Title: Release Checklist

OpenWebBeans Release Checklist

Before performing the release you need to configure your environment if you haven't done it before.

  1. Publishing Maven Artifacts (https://www.apache.org/dev/publishing-maven-artifacts.html)
  2. Go to the section SETUP YOUR DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT and generate the pgp key signature. Don't forget to distribute the public key step.
    Generate PGP signature: https://blog.sonatype.com/2010/01/how-to-generate-pgp-signatures-with-maven/#.Vm9Km8q22-q


  1. JIRA Release Management

    • Make sure that all tickets for the release are properly marked as ‘released’ in our issue tracker.
    • Create ${version.next} (if not already done)
    • Move unresolved issues from ${version} (e.g. 2.0.8) to ${version.next} (e.g. 2.0.9)
  2. Update README

    • Export changelog from JIRA
    • add it to readme/README.txt
    • also update the version numbers in the preface
  3. Release via MVN

    • mvn clean install -Papache-release
    • mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
    • mvn release:prepare -Dresume=false
    • mvn release:perform

    if the release:perform fails on the last step (commit the new version in trunk) but the tag was successfully created, you can deploy the tag manually to nexus:

    • commit the version change in trunk
    • checkout the tag and execute: mvn clean install deploy -Papache-release
  4. Provide the staging repository

  5. Provide assembly

    • SVN https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/openwebbeans/
    • Commit following files inside the ${version} (2.0.8) directory:
      • openwebbeans-2.0.8-source-release.zip
      • openwebbeans-2.0.8-source-release.zip.asc
      • openwebbeans-2.0.8-source-release.zip.sha512
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.tar.gz
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.tar.gz.asc
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.tar.gz.sha512 (must be generated manually)
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.zip
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.zip.asc
      • openwebbeans-distribution-2.0.8-binary.zip.sha512 (must be generated manually)


    • announce the VOTE with links to the staging repo In this case you MUST provide at least the sha1 of the source-release.zip!
  6. Send the VOTE mail

After successful vote

  1. Release from the staging repository

  2. JIRA Release Management

    • Select the version and release it
    • bulk-transition all resolved tickets of ${version} to ‘closed’
  3. Upload assembly

  4. Apache Reporter Service

After the artifacts has been synced to central maven repo

  1. Create blog

  2. Update site

  3. Send release mail

  4. Twitter