blob: a1e72bf390a5a8d03900515302b99ea1feec995c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# this script is used to deploy OpenWhisk from a pod already running in
# kubernetes.
# Note: This pod assumes that there is an openwhisk namespace and the pod
# running this script has been created in that namespace.
deployCouchDB() {
COUCH_DEPLOYED=$(kubectl -n openwhisk get pods --show-all | grep couchdb | grep "1/1")
if [ -z "$COUCH_DEPLOYED" ]; then
return 0;
return 1;
set -ex
# Currently, Consul needs to be seeded with the proper Invoker name to DNS address. To account for
# this, we need to use StatefulSets(
# to generate the Invoker addresses in a guranteed pattern. We can then use properties from the
# StatefulSet yaml file for OpenWhisk deployment configuration options.
INVOKER_REP_COUNT=$(cat /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/ansible-kube/environments/kube/files/invoker.yml | grep 'replicas:' | awk '{print $2}')
sed -ie "s/REPLACE_INVOKER_COUNT/$INVOKER_COUNT/g" /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/ansible-kube/environments/kube/group_vars/all
# copy the ansible playbooks and tools to this repo
cp -R /openwhisk/ansible/ /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/ansible
cp -R /openwhisk/tools/ /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/tools
cp -R /openwhisk/bin/ /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/bin
mkdir -p /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/core
cp -R /openwhisk/core/routemgmt /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/core/routemgmt
# overwrite the default openwhisk ansible with the kube ones.
cp -R /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/ansible-kube/. /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/ansible/
# start kubectl in proxy mode so we can talk to the Kube Api server
kubectl proxy -p 8001 &
pushd /openwhisk-devtools/kubernetes/ansible
ansible-playbook -i environments/kube setup.yml
# Create all of the necessary services
kubectl apply -f environments/kube/files/db-service.yml
kubectl apply -f environments/kube/files/consul-service.yml
kubectl apply -f environments/kube/files/zookeeper-service.yml
kubectl apply -f environments/kube/files/kafka-service.yml
kubectl apply -f environments/kube/files/controller-service.yml
kubectl apply -f environments/kube/files/invoker-service.yml
kubectl apply -f environments/kube/files/nginx-service.yml
if deployCouchDB; then
# Create and configure the CouchDB deployment
ansible-playbook -i environments/kube couchdb.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/kube initdb.yml
ansible-playbook -i environments/kube wipe.yml
# Run through the openwhisk deployment
ansible-playbook -i environments/kube openwhisk.yml
# Post deploy step
ansible-playbook -i environments/kube postdeploy.yml