blob: 6c79104a825424b3391ede12910d12f0f4300f92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
'use strict'
const messages = require('./messages')
const names = require('./names')
const Actions = require('./actions')
class Feeds {
constructor (client) {
this.actions = new Actions(client)
this.client = client
delete (options) {
return this.feed('DELETE', options)
create (options) {
return this.feed('CREATE', options)
get (options) {
return this.feed('READ', options)
update (options) {
return this.feed('UPDATE', options)
feed (event, options) {
if (!this.feedName(options)) {
throw new Error(messages.MISSING_FEED_NAME_ERROR)
if (!this.triggerName(options)) {
throw new Error(messages.MISSING_FEED_TRIGGER_ERROR)
const invokeOptions = this.invokeOptions(event, options)
return this.actions.invoke(invokeOptions)
feedName (options) {
return options.feedName ||
triggerName (options) {
if (!options.trigger) return
if (options.trigger.startsWith('/')) return options.trigger
const ns = this.client.options.namespace || names.defaultNamespace()
return `/${ns}/${options.trigger}`
invokeOptions (event, options) {
const params = this.invokeParams(event, options)
const invokeOptions = {
name: this.feedName(options),
namespace: options.namespace,
blocking: true,
return invokeOptions
invokeParams (event, options) {
const params = {
lifecycleEvent: event,
authKey: this.client.options.apiKey,
triggerName: this.triggerName(options)
// Add user-provided invocation parameters
Object.assign(params, options.params || {})
return params
module.exports = Feeds