blob: d0dbdb0bad07fb5126cf5d5767b2d14e07261bef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const OW_ENV_PREFIX = "__OW_";
const CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type";
* Determine if runtime is a "stem" cell, i.e., can be initialized with request init. data
* @param env
* @returns {boolean}
function isStemCell(env) {
let actionCode = env.__OW_ACTION_CODE;
// It is a stem cell if valid code is "built into" the runtime's process environment.
return (typeof actionCode === 'undefined' || actionCode.length === 0);
* Determine if the request (body) contains valid activation data.
* @param req
* @returns {boolean}
function hasActivationData(req) {
// it is a valid activation if the body contains an activation and value keys with data.
if (typeof req.body !== "undefined" &&
typeof req.body.activation !== "undefined" &&
typeof req.body.value !== "undefined") {
return true;
return false;
* Determine if the request (body) contains valid init data.
* @param req
* @returns {boolean}
function hasInitData(req) {
// it is a valid init. if the body contains an init key with data.
if (typeof req.body !== "undefined" &&
typeof req.body.init !== "undefined") {
return true;
return false;
* Remove all INIT data from the value data that will be passed to the user function.
* @param body
function removeInitData(body) {
if (typeof body !== "undefined" &&
typeof body.value !== "undefined") {
delete body.value.code;
delete body.value.main;
delete body.value.binary;
delete body.value.raw;
* Create request init data from the process environment
function createInitDataFromEnvironment(env) {
try {
var initdata = {};
initdata.main = (typeof env.__OW_ACTION_MAIN === 'undefined') ? "main" : env.__OW_ACTION_MAIN;
// TODO: Throw error if CODE is NOT defined!
initdata.code = (typeof env.__OW_ACTION_CODE === 'undefined') ? "" : env.__OW_ACTION_CODE;
initdata.binary = (typeof env.__OW_ACTION_BINARY === 'undefined') ? false : env.__OW_ACTION_BINARY.toLowerCase() === "true";
// TODO: default to empty?
initdata.actionName = (typeof env.__OW_ACTION_NAME === 'undefined') ? "" : env.__OW_ACTION_NAME;
initdata.raw = (typeof env.__OW_ACTION_RAW === 'undefined') ? false : env.__OW_ACTION_RAW.toLowerCase() === "true";
return initdata;
} catch(e){
throw("Unable to process Initialization data: " + e.message);
* Pre-process the init data from the request
function preProcessInitData(initdata, valuedata, activationdata) {
try {
// Look for init data within the request (i.e., "stem cell" runtime, where code is injected by request)
if (typeof(initdata) !== "undefined") {
if (initdata.main && typeof initdata.main === 'string') {
valuedata.main = initdata.main;
if (initdata.code && typeof initdata.code === 'string') {
valuedata.code = initdata.code;
if (initdata.binary) {
if (typeof initdata.binary === 'boolean') {
valuedata.binary = initdata.binary;
} else {
throw ("Invalid Init. data; expected boolean for key 'binary'.");
if (initdata.raw) {
if (typeof initdata.raw === 'boolean') {
valuedata.raw = initdata.raw;
} else {
throw ("Invalid Init. data; expected boolean for key 'raw'.");
// Action name is a special case, as we have a key collision on "name" between init. data and request
// param. data (as they both appear within "body.value") so we must save it to its final location
// as the default Action name as part of the activation data
if ( && typeof === 'string') {
if (typeof (activationdata) !== "undefined") {
if (typeof (activationdata.action_name) === "undefined" ||
(typeof (activationdata.action_name) === "string" &&
activationdata.action_name.length === 0)) {
activationdata.action_name =;
} catch(e){
throw("Unable to process Initialization data: " + e.message);
* Pre-process HTTP request information and make it available as parameter data to the action function
* by moving it to where the route handlers expect it to be (i.e., in the JSON value data map).
* See:
* HTTP Context
* ============
* All web actions, when invoked, receives additional HTTP request details as parameters to the action
* input argument. These include:
* __ow_method (type: string): the HTTP method of the request.
* __ow_headers (type: map string to string): the request headers.
* __ow_path (type: string): the unmatched path of the request (matching stops after consuming the action extension).
* __ow_user (type: string): the namespace identifying the OpenWhisk authenticated subject.
* __ow_body (type: string): the request body entity, as a base64 encoded string when content is
* binary or JSON object/array, or plain string otherwise.
* __ow_query (type: string): the query parameters from the request as an unparsed string.
