blob: 84230bf8f3600583c32a2fee85416e919e7fa54d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package commands
import (
var Properties struct {
Cert string
Key string
Auth string
APIHost string
APIVersion string
APIBuild string
APIBuildNo string
CLIVersion string
Namespace string
PropsFile string
const DefaultCert string = ""
const DefaultKey string = ""
const DefaultAuth string = ""
const DefaultAPIHost string = ""
const DefaultAPIVersion string = "v1"
const DefaultAPIBuild string = ""
const DefaultAPIBuildNo string = ""
const DefaultNamespace string = "_"
const DefaultPropsFile string = "~/.wskprops"
var propertyCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "property",
Short: wski18n.T("work with whisk properties"),
// Set one or more openwhisk property values
var propertySetCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "set",
Short: wski18n.T("set property"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var okMsg string = ""
var werr *whisk.WskError = nil
// get current props
props, err := ReadProps(Properties.PropsFile)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "readProps(%s) failed: %s\n", Properties.PropsFile, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to set the property value: {{.err}}", map[string]interface{}{"err": err})
werr = whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
// read in each flag, update if necessary
if cert := Flags.Global.Cert; len(cert) > 0 {
props["CERT"] = cert
Client.Config.Cert = cert
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} client cert set. Run 'wsk property get --cert' to see the new value.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if key := Flags.Global.Key; len(key) > 0 {
props["KEY"] = key
Client.Config.Key = key
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} client key set. Run 'wsk property get --key' to see the new value.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if auth := Flags.Global.Auth; len(auth) > 0 {
props["AUTH"] = auth
Client.Config.AuthToken = auth
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} whisk auth set. Run 'wsk property get --auth' to see the new value.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if apiHost :=; len(apiHost) > 0 {
baseURL, err := whisk.GetURLBase(apiHost, DefaultOpenWhiskApiPath)
if err != nil {
// Not aborting now. Subsequent commands will result in error
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "whisk.GetURLBase(%s, %s) error: %s", apiHost, DefaultOpenWhiskApiPath, err)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("Unable to set API host value; the API host value '{{.apihost}}' is invalid: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"apihost": apiHost, "err": err}))
werr = whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL,
} else {
props["APIHOST"] = apiHost
Client.Config.BaseURL = baseURL
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} whisk API host set to {{.host}}\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"), "host": boldString(apiHost)}))
if apiVersion :=; len(apiVersion) > 0 {
props["APIVERSION"] = apiVersion
Client.Config.Version = apiVersion
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} whisk API version set to {{.version}}\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"), "version": boldString(apiVersion)}))
if namespace :=; len(namespace) > 0 {
namespaces, _, err := Client.Namespaces.List()
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Namespaces.List() failed: %s\n", err)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("Authenticated user does not have namespace '{{.name}}'; set command failed: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"name": namespace, "err": err}))
werr = whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
} else {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Validating namespace '%s' is in user namespace list %#v\n", namespace, namespaces)
var validNamespace bool
for _, ns := range namespaces {
if ns.Name == namespace {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Namespace '%s' is valid\n", namespace)
validNamespace = true
if !validNamespace {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Namespace '%s' is not in the list of entitled namespaces\n", namespace)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("Namespace '{{.name}}' is not in the list of entitled namespaces",
map[string]interface{}{"name": namespace}))
werr = whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
} else {
props["NAMESPACE"] = namespace
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} whisk namespace set to {{.name}}\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:"), "name": boldString(namespace)}))
err = WriteProps(Properties.PropsFile, props)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "writeProps(%s, %#v) failed: %s\n", Properties.PropsFile, props, err)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("Unable to set the property value(s): {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"err": err}))
werr = whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, okMsg)
if werr != nil {
return werr
return nil
var propertyUnsetCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "unset",
Short: wski18n.T("unset property"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var okMsg string = ""
props, err := ReadProps(Properties.PropsFile)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "readProps(%s) failed: %s\n", Properties.PropsFile, err)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("Unable to unset the property value: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"err": err}))
