tree: ad5261a2eca6dcd5f817693cea4a6888bf801b9f [path history] [tgz]
  1. dcos-local-universe-http.service
  2. dcos-local-universe-registry.service
  3. default.conf
  4. docker-compose.yml
  5. Dockerfile
  6. Dockerfile.base
  7. Dockerfile.static
  8. Dockerfile.static.base
  9. Makefile
  11. registry-config.yml


  1. If you‘re using the latest stable release of DC/OS, then download the [local-universe] ( container to each of your masters. Otherwise, you’ll need to build the container for your DC/OS version (see the “Building Your Own” section below) and copy it to each of your masters.

  2. Load the container into the local docker instance on each master:

    $ docker load < local-universe.tar.gz
  3. Add the dcos-local-universe-http.service definition to each of your masters at /etc/systemd/system/dcos-local-universe-http.service and then start it.

    $ cp dcos-local-universe-http.service /etc/systemd/system/dcos-local-universe-http.service
    $ systemctl daemon-reload
    $ systemctl start dcos-local-universe-http
  4. Add the dcos-local-universe-registry.service definition to each of your masters at /etc/systemd/system/dcos-local-universe-registry.service and then start it.

    $ cp dcos-local-universe-registry.service /etc/systemd/system/dcos-local-universe-registry.service
    $ systemctl daemon-reload
    $ systemctl start dcos-local-universe-registry
  5. Remove the built in repositories from the host that you have the DCOS-CLI installed on (alternatively, these can be removed from the DCOS UI under System>Repositories).

    $ dcos package repo remove Universe
    $ dcos package repo remove Universe-1.7
  6. Add the local repository by using the DCOS-CLI.

    $ dcos package repo add local-universe http://master.mesos:8082/repo
  7. To pull from this new repository, you'll need to setup the docker daemon on every agent to have a valid SSL certificate. To do this, on every agent in your cluster, run the following:

    $ mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/master.mesos:5000
    $ curl -o /etc/docker/certs.d/master.mesos:5000/ca.crt http://master.mesos:8082/certs/domain.crt
    $ systemctl restart docker

    Note that you‘re welcome to use the instructions for insecure registries instead of this step. We don’t recommend this.


  • I can't install CLI subcommands.

    Packages are being hosted at master.mesos:8082. If you cannot resolve (or connect) to that from your DC/OS CLI install, you won‘t be able to install subcommands. If you’re able to connect to port 8082 on your masters, the easiest way around this is adding the IP for one of the masters to /etc/hosts. See also Outside Resources below.

  • The images are broken!

    We host everything from inside your cluster, including the images. They're getting served up by master.mesos:8082. If you have connectivity to that IP, you can add it to /etc/hosts and get the images working. See also Outside Resources below.

  • I don't see the package I was looking for!

    By default, we only bundle the selected packages. If you'd like to include something else, please see the “Building Your Own” section below.

Building Your Own

  1. Both nginx and the docker registry get bundled into the same container. This requires building the “universe-base” container before you actually compile the universe container.

    $ sudo make base
  2. Once you‘ve built the “universe-base” container, you’ll be able to create a local-universe one. To keep size and time down, it is common to select only what you‘d like to see. By default, selected applications are the only ones included. You can pass a list in if you’d like to see something more than that.

    $ sudo make DCOS_VERSION=<your DC/OS version> local-universe

    If you want to specify the set of package names and versions that get included in the image you can user the `DCOS_PACKAGE_INCLUDE variable. For example, to include two versions for Cassandra and one version of Marathon you can execute the following command.

    $ sudo make DCOS_VERSION=<your DC/OS version> DCOS_PACKAGE_INCLUDE="cassandra:1.0.25-3.0.10,cassandra:1.0.24-3.0.10,marathon:1.4.2" local-universe

Building Your Own, off a non-changing universe-static base image.

Mesosphere provides a mesosphere/universe-static Docker image, which has all of the core requirements to run a local universe. All that must be added are your own certificates and repo contents.

  1. Use the make command to download the static image

    $ sudo make static-online
    ## Will pull and re-tag mesosphere/universe-static to universe-static
  2. Create your certs (either use make certs or generate your own), and add them to the static image to create a universe-base image

    $ sudo make static-base
    ## Will add certs to universe-static and create universe-base
  3. Add content (see above)

    $ sudo make DCOS_VERSION=<your DC/OS version> local-universe

To generate your own static image, use and/or modify the make target static-build (e.g., make static-build instead of make static-online)

This leaves three total options:

make base
make DCOS_VERSION=<your DC/OS version> local-universe
make static-online
make static-base
make DCOS_VERSION=<your DC/OS version> local-universe
make static-build
make static-base
make DCOS_VERSION=<your DC/OS version> local-universe

Building an old version of Local Universe

The latest version of Local Universe has changed directory structure in a way that is not compatible with the old version of Local Universe. If you are interested in creating an old version of Local Universe with the old directory structure you must use the following command instead of the local-universe make target describe previously.

$ sudo make DCOS_VERSION=<your DC/OS version> old-local-universe

Outside Resources

As a workaround for the image and CLI resource issues in the FAQ above, you can place those assets outside of the cluster.

  1. Place your CLI and image resources on a web server accessible to CLI and web UI users.

  2. Edit the URLs in the resource.json file of your package of interest to point to each of those resources, in the images and cli sections.

  3. Edit Makefile so the call to includes arguments --nonlocal_images and --nonlocal_cli.

  4. Proceed with Building Your Own as above.

Running Local Universe as a Marathon Service

Instead of deploying to each of your masters, you can easily run a local universe as a regular Marathon service.

  1. Edit Makefile so the call to includes the --server_url argument indicating your choice of internal service name and port. For example, if you want dev-universe, then add --server_url http://dev-universe.marathon.mesos:8085.

  2. Build a container as per Building Your Own above.

  3. Deploy the container to your cluster as you would one of your regular apps.

  4. Launch a single instance of your universe service, specifying health checks. Here's an example Marathon app:

  "id": "/dev-universe",
  "instances": 1,
  "cpus": 0.25,
  "mem": 128,
  "requirePorts": true,
  "container": {
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "docker": {
      "network": "BRIDGE",
      "image": "your_image_location:latest",
      "forcePullImage": true,
      "portMappings": [
          "containerPort": 80,
          "hostPort": 8085,
          "protocol": "tcp"
    "volumes": []
  "cmd": "nginx -g 'daemon off;'",
  "fetch": [ ],
  "healthChecks": [
      "gracePeriodSeconds": 120,
      "intervalSeconds": 30,
      "maxConsecutiveFailures": 3,
      "path": "/repo-empty-v3.json",
      "portIndex": 0,
      "protocol": "HTTP",
      "timeoutSeconds": 5
  "constraints": [

Making changes... the universe-static image

  1. Update Dockerfile.static with the changes
  2. Bump the default value of static_version in Makefile
  3. Create a pull request with the above changes
  4. Once it is merged, run the Publish universe-static image build, providing the new version number when prompted
  5. Submit a pull request that updates the FROM universe-static:... line in Dockerfile.static.base to use the new version