blob: 212a1831c9876d2213ce41252bee0b05820a0dc8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as Swagger from 'swagger-schema-official'
import { Agent } from 'http'
export = openwhisk;
declare function openwhisk(options?: openwhisk.Options): openwhisk.Client;
declare namespace openwhisk {
interface Options {
api?: string;
api_key?: string;
apihost?: string;
namespace?: string;
ignore_certs?: boolean;
apigw_token?: string;
apigw_space_guid?: string;
proxy?: string;
agent?: Agent;
apiversion?: string;
noUserAgent?: boolean;
cert?: string;
key?: string;
auth_handler?: {
getAuthHeader: () => Promise<string>
// Client
interface Client {
actions: Actions;
activations: Activations;
namespaces: Namespaces;
packages: Packages;
rules: Rules;
triggers: Triggers;
feeds: Feeds;
routes: Routes;
// Resources
interface Actions {
list(options?: { namespace?: string; skip?: number; limit?: number; count?: boolean; }): Promise<ActionDesc[]>;
get(options: string): Promise<Action>
get(options: { name: string; namespace?: string }): Promise<Action>;
get(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string })[]): Promise<Action[]>;
invoke(options: string): Promise<{ activationId: string }>
invoke(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; blocking: boolean; params?: Dict; result: boolean; }): Promise<Dict>;
invoke(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; blocking: boolean; params?: Dict; result?: boolean; }): Promise<Activation<Dict>>;
invoke(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; blocking?: boolean; params?: Dict; result?: boolean; }): Promise<{ activationId: string }>;
invoke(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string; blocking?: boolean; params?: Dict; result?: boolean; })[]): Promise<{ activationId: string }[]>;
invoke<In extends Dict, Out extends Dict>(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; blocking: boolean; params?: In; result: boolean; }): Promise<Out>;
invoke<In extends Dict, Out extends Dict>(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; blocking: boolean; params?: In; result?: boolean; }): Promise<Activation<Out>>;
invoke<In extends Dict, Out extends Dict>(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; blocking?: boolean; params?: In; result?: boolean; }): Promise<{ activationId: string }>;
create(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; action: (string | Buffer | Action); kind?: Kind; overwrite?: boolean; params?: Dict; annotations?: Dict; limits?: Limits; version?: string; }): Promise<Action>;
//create(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; action: (string | Buffer | Action); kind?: Kind; overwrite?: boolean; params?: Dict; version?: string; }[]): Promise<Action[]>;
update(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; action?: (string | Buffer | Action); kind?: Kind; params?: Dict; annotations?: Dict; limits?: Limits; version?: string; }): Promise<Action>;
//update(options: ({ name: string; namespace?: string; action: (string | Buffer | Action); kind?: Kind; params?: Dict; version?: string; })[]): Promise<Action[]>;
delete(options: string): Promise<Action>;
delete(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<Action>;
delete(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string; })[]): Promise<Action[]>;
interface Activations {
list(options?: { namespace?: string; name?: string; skip?: number; limit?: number; upto?: number; docs?: boolean; since?: number; count?: boolean; }): Promise<ActivationDesc[]>;
get<T extends Dict>(options: string): Promise<Activation<T>>;
get<T extends Dict>(options: { name: string; namespace?: string }): Promise<Activation<T>>;
get(options: string): Promise<Activation<Dict>>;
get(options: { name: string; namespace?: string }): Promise<Activation<Dict>>;
//get(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string })[]): Promise<Activation<Dict>[]>;
logs(options: { name: string; namespace?: string }): Promise<{ logs: String[] }>;
result<T extends Dict>(options: { name: string; namespace?: string }): Promise<Response<T>>;
result(options: { name: string; namespace?: string }): Promise<Response<Dict>>;
interface Namespaces {
list(): Promise<string[]>;
get(options: string): Promise<Namespace>
get(options: { namespace: string }): Promise<Namespace>
//get(options: (string | { namespace: string })[]): Promise<Namespace[]>
interface Packages {
list(options?: { namespace?: string; skip?: number; limit?: number; public?: boolean; count?: boolean; }): Promise<PackageDesc[]>;
get(options: string): Promise<Package>
get(options: { name: string; namespace?: string }): Promise<Package>;
get(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string })[]): Promise<Package[]>;
create(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; package?: Package; overwrite?: boolean }): Promise<Package>;
update(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; package?: Package }): Promise<Package>;
delete(options: string): Promise<Package>
