Download OpenWhisk

The source code of OpenWhisk can be accessed by this link. You are currently releasing the version 0.9.0, and the artifact of OpenWhisk source code is called “openwhisk-0.9.0-incubating-sources.tar.gz”.

Verify the Apache license header of OpenWhisk

OpenWhisk uses a tool called openwhisk-utilities to check the license header of each source code file. Please check the tutorial here about how to run it on the directory level.

Verify the SHA-512 checksums, and signature

You need to install gpg on your local machine.

For Ubuntu user, run the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install gnupg

For Mac user, run the following command:

$ brew install gpg

The public key used to verify the checksums can be found here. After download it, you need to import it on your local machine.

$ gpg --import <key_file>

The parameter <key_file> is the file, where the public key is saved.

To generate the SHA512 checksum:

$ gpg --print-md SHA512 <artifact>

The parameter is the file of the artifact “openwhisk-0.9.0-incubating-sources.tar.gz”. Compare the content with the SHA512 file.

Download the signature, and verify it with the command:

$ gpg --verify openwhisk-0.9.0-incubating-sources.tar.gz.asc openwhisk-0.9.0-incubating-sources.tar.gz

Installation of OpenWhisk 0.9.0

This instruction walks you through the steps to install OpenWhisk 0.9.0. We support both Ubuntu and Mac operating systems. Please download the source code package of OpenWhisk “openwhisk-0.9.0-incubating-sources.tar.gz” and unzip it, then you get a directory called “incubator-openwhisk-” on your local machine.


If you are a Ubuntu user, our suggested version is between 14.04 and 16.04. Open a terminal, go to the directory of “incubator-openwhisk”, and run the script “” under tools/ubuntu-setup:

$ cd incubator-openwhisk-<version>
$ ./tools/ubuntu-setup/

Then, you need to add the permission for the current Ubuntu user in Docker:

$ sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

If you are a Mac user, please run the following script:

echo '
# install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# install cask
brew tap caskroom/cask
# install for finding alternative versions (java8)
brew tap caskroom/versions
# install java 8
brew cask install java8
# install scala
brew install scala
# install pip
sudo easy_install pip
# install script prerequisites
sudo -H pip install docker==2.2.1 ansible==2.5.2 jinja2==2.9.6 couchdb==1.1 httplib2==0.9.2 requests==2.10.0' | bash

Then, activate docker0 network with the following command:

$ sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

After running the script above, you should have all you need to install OpenWhisk. Normally there should be no error, but it some error messages pop-up, please log an issue for OpenWhisk community.

Build the source code

Stay under the directory of incubator-openwhisk-, and download gradle-wrapper-4.8.1.jar and place it in the gradle/wrapper folder. Rename it into gradle-wrapper.jar, run the following gradlew command to build the source code:

$ ./gradlew distDocker

You should be able to have all the docker images necessary to run OpenWhisk, after running this command. If you fail to build it, first make sure docker is running correctly by verifying with the command “docker images”. If the error message still remains clueless, please log an issue for OpenWhisk community.

Deploy OpenWhisk

Stay under the directory of incubator-openwhisk-, and run the following ansible scripts one by one:

$ cd ansible
$ ansible-playbook -i environments/local setup.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i environments/local prereq.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i environments/local couchdb.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i environments/local initdb.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i environments/local wipe.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i environments/local apigateway.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i environments/local openwhisk.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i environments/local postdeploy.yml

There are several know issues when you run the above ansible scripts:

One known issue we have can be found at this link. You can run the script “ansible-playbook -i environments/local routemgmt.yml” to see if it can succeed.

Another issue can be found at this link. You can find the solution in the description of this issue.

Since this release does not ship the code of test cases, any error regarding test cases can be ignored.

The ansible scripts will be executed without error after you go through the above issues. If you still fail to deploy OpenWhisk, please log an issue for OpenWhisk community.

Run OpenWhisk

The easiest way to try out OpenWhisk is to use OpenWhisk CLI. Please find the configuration here. For example, you can configure you CLI with the following command, if you have deployed OpenWhisk locally:

$ wsk property set --apihost --auth $(cat ${OPENWHISK_HOME}/ansible/files/auth.guest)

The environment variable $OPENWHISK_HOME points to the directory incubator-openwhisk-. After that, run the following command to each an input message:

$ bin/wsk -i action invoke /whisk.system/utils/echo -p message hello --result


    "message": "hello"

If you can get the above message, you have successfully deployed OpenWhisk on your local machine.

If you want to learn how to use OpenWhisk in a more comprehensive way, please visit the OpenWhisk website or OpenWhisk repository for detailed information.