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
// read in each flag, update if necessary
if {
delete(props, "CERT")
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} client cert unset.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if {
delete(props, "KEY")
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} client key unset.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if {
delete(props, "AUTH")
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} whisk auth unset.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if {
delete(props, "NAMESPACE")
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} whisk namespace unset",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if len(DefaultNamespace) > 0 {
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("; the default value of {{.default}} will be used.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"default": boldString(DefaultNamespace)}))
} else {
okMsg += fmt.Sprint(
wski18n.T("; there is no default value that can be used.\n"))
if {
delete(props, "APIHOST")
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} whisk API host unset.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if {
delete(props, "APIVERSION")
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("{{.ok}} whisk API version unset",
map[string]interface{}{"ok": color.GreenString("ok:")}))
if len(DefaultAPIVersion) > 0 {
okMsg += fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("; the default value of {{.default}} will be used.\n",
map[string]interface{}{"default": boldString(DefaultAPIVersion)}))
} else {
okMsg += fmt.Sprint(
wski18n.T("; there is no default value that can be used.\n"))
err = WriteProps(Properties.PropsFile, props)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "writeProps(%s, %#v) failed: %s\n", Properties.PropsFile, props, err)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("Unable to unset the property value: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"err": err}))
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, okMsg)
if err = loadProperties(); err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "loadProperties() failed: %s\n", err)
return nil
var propertyGetCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "get",
Short: wski18n.T("get property"),
SilenceUsage: true,
SilenceErrors: true,
PreRunE: SetupClientConfig,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
// If no property is explicitly specified, default to all properties
if !( || || || || || || || || || { = true
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t\t%s\n", wski18n.T("client cert"), boldString(Properties.Cert))
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t\t%s\n", wski18n.T("Client key"), boldString(Properties.Key))
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t\t%s\n", wski18n.T("whisk auth"), boldString(Properties.Auth))
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t\t%s\n", wski18n.T("whisk API host"), boldString(Properties.APIHost))
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t%s\n", wski18n.T("whisk API version"), boldString(Properties.APIVersion))
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t\t%s\n", wski18n.T("whisk namespace"), boldString(Properties.Namespace))
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t%s\n", wski18n.T("whisk CLI version"), boldString(Properties.CLIVersion))
if || || {
info, _, err := Client.Info.Get()
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "Client.Info.Get() failed: %s\n", err)
info = &whisk.Info{}
info.Build = wski18n.T("Unknown")
info.BuildNo = wski18n.T("Unknown")
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t\t%s\n", wski18n.T("whisk API build"), boldString(info.Build))
if || {
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "%s\t%s\n", wski18n.T("whisk API build number"), boldString(info.BuildNo))
if err != nil {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("Unable to obtain API build information: {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"err": err}))
werr := whisk.MakeWskErrorFromWskError(errors.New(errStr), err, whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
return nil
func init() {
// need to set property flags as booleans instead of strings... perhaps with boolApihost...
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "cert", false, wski18n.T("client cert"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "key", false, wski18n.T("client key"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "auth", false, wski18n.T("authorization key"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "apihost", false, wski18n.T("whisk API host"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "apiversion", false, wski18n.T("whisk API version"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "apibuild", false, wski18n.T("whisk API build version"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "apibuildno", false, wski18n.T("whisk API build number"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "cliversion", false, wski18n.T("whisk CLI version"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "namespace", false, wski18n.T("whisk namespace"))
propertyGetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "all", false, wski18n.T("all properties"))
propertySetCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&Flags.Global.Auth, "auth", "u", "", wski18n.T("authorization `KEY`"))
propertySetCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.Global.Cert, "cert", "", wski18n.T("client cert"))
