blob: 7bdcdcca240d4dd4348bb7acee148a754371e29e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import system.utils.KafkaUtils
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.language.postfixOps
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import common.JsHelpers
import common.TestHelpers
import common.Wsk
import common.WskActorSystem
import common.WskProps
import common.WskTestHelpers
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json.JsArray
import spray.json.JsObject
import spray.json.JsBoolean
import spray.json.pimpAny
import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder
class MessagingFeedTests
extends FlatSpec
with Matchers
with WskActorSystem
with BeforeAndAfterAll
with TestHelpers
with WskTestHelpers
with JsHelpers {
val topic = "test"
val sessionTimeout = 10 seconds
implicit val wskprops = WskProps()
val wsk = new Wsk()
val messagingPackage = "/whisk.system/messaging"
val messageHubFeed = "messageHubFeed"
val messageHubProduce = "messageHubProduce"
val kafkaUtils = new KafkaUtils
behavior of "Message Hub feed"
it should "fire a trigger when a message is posted to message hub" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
val currentTime = s"${System.currentTimeMillis}"
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val triggerName = s"/_/dummyMessageHubTrigger-$currentTime"
val feedCreationResult = assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, triggerName) {
(trigger, _) =>
trigger.create(triggerName, feed = Some(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubFeed"), parameters = Map(
"user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
"password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
"api_key" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("api_key"),
"kafka_admin_url" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("kafka_admin_url"),
"kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
"topic" -> topic.toJson))
withActivation(wsk.activation, feedCreationResult, initialWait = 5 seconds, totalWait = 60 seconds) {
activation =>
// should be successful
activation.response.success shouldBe true
// It takes a moment for the consumer to fully initialize. We choose 4 seconds
// as a temporary length of time to wait for.
// key to use for the produced message
val key = "TheKey"
withActivation(wsk.activation, wsk.action.invoke(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubProduce", Map(
"user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
"password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
"kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
"topic" -> topic.toJson,
"key" -> key.toJson,
"value" -> currentTime.toJson))) {
_.response.success shouldBe true
println("Polling for activations")
val activations = wsk.activation.pollFor(N = 2, Some(triggerName), retries = 30)
assert(activations.length > 0)
val matchingActivations = for {
id <- activations
activation = wsk.activation.waitForActivation(id)
if (activation.isRight && activation.right.get.fields.get("response").toString.contains(currentTime))
} yield activation.right.get
assert(matchingActivations.length == 1)
val activation = matchingActivations.head
activation.getFieldPath("response", "success") shouldBe Some(true.toJson)
// assert that there exists a message in the activation which has the expected keys and values
val messages = messagesInActivation(activation, withMessageValue = currentTime)
assert(messages.length == 1)
val message = messages.head
message.getFieldPath("topic") shouldBe Some(topic.toJson)
message.getFieldPath("key") shouldBe Some(key.toJson)
it should "fire a trigger when a binary message is posted to message hub" in withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
val currentTime = s"${System.currentTimeMillis}"
(wp, assetHelper) =>
val triggerName = s"/_/dummyMessageHubTrigger-$currentTime"
val feedCreationResult = assetHelper.withCleaner(wsk.trigger, triggerName) {
(trigger, _) =>
trigger.create(triggerName, feed = Some(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubFeed"), parameters = Map(
"user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
"password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
"api_key" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("api_key"),
"kafka_admin_url" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("kafka_admin_url"),
"kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
"topic" -> topic.toJson,
"isBinaryKey" -> JsBoolean(true),
"isBinaryValue" -> JsBoolean(true)))
withActivation(wsk.activation, feedCreationResult, initialWait = 5 seconds, totalWait = 60 seconds) {
activation =>
// should be successful
activation.response.success shouldBe true
// It takes a moment for the consumer to fully initialize. We choose 4 seconds
// as a temporary length of time to wait for.
// key to use for the produced message
val key = "TheKey"
val encodedCurrentTime = new BASE64Encoder().encode(currentTime.getBytes("utf-8"))
val encodedKey = new BASE64Encoder().encode(key.getBytes("utf-8"))
withActivation(wsk.activation, wsk.action.invoke(s"$messagingPackage/$messageHubProduce", Map(
"user" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("user"),
"password" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("password"),
"kafka_brokers_sasl" -> kafkaUtils.getAsJson("brokers"),
"topic" -> topic.toJson,
"key" -> key.toJson,
"value" -> currentTime.toJson))) {
_.response.success shouldBe true
println("Polling for activations")
val activations = wsk.activation.pollFor(N = 2, Some(triggerName), retries = 30)
assert(activations.length > 0)
val matchingActivations = for {
id <- activations
activation = wsk.activation.waitForActivation(id)
if (activation.isRight && activation.right.get.fields.get("response").toString.contains(encodedCurrentTime))
} yield activation.right.get
assert(matchingActivations.length == 1)
val activation = matchingActivations.head
activation.getFieldPath("response", "success") shouldBe Some(true.toJson)
// assert that there exists a message in the activation which has the expected keys and values
val messages = messagesInActivation(activation, withMessageValue = encodedCurrentTime)
assert(messages.length == 1)
val message = messages.head
message.getFieldPath("topic") shouldBe Some(topic.toJson)
message.getFieldPath("key") shouldBe Some(encodedKey.toJson)
def messagesInActivation(activation : JsObject, withMessageValue: String) : Array[JsObject] = {
val messages = activation.getFieldPath("response", "result", "messages").getOrElse(JsArray.empty).convertTo[Array[JsObject]]
messages.filter {
_.getFieldPath("value") == Some(withMessageValue.toJson)