Deployment options

THere are two images provided: the actionloop and the actionloop-golang-v1.11 available. Each image accept different input in the deployment.

Actionloop runtime

The runtime actionlooop accepts:

  • single file executable
  • a zip file containing an executables

If the input is a single file, it can be either a in ELF format for architecture AMD64 implementing the ActionLoop protocol.

It can also be a script, identified by the #! hash-bang path at the beginning. The default actionloop can execute bash shell scripts and can use the jq command to parse JSON files and the curl command to invoke other actions.

If the file is a zipped file, it must contain in the top level (not in a subdirectory) an file named exec. This file must be in the same format as a single binary, either a binary or a script.

Golang runtime

The runtime actionloop-golang-v1.11 accepts:

  • executable binaries implementing the ActionLoop protocol as Linux ELF executable compiled for the AMD64 architecture (as the actionloop runtme)
  • zip files containing a binary executable named exec in the top level, and it must be again a Linux ELF executable compiled for the AMD64 architecture
  • a single file action that is not an executable binary will be interpreted as source code and it will be compiled in a binary as described in the document about actions
  • a zip file not containing in the top level a binary file exec will be interpreted as a collection of zip files, and it will be compiled in a binary as described in the document about actions

Please note in the separate the rules about the name of the main function (that defaults to main.Main), and the rules about how to overwrite the main.main.

Using packages and vendor folder

When you deploy a zip file, you can:

  • have all your functions in the main package
  • have some functions placed in some packages, like hello
  • have some third party dependencies you want to include in your sources

If all your functions are in the main package, just place all your sources in the top level of your zip file

Use a package folder

If some functions belong to a package, like hello/, you need to be careful with the layout of your source. The layout supported is the following:

├── Makefile
└── src
    ├── hello
    │   ├── hello.go
    │   └── hello_test.go
    └── main.go

You need to use a src folder, place the sources that belongs to the main package in the src and place sources of your package in the src/hello folder.

Then you should import it your subpackage with import "hello". Note that this means if you want to compile locally you have to set your GOPATH to parent directory of your src packages. Check below for using VcCode as an editor with this setup.

When you send the image you will have to zip the content

Check the example golang-main-package and the associated Makefile for an example including also how to deploy and precompile your sources.

Using vendor folders

When you need to use third part libraries, the runtime does not download them from Internet. You have to provide them, downloading and placing them using the vendor folder mechanism. We are going to show here how to use the vendor folder with the dep tool.

NOTE the vendor folder does not work at the top level, you have to use a src folder and a package folder to have also the vendor folder.

If you want for example use the library to manage your logs (a widely used drop-in replacement for the standard log package), you have to include it in your source code in a sub package.

For example consider you have in the file src/hello/hello.go the import:

import ""

To create a vendor folder, you need to

  • install the dep tool
  • cd to the src/hello folder (not the src folder)
  • run GOPATH=$PWD/../.. dep init the first time (it will create 2 manifest files Gopkg.lock and Gopkg.toml) or dep ensure if you already have the manifest files.

The layout will be something like this:

├── Makefile
└── src
    ├── hello
    │   ├── Gopkg.lock
    │   ├── Gopkg.toml
    │   ├── hello.go
    │   ├── hello_test.go
    │   └── vendor
    │       ├──
    │       └──
    └── hello.go

Check the example golang-hello-vendor.

Note you do not need to store the vendor folder in the version control system as it can be regenerated (only the manifest files), but you need to include the entire vendor folder when you deploy the action.

If you need to use vendor folder in the main package, you need to create a directory main and place all the source code that would normally go in the top level, in the main folder instead. A vendor folder in the top level does not work.

Using VsCode

If you are using [VsCode[( as your Go development environment with the VsCode Go support, and you want to get rid of errors and have it working properly, you need to configure it to support the suggested:

  • you need to have a src folder in your source
  • you need either to open the src folder as the top level source or add it as a folder in the workspace (not just have it as a subfolder)
  • you need to enable the option go.inferGopath

Using this option, the GOPATH will be set to the parent directory of your src folder and you will not have errors in your imports.

Precompiling Go Sources Offline

Compiling sources on the image can take some time when the images is initialized. You can speed up precompiling the sources using the image actionloop-golang-v1.11 as an offline compiler. You need docker for doing that.

The images accepts a -compile <main> flag, and expects you provide sources in standard input. It will then compile them, emit the binary in standard output and errors in stderr. The output is always a zip file containing an executable.

If you have docker, you can do it this way:

If you have a single source maybe in file main.go, with a function named Main just do this:

docker run openwhisk/actionloop-golang-v1.11 -compile main <main.go >

If you have multiple sources in current directory, even with a subfolder with sources, you can compile it all with:

zip -r - * | docker run openwhisk/actionloop-golang-v1.11 -compile main >

The generated executable is suitable to be deployed in OpenWhisk using just the generic actionloop runtime.

wsk action create my/action -docker openwhisk/actionloop

You can also use the full actionloop-golang-v1.11 as runtime, it is only bigger.

Note that the output is always a zip file in Linux AMD64 format so the executable can be run only inside a Docker Linux container.