blob: b1a788b079e530bc095acbc7eca585c43c1c2c07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
'use strict'
const test = require('ava')
const names = require('../../lib/names')
test('should return default namespace', t => {, '_')
test('should return default namespace from env param', t => {
process.env['__OW_NAMESPACE'] = 'testing', 'testing')
delete process.env['__OW_NAMESPACE']
test('should parse namespace from resource without explicit ns', t => {'hello'), '_')
test('should parse namespace from package resource without explicit ns', t => {'pkg/hello'), '_')
test('should parse namespace from resource with explicit ns', t => {'/ns/hello'), 'ns')
test('should parse namespace from package resource with explicit ns', t => {'/ns/pkg/hello'), 'ns')
test('should parse namespace from resource with explicit ns and package but missing leading slash', t => {'ns/pkg/hello'), 'ns')
test('should throw error for resource with only namespace', t => {
t.throws(() => names.parse_namespace('/ns'), /Invalid resource identifier/)
test('should throw error for resource with only extra paths', t => {
t.throws(() => names.parse_namespace('/ns/pkg/action/extra'), /Invalid resource identifier/)
t.throws(() => names.parse_namespace('ns/pkg/action/extra'), /Invalid resource identifier/)
test('should throw error for resource with missing parts', t => {
t.throws(() => names.parse_namespace('/'), /Invalid resource identifier/)
test('should parse id from resource without explicit ns', t => {'hello'), 'hello')
test('should parse id from package resource without explicit ns', t => {'pkg/hello'), 'pkg/hello')
test('should parse id from resource with explicit ns', t => {'/ns/hello'), 'hello')
test('should parse id from package resource with explicit ns', t => {'/ns/pkg/hello'), 'pkg/hello')
test('should parse id from resource with explicit ns and package but missing leading slash', t => {'ns/pkg/hello'), 'pkg/hello')
test('should throw error for resource with only namespace', t => {
t.throws(() => names.parse_id('/ns'), /Invalid resource identifier/)
test('should throw error for resource with only extra paths', t => {
t.throws(() => names.parse_id('/ns/pkg/action/extra'), /Invalid resource identifier/)
t.throws(() => names.parse_id('ns/pkg/action/extra'), /Invalid resource identifier/)
test('should throw error for resource with missing parts', t => {
t.throws(() => names.parse_id('/'), /Invalid resource identifier/)