tree: deeee3866ecdc429097bd8b47190ed42bb104cbb [path history] [tgz]
  1. .travis/
  2. apigateway/
  3. db/
  4. docker-compose.yml
  5. docker-whisk-controller.env
  6. Makefile

How to setup OpenWhisk with Docker Compose

Build Status

An easy way to try OpenWhisk locally is to use Docker Compose.


The following are required to build and deploy OpenWhisk with Docker Compose:

Available Ports:

  • 5984 for CouchDB
  • 2181 for Zookeeper
  • 9092 for Kafka
  • 8400, 8500, 8600, 8302 for Consul
  • 8888 for OpenWhisk's Controller
  • 8085 for OpenWhisk's Invoker
  • 80 and 443 for the API Gateway

Quick Start

make quick-start

This command downloads the master branch from the OpenWhisk repo, it builds OpenWhisk, the docker containers, it starts the system and it executes a simple hello-world function. At the end of the execution it prints the output of the function:

    "payload": "Hello, World!"


make docker

This command builds the docker containers for local testing and development.

NOTE: The build may skip some components such as Swift actions in order to finish the build faster.


make run

This command starts OpenWhisk by calling docker-compose up, it initializes the database and the CLI.


The following command stops the docker-compose:

make stop

To remove the stopped containers, clean the database files and the temporary files use:

make destroy

Running a hello-world function

Once OpenWhisk is up and running you can execute a hello-world function:

make hello-world

This command creates a new JS action, it invokes it, and then it deletes it. The javascript action is:

function main(params) {
    var name = || "World";
    return {payload: "Hello, " + name + "!"};

The result of the invokation should be printed on the terminal:

    "payload": "Hello, World!"


  • OpenWhisk Controller - ~/tmp/openwhisk/controller/logs/
  • OpenWhisk Invoker - ~/tmp/openwhisk/invoker/logs/
  • docker-compose logs - ~/tmp/openwhisk/docker-compose.log