit transid: TransactionId): T = {
try {
val (elapsed, result) = TimingUtil.time { dockerOp }
if (elapsed > slowDockerThreshold) {
warn(this, s"Docker operation took $elapsed")
} finally {
private def makeWarmNodejsContainer()(implicit transid: TransactionId): WhiskContainer = {
val imageName = WhiskAction.containerImageName(nodejsExec, config.dockerRegistry, config.dockerImagePrefix, config.dockerImageTag)
val limits = ActionLimits(TimeLimit(), defaultMemoryLimit, LogLimit())
val containerName = makeContainerName("warmJsContainer")
info(this, "Starting warm nodejs container")
val con = makeGeneralContainer(warmNodejsKey, containerName, imageName, limits, false)
this.synchronized {
introduceContainer(warmNodejsKey, con)
info(this, "Started warm nodejs container")
private def getWarmNodejsContainer(key: ActionContainerId)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Option[WhiskContainer] =
retrieve(warmNodejsKey) match {
case Success(con, _) =>
info(this, s"Obtained a pre-warmed container")
con.transid = transid
val Some(ci) = containerMap.get(con)
changeKey(ci, warmNodejsKey, key)
case _ => None
// Obtain a container (by creation or promotion) and initialize by sending code.
private def makeWhiskContainer(action: WhiskAction, auth: WhiskAuth)(implicit transid: TransactionId): FinalContainerResult = {
val imageName = getDockerImageName(action)
val limits = action.limits
val nodeImageName = WhiskAction.containerImageName(nodejsExec, config.dockerRegistry, config.dockerImagePrefix, config.dockerImageTag)
val key = ActionContainerId(auth.uuid, action.fullyQualifiedName, action.rev)
val warmedContainer = if (limits.memory == defaultMemoryLimit && imageName == nodeImageName) getWarmNodejsContainer(key) else None
val containerName = makeContainerName(action)
val con = warmedContainer getOrElse {
try {
info(this, s"making new container because none available")
makeGeneralContainer(key, containerName, imageName, limits, action.exec.kind == BlackBoxExec)
} finally {
val newCount = startingCounter.prev()
info(this, s"made container, number of remaining containers to start: $newCount")
initWhiskContainer(action, con)
// Make a container somewhat generically without introducing into data structure.
// There is access to global settings (docker registry)
// and generic settings (image name - static limits) but without access to WhiskAction.
private def makeGeneralContainer(
key: ActionContainerId, containerName: ContainerName,
imageName: String, limits: ActionLimits, pull: Boolean)(
implicit transid: TransactionId): WhiskContainer = {
val network = config.invokerContainerNetwork
val cpuShare = ContainerPool.cpuShare(config)
val policy = config.invokerContainerPolicy
val env = getContainerEnvironment()
// This will start up the container
if (pull) runDockerPull {
ContainerUtils.pullImage(dockerhost, imageName)
runDockerOp {
// because of the docker lock, by the time the container gets around to be started
// there could be a container to reuse (from a previous run of the same action, or
// from a stem cell container); should revisit this logic
new WhiskContainer(transid, this.dockerhost, key, containerName, imageName, network, cpuShare, policy, env, limits, isBlackbox = pull, logLevel = this.getVerbosity())
// We send the payload here but eventually must also handle morphing a pre-allocated container into the right state.
private def initWhiskContainer(action: WhiskAction, con: WhiskContainer)(implicit transid: TransactionId): FinalContainerResult = {
con.boundParams = action.parameters.toJsObject
// Then send it the init payload which is code for now
val initArg = action.containerInitializer
val initResult = con.init(initArg, action.limits.timeout.duration)
Success(con, Some(initResult))
* Used through testing only. Creates a container running the command in `args`.
private def makeContainer(key: ActionContainerId, imageName: String, args: Array[String])(implicit transid: TransactionId): FinalContainerResult = {
val con = runDockerOp {
new Container(transid, this.dockerhost, key, None, imageName,
config.invokerContainerNetwork, ContainerPool.cpuShare(config),
config.invokerContainerPolicy, ActionLimits(), Map(), args,
Success(con, None)
* Adds the container into the data structure in an Idle state.
* The caller must have synchronized to maintain data structure atomicity.
