blob: ef808bbe21167dad0ee95c11b388547f2b6f934b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict'
const BaseOperation = require('./base_operation')
const messages = require('./messages')
const names = require('./names')
const CREATE_PARAMS = ['relpath', 'operation', 'action']
class Routes extends BaseOperation {
routeMgmtApiPath (path) {
return `web/whisk.system/apimgmt/${path}.http`
get (options) {
options = options || {}
options.basepath = this.basepath(options)
return this.list(this.qs(options, ['basepath']))
list (options) {
options = options || {}
if (this.hasBasepath(options)) {
options.basepath = this.calculateBasepath(options)
const qs = this.qs(options, ['relpath', 'basepath', 'operation', 'limit', 'skip'])
return this.client.request('GET', this.routeMgmtApiPath('getApi'), { qs })
qs (options, names) {
const result = super.qs(options, names)
if (this.hasAccessToken()) {
result.accesstoken = this.client.options.apigwToken
result.spaceguid = this.client.options.apigwSpaceGuid
return result
hasBasepath (options) {
return !!( || options.basepath)
basepath (options) {
if (!this.hasBasepath(options)) {
throw new Error(messages.MISSING_BASEPATH_ERROR)
return this.calculateBasepath(options)
calculateBasepath (options) {
if ( && options.basepath) {
throw new Error(messages.INVALID_BASEPATH_ERROR)
return options.basepath ||
missingBasepath (options) {
return !( || options.basepath)
delete (options) {
options = options || {}
options.basepath = this.basepath(options)
const qs = this.qs(options, ['relpath', 'basepath', 'operation'])
qs.force = true
return this.client.request('DELETE', this.routeMgmtApiPath('deleteApi'), { qs })
create (options) {
const body = this.createBody(options || {})
const qs = this.qs(options, ['responsetype'])
return this.client.request('POST', this.routeMgmtApiPath('createApi'), { body, qs })
createBody (options) {
if (options.swagger) {
return { apidoc: { namespace: '_', swagger: options.swagger } }
const missing = CREATE_PARAMS.filter(param => !(options || {}).hasOwnProperty(param))
if (missing.length) {
throw new Error(`Missing mandatory parameters: ${missing.join(', ')}`)
return this.routeSwaggerDefinition(options)
routeSwaggerDefinition (params) {
const apidoc = {
namespace: '_',
gatewayBasePath: this.routeBasepath(params),
gatewayPath: params.relpath,
gatewayMethod: params.operation,
id: `API:_:${this.routeBasepath(params)}`,
action: this.routeSwaggerAction(params)
const pathParameters = this.parsePathParameters(params.relpath)
if (pathParameters.length) {
apidoc.pathParameters =
if ( {
apidoc.apiName =
return { apidoc }
routeSwaggerAction (params) {
const id = names.parseId(params.action)
let namespace = decodeURIComponent(this.namespace(params))
if (params.action.startsWith('/')) {
namespace = names.parseNamespace(params.action)
const body = {
name: id,
namespace: namespace,
backendMethod: `GET`,
backendUrl: this.actionUrlPath(id, namespace),
authkey: this.client.options.apiKey
if (params.secure_key) {
body.secureKey = params.secure_key
return body
routeBasepath (params) {
return params.basepath || '/'
actionUrlPath (id, namespace) {
// web action path must contain package identifier. uses default for
// non-explicit package.
if (!id.includes('/')) {
id = `default/${id}`
return this.client.pathUrl(`web/${namespace}/${id}.http`)
hasAccessToken () {
return !!this.client.options.apigwToken
// return list of path parameters from paths
// e.g. /book/{id}
// Multiple parameters are supported.
parsePathParameters (path) {
const regex = /{([^}]+)\}/g
const findAllParams = p => {
const ids = []
let id = regex.exec(p)
while (id) {
id = regex.exec(p)
return ids
return path.split('/')
.reduce((sum, el) => sum.concat(el), [])
createPathParameter (name) {
return {
name: name,
in: 'path',
description: `Default description for '${name}'`,
required: true,
type: 'string'
module.exports = Routes