blob: 7c9959414982b6e5b4c9ba7815e0d192d6927593 [file] [log] [blame]
var pollIntervalMillis = 200,
openwhisk = require('openwhisk'),
ok_ = require('./repl-messages').ok_,
errorWhile = require('./repl-messages').errorWhile,
api = {
host: '',
path: '/api/v1'
* Wait for activation completion
exports.waitForActivationCompletion = function waitForActivationCompletion(wskprops, eventBus, waitForThisAction) {
var key = wskprops.AUTH;
var ow = openwhisk({
api: + api.path,
api_key: key,
namespace: '_' // special here, as activations are currently stored in the user's default namespace
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// this is the poll function
var pollOnce = function() {
// scan the recent activations, looking for the
// anticipated activation by invoked-entity name
ow.activations.list({ limit: 20 }).then(list => {
var allDone = false;
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var activation = list[i];
if ( === waitForThisAction) {
// great! we found the anticipated activation
ow.activations.get({ activation: activation.activationId })
.then(activationDetails => {
// print out the activation record
console.log(JSON.stringify(activationDetails, undefined, 4));
// let other async listeners know about it
eventBus.emit('invocation-done', activationDetails);
// and let the promise know about it
}).catch(errorWhile('fetching activation detais', reject));
allDone = true;
if (!allDone) {
// not yet, try again in a little bit
setTimeout(pollOnce, pollIntervalMillis);
}).catch(errorWhile('listing activations', reject));
// start up the poller
setTimeout(pollOnce, pollIntervalMillis);