blob: a70f5a7f84e30f6db26e511d084001c2e7acdc7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* eslint no-eval: 0 */
'use strict'
const fs = require('fs')
const { minify } = require('terser')
const openwhisk = require('openwhisk')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
// read conductor version number
const version = require('./package.json').version
// synthesize conductor action code from composition
function synthesize ({ name, composition, ast, version: composer, annotations = [] }) {
const code = `// generated by composer v${composer} and conductor v${version}\n\nconst composition = ${JSON.stringify(composition, null, 4)}\n\n// do not edit below this point\n\n` +
minify(`const main=(${main})(composition)`, { output: { max_line_len: 127 } }).code
annotations = annotations.concat([{ key: 'conductor', value: ast }, { key: 'composerVersion', value: composer }, { key: 'conductorVersion', value: version }])
return { name, action: { exec: { kind: 'nodejs:default', code }, annotations } }
// return enhanced openwhisk client capable of deploying compositions
module.exports = function (options) {
// try to extract apihost and key first from whisk property file file and then from process.env
let apihost
let apikey
try {
const wskpropsPath = process.env.WSK_CONFIG_FILE || path.join(os.homedir(), '.wskprops')
const lines = fs.readFileSync(wskpropsPath, { encoding: 'utf8' }).split('\n')
for (let line of lines) {
let parts = line.trim().split('=')
if (parts.length === 2) {
if (parts[0] === 'APIHOST') {
apihost = parts[1]
} else if (parts[0] === 'AUTH') {
apikey = parts[1]
} catch (error) { }
if (process.env.__OW_API_HOST) apihost = process.env.__OW_API_HOST
if (process.env.__OW_API_KEY) apikey = process.env.__OW_API_KEY
const wsk = openwhisk(Object.assign({ apihost, api_key: apikey }, options))
wsk.compositions = new Compositions(wsk)
return wsk
// management class for compositions
class Compositions {
constructor (wsk) {
this.actions = wsk.actions
deploy (composition, overwrite) {
const actions = (composition.actions || []).concat(synthesize(composition))
return actions.reduce((promise, action) => promise.then(() => overwrite && this.actions.delete(action).catch(() => { }))
.then(() => this.actions.create(action)), Promise.resolve())
.then(() => actions)
// runtime code
function main (composition) {
const openwhisk = require('openwhisk')
let wsk
const isObject = obj => typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj)
// compile ast to fsm
const compiler = {
sequence (parent, node) {
return [{ parent, type: 'pass' }, ...compile(parent, ...node.components)]
action (parent, node) {
return [{ parent, type: 'action', name: }]
async (parent, node) {
const body = [...compile(parent, ...node.components)]
return [{ parent, type: 'async', return: body.length + 2 }, ...body, { parent, type: 'stop' }, { parent, type: 'pass' }]
function (parent, node) {
return [{ parent, type: 'function', exec: node.function.exec }]
finally (parent, node) {
const finalizer = compile(parent, node.finalizer)
const fsm = [{ parent, type: 'try' }, ...compile(parent, node.body), { parent, type: 'exit' }, ...finalizer]
fsm[0].catch = fsm.length - finalizer.length
return fsm
let (parent, node) {
return [{ parent, type: 'let', let: node.declarations }, ...compile(parent, ...node.components), { parent, type: 'exit' }]
mask (parent, node) {
return [{ parent, type: 'let', let: null }, ...compile(parent, ...node.components), { parent, type: 'exit' }]
try (parent, node) {
const handler = [...compile(parent, node.handler), { parent, type: 'pass' }]
const fsm = [{ parent, type: 'try' }, ...compile(parent, node.body), { parent, type: 'exit' }, ...handler]
fsm[0].catch = fsm.length - handler.length
fsm[fsm.length - handler.length - 1].next = handler.length
return fsm
if_nosave (parent, node) {
const consequent = compile(parent, node.consequent)
const alternate = [...compile(parent, node.alternate), { parent, type: 'pass' }]
const fsm = [{ parent, type: 'pass' }, ...compile(parent, node.test), { parent, type: 'choice', then: 1, else: consequent.length + 1 }, ...consequent, ...alternate]
fsm[fsm.length - alternate.length - 1].next = alternate.length
return fsm
while_nosave (parent, node) {
const body = compile(parent, node.body)
const fsm = [{ parent, type: 'pass' }, ...compile(parent, node.test), { parent, type: 'choice', then: 1, else: body.length + 1 }, ...body, { parent, type: 'pass' }]
fsm[fsm.length - 2].next = 2 - fsm.length
return fsm
dowhile_nosave (parent, node) {
const fsm = [{ parent, type: 'pass' }, ...compile(parent, node.body), ...compile(parent, node.test), { parent, type: 'choice', else: 1 }, { parent, type: 'pass' }]
fsm[fsm.length - 2].then = 2 - fsm.length
return fsm
function compile (parent, node) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return [{ parent, type: 'empty' }]
if (arguments.length === 2) {
const fsm = compiler[node.type](node.path || parent, node)
if (node.path !== undefined) fsm[0].path = node.path
return fsm
return, 1).reduce((fsm, node) => { fsm.push(...compile(parent, node)); return fsm }, [])
