blob: c7f61e41c8fe560e6f61a1e14804966605eda43f [file] [log] [blame]
# This role will install Consul Servers/Agents in all machines. After that it installs the Registrators.
# There is a group of machines in the corresponding environment inventory called 'consul_servers' where the Consul Servers are installed
# In this way they build up a Consul Cluster
# Other machines that are not in the 'consul_servers' group, have the Consul Agents
# The template 'config.json.j2' will look at the environment inventory to decide to generate a config file for booting a server or an agent
- name: ensure consul config directory exists
path: "{{ consul_conf_dir }}"
state: directory
when: "'consul_servers' in group_names"
- name: copy template from local to remote (which is really local) and fill in templates
src: config.json.j2
dest: "{{ consul_conf_dir }}/config.json"
when: "'consul_servers' in group_names"
- name: create configmap
shell: "kubectl create configmap consul --from-file={{ consul_conf_dir }}/config.json"
- name: create consul deployment
shell: "kubectl apply -f {{kube_pod_dir}}/consul.yml"
- name: wait until the Consul Server/Agent in this host is up and running
method: PUT
url: "http://{{ consul_host }}:{{ consul.port.http }}/v1/kv/consulIsAlive"
body: 'true'
register: result
until: result.status == 200
retries: 20
delay: 10
when: "'consul_servers' in group_names"
- name: delete is alive token from Consul Server/Agent
method: DELETE
url: "http://{{ consul_host }}:{{ consul.port.http }}/v1/kv/consulIsAlive"
register: result
until: result.status == 200
retries: 10
delay: 1
when: "'consul_servers' in group_names"
- name: notify handler to fill in Consul KV store with parameters in
command: "true"
notify: fill consul kv
when: "'consul_servers' in group_names"