tree: 5ce822dba3db361cb9b80556878357d11cdcf908 [path history] [tgz]
  1. alarms/
  2. catalog/
  3. couchdb/
  4. runtimes/

This directory contains the Dockerfiles and other artifacts to build specialized docker images for deploying OpenWhisk to OpenShift

Rebuilding the images locally:

Ensure you're working with the same docker repo that your OpenShift cluster is using. On minishift, do this:

eval $(minishift docker-env)

The following are automatically built by DockerHub. To test local changes, you can build them manually:

docker build --tag projectodd/whisk_couchdb:openshift-latest docker/couchdb
docker build --tag projectodd/whisk_catalog:openshift-latest docker/catalog
docker build --tag projectodd/whisk_alarms:openshift-latest docker/alarms

The action runtimes are not built automatically. Their directory names match the image names in the templates, so to build them locally:

for i in $(ls docker/runtimes/); 
  do docker build --tag projectodd/$i:openshift-latest docker/runtimes/$i; 

And to push them to DockerHub:

for i in $(ls docker/runtimes/); do docker push projectodd/$i:openshift-latest; done