delete(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<Package>;
delete(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string; })[]): Promise<Package[]>;
interface Rules {
list(options?: { namespace?: string; skip?: number; limit?: number; count?: boolean; }): Promise<RuleDesc[]>;
get(options: string): Promise<Rule>;
get(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<Rule>;
get(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string; })[]): Promise<Rule[]>;
create(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; action: string; trigger: string; status?: Status; overwrite?: boolean }): Promise<Rule>;
update(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; action: string; trigger: string; status?: Status }): Promise<Rule>;
delete(options: string): Promise<Rule>
delete(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<Rule>;
delete(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string; })[]): Promise<Rule[]>;
enable(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<String>;
disable(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<String>;
interface Triggers {
list(options?: { namespace?: string; skip?: number; limit?: number; count?: boolean; }): Promise<TriggerDesc[]>;
get(options: string): Promise<Trigger>
get(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<Trigger>;
get(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string; })[]): Promise<Trigger[]>;
invoke(options: string): Promise<{ activationId: string }>
invoke(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; params?: Dict }): Promise<{ activationId: string }>
invoke(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string; params?: Dict })[]): Promise<{ activationId: string }[]>
invoke<T extends Dict>(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; params?: T }): Promise<{ activationId: string }>
create(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; trigger?: Trigger; overwrite?: boolean; }): Promise<Trigger>;
update(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; trigger?: Trigger }): Promise<Trigger>;
delete(options: string): Promise<Trigger>
delete(options: { name: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<Trigger>;
delete(options: (string | { name: string; namespace?: string; })[]): Promise<Trigger[]>;
interface Feeds {
create(options: { name: string; trigger: string; namespace?: string; params?: Dict }): Promise<Activation<FeedActionDesc>>;
delete(options: { name: string; trigger: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<Activation<FeedActionDesc>>;
feed(event: Event, options: { name: string; trigger: string; namespace?: string; }): Promise<Activation<FeedActionDesc>>;
interface Routes {
list(options?: { relpath?: string, basepath?: string, operation?: string, limit?: number, skip?: number }): Promise<{ apis: Route[] }>;
delete(options: { basepath: string; relpath?: string, operation?: Operation }): Promise<{}>;
create(options: { basepath?: string; relpath: string, operation: Operation, action: string }): Promise<Api>;
// Descriptions
interface ShortDesc {
name?: string;
annotations?: KeyVal[];
version?: string;
interface Desc extends ShortDesc {
publish?: boolean;
namespace?: string;
type ActionDesc = Desc
interface ActivationDesc extends Desc {
activationId: string;
interface PackageDesc extends Desc {
binding?: boolean;
type RuleDesc = Desc
type TriggerDesc = Desc
interface FeedActionDesc {
lifecycleEvent: Event;
authKey: string;
triggerName: string;
// Entities
interface Action extends ActionDesc {
parameters?: KeyVal[];
limits?: Limits;
exec: Exec | Sequence;
interface Activation<T extends Dict> extends ActivationDesc {
subject: string;
start: number;
end: number;
duration: number;
response?: Response<T>;
logs: string[];
interface Namespace {
actions?: ActionDesc[];
packages?: PackageDesc[];
rules?: RuleDesc[];
triggers?: TriggerDesc[];
interface Package extends Desc {
actions?: ShortDesc[];
feeds?: ShortDesc[];
parameters?: KeyVal[];
binding?: {} | Package;
interface Rule extends RuleDesc {
trigger: PathName;
status: Status;
action: PathName;
interface Trigger extends TriggerDesc {
parameters?: KeyVal[];
limits?: any;
rules?: {
[key: string]: {
action: PathName;
status: Status;
interface Route {
id: string;
key: string;
value: Api;
// Other
interface Dict {
[key: string]: any
interface Exec {
kind: Kind;
code: string;
binary?: boolean;
main?: string;
image?: string;
interface Sequence {
kind: "sequence";
components: string[];
type Kind = string;
interface Limits {
timeout?: number;
memory?: number;
logs?: number;
concurrency?: number;
interface Response<T extends Dict> {
status: "success" | "failure";
statusCode?: number;
success: boolean;
result: T
interface KeyVal {
key: string;
value: any;
interface PathName {
path: string;
name: string;
type Status =
"" |
"active" |
"inactive" |
"activating" |
type Event =
"" |
type Operation =
"" |
"GET" |
"POST" |
"PUT" |
interface Api {
namespace: string;
gwApiActivated: boolean;
tenantId: boolean;
gwApiUrl: string;
apidoc: Swagger.Spec;