Raw Web Action Test for OpenWhisk NodeJS Runtime using Knative

Running the test using the curl command

Depending on the value you set in buildtemplate.yaml for the OW_RUNTIME_PLATFORM parameter, you will need to invoke different endpoints to execute the test.

Running with OW_RUNTIME_PLATFORM set to “knative”

Invoke / endpoint on the Service

curl -H "Host: nodejs-web-action-raw.default.example.com" -X POST http://localhost/

Running with OW_RUNTIME_PLATFORM set to “openwhisk”

Initialize the runtime

Initialize the runtime with the function and other configuration data using the /init endpoint.

curl -H "Host: nodejs-web-aciton-raw.default.example.com" -d "@data-init.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost/init


Run the function

Execute the function using the /run endpoint.

curl -H "Host: nodejs-web-action-raw.default.example.com" -d "@data-run.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost/run

Note: OpenWhisk controller plays an important role in handling web actions and that's why lacking __ow_* parameters from the response.