blob: bb5dd76aa4be1c231c5bfe8aed83a673ed2f30b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.database.test
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import common.StreamLogging
import common.WskActorSystem
import whisk.common.Logging
import whisk.common.TransactionId
import whisk.core.database.MultipleReadersSingleWriterCache
class MultipleReadersSingleWriterCacheTests(nIters: Int = 3) extends FlatSpec
with Matchers
with MultipleReadersSingleWriterCache[String, String]
with WskActorSystem
with StreamLogging {
"the cache" should "support simple CRUD" in {
val inhibits = doReadWriteRead("foo").go(0 seconds)
inhibits.nReadInhibits.get should be(0)
cacheSize should be(1)
"the cache" should "support concurrent CRUD to different keys" in {
// for the first iter, all reads are not-cached and each thread
// requests a different key, so we expect no read inhibits, and a
// bunch of write inhibits
val inhibits = doCRUD("CONCURRENT CRUD to different keys", { i => "foop_" + i })
inhibits.nReadInhibits.get should be(0)
inhibits.nWriteInhibits.get should not be (0)
// after the first iter, the keys already exist, so the first read
// should be cached, resulting in the writes proceeding more
// smoothly this time, thus inhibiting some of the second reads
for (i <- 1 to nIters - 1) {
doCRUD("CONCURRENT CRUD to different keys", { i => "foop_" + i })
.nReadInhibits.get should not be (0)
"the cache" should "support concurrent CRUD to shared keys" in {
for (i <- 1 to nIters) {
doCRUD("CONCURRENT CRUD to shared keys", sharedKeys)
.nWriteInhibits.get should not be (0)
"the cache" should "support concurrent CRUD to shared keys (zero latency)" in {
var hasInhibits = false
for (i <- 1 to nIters) {
hasInhibits = doCRUD("concurrent CRUD to shared keys (zero latency)", sharedKeys, 0 seconds)
hasInhibits should not be (false)
"the cache" should "support concurrent CRUD to shared keys (short latency)" in {
for (i <- 1 to nIters) {
doCRUD("concurrent CRUD to shared keys (short latency)", sharedKeys, 10 milliseconds)
.hasInhibits should be(true)
"the cache" should "support concurrent CRUD to shared keys (medium latency)" in {
for (i <- 1 to nIters) {
doCRUD("concurrent CRUD to shared keys (medium latency)", sharedKeys, 100 milliseconds)
.hasInhibits should be(true)
"the cache" should "support concurrent CRUD to shared keys (long latency)" in {
for (i <- 1 to nIters) {
doCRUD("CONCURRENT CRUD to shared keys (long latency)", sharedKeys, 5 seconds)
.nWriteInhibits.get should not be (0)
"the cache" should "support concurrent CRUD to shared keys, with update first" in {
for (i <- 1 to nIters) {
doCRUD("CONCURRENT CRUD to shared keys, with update first", sharedKeys, 1 second, false)
.nWriteInhibits.get should be(0)
def sharedKeys = { i: Int => "foop_" + (i % 2) }
def doCRUD(
testName: String,
key: Int => String,
delay: FiniteDuration = 1 second,
readsFirst: Boolean = true,
nThreads: Int = 10): Inhibits = {
val exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads)
val inhibits = Inhibits()
for (i <- 1 to nThreads) {
exec.submit(new Runnable { def run() = { doReadWriteRead(key(i), inhibits, readsFirst).go(delay) } })
exec.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
case class Inhibits(
nReadInhibits: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0),
nWriteInhibits: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)) {
def debug(from: AnyRef) = {
logging.debug(from, "InhibitedReads: " + nReadInhibits)
logging.debug(from, "InhibitedWrites: " + nWriteInhibits)
def hasInhibits: Boolean = { nReadInhibits.get > 0 || nWriteInhibits.get > 0 }
private case class doReadWriteRead(key: String, inhibits: Inhibits = Inhibits(), readFirst: Boolean = true)(implicit logging: Logging) {
def go(implicit delay: FiniteDuration): Inhibits = {
val latch = new CountDownLatch(2)
implicit val transId = TransactionId.testing
if (!readFirst) {
// we want to do the update before the first read
cacheUpdate(key, key, delayed("bar_b")) onFailure {
case t =>
cacheLookup(key, delayed("bar"), true) onComplete {
case Success(s) => {
case Failure(t) => {
if (readFirst) {
// we did the read before the update, so do the write next
cacheUpdate(key, key, delayed("bar_b")) onFailure {
case t =>
cacheLookup(key, delayed("bar_c"), true) onComplete {
case Success(s) => {
case Failure(t) => {
latch.await(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
private def delayed[W](v: W)(implicit delay: FiniteDuration): Future[W] = {
akka.pattern.after(duration = delay, using = actorSystem.scheduler)(
Future.successful { v })
/** we are using cache keys, so the update key is just the string itself */
override protected def cacheKeyForUpdate(w: String): String = (w)