blob: 47feba2cf5e59942bd9283032fee6862c96da63d [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
const messages = require('./messages')
const OpenWhiskError = require('./openwhisk_error')
const rp = require('request-promise')
const url = require('url')
const http = require('http')
class Client {
constructor (options) {
this.options = this.parse_options(options || {})
parse_options (options) {
const api_key = options.api_key || process.env['__OW_API_KEY']
const ignore_certs = options.ignore_certs || false
// if apihost is available, parse this into full API url
const api = options.api ||
this.url_from_apihost(options.apihost || process.env['__OW_API_HOST'])
if (!api_key) {
throw new Error(`${messages.INVALID_OPTIONS_ERROR} Missing api_key parameter.`)
} else if (!api) {
throw new Error(`${messages.INVALID_OPTIONS_ERROR} Missing either api or apihost parameters.`)
return {api_key, api, ignore_certs, namespace: options.namespace}
url_from_apihost (apihost) {
if (!apihost) return apihost
let url = `${apihost}/api/v1/`
// if apihost does not the protocol, assume HTTPS
if (!url.match(/http(s)?:\/\//)) {
url = `https://${url}`
return url
request (method, path, options) {
const req = this.params(method, path, options)
return rp(req).catch(err => this.handle_errors(err))
params (method, path, options) {
return Object.assign({
json: true,
method: method,
url: this.path_url(path),
rejectUnauthorized: !this.options.ignore_certs,
headers: {
Authorization: this.auth_header()
}, options)
path_url (url_path) {
const endpoint = this.api_url()
endpoint.pathname = url.resolve(endpoint.pathname, url_path)
return url.format(endpoint)
api_url () {
return url.parse(
this.options.api.endsWith('/') ? this.options.api : this.options.api + '/'
auth_header () {
const api_key_base64 = Buffer.from(this.options.api_key).toString('base64')
return `Basic ${api_key_base64}`
handle_errors (reason) {
let message = `Unknown Error From API: ${reason.message}`
if (reason.hasOwnProperty('statusCode')) {
const responseError = this.err_message(reason.error)
message = `${reason.options.method} ${reason.options.url} Returned HTTP ${reason.statusCode} (${http.STATUS_CODES[reason.statusCode]}) --> "${responseError}"`
throw new OpenWhiskError(message, reason.error)
// Error messages might be returned from platform or using custom
// invocation result response from action.
err_message (error) {
if (!error) return 'Response Missing Error Message.'
if (typeof error.error === 'string') {
return error.error
} else if (error.response && error.response.result
&& error.response.result.error) {
const err = error.response.result.error
if (typeof err === 'string') {
return err
} else if (typeof err.error === 'string') {
return err.error
return 'Response Missing Error Message.'
module.exports = Client