adding work in progress statement to README
1 file changed
tree: 17b60ba1d74434d35ad620f93e3c09d7e69279e6
  1. lib/
  2. scripts/
  3. .gitignore
  4. app.js
  5. build.gradle
  6. Dockerfile
  7. Logger.js
  8. package.json


This is still very much a work-in-progress.

RESTful service to listen for changes to a Cloudant database.

Changes to a Cloudant database can trigger the invocation of an action, passing the action the body of the updated document.

See the scripts directory for examples on how to register a new Cloudant trigger.

Testing the Cloudant trigger service

The following commands will test the Cloudant trigger service:


cd <bluewhisk_home> gradle distDocker


Follow the instructions in [ansible/][../../../ansible/]

Register an action and listen for changes to a test Cloudant database.

./bin/wsk create HELLOCLOUDANT ./actions/hellocloudant.js ./catalog/providers/cloudantTrigger/scripts/

Insert a new document to the test Cloudant database.


You should see the output from invoking the HELLOCLOUDANT action in the ELK logs.