blob: 0be070ab8474fdd3e7e997e310fcb3a31c24da69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
// license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
var request = require('request');
* Action to post to slack
* @param {string} url - Slack webhook url
* @param {string} channel - (optional) Slack channel to post the message to
* @param {string} username - name to post the message as
* @param {string} text - message to post
* @param {string} icon_emoji - (optional) emoji to use as the icon for the message
* @param {boolean} as_user - (optional) when the token belongs to a bot, whether to post as the bot itself
* @param {object} attachments - (optional) message attachments (see Slack documentation for format)
* @return {object} Promise
function main(params) {
let errorMsg = checkParams(params);
if (errorMsg) {
return { error: errorMsg };
var body = {
username: params.username || 'Simple Message Bot'
if (params.icon_emoji) {
// guard against sending icon_emoji: undefined
body.icon_emoji = params.icon_emoji;
if (params.as_user === true) {
body.as_user = true;
if (params.text) {
body.text = params.text;
if (params.attachments) {
body.attachments = JSON.stringify(params.attachments);
if (params.token) {
// this allows us to support /api/chat.postMessage
// e.g. users can pass params.url =
// and params.token = <their auth token>
body.token = params.token;
} else {
// the webhook api expects a nested payload
// notice that we need to stringify; this is due to limitations
// of the formData npm: it does not handle nested objects
body = {
payload: JSON.stringify(body)
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {{
url: params.url,
formData: body
}, function (err, res, body) {
if (err) {
console.log('error: ', err, body);
} else {
console.log('success: ', params.text, 'successfully sent');
return promise;
* Checks if all required params are set.
function checkParams(params) {
if (params.text === undefined && params.attachments === undefined) {
return ('No text provided');
else if (params.url === undefined) {
return 'No Webhook URL provided';
else {
return undefined;