blob: ccda9c7e9297751d2de057b3b5c4d239ce059f2a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict'
const composer = require('../composer')
const client = require('../client')
const fqn = require('../fqn')
const fs = require('fs')
const json = require('../package.json')
const minimist = require('minimist')
const path = require('path')
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: ['apihost', 'apiversion', 'auth', 'source', 'annotation', 'annotation-file', 'debug', 'kind'],
boolean: ['insecure', 'version', 'overwrite', 'basic', 'bearer'],
alias: { auth: 'u', insecure: 'i', version: 'v', annotation: 'a', 'annotation-file': 'A', overwrite: 'w', timeout: 't', memory: 'm', logsize: 'l' }
if (argv.version) {
if (argv._.length !== 2 || path.extname(argv._[1]) !== '.json') {
console.error(' deploy composition composition.json [flags]')
console.error(' -a, --annotation KEY=VALUE add KEY annotation with VALUE')
console.error(' -A, --annotation-file KEY=FILE add KEY annotation with FILE content')
console.error(' --apihost HOST API HOST')
console.error(' --apiversion VERSION API VERSION')
console.error(' --basic force basic authentication')
console.error(' --bearer force bearer token authentication')
console.error(' -i, --insecure bypass certificate checking')
console.error(' --kind KIND the KIND of the conductor action runtime')
console.error(' -l, --logsize LIMIT the maximum log size LIMIT in MB for the conductor action (default 10)')
console.error(' -m, --memory LIMIT the maximum memory LIMIT in MB for the conductor action (default 256)')
console.error(' -t, --timeout LIMIT the timeout LIMIT in milliseconds for the conductor action (default 60000)')
console.error(' -u, --auth KEY authorization KEY')
console.error(' -v, --version output the composer version')
console.error(' -w, --overwrite overwrite actions if already defined')
console.error(' --debug LIST comma-separated list of debug flags')
let composition
try {
composition = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv._[1], 'utf8'))
if (typeof composition !== 'object') throw new Error('Composition must be a dictionary')
if (typeof composition.ast !== 'object') throw new Error('Composition must have a field "ast" of type dictionary')
if (typeof composition.composition !== 'object') throw new Error('Composition must have a field "composition" of type dictionary')
if (typeof composition.version !== 'string') throw new Error('Composition must have a field "version" of type string')
if (composition.actions !== undefined && !Array.isArray(composition.actions)) throw new Error('Optional field "actions" must be an array')
composition.composition = composer.parse(composition.composition) // validate composition
if (typeof argv.annotation === 'string') argv.annotation = [argv.annotation]
composition.annotations = []
for (let annotation of [...(argv.annotation || [])]) {
const index = annotation.indexOf('=')
if (index < 0) throw Error('Annotation syntax must be "KEY=VALUE"')
const value = annotation.substring(index + 1).toLowerCase();
composition.annotations.push({ key: annotation.substring(0, index), value: (value === "true") ? true : value })
if (typeof argv['annotation-file'] === 'string') argv['annotation-file'] = [argv['annotation-file']]
for (let annotation of argv['annotation-file'] || []) {
const index = annotation.indexOf('=')
if (index < 0) throw Error('Annotation syntax must be "KEY=FILE"')
composition.annotations.push({ key: annotation.substring(0, index), value: fs.readFileSync(annotation.substring(index + 1), 'utf8') })
} catch (error) {
error.statusCode = 422
process.exit(422 - 256) // Unprocessable Entity
const options = { ignore_certs: argv.insecure }
if (argv.apihost) options.apihost = argv.apihost
if (argv.auth) options.api_key = argv.auth
if (argv.apiversion) options.apiversion = argv.apiversion
try { = fqn(argv._[0])
} catch (error) {
error.statusCode = 400
process.exit(400 - 256) // Bad Request
if (argv.basic && argv.bearer) {
throw Error('Must select either basic authentication of bearer token authentication')
if (typeof argv.timeout !== 'undefined' && typeof argv.timeout !== 'number') {
throw Error('Timeout must be a number')
if (typeof argv.memory !== 'undefined' && typeof argv.memory !== 'number') {
throw Error('Maximum memory must be a number')
if (typeof argv.logsize !== 'undefined' && typeof argv.logsize !== 'number') {
throw Error('Maximum log size must be a number')
client(options, argv.basic, argv.bearer).compositions.deploy(composition, argv.overwrite, argv.debug, argv.kind, argv.timeout, argv.memory, argv.logsize)
.then(actions => {
const names = =>
console.log(`ok: created action${actions.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} ${names}`)
.catch(error => {
error.statusCode = error.statusCode || 500
process.exit(error.statusCode - 256)