private def introduceContainer(key: ActionContainerId, container: Container)(implicit transid: TransactionId): ContainerInfo = {
val ci = new ContainerInfo(key, container)
keyMap.getOrElseUpdate(key, ListBuffer()) += ci
containerMap += container -> ci
private def dumpState(prefix: String)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
debug(this, s"$prefix: keyMap = ${keyMapToString()}")
private def getDockerImageName(action: WhiskAction)(implicit transid: TransactionId): String = {
val imageName = action.containerImageName(config.dockerRegistry, config.dockerImagePrefix, config.dockerImageTag)
debug(this, s"Using image ${imageName}")
private def getContainerEnvironment(): Map[String, String] = {
Map(WhiskConfig.asEnvVar(WhiskConfig.edgeHostName) -> config.edgeHost)
private val defaultMaxIdle = 10
private val defaultGCThreshold = 600.seconds
private val slowDockerThreshold = 500.millis
private val slowDockerPullThreshold = 5.seconds
val gcFrequency = 1000.milliseconds // this should not be leaked but a test needs this until GC count is implemented
private var _maxIdle = defaultMaxIdle
private var _maxActive = 0
private var _gcThreshold = defaultGCThreshold
private var gcOn = true
private val gcSync = new Object()
private val timer = new Timer()
private val gcTask = new TimerTask {
def run() {
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(gcTask, 0, gcFrequency.toMillis)
* Removes all idle containers older than the threshold.
private def performGC()(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
val expiration = System.currentTimeMillis() - gcThreshold.toMillis
removeAllIdle({ containerInfo => containerInfo.lastUsed <= expiration })
* Collects all containers that are in the idle state and pass the predicate.
* gcSync is used to prevent multiple GC's.
private def removeAllIdle(pred: ContainerInfo => Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
gcSync.synchronized {
val idleInfo = this.synchronized {
val idle = containerMap filter { case (container, ci) => ci.isIdle() && pred(ci) }
idle.keys foreach { con =>
info(this, s"removeAllIdle removing container ${}")
containerMap --= idle.keys
keyMap foreach { case (key, ciList) => ciList --= idle.values }
keyMap retain { case (key, ciList) => !ciList.isEmpty }
// Remove containerInfo from data structures but does not perform actual container operation.
// Caller must establish synchronization
private def removeContainerInfo(conInfo: ContainerInfo)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
containerMap -= conInfo.container
keyMap foreach { case (key, ciList) => ciList -= conInfo }
keyMap retain { case (key, ciList) => !ciList.isEmpty }
private def removeOldestIdle()(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
// Note that the container removal - if any - is done outside the synchronized block
val oldestIdle = this.synchronized {
val idle = (containerMap filter { case (container, ci) => ci.isIdle() })
if (idle.isEmpty)
else {
val oldestConInfo = idle.minBy(_._2.lastUsed)._2
info(this, s"removeOldestIdle removing container ${}")
// Getter/setter for this are above.
private var _logDir = "/logs"
private val actionContainerPrefix = "wsk"
* Actually deletes the containers.
private def teardownContainer(container: Container)(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
val size = this.getLogSize(container, !standalone)
val rawLogBytes = container.synchronized {
this.getDockerLogContent(container.containerId, 0, size, !standalone)
val filename = s"${_logDir}/${}.log"
Files.write(Paths.get(filename), rawLogBytes)
info(this, s"teardownContainers: wrote docker logs to $filename")
runDockerOp { container.remove() }
* Removes all containers with the actionContainerPrefix to kill leftover action containers.
* This is needed for startup and shutdown.
* Concurrent access from clients must be prevented.
private def killStragglers(allContainers: Seq[ContainerState])(implicit transid: TransactionId) = {
val candidates = allContainers.filter {
info(this, s"Now removing ${candidates.length} leftover containers")
candidates foreach { c =>
info(this, s"Leftover container removal completed")
* Gets the size of the mounted file associated with this whisk container.
def getLogSize(con: Container, mounted: Boolean)(implicit transid: TransactionId): Long = {
getDockerLogSize(con.containerId, mounted)
if (!standalone) {
sys addShutdownHook {
warn(this, "Shutdown hook activated. Starting container shutdown")
warn(this, "Shutdown hook completed.")
* These methods are parameterized on the configuration but defined here as an instance of ContainerPool is not
* always available from other call sites.
object ContainerPool extends Logging {
def requiredProperties = Map(
selfDockerEndpoint -> "localhost",
dockerImageTag -> "latest",
invokerContainerNetwork -> "bridge",
invokerNumCore -> "4",
invokerCoreShare -> "2",
invokerContainerPolicy -> "")
* Extract parameters from whisk config. In the future, these may not be static but
* dynamically updated. They still serve as a starting point for downstream parameters.
def numCore(config: WhiskConfig) = config.invokerNumCore.toInt
def shareFactor(config: WhiskConfig) = config.invokerCoreShare.toInt
* The total number of containers is simply the number of cores dilated by the cpu sharing.
def getDefaultMaxActive(config: WhiskConfig) = numCore(config) * shareFactor(config)
/* The shareFactor indicates the number of containers that would share a single core, on average.
* cpuShare is a docker option (-c) whereby a container's CPU access is limited.
* A value of 1024 is the full share so a strict resource division with a shareFactor of 2 would yield 512.
* On an idle/underloaded system, a container will still get to use underutilized CPU shares.
private val totalShare = 1024.0 // This is a pre-defined value coming from docker and not our hard-coded value.
def cpuShare(config: WhiskConfig) = (totalShare / getDefaultMaxActive(config)).toInt