propertySetCmd.Flags().StringVar(&Flags.Global.Key, "key", "", wski18n.T("client key"))
propertySetCmd.Flags().StringVar(&, "apihost", "", wski18n.T("whisk API `HOST`"))
propertySetCmd.Flags().StringVar(&, "apiversion", "", wski18n.T("whisk API `VERSION`"))
propertySetCmd.Flags().StringVar(&, "namespace", "", wski18n.T("whisk `NAMESPACE`"))
propertyUnsetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "cert", false, wski18n.T("client cert"))
propertyUnsetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "key", false, wski18n.T("client key"))
propertyUnsetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "auth", false, wski18n.T("authorization key"))
propertyUnsetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "apihost", false, wski18n.T("whisk API host"))
propertyUnsetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "apiversion", false, wski18n.T("whisk API version"))
propertyUnsetCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&, "namespace", false, wski18n.T("whisk namespace"))
func SetDefaultProperties() {
Properties.Key = DefaultCert
Properties.Cert = DefaultKey
Properties.Auth = DefaultAuth
Properties.Namespace = DefaultNamespace
Properties.APIHost = DefaultAPIHost
Properties.APIBuild = DefaultAPIBuild
Properties.APIBuildNo = DefaultAPIBuildNo
Properties.APIVersion = DefaultAPIVersion
Properties.PropsFile = DefaultPropsFile
// Properties.CLIVersion value is set from main's init()
func GetPropertiesFilePath() (propsFilePath string, werr error) {
var envExists bool
// WSK_CONFIG_FILE environment variable overrides the default properties file path
// NOTE: If this variable is set to an empty string or non-existent/unreadable file
// - any existing $HOME/.wskprops is ignored
// - a default configuration is used
if propsFilePath, envExists = os.LookupEnv("WSK_CONFIG_FILE"); envExists {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Using properties file '%s' from WSK_CONFIG_FILE environment variable\n", propsFilePath)
return propsFilePath, nil
} else {
var err error
propsFilePath, err = homedir.Expand(Properties.PropsFile)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "homedir.Expand(%s) failed: %s\n", Properties.PropsFile, err)
errStr := fmt.Sprintf(
wski18n.T("Unable to locate properties file '{{.filename}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"filename": Properties.PropsFile, "err": err}))
werr = whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return propsFilePath, werr
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgInfo, "Using properties file home dir '%s'\n", propsFilePath)
return propsFilePath, nil
func loadProperties() error {
var err error
Properties.PropsFile, err = GetPropertiesFilePath()
if err != nil {
return nil
//whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "GetPropertiesFilePath() failed: %s\n", err)
//errStr := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to load the properties file: %s", err)
//werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
//return werr
props, err := ReadProps(Properties.PropsFile)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "readProps(%s) failed: %s\n", Properties.PropsFile, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Unable to read the properties file '{{.filename}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"filename": Properties.PropsFile, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
if cert, hasProp := props["CERT"]; hasProp {
Properties.Cert = cert
if key, hasProp := props["KEY"]; hasProp {
Properties.Key = key
if authToken, hasProp := props["AUTH"]; hasProp {
Properties.Auth = authToken
if authToken := os.Getenv("WHISK_AUTH"); len(authToken) > 0 {
Properties.Auth = authToken
if apiVersion, hasProp := props["APIVERSION"]; hasProp {
Properties.APIVersion = apiVersion
if apiVersion := os.Getenv("WHISK_APIVERSION"); len(apiVersion) > 0 {
Properties.APIVersion = apiVersion
if apiHost, hasProp := props["APIHOST"]; hasProp {
Properties.APIHost = apiHost
if apiHost := os.Getenv("WHISK_APIHOST"); len(apiHost) > 0 {
Properties.APIHost = apiHost
if namespace, hasProp := props["NAMESPACE"]; hasProp && len(namespace) > 0 {
Properties.Namespace = namespace
if namespace := os.Getenv("WHISK_NAMESPACE"); len(namespace) > 0 {
Properties.Namespace = namespace
return nil
func parseConfigFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if cert := Flags.Global.Cert; len(cert) > 0 {
Properties.Cert = cert
if Client != nil {
Client.Config.Cert = cert
if key := Flags.Global.Key; len(key) > 0 {
Properties.Key = key
if Client != nil {
Client.Config.Key = key
if auth := Flags.Global.Auth; len(auth) > 0 {
Properties.Auth = auth
if Client != nil {
Client.Config.AuthToken = auth
if namespace :=; len(namespace) > 0 {
Properties.Namespace = namespace
if Client != nil {
Client.Config.Namespace = namespace
if apiVersion := Flags.Global.Apiversion; len(apiVersion) > 0 {
Properties.APIVersion = apiVersion
if Client != nil {
Client.Config.Version = apiVersion
if apiHost := Flags.Global.Apihost; len(apiHost) > 0 {
Properties.APIHost = apiHost
if Client != nil {
Client.Config.Host = apiHost
baseURL, err := whisk.GetURLBase(apiHost, DefaultOpenWhiskApiPath)
if err != nil {
whisk.Debug(whisk.DbgError, "whisk.GetURLBase(%s, %s) failed: %s\n", apiHost, DefaultOpenWhiskApiPath, err)
errStr := wski18n.T("Invalid host address '{{.host}}': {{.err}}",
map[string]interface{}{"host": Properties.APIHost, "err": err})
werr := whisk.MakeWskError(errors.New(errStr), whisk.EXIT_CODE_ERR_GENERAL, whisk.DISPLAY_MSG, whisk.NO_DISPLAY_USAGE)
return werr
Client.Config.BaseURL = baseURL
if Flags.Global.Debug {
if Flags.Global.Verbose {
return nil