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import json
import os
import sys
import inspect
import re
import base64
import marshal
import types
import copy
from composer import __version__
undefined = object() # special undefined value
composer = types.SimpleNamespace() # Simple object with attributes
composer.util = {
'version': __version__
# Utility functions
def get_value(env, args):
return env['value']
def set_params(env, args):
env['params'] = args
def get_params(env, args):
return env['params']
def retain_result(env, args):
return { 'params': env['params'], 'result': args }
def retain_nested_result(env, args):
return { 'params': args['params'], 'result': args['result']['result'] }
def dec_count(env, args):
c = env['count']
env['count'] -= 1
return c > 0
def set_nested_params(env, args):
return { 'params': args }
def get_nested_params(env, args):
return args['params']
def set_nested_result(env, args):
return { 'result': args }
def get_nested_result(env, args):
return args['result']
def retry_cond(env, args):
result = args['result']
count = env['count']
env['count'] -= 1
return 'error' in result and count > 0
# lowerer
lowerer = types.SimpleNamespace()
loweropt = lambda f: setattr(lowerer, f.__name__, f)
def literal(value):
return composer.let({ 'value': value }, lambda env, args: env['value'])
def retain(*components):
return composer.let(
{ 'params': None },
composer.seq(composer.mask(*components), retain_result)))
def retain_catch(*components):
return composer.seq(
lambda env, args: { 'result' : args })),
def when(test, consequent, alternate):
return composer.let(
{ 'params': None },
composer.ensure(get_params, composer.mask(consequent)),
composer.ensure(get_params, composer.mask(alternate)))))
def loop(test, body):
return composer.let(
{ 'params': None },
composer.ensure(get_params, composer.seq(composer.mask(body), set_params))),
def doloop(body, test):
return composer.let(
{ 'params': None },
composer.ensure(get_params, composer.seq(composer.mask(body), set_params)),
def repeat(count, *components):
return composer.let(
{ 'count': count },
def retry(count, *components):
return composer.let(
{ 'count': count },
composer.ensure(get_nested_params, composer.mask(composer.retain_catch(*components))),
def merge (*components):
return composer.seq(composer.retain(*components), lambda env, args: args['params'].update(args['result']))
# == Done lowerer
def visit(composition, f):
''' apply f to all fields of type composition '''
composition = copy.copy(composition if isinstance(composition, dict) else composition.__dict__)
combinator = composition['.combinator']()
if 'components' in combinator:
composition['components'] = list(map(lambda v: f(v, None), composition['components']))
if 'args' in combinator:
for arg in combinator['args']:
if 'type' not in arg and arg['name'] in composition:
composition[arg['name']] = f(composition[arg['name']], arg['name'])
return Composition(composition)
def label(composition):
''' recursively label combinators with the json path '''
def label(path):
def labeler(composition, name=None, array=False):
nonlocal path
segment = ''
if name is not None:
if array:
segment = '['+name+']'
segment = '.'+name
p = path + segment
composition = visit(composition, label(p))
composition.path = p
return composition
return labeler
return label('')(composition)
def declare(combinators, prefix=None):
derive combinator methods from combinator table
check argument count and map argument positions to argument names
delegate to Composition constructor for the rest of the validation
if not isinstance(combinators, dict):
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "combinators" in "declare"', combinators)
if prefix is not None and not isinstance(prefix, str):
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "prefix" in "declare"', prefix)
composer = types.SimpleNamespace()
for key in combinators:
type_ = prefix + '.' + key if prefix is not None else key
combinator = combinators[key]
if not isinstance(combinator, dict) or ('args' in combinator and not isinstance(combinator['args'], list)):
raise ComposerError('Invalid "'+type_+'" combinator specification in "declare"', combinator)
if 'args' in combinator:
for arg in combinator['args']:
if not isinstance(arg['name'], str):
raise ComposerError('Invalid "'+type_+'" combinator specification in "declare"', combinator)