* A request may not override any of the named __ow_ parameters above; doing so will result in a
* failed request with status equal to 400 Bad Request.
function preProcessHTTPContext(req, valueData) {
try {
if (valueData.raw) {
// __ow_body is a base64 encoded string when content is binary or JSON object/array,
// or plain string otherwise.
if (typeof req.body.value === "string" && req.body.value !== undefined) {
valueData.__ow_body = req.body.value;
} else {
// make value data available as __ow_body
const tmpBody = Object.assign({}, req.body.value);
// delete main, binary, raw, and code from the body before sending it as an action argument
delete tmpBody.main;
delete tmpBody.code;
delete tmpBody.binary;
delete tmpBody.raw;
var bodyStr = JSON.stringify(tmpBody);
// note: we produce an empty map if there are no query parms/
valueData.__ow_body = Buffer.from(bodyStr).toString("base64");;
valueData.__ow_query = req.query;
var namespace = "";
if (process.env[OW_ENV_PREFIX + "NAMESPACE"] !== undefined) {
namespace = process.env[OW_ENV_PREFIX + "NAMESPACE"];
valueData.__ow_user = namespace;
valueData.__ow_method = req.method;
valueData.__ow_headers = req.headers;
valueData.__ow_path = "";
} catch (e) {
throw ("Unable to process HTTP Context: " + e.message)
* Pre-process the incoming http request data, moving it to where the
* route handlers expect it to be for an openwhisk runtime.
function preProcessActivationData(env, activationdata) {
try {
// Note: we move the values here so that the "run()" handler does not have
// to move them again.
function (k) {
if (typeof activationdata[k] === 'string') {
var envVariable = OW_ENV_PREFIX + k.toUpperCase();
process.env[envVariable] = activationdata[k];
} catch(e){
throw("Unable to process Activation data: " + e.message);
* Pre-process the incoming http request data, moving it to where the
* route handlers expect it to be for an openwhisk runtime.
function preProcessRequest(req){
try {
let env = process.env || {};
// Get or create valid references to the various data we might encounter
// in a request such as Init., Activation and function parameter data.
let body = req.body || {};
let valueData = body.value || {};
let initData = body.init || {};
let activationData = body.activation || {};
// process initialization (i.e., "init") data
if (hasInitData(req)) {
preProcessInitData(initData, valueData, activationData);
if(hasActivationData(req)) {
// process HTTP request header and body to make it available to function as parameter data
preProcessHTTPContext(req, valueData);
// process per-activation (i.e, "run") data
preProcessActivationData(env, activationData);
// Fix up pointers in case we had to allocate new maps
req.body = body;
req.body.value = valueData;
req.body.init = initData;
req.body.activation = activationData;
} catch(e){
// TODO: test this error is handled properly and results in an HTTP error response
throw("Unable to process request data: " + e.message);
function postProcessResponse(req, result, res) {
var content_types = {
json: 'application/json',
html: 'text/html',
png: 'image/png',
svg: 'image/svg+xml',
// After getting the result back from an action, update the HTTP headers,
// status code, and body based on its result if it includes one or more of the
// following as top level JSON properties: headers, statusCode, body
let statusCode = result.code;
let headers = {};
let body = result.response;
let contentTypeInHeader = false;
// statusCode: default is 200 OK if body is not empty otherwise 204 No Content
if (result.response.statusCode !== undefined) {
statusCode = result.response.statusCode;
delete body['statusCode'];
// the default content-type for an HTTP response is application/json
// this default are overwritten with the action specified headers
if (result.response.headers !== undefined) {
headers = result.response.headers;
delete body['headers'];
// addressing content-type v/s Content-Type
// marking 'Content-Type' as standard inside header
if (headers.hasOwnProperty(CONTENT_TYPE.toLowerCase())) {
headers[CONTENT_TYPE] = headers[CONTENT_TYPE.toLowerCase()];
delete headers[CONTENT_TYPE.toLowerCase()];
// If a content-type header is not declared in the action result’s headers,
// the body is interpreted as application/json for non-string values,
// and text/html otherwise.
if (!headers.hasOwnProperty(CONTENT_TYPE)) {
if (result.response.body !== undefined && typeof result.response.body == "string") {
headers[CONTENT_TYPE] = content_types.html;
} else {
headers[CONTENT_TYPE] = content_types.json;
} else {
contentTypeInHeader = true;
// body: a string which is either a plain text, JSON object, or a base64 encoded string for binary data (default is "")
// body is considered empty if it is null, "", or undefined
if (result.response.body !== undefined) {
body = result.response.body;
delete body['main'];
delete body['code'];
delete body['binary'];
// When the content-type is defined, check if the response is binary data or
// plain text and decode the plain text using a base64 decoder whenever needed.
