blob: be98943eb5cd874c120908a836d1c1fef6996bc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var argv = require('argv'),
prompt = require('inquirer'),
lister = require('./commands/list'),
options = require('./options'),
rewriter = require('./rewriter'),
columnify = require('columnify');
var commandHandlers; // defined below. helping out jshint here
var help = {
handler: function help() {
console.log('The available commands are:');
var grouped = {};
for (var x in commandHandlers) {
if (commandHandlers.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var already = grouped[commandHandlers[x].description];
if (already) {
grouped[commandHandlers[x].description] = already + ', ' + x;
} else {
grouped[commandHandlers[x].description] = x;
var pruned = [];
for (var d in grouped) {
if (grouped.hasOwnProperty(d)) {
pruned.push({ command: grouped[d], description: d });
console.log(columnify(pruned, { minWidth: 18 }));
description: 'Print this help text'
var attach = {
handler: rewriter.attach,
enumerate: lister.list,
description: 'Attach to an action',
synchronous: true,
options: [{ name: 'all', short: 'a', type: 'string', description: 'Instrument the action, plus any rules or sequences in which it takes part' }]
var detach = {
handler: rewriter.detach,
description: 'Detatch from an action',
synchronous: true
var exit = {
handler: function(wskprops) {
//console.log('Cleaning up'.red);
rewriter.detachAll(wskprops, process.exit);
description: 'Quit the debugger',
synchronous: true
var invoke = {
handler: rewriter.invoke,
description: 'Invoke an action',
needsEventBus: true,
synchronous: true
var fire = {
handler: require('./commands/fire').fire,
description: 'Fire a trigger',
synchronous: true
var list = {
handler: lister.listToConsole,
description: 'List available actions',
synchronous: true,
options: [{ name: 'full', short: 'f', type: 'string', description: 'Show all actions, including debugging artifacts' }]
var inspect = {
handler: require('./commands/inspect').inspect,
description: 'Inspect the details of an OpenWhisk action',
synchronous: true
var clean = {
handler: rewriter.clean,
description: 'Clean up debugging artifacts',
synchronous: true
var create = {
handler: require('./commands/create').create,
description: 'Create an action',
synchronous: true
var deleteAction = {
handler: require('./commands/delete').deleteAction,
description: 'Delete an action',
synchronous: true
var diff = {
handler: require('./commands/diff').diff,
description: 'Show the pending diffs of a given action',
synchronous: true
var publish = {
handler: require('./commands/publish').publish,
description: 'Publish pending changes to a given action',
synchronous: true
var cli = {
handler: options.update.bind(undefined, 'use-cli-debugger', undefined),
description: 'Use the CLI debugger, when available',
synchronous: true
commandHandlers = {
list: list,
l: list,
cli: cli,
invoke: invoke,
i: invoke,
inspect: inspect,
ins: inspect,
get: inspect,
fire: fire,
f: fire,
attach: attach,
a: attach,
detach: detach,
d: detach,
diff: diff,
publish: publish,
p: publish,
exit: exit,
quit: exit,
e: exit,
q: exit,
clean: clean,
c: clean,
create: create,
delete: deleteAction,
help: help,
h: help,
'?': help
* This is the read-eval-print loop.
* @param wskprops is a map that provides the user's NAMESPACE and AUTH settings
* @param eventBus will be used to post and listen for inter-function communication
* @param attachTo if the user requested to attach to an action on launch
function repl(wskprops, eventBus, attachTo) {
function handleReplCommand(response) {
if (response.command.length === 0) {
// user hit return;
return repl(wskprops, eventBus);
var commandLine = response.command.split(/\s+/);
var command = commandLine.shift();
var handler = commandHandlers[command];
var options;
if (handler.options) {
argv.description = 'Usage: ' + command + ' [options]'; = ''; = (args) => {;
options = argv.option(handler.options).run(commandLine).options;
if (handler.synchronous) {
// the second parameter is the call back to the repl
// when done with the synchronous operation
commandLine.unshift(repl.bind(undefined, wskprops, eventBus));
if (handler.options) {
if (handler.needsEventBus) {
// the first parameter is wskprops
// call to the handler!
try {
handler.handler.apply(undefined, commandLine);
} catch (e) {
if (!handler.synchronous) {
// if async, then restart the repl right away
repl(wskprops, eventBus);
} /* end of handleReplCommand */
if (attachTo) {
handleReplCommand({ command: 'attach ' + attachTo });
} else {
name: 'command', message: '(wskdb)',
prefixMessage: '', // override the default question mark prefix
validate: function(line) {
var commandLine = line.split(/\s+/);
return line.length === 0 || commandHandlers[commandLine[0]] ? true : 'Invalid command';
exports.repl = repl;