blob: d1ca6098779a63d145a351901062fd40b952a5a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Sample code using the experimental Swift 3 runtime
* with links to KituraNet and GCD
import KituraNet
import Dispatch
import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON
func main(args:[String:Any]) -> [String:Any] {
// Force KituraNet call to run synchronously on a global queue
var str = "No response"
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0)) {
HTTP.get("") { response in
do {
str = try response!.readString()!
} catch {
print("Error \(error)")
// Assume string is JSON
print("Got string \(str)")
var result:[String:Any]?
// Convert to NSData
let data = NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)!
// test SwiftyJSON
let json = JSON(data: data)
if let jsonUrl = json["url"].string {
print("Got json url \(jsonUrl)")
} else {
// create result object to return
do {
result = try NSJSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any]
} catch {
print("Error \(error)")
// return, which should be a dictionary
print("Result is \(result!)")
return result!