blob: aa407cd9e8c641e3129f8db0e3bcfa86628ce787 [file] [log] [blame]
var shell = require('shelljs');
// will be populated by processArgs()
var cloudant,
function processArgs() {
if(process.argv.length != 5) {
console.log('USAGE: node index.js CLOUDANT_USER CLOUDANT_PASS DB_NAME');
} else {
cloudant_user = process.argv[2];
cloudant_pass = process.argv[3];
db_name = process.argv[4];
const Cloudant = require('cloudant');
cloudant = Cloudant({
url: `https://${cloudant_user}:${cloudant_pass}@${cloudant_user}`,
plugin: 'promises'
function verifyDBMigration() {
return verifyDBCreatedWithDesignDoc("container0", false)
.then(() => {
return verifyDBCreatedWithDesignDoc("container1", true);
.catch(err => console.error(`Failed to validate migration: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`));
function verifyDBCreatedWithDesignDoc(containerName, letContainerCreateDB) {
return destroyDBIfNeeded()
.then(() => {
if(!letContainerCreateDB) {
console.log(`Creating DB`);
return cloudant.db.create(db_name)
} else {
console.log(`Letting the container create the DB`);
.then(() => {
console.log(`Firing up the docker container`);
return startDockerContainer(containerName)
.then(() => {
return verifyView();
function destroyDBIfNeeded() {
console.log('destroying db');
return cloudant.db.list()
.then(existingDBs => {
if(existingDBs.indexOf(db_name) >= 0) {
console.log(`${db_name} already exists - DESTROY!`);
return cloudant.db.destroy(db_name);
function startDockerContainer(containerName) {
var dockerStartStopPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var returnCode = shell.exec(`docker run -d --name ${containerName} -e CLOUDANT_USER=${cloudant_user} -e CLOUDANT_PASS=${cloudant_pass} openwhisk/kafkaprovider`).code
if(returnCode != 0) {
reject(`Failed to start docker container: ${returnCode}`);
console.log("Giving the container some time to start up...");
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Stopping the container");
var returnCode = shell.exec(`docker stop ${containerName}`).code;
if(returnCode != 0) {
reject('Failed to stop docker container');
console.log("Deleting the container");
returnCode = shell.exec(`docker rm ${containerName}`).code;
if(returnCode != 0) {
reject('Failed to delete container');
}, 20000);
return dockerStartStopPromise;
function verifyView() {
var db = cloudant.db.use(db_name);
console.log('Verifying view exists and works as expected');
return ensureViewReturns(db, 0)
.then(() => {
return db.insert({
triggerURL: 'this is the only property needed by the view'
.then(() => {
// give it a few extra seconds to make sure the view is indexed
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
ensureViewReturns(db, 1)
}, 3000);
function ensureViewReturns(db, expectedNumberOfRows) {
return db.view('filters', 'only-triggers', {include_docs: false})
.then(results => {
if(results.rows.length != expectedNumberOfRows) {
return Promise.reject(`Expected view to contain ${expectedNumberOfRows} rows but got ${results.rows.length}`);
.then(() => console.log('done!'))
.catch(err => console.error(JSON.stringify(err)));