blob: 58ee06499225b39daf98af0cdfaf888f3061316c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
'use strict'
const messages = require('./messages')
const Resources = require('./resources')
class Actions extends Resources {
constructor (client) {
this.resource = 'actions'
this.qs_options.invoke = ['blocking']
list (options) {
options = options || {}
options.qs = this.qs(options, ['skip', 'limit', 'count'])
return super.list(options)
get (options) {
options = this.parseOptions(options)
options.qs = this.qs(options, ['code'])
return this.operationWithId('GET', options)
invoke (options) {
options = options || {}
if (options.blocking && options.result) {
return super.invoke(options).then(result => result.response.result)
return super.invoke(options)
create (options) {
options.qs = this.qs(options, ['overwrite'])
options.body = this.actionBody(options)
return super.create(options)
actionBody (options) {
if (!options.hasOwnProperty('action')) {
throw new Error(messages.MISSING_ACTION_BODY_ERROR)
const body = {exec: {kind: options.kind || 'nodejs:default', code: options.action}}
// allow options to override the derived exec object
if (options.exec) {
body.exec = Object.assign(body.exec, options.exec)
if (options.action instanceof Buffer) {
body.exec.code = options.action.toString('base64')
} else if (typeof options.action === 'object') {
return options.action
if (typeof options.params === 'object') {
body.parameters = Object.keys(options.params).map(key => ({key, value: options.params[key]}))
if (options.version) {
body.version = options.version
if (options.limits) {
body.limits = options.limits
if (typeof options.annotations === 'object') {
body.annotations = Object.keys(options.annotations).map(key => ({ key, value: options.annotations[key] }))
return body
module.exports = Actions