blob: f97eb0edfd981b9121ee294e7de9d86289eb4411 [file] [log] [blame]
var watson = require('watson-developer-cloud');
var fs = require('fs');
var stream = require('stream');
function isValidEncoding(encoding) {
return encoding === 'ascii' ||
encoding === 'utf8' ||
encoding === 'utf16le' ||
encoding === 'ucs2' ||
encoding === 'base64' ||
encoding === 'binary' ||
encoding === 'hex';
* Transcribes speech from various languages and audio formats to text
* See
* @param content_type The MIME type of the audio. Required.
* @param model The identifier of the model to be used for the recognition request.
* @param continuous Indicates whether multiple final results that represent consecutive phrases separated by long pauses are returned.
* @param inactivity_timeout The time in seconds after which, if only silence (no speech) is detected in submitted audio, the connection is closed. The default is 30 seconds.
* @param interim_results Indicates whether the service is to return interim results.
* @param keywords A list of keywords to spot in the audio.
* @param keywords_threshold A confidence value that is the lower bound for spotting a keyword.
* @param max_alternatives The maximum number of alternative transcripts to be returned.
* @param word_alternatives_threshold A confidence value that is the lower bound for identifying a hypothesis as a possible word alternative.
* @param word_confidence Indicates whether a confidence measure in the range of 0 to 1 is to be returned for each word.
* @param timestamps Indicates whether time alignment is returned for each word.
* @param X-Watson-Learning-Opt-Out Indicates whether to opt out of data collection for the call.
* @param watson-token Provides an authentication token for the service as an alternative to providing service credentials.
* @param encoding The encoding of the speech binary data. Required.
* @param payload The encoded data to turn into text. Required.
* @param username The Watson service username.
* @param password The Watson service password.
* @return {
* "data": "Final results for the request",
* "results": "Interim results for the request"
* "error": "Errors for the connection"
* }
function main(params) {
var payload = params.payload;
var encoding = params.encoding;
var username = params.username;
var password = params.password;
console.log('params:', params);
if (!payload) {
return whisk.done({
'error': 'No payload specified.'
} else if (!isValidEncoding(encoding)) {
return whisk.done({
'error': 'Not a valid encoding.'
var response = {};
var speechToText = watson.speech_to_text({
username: username,
password: password,
version: 'v1'
// Create the stream.
var recognizeStream = speechToText.createRecognizeStream({
content_type: params.content_type,
model: params.model,
continuous: params.continuous,
inactivity_timeout: params.inactivity_timeout,
interim_results: params.interim_results,
keywords: params.keywords,
max_alternatives: params.max_alternatives,
word_alternatives_threshold: params.word_alternatives_threshold,
word_confidence: params.word_confidence,
timestamps: params.timestamps,
'X-Watson-Learning-Opt-Out': params['X-Watson-Learning-Opt-Out'],
'watson-token': params['watson-token']
// Pipe in some audio.
var b = Buffer(payload, encoding);
var s = new stream.Readable();
s._read = function noop() {}; // Needed to escape not implemented exception
// Pipe out the transcription.
// Get strings instead of buffers from `data` events.
// Listen for 'data' events for only the final results.
// Listen for 'results' events to get interim results.
['data', 'results', 'error', 'connection-close'].forEach(function (name) {
recognizeStream.on(name, function (event_) {
if (name === 'data') { = event_;
} else if (name === 'results' && params.interim_results) {
if (!response.results)
response.results = [];
} else if (name === 'error' || name === 'connection-close') {
response.error = event_ && typeof(event_.toString) === 'function' ?
event_.toString() : 'Watson API failed';
return whisk.async();