tree: e5785796159611a085cdf6aa3f5061fd4afc78af [path history] [tgz]
  1. build.yaml.tmpl
  2. knative-data-init-run.json
  3. knative-data-init.json
  4. knative-data-run.json
  5. openwhisk-data-init.json
  6. openwhisk-data-run.json
  7. payload-knative-init-run.http
  8. payload-knative-init.http
  9. payload-knative-run.http
  10. payload-openwhisk-init.http
  11. payload-openwhisk-run.http
  13. service.yaml.tmpl

Raw Web Action Test for OpenWhisk NodeJS Runtime using Knative

Running the test using the curl command

Depending on the value you set in buildtemplate.yaml for the OW_RUNTIME_PLATFORM parameter, you will need to invoke different endpoints to execute the test.

Running with OW_RUNTIME_PLATFORM set to “knative”

Invoke / endpoint on the Service

curl -H "Host:" -X POST http://localhost/

Running with OW_RUNTIME_PLATFORM set to “openwhisk”

Initialize the runtime

Initialize the runtime with the function and other configuration data using the /init endpoint.

curl -H "Host:" -d "@data-init.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost/init


Run the function

Execute the function using the /run endpoint.

curl -H "Host:" -d "@data-run.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost/run

Note: OpenWhisk controller plays an important role in handling web actions and that's why lacking __ow_* parameters from the response.