Using Dynamic Storage Provisioning for OpenWhisk

NFS-based Dynamic Provisioning

You will need an already-provisioned NFS server supporting NFS v4 or better, preferably provisioned for at least 5 GB. The server must be set up to accept connections from all nodes in your cluster -- we leave it to you to determine the best strategy for that, though you may wish to consider the nfs-server-provisioner Helm Chart (TODO: link) if youhave lots of storage available on your nodes or an NFS server provided by your cloud provider.

Once the NFS server is defined, the fastest way to make a dynamic file store available is with the nfs-client-provisioner helm Chart.

Create a local file openwhisk-nfs-client-provisioner.yaml to configure the provisioner. You need to provide the server and path information. Note also that the storageClass is explictly defined.

  #  See
  server: <!-- To be provided -->
  path: <!-- To be provided -->

  name: openwhisk-nfs
  reclaimPolicy: Delete

And run a command to install it...

helm install --namespace openwhisk \
  --values ./openwhisk-nfs-client-provisioner.yaml \

When you configure OpenWhisk, do remember to set k8s.persistence.hasDefaultStorageClass to false and set k8s.persistence.explicitStorageClass to be openwhisk. And then you should be off to the races.