OpenWhisk API Gateway

Build Status

A performant API Gateway based on Openresty and NGINX.

Project status

This project is currently considered pre-alpha stage, and should not be used in production. Large swaths of code or APIs may change without notice.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

docker run -p 80:80 -p <managedurl_port>:8080 -p 9000:9000 \
            -e PUBLIC_MANAGEDURL_HOST=<managedurl_host> \
            -e PUBLIC_MANAGEDURL_PORT=<managedurl_port> \
            -e REDIS_HOST=<redis_host> \
            -e REDIS_PORT=<redis_port> \
            -e REDIS_PASS=<redis_pass> \


Developer Guide

Running locally

To build the docker image locally use:

 make docker

To Run the Docker image

 make docker-run PUBLIC_MANAGEDURL_HOST=<mangedurl_host> PUBLIC_MANAGEDURL_PORT=<managedurl_port> \
   REDIS_HOST=<redis_host> REDIS_PORT=<redis_port> REDIS_PASS=<redis_pass>


First install the necessary dependencies:

 make test-build

Then, run the unit tests:

 make test-run