tree: f83fdf64b34fc79d93c54627395d0b98dbd80527 [path history] [tgz]
  1. app.js
  2. Dockerfile
  3. package-lock.json
  4. package.json
  6. service.yaml

Step 1: Install npm package express

$ npm install express --save

Build Docker Image

Build the container on your local machine with:

$ docker build -t {DOCKER_USERNAME}/helloworld-nodejs

Push the container to docker registry

$ docker push {DOCKER_USERNAME}/helloworld-nodejs

Apply Service YAML

$ kubectl apply -f service.yaml

Access the service

curl -H "Host:" http://localhost
Hello Node.js Sample v1!


$ kubectl get pods helloworld-nodejs-00001-deployment-69f788f64b-gtvrc -o yaml
$ kubectl logs helloworld-nodejs-00001-deployment-69f788f64b-gtvrc --all-containers=true
$ kubectl logs helloworld-nodejs-00001-deployment-69f788f64b-gtvrc -c user-container

> knative-serving-helloworld-nodejs@1.0.0 start /usr/src/app
> node app.js

Hello world listening on port 8080
Hello world received a request.
$ kubectl logs helloworld-nodejs-00001-deployment-69f788f64b-gtvrc -c istio-init
kubectl exec nodejs-10-action-00003-deployment-65cd48975b-kbkwj -c istio-proxy -- ls -l 
kubectl exec nodejs-10-action-00003-deployment-65cd48975b-kbkwj -c istio-proxy -- curl localhost:8080