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Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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import composer
import conductor
import pytest
import os
name = 'TestAction'
wsk = conductor.openwhisk({ 'ignore_certs': 'IGNORE_CERTS' in os.environ and os.environ['IGNORE_CERTS'] == 'true' })
def define(action):
''' deploy action '''
def invoke(composition, params = {}, blocking = True):
''' deploy and invoke composition '''
extended = { 'name': name }
wsk.compositions.deploy(extended, True)
return wsk.actions.invoke({ 'name': name, 'params': params, 'blocking': blocking })
except Exception as err:
raise err
@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def deploy_actions():
define({ 'name': 'echo', 'action': 'const main = x=>x', 'kind': 'nodejs:default' })
define({ 'name': 'DivideByTwo', 'action': 'function main({n}) { return { n: n / 2 } }', 'kind': 'nodejs:default'})
define({ 'name': 'TripleAndIncrement', 'action': 'function main({n}) { return { n: n * 3 + 1 } }', 'kind': 'nodejs:default' })
define({ 'name': 'isNotOne', 'action': 'function main({n}) { return { value: n != 1 } }', 'kind': 'nodejs:default' })
define({ 'name': 'isEven', 'action': 'function main({n}) { return { value: n % 2 == 0 } }', 'kind': 'nodejs:default'})
def isEven(env, args):
return args['n'] % 2 == 0
def set_then_true(env, args):
args['then'] = True
def set_else_true(env, args):
args['else'] = True
def dec_n(env, args):
return {'n': args['n'] - 1 }
def cond_false(env, args):
return False
def cond_nosave(env, args):
return { 'n': args['n'], 'value': args['n'] != 1 }
def cond_true(env, args):
return True
def return_error_message(env, args):
return {'message': args['error']}
def set_error(env, args):
return { 'error': 'foo' }
def set_p_4(env, args):
return { 'p': 4 }
def nest_params(env, args):
return { 'params': args }
def get_x(env, args):
return env['x']
def get_x_plus_y(env, args):
return env['x'] + env['y']
def get_value_plus_x(env, args):
return args['value'] + env['x']
def noop(env, args):
class TestBlockingInvocations:
def test_action_true(self):
''' action must return true '''
activation = invoke(composer.action('isNotOne'), { 'n': 0 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': True }
def test_action_false(self):
''' action must return false '''
activation = invoke(composer.action('isNotOne'), { 'n': 1 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': False }
def test_action_activation_id(self):
''' action must return activationId '''
activation = invoke(composer.asynchronous('isNotOne'), { 'n': 1 }, False)
assert 'activationId' in activation
def test_parse_action_name(self):
combos = [
{ "n": 42, "s": False, "e": "Name must be a string" },
{ "n": "", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": " ", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": "/", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": "//", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": "/a", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": "/a/b/c/d", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": "/a/b/c/d/", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": "a/b/c/d", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": "/a/ /b", "s": False, "e": "Name is not valid" },
{ "n": "a", "e": False, "s": "/_/a" },
{ "n": "a/b", "e": False, "s": "/_/a/b" },
{ "n": "a/b/c", "e": False, "s": "/a/b/c" },
{ "n": "/a/b", "e": False, "s": "/a/b" },
{ "n": "/a/b/c", "e": False, "s": "/a/b/c" }
for combo in combos:
if combo["s"] is not False:
# good cases
assert composer.parse_action_name(combo["n"]) == combo["s"]
# error cases
assert False
except composer.ComposerError as error:
assert error.message == combo["e"]
def test_invalid(self):
'''invalid options'''
invoke(composer.action('foo', 42))
assert False
except composer.ComposerError as error:
assert error.message.startswith('Invalid argument')
class TestLiteral:
def test_boolean(self):
activation = invoke(composer.literal(True))
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': True }
def test_number(self):
activation = invoke(composer.literal(42))
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 42 }
def test_invalid_arg(self):
composer.literal(lambda x:x)
assert False
except composer.ComposerError as error:
assert error.message.startswith('Invalid argument')
class TestFunction:
def test_function_true(self):
activation = invoke(composer.function(isEven), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': True }
def test_lambda(self):
activation = invoke(composer.function(lambda env, args: args['n'] % 2 == 0), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': True }
class TestTasks:
def test_task_action(self):
activation = invoke(composer.task('isNotOne'), { 'n': 0 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': True }
def test_task_function(self):
activation = invoke(composer.task(isEven), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': True }
def test_task_none(self):
activation = invoke(composer.task(None), { 'foo': 'foo' })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'foo': 'foo' }
def test_task_fail(self):
'''none task must fail on error input'''
invoke(composer.task(None), { 'error': 'foo' })
assert False
except Exception as error:
class TestSequence:
def test_flat(self):
activation = invoke(composer.sequence('TripleAndIncrement', 'DivideByTwo', 'DivideByTwo'), { 'n': 5 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 4 }
def test_nested_right(self):
activation = invoke(composer.sequence('TripleAndIncrement', composer.sequence('DivideByTwo', 'DivideByTwo')), { 'n': 5 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 4 }
def test_nested_left(self):
activation = invoke(composer.sequence(composer.sequence('TripleAndIncrement', 'DivideByTwo'), 'DivideByTwo'), { 'n': 5 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 4 }
def test_seq(self):
activation = invoke(composer.seq('TripleAndIncrement', 'DivideByTwo', 'DivideByTwo'), { 'n': 5 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 4 }
class TestIf:
def test_condition_true(self):
activation = invoke(composer.when('isEven', 'DivideByTwo', 'TripleAndIncrement'), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 2 }
def test_condition_false(self):
activation = invoke(composer.when('isEven', 'DivideByTwo', 'TripleAndIncrement'), { 'n': 3 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 10 }
def test_condition_true_then_branch_only(self):
activation = invoke(composer.when('isEven', 'DivideByTwo'), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 2 }
def test_condition_false_then_branch_only(self):
activation = invoke(composer.when('isEven', 'DivideByTwo'), { 'n': 3 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 3 }
