blob: c26c084967532ee9893b0f4c8a20d5c8b0c23734 [file] [log] [blame]
# This role will run a CouchDB server on the db group
- name: check if db credentials are valid for CouchDB
fail: msg="The db provider in your {{ inventory_dir }}/group_vars/all is {{ db_provider }}, it has to be CouchDB, pls double check"
when: db_provider != "CouchDB"
- name: create db pod
shell: "kubectl apply -f {{kube_pod_dir}}/db.yml"
- name: wait until the CouchDB in this host is up and running
delay: 2
host: "{{ db_host }}"
port: "{{ db_port }}"
timeout: 60
- name: create admin user
url: "{{ db_protocol }}://{{ db_host }}:{{ db_port }}/_config/admins/{{ db_username }}"
method: PUT
body: >
"{{ db_password }}"
body_format: json
status_code: 200
- name: disable reduce limit on views
url: "{{ db_protocol }}://{{ db_host }}:{{ db_port }}/_config/query_server_config/reduce_limit"
method: PUT
body: >
body_format: json
status_code: 200
user: "{{ db_username }}"
password: "{{ db_password }}"
force_basic_auth: yes