# Javascript capturing rules differ from python3 ones.
def capture(combinator=combinator, type_=type_):
def combine(*arguments):
composition = { 'type': type_, '.combinator': lambda : combinator }
skip = len(combinator.get('args', []))
if 'components' not in combinator and len(arguments) > skip:
raise ComposerError('Too many arguments in "'+type_+'" combinator')
for i in range(skip):
composition[combinator['args'][i]['name']] = arguments[i]
if 'components' in combinator:
composition['components'] = arguments[skip:]
return Composition(composition)
return combine
setattr(composer, key, capture())
return composer
def serialize(obj):
return obj.__dict__
class Composition:
def __init__(self, composition):
''' construct a composition object with the specified fields '''
# shallow copy of obj attributes
items = composition.items() if isinstance(composition, dict) else composition.__dict__.items() if isinstance(composition, Composition) else None
if items is None:
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', composition)
for k, v in items:
setattr(self, k, v)
combinator = composition['.combinator']()
if 'args' in combinator:
for arg in combinator['args']:
optional = arg.get('optional', False)
if arg['name'] not in composition and optional and 'type' in arg:
if 'type' not in arg:
value = composition.get(arg['name'], None if optional else undefined)
setattr(self, arg['name'], composer.task(value))
except Exception:
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "'+arg['name']+'" in "'+composition['type']+' combinator"', value)
elif arg['type'] == 'name':
setattr(self, arg['name'], parse_action_name(composition.get(arg['name'])))
except ComposerError as ce:
raise ComposerError(ce.message + ' in "'+composition['type']+' combinator"', composition.get(arg['name']))
elif arg['type'] == 'value':
if callable(composition.get(arg['name'])) or arg['name'] not in composition:
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "' + arg['name']+'" in "'+ composition['type']+' combinator"', composition.get(arg['name']))
elif arg['type'] == 'object':
if not isinstance(composition.get(arg['name']), dict):
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "' + arg['name']+'" in "'+ composition['type']+' combinator"', composition.get(arg['name']))
if type(composition.get(arg['name'])).__name__ != arg['type']:
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "' + arg['name']+'" in "'+ composition['type']+' combinator"', composition.get(arg['name']))
if 'components' in combinator:
self.components = list(map(composer.task, composition.get('components', [])))
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps(self.__dict__, default=serialize, ensure_ascii=True)
def compile(self):
''' compile composition. Returns a dictionary '''
actions = []
def flatten(composition, _=None):
composition = visit(composition, flatten)
if composition.type == 'action' and hasattr(composition, 'action'): # pylint: disable=E1101
actions.append({ 'name':, 'action': composition.action })
del composition.action # pylint: disable=E1101
return composition
obj = { 'composition': label(flatten(self)).lower(), 'ast': self, 'version': __version__ }
if len(actions) > 0:
obj['actions'] = actions
return obj
def lower(self, combinators = []):
''' recursively lower combinators to the desired set of combinators (including primitive combinators) '''
if not isinstance(combinators, list) and not isinstance(combinators, str):
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "combinators" in "lower"', combinators)
def lower(composition, _):
# repeatedly lower root combinator
while 'def' in getattr(composition, '.combinator')():
path = composition.path if hasattr(composition, 'path') else None
combinator = getattr(composition, '.combinator')()
if isinstance(combinator, list) and combinator.indexOf(composition.type) >= 0:
# map argument names to positions
args = []
skip = len(combinator.get('args', []))
for i in range(skip):
args.append(getattr(composition, combinator['args'][i]['name']))
if 'components' in combinator:
composition = combinator['def'](*args)
# preserve path
if path is not None:
composition.path = path
return visit(composition, lower)
return lower(self, None)
# primitive combinators
combinators = {
'sequence': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0' },
# if_nosave
'when_nosave': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'test' }, { 'name': 'consequent' }, { 'name': 'alternate', 'optional': True }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
# while_nosave
'loop_nosave': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'test' }, { 'name': 'body' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
# dowhile_nosave
'doloop_nosave': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'body' }, { 'name': 'test' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
# try
'do': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'body' }, { 'name': 'handler' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
# finally
'ensure': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'body' }, { 'name': 'finalizer' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
'let': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'declarations', 'type': 'object' }], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0' },
'mask': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0' },
'action': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'name', 'type': 'name' }, { 'name': 'action', 'type': 'object', 'optional': True }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
'function': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'function', 'type': 'object' }], 'since': '0.4.0' },
'asynchronous': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.6.0' },
'execute': { 'since': '0.5.2' },
'map': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.6.0' },
'composition': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'name', 'type': 'name' }], 'since': '0.6.0' }
# derived combinators
extra = {
'empty': { 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': composer.sequence },
'seq': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': composer.sequence },