def test_condition_true_nosave_option(self):
activation = invoke(composer.when_nosave('isEven', set_then_true, set_else_true), { 'n': 2 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': True, 'then': True }
def test_condition_false_nosave_option(self):
activation = invoke(composer.when_nosave('isEven', set_then_true, set_else_true), { 'n': 3 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': False, 'else': True }
class TestLoop:
def test_a_few_iterations(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.loop('isNotOne', lambda env, args: {'n': args['n'] - 1 }), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 1 }
def test_no_iteration(self):
activation = invoke(composer.loop(cond_false, dec_n), { 'n': 1 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 1 }
def test_nosave_option(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.loop_nosave(cond_nosave, dec_n), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': False, 'n': 1 }
class TestDoLoop:
def test_a_few_iterations(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.doloop(dec_n, 'isNotOne'), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 1 }
def test_one_iteration(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.doloop(dec_n, cond_false), { 'n': 1 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 0 }
def test_nosave_option(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.doloop_nosave(dec_n, cond_nosave), { 'n': 4 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': False, 'n': 1 }
class TestDo: # Try
def test_no_error(self):
activation = invoke(, return_error_message), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': True }
def test_error(self) :
activation = invoke(, return_error_message), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'message': 'foo' }
def test_try_must_throw(self) :
activation = invoke(, return_error_message), { 'error': 'foo' })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'message': 'foo' }
def test_while_must_throw(self) :
activation = invoke(, None), return_error_message), { 'error': 'foo' })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'message': 'foo' }
def test_if_must_throw(self) :
activation = invoke(, None), return_error_message), { 'error': 'foo' })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'message': 'foo' }
def test_retain(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.retain(, None)), { 'n': 3 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'params': { 'n': 3 }, 'result': { 'p': 4 } }
class TestEnsure: # Finally
def test_no_error(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.ensure(cond_true, nest_params), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'params': { 'value': True } }
def test_error(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.ensure(set_error, nest_params), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'params': { 'error': 'foo' } }
class TestLet:
def test_one_variable(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, get_x), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 42 }
def test_masking(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.let({ 'x': 69 }, get_x)), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 69 }
def test_two_variables(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.let({ 'y': 69 }, get_x_plus_y)), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 111 }
def test_two_variables_combined(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42, 'y': 69 }, get_x_plus_y), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 111 }
def test_scoping(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.let({ 'x': 69 }, get_x), get_value_plus_x), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 111 }
def test_invalid_argument(self):
assert False
except composer.ComposerError as error:
assert error.message.startswith('Invalid argument')
class TestMask:
def test_let_let_mask(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.let({ 'x': 69 }, composer.mask(get_x))), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 42 }
def test_let_mask_let(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.mask(composer.let({ 'x': 69 }, get_x))), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 69 }
def test_let_let_try_mask(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.let({ 'x': 69 },, noop))))
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 42 }
def test_let_let_let_mask(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.let({ 'x': 69 },
composer.let({ 'x': -1 }, composer.mask(get_x)))))
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 69 }
def test_let_let_let_mask_mask(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.let({ 'x': 69 },
composer.let({ 'x': -1 }, composer.mask(composer.mask(get_x))))), {})
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 42 }
def test_let_let_mask_let_mask(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 42 }, composer.let({ 'x': 69 },
composer.mask(composer.let({ 'x': -1 }, composer.mask(get_x))))))
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 42 }
class TestRetain:
def test_base_case(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.retain('TripleAndIncrement'), { 'n': 3 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'params': { 'n': 3 }, 'result': { 'n': 10 } }
def test_throw_error(self) :
invoke(composer.retain(set_error), { 'n': 3 })
assert False
except Exception as err:
assert err.error['response']['result'] == { 'error': 'foo' }
def test_catch_error(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.retain_catch(set_error), { 'n': 3 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'params': { 'n': 3 }, 'result': { 'error': 'foo' } }
class TestRepeat:
def test_a_few_iterations(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.repeat(3, 'DivideByTwo'), { 'n': 8 })
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'n': 1 }
def test_invalid_argument(self) :
assert False
except composer.ComposerError as error:
assert error.message.startswith('Invalid argument')
def retry_test(env, args):
x = env['x']
env['x'] -= 1
return { 'error': 'foo' } if x > 0 else 42
class TestRetry:
def test_success(self) :
activation = invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 2 }, composer.retry(2, retry_test)))
assert activation['response']['result'] == { 'value': 42 }
def test_failure(self) :
invoke(composer.let({ 'x': 2 }, composer.retry(1, retry_test)))
assert False
except Exception as err:
assert err.error['response']['result'] == { 'error': 'foo' }
def test_invalid_argument(self) :
assert False
except composer.ComposerError as error:
assert error.message.startswith('Invalid argument')