const fsm = compile('', composition)
const conductor = {
choice ({ p, node, index }) {
p.s.state = index + (p.params.value ? node.then : node.else)
try ({ p, node, index }) {
p.s.stack.unshift({ catch: index + node.catch })
let ({ p, node, index }) {
p.s.stack.unshift({ let: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node.let)) })
exit ({ p, node, index }) {
if (p.s.stack.length === 0) return internalError(`pop from an empty stack`)
action ({ p, node, index }) {
return { method: 'action', action:, params: p.params, state: { $resume: p.s } }
function ({ p, node, index }) {
return Promise.resolve().then(() => run(node.exec.code, p))
.catch(error => {
return { error: `Function combinator threw an exception at AST node root${node.parent} (see log for details)` }
.then(result => {
if (typeof result === 'function') result = { error: `Function combinator evaluated to a function type at AST node root${node.parent}` }
// if a function has only side effects and no return value, return params
p.params = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result === undefined ? p.params : result))
return step(p)
empty ({ p, node, index }) {
pass ({ p, node, index }) {
async ({ p, node, index, inspect, step }) {
p.params.$resume = { state: p.s.state, stack: [{ marker: true }].concat(p.s.stack) }
p.s.state = index + node.return
if (!wsk) wsk = openwhisk({ ignore_certs: true })
return wsk.actions.invoke({ name: process.env.__OW_ACTION_NAME, params: p.params })
.then(response => ({ method: 'async', activationId: response.activationId, sessionId: p.s.session }), error => {
console.error(error) // invoke failed
return { error: `Async combinator failed to invoke composition at AST node root${node.parent} (see log for details)` }
.then(result => {
p.params = result
return step(p)
stop ({ p, node, index, inspect, step }) {
p.s.state = -1
function finish (p) {
return p.params.error ? p.params : { params: p.params }
const internalError = error => Promise.reject(error) // terminate composition execution and record error
// wrap params if not a dictionary, branch to error handler if error
function inspect (p) {
if (!isObject(p.params)) p.params = { value: p.params }
if (p.params.error !== undefined) {
p.params = { error: p.params.error } // discard all fields but the error field
p.s.state = -1 // abort unless there is a handler in the stack
while (p.s.stack.length > 0 && !p.s.stack[0].marker) {
if ((p.s.state = p.s.stack.shift().catch || -1) >= 0) break
// run function f on current stack
function run (f, p) {
// handle let/mask pairs
const view = []
let n = 0
for (let frame of p.s.stack) {
if (frame.let === null) {
} else if (frame.let !== undefined) {
if (n === 0) {
} else {
// update value of topmost matching symbol on stack if any
function set (symbol, value) {
const element = view.find(element => element.let !== undefined && element.let[symbol] !== undefined)
if (element !== undefined) element.let[symbol] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))
// collapse stack for invocation
const env = view.reduceRight((acc, cur) => cur.let ? Object.assign(acc, cur.let) : acc, {})
let main = '(function(){try{const require=arguments[2];'
for (const name in env) main += `var ${name}=arguments[1]['${name}'];`
main += `return eval((function(){return(${f})})())(arguments[0])}finally{`
for (const name in env) main += `arguments[1]['${name}']=${name};`
main += '}})'
try {
return (1, eval)(main)(p.params, env, require)
} finally {
for (const name in env) set(name, env[name])
function step (p) {
// final state, return composition result
if (p.s.state < 0 || p.s.state >= fsm.length) {
console.log(`Entering final state`)
// process one state
const node = fsm[p.s.state] // json definition for index state
if (node.path !== undefined) console.log(`Entering composition${node.path}`)
const index = p.s.state // current state
p.s.state = p.s.state + ( || 1) // default next state
if (typeof conductor[node.type] !== 'function') return internalError(`unexpected "${node.type}" combinator`)
return conductor[node.type]({ p, index, node, inspect, step }) || step(p)
// do invocation
return (params) => {
// extract parameters
const $resume = params.$resume || {}
delete params.$resume
$resume.session = $resume.session || process.env.__OW_ACTIVATION_ID
// current state
const p = { s: Object.assign({ state: 0, stack: [], resuming: true }, $resume), params }
// step and catch all errors
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
if (typeof p.s.state !== 'number') return internalError('state parameter is not a number')
if (!Array.isArray(p.s.stack)) return internalError('stack parameter is not an array')
if ($resume.resuming) inspect(p) // handle error objects when resuming
return step(p)
}).catch(error => {
const message = (typeof error.error === 'string' && error.error) || error.message || (typeof error === 'string' && error)
p.params = { error: message ? `Internal error: ${message}` : 'Internal error' }
}).then(params => params || finish(p)) // params is defined iff execution will be resumed