# if
'when': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'test' }, { 'name': 'consequent' }, { 'name': 'alternate', 'optional': True }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.when },
# while
'loop': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'test' }, { 'name': 'body' }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.loop },
# dowhile
'doloop': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'body' }, { 'name': 'test' }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.doloop },
'repeat': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'count', 'type': 'int' }], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.repeat },
'retry': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'count', 'type': 'int' }], 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.retry },
'retain': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.retain },
'retain_catch': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.retain_catch },
'value': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'value', 'type': 'value' }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.literal },
'literal': { 'args': [{ 'name': 'value', 'type': 'value' }], 'since': '0.4.0', 'def': lowerer.literal },
'merge': { 'components': True, 'since': '0.13.0', 'def': lowerer.merge }
# add or override definitions of some combinators
combinator = lambda f: setattr(composer, f.__name__, f)
def task(task):
''' detect task type and create corresponding composition object '''
if task is undefined:
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument in "task" combinator', task)
if task is None:
return composer.empty()
if isinstance(task, Composition):
return task
if callable(task):
return composer.function(task)
if isinstance(task, str): # python3 only
return composer.action(task)
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "task" in "task" combinator', task)
composer.task = task
def function(fun):
''' function combinator: stringify def/lambda code '''
if getattr(fun, '__name__', '') == '<lambda>':
exc = str(base64.b64encode(marshal.dumps(fun.__code__)), 'ASCII')
elif callable(fun):
exc = inspect.getsource(fun)
except OSError:
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument', fun)
exc = fun
if isinstance(exc, str):
if exc.startswith('def'):
# standardize function name
pattern = re.compile(r'def\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*\(')
match = pattern.match(exc)
functionName =
exc = { 'kind': 'python:3', 'code': exc, 'functionName': functionName }
else: # lambda
exc = { 'kind': 'python:3+lambda', 'code': exc }
if not isinstance(exc, dict) or exc is None:
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "function" in "function" combinator', fun)
return Composition({'type':'function', 'function':{ 'exec': exc }, '.combinator': lambda: combinators['function'] })
composer.function = function
def action(name, options = {}):
''' action combinator '''
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "options" in "action" combinator', options)
exc = None
if 'sequence' in options and isinstance(options['sequence'], list): # native sequence
exc = { 'kind': 'sequence', 'components': tuple(map(parse_action_name, options['sequence'])) }
elif 'filename' in options and isinstance(options['filename'], str): # read action code from file
raise ComposerError('read from file not implemented')
# exc = fs.readFileSync(options.filename, { encoding: 'utf8' })
elif 'action' in options and callable(options['action']):
if options['action'].__name__ == '<lambda>':
l = str(base64.b64encode(marshal.dumps(options['action'].__code__)), 'ASCII')
exc = '''import types\nimport marshal\nimport base64
__code__= types.FunctionType(marshal.loads(base64.b64decode(bytearray(\''''+ l +'''\', 'ASCII'))), {})
def main(args):
return __code__(args)
exc = inspect.getsource(options['action'])
except OSError:
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "options" in "action" combinator', options['action'])
elif 'action' in options and (isinstance(options['action'], str) or isinstance(options['action'], dict)):
exc = options['action']
if isinstance(exc, str):
exc = { 'kind': 'python:3', 'code': exc }
composition = { 'type': 'action', 'name': name, '.combinator': lambda: combinators['action']}
if exc is not None:
composition['action'] = { 'exec': exc }
return Composition(composition)
composer.action = action
def parse(composition):
''' recursively deserialize composition '''
if not isinstance(composition, dict):
raise ComposerError('Invalid argument "composition" in "parse" combinator', composition)
combinator = composition['.combinator']() if '.combinator' in composition and callable(composition['.combinator']) else combinators[composition['type']]
if not isinstance(combinator, dict):
raise ComposerError('Invalid composition type in "parse" combinator', composition)
extended = { '.combinator': lambda : combinator }
return visit(extended, lambda composition, _: composer.parse(composition))
composer.action = action
def parse_action_name(name):
Parses a (possibly fully qualified) resource name and validates it. If it's not a fully qualified name,
then attempts to qualify it.
Examples string to namespace, [package/]action name
foo => /_/foo
pkg/foo => /_/pkg/foo
/ns/foo => /ns/foo
/ns/pkg/foo => /ns/pkg/foo
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise ComposerError('Name must be a string')
name = name.strip()
if len(name) == 0:
raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
delimiter = '/'
parts = name.split(delimiter)
n = len(parts)
leadingSlash = name[0] == delimiter if len(name) > 0 else False
# no more than /ns/p/a
if n < 1 or n > 4 or (leadingSlash and n == 2) or (not leadingSlash and n == 4):
raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
# skip leading slash, all parts must be non empty (could tighten this check to match EntityName regex)
for part in parts[1:]:
if len(part.strip()) == 0:
raise ComposerError('Name is not valid')
newName = delimiter.join(parts)
if leadingSlash:
return newName
elif n < 3:
return delimiter+'_'+delimiter+newName
return delimiter+newName
class ComposerError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, *arguments):
self.message = message
self.argument = arguments