// Should the body fail to decoded correctly, return an error to the caller.
if (contentTypeInHeader && headers[CONTENT_TYPE].lastIndexOf("image", 0) === 0) {
if (typeof body === "string") {
body = Buffer.from(body, 'base64')
headers["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = "binary";
// TODO: throw an error if body can not be decoded
// statusCode: set it to 204 No Content if body is empty
if (statusCode === 200 && body === "") {
statusCode = 204;
if (!headers.hasOwnProperty('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')) {
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*';
if (!headers.hasOwnProperty('Access-Control-Allow-Methods')) {
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'OPTIONS, GET, DELETE, POST, PUT, HEAD, PATCH';
// the header Access-Control-Request-Headers is echoed back as the header Access-Control-Allow-Headers if it is present in the HTTP request.
// Otherwise, a default value is generated.
if (!headers.hasOwnProperty['Access-Control-Allow-Headers']) {
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Authorization, Origin, X - Requested - With, Content - Type, Accept, User - Agent';
if (typeof req.headers['Access-Control-Request-Headers'] !== "undefined") {
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = req.headers['Access-Control-Request-Headers'];
function PlatformKnativeImpl(platformFactory) {
var http_method = {
get: 'GET',
post: 'POST',
put: 'PUT',
delete: 'DELETE',
options: 'OPTIONS',
const DEFAULT_METHOD = [ 'POST' ];
// Provide access to common runtime services
var service = platformFactory.service;
// TODO: Should we use app.WrapEndpoint()? = function(req, res) {
try {
// Do not process requests with init. data if this is not a "stem" cell
if (hasInitData(req) && !isStemCell(process.env))
throw ("Cannot initialize a runtime with a dedicated function.");
// If this is a dedicated, uninitialized runtime, then copy INIT data from env. into the request
if( !isStemCell(process.env) && !service.initialized()){
let body = req.body || {};
body.init = createInitDataFromEnvironment(process.env);
// Different pre-processing logic based upon request data needed due Promise behavior
if(hasInitData(req) && hasActivationData(req)){
// Request has both Init and Run (activation) data
// Invoke the OW "init" entrypoint
service.initCode(req).then(function () {
// delete any INIT data (e.g., code, raw, etc.) from the 'value' data before calling run().
// Invoke the OW "run" entrypoint
service.runCode(req).then(function (result) {
postProcessResponse(req, result, res)
}).catch(function (error) {
if (typeof error.code === "number" && typeof error.response !== "undefined") {
} else {
console.error("[wrapEndpoint]", "invalid errored promise", JSON.stringify(error));
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal error during function execution." });
} else if(hasInitData(req)){
// Request has ONLY Init data
// Invoke the OW "init" entrypoint
service.initCode(req).then(function (result) {
}).catch(function (error) {
if (typeof error.code === "number" && typeof error.response !== "undefined") {
} else {
console.error("[wrapEndpoint]", "invalid errored promise", JSON.stringify(error));
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal error during function execution." });
} else if(hasActivationData(req)){
// Request has ONLY Run (activation) data
// Invoke the OW "run" entrypoint
service.runCode(req).then(function (result) {
postProcessResponse(req, result, res)
}).catch(function (error) {
if (typeof error.code === "number" && typeof error.response !== "undefined") {
} else {
console.error("[wrapEndpoint]", "invalid errored promise", JSON.stringify(error));
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal error during function execution." });
} else {
// Invoke the OW "run" entrypoint
service.runCode(req).then(function (result) {
postProcessResponse(req, result, res)
}).catch(function (error) {
if (typeof error.code === "number" && typeof error.response !== "undefined") {
} else {
console.error("[wrapEndpoint]", "invalid errored promise", JSON.stringify(error));
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal error during function execution." });
} catch (e) {
res.status(500).json({error: "internal error during request processing."})
// TODO: the 'httpMethods' var should not alternatively store string and string[] types
this.registerHandlers = function(app, platform) {
var httpMethods = process.env.__OW_HTTP_METHODS;
// default to "[post]" HTTP method if not defined
if (typeof httpMethods === "undefined") {
console.error("__OW_HTTP_METHODS is undefined; defaulting to '[post]' ...");
httpMethods = DEFAULT_METHOD;
} else {
if (httpMethods.startsWith('[') && httpMethods.endsWith(']')) {
httpMethods = httpMethods.substr(1, httpMethods.length);
httpMethods = httpMethods.substr(0, httpMethods.length -1);
httpMethods = httpMethods.split(',');
// default to "[post]" HTTP method if specified methods are not valid
if (!Array.isArray(httpMethods) || !Array.length) {
console.error("__OW_HTTP_METHODS is undefined; defaulting to '[post]' ...");
httpMethods = DEFAULT_METHOD;
httpMethods.forEach(function (method) {
switch (method.toUpperCase()) {
case http_method.get:
case http_method.put:
case http_method.delete:
case http_method.options:
console.error("Environment variable '__OW_HTTP_METHODS' has an unrecognized value (" + method + ").");
module.exports = PlatformKnativeImpl;