blob: 97844a048cda46943a4c739711f4e4dff6485be6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.meecrowave.oauth2.configuration;
import org.apache.meecrowave.runner.Cli;
import org.apache.meecrowave.runner.cli.CliOption;
public class OAuth2Options implements Cli.Options {
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-refresh-token", description = "Is issuing of access token issuing a refreh token too")
private boolean refreshToken = true;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-client-force", description = "Is a client mandatory or can a token be issued without any client")
private boolean forceClient;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-support-public-client", description = "Are public clients supported")
private boolean canSupportPublicClients;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-use-all-client-scopes", description = "Are all client scopes used for refresh tokens")
private boolean useAllClientScopes;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-require-user-to-start-authorization_code-flow", description = "Should the authorization_code flow require an authenicated user.")
private boolean requireUserToStartAuthorizationCodeFlow;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-use-s256-code-challenge", description = "Are the code_challenge used by PKCE flow digested or not.")
private boolean useS256CodeChallenge = true;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-write-custom-errors", description = "Should custom errors be written")
private boolean writeCustomErrors;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-block-unsecure-requests", description = "Should unsecured requests be blocked")
private boolean blockUnsecureRequests;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-write-optional-parameters", description = "Should optional parameters be written")
private boolean writeOptionalParameters = true;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-partial-match-scope-validation", description = "Is partial match for scope validation activated")
private boolean partialMatchScopeValidation;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-use-jaas", description = "Should jaas be used - alternative (default) is to delegate to meecrowave/tomcat realms")
private boolean jaas;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-forward-role-as-jwt-claims", description = "Should jaas be used - alternative (default) is to delegate to meecrowave/tomcat realms")
private boolean forwardRoleAsJwtClaims;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-access-token-lifetime", description = "How long an access token is valid, default to 3600s")
private int accessTokenLifetime = 3600;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-refresh-token-lifetime", description = "How long a refresh token is valid, default to eternity (0)")
private long refreshTokenLifetime;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-refresh-token-recycling", description = "Should refresh token be recycled")
private boolean recycleRefreshTokens = true;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-default-scopes", description = "Comma separated list of default scopes")
private String defaultScopes;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-required-scopes", description = "Comma separated list of required scopes")
private String requiredScopes;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-invisible-scopes", description = "Comma separated list of invisible to client scopes")
private String invisibleToClientScopes;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-support-pre-authorized-tokens", description = "Are pre-authorized token supported")
private boolean supportPreauthorizedTokens;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-use-jwt-format-for-access-token", description = "Should access token be jwt?")
private boolean useJwtFormatForAccessTokens;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jwt-access-token-claim-map", description = "The jwt claims configuration")
private String jwtAccessTokenClaimMap;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jwt-issuer", description = "The jwt issuer (ignored if not set)")
private String jwtIssuer;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-provider", description = "Which provider type to use: jcache[-code], jpa[-code], encrypted[-code]")
private String provider = "jcache";
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jcache-config", description = "JCache configuration uri for the cache manager (jcache or provider)")
private String jcacheConfigUri = "default-oauth2.jcs";
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jcache-store-value", description = "Should JCache store value or not")
private boolean jcacheStoreValue = true;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jcache-statistics", description = "Should JCache statistics be enabled")
private boolean jcacheStatistics = false;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jcache-jmx", description = "Should JCache JMX MBeans be enabled")
private boolean jcacheJmx = false;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jcache-loader", description = "The loader bean or class name")
private String jcacheLoader;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jcache-writer", description = "The writer bean or class name")
private String jcacheWriter;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jcache-store-jwt-token-key-only", description = "Should JCache store jwt token key only (jcache provider)")
private boolean jcacheStoreJwtKeyOnly;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-database-url", description = "JPA database url for jpa provider")
private String jpaDatabaseUrl = "jdbc:h2:mem:oauth2";
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-database-username", description = "JPA database username for jpa provider")
private String jpdaDatabaseUsername = "sa";
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-database-password", description = "JPA database password for jpa provider")
private String jpdaDatabasePassword = "";
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-database-driver", description = "JPA database driver for jpa provider")
private String jpaDriver = "org.h2.Driver";
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-properties", description = "JPA persistence unit properties for jpa provider")
private String jpaProperties;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-max-active", description = "JPA max active connections for jpa provider")
private int jpaMaxActive = 30;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-max-idle", description = "JPA max idle connections for jpa provider")
private int jpaMaxIdle = 10;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-max-wait", description = "JPA max wait for connections for jpa provider")
private int jpaMaxWait = 30000;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-validation-query", description = "validation query for jpa provider")
private String jpaValidationQuery;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-validation-interval", description = "validation interval for jpa provider")
private int jpaValidationInterval = 5 * 1000 * 60;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-test-on-borrow", description = "should connections be tested on borrow for jpa provider")
private boolean jpaTestOnBorrow;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-jpa-test-on-return", description = "should connections be tested on return for jpa provider")
private boolean jpaTestOnReturn;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-encrypted-key", description = "The key for encrypted provider")
private String encryptedKey;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-encrypted-algorithm", description = "The algorithm for the key for the encrypted provider")
private String encryptedAlgo;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-token-support", description = "Are token flows supported")
private boolean tokenSupport = true;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-authorization-code-support", description = "Is authorization code flow supported")
private boolean authorizationCodeSupport;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-redirection-use-registered-redirect-uri-if-possible", description = "For authorization code flow, should the registered uri be used")
private boolean useRegisteredRedirectUriIfPossible = true;
private SessionAuthenticityTokenProvider sessionAuthenticityTokenProvider;
private SubjectCreator subjectCreator;
private ResourceOwnerNameProvider resourceOwnerNameProvider;
private AuthorizationRequestFilter authorizationFilter;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-redirection-max-default-session-interval", description = "For authorization code flow, how long a session can be")
private int maxDefaultSessionInterval;
name = "oauth2-redirection-match-redirect-uri-with-application-uri",
description = "For authorization code flow, should redirect uri be matched with application one")
private boolean matchRedirectUriWithApplicationUri;
@CliOption(name = "oauth2-redirection-scopes-requiring-no-consent", description = "For authorization code flow, the scopes using no consent")
private String scopesRequiringNoConsent;
public boolean isRequireUserToStartAuthorizationCodeFlow() {
return requireUserToStartAuthorizationCodeFlow;
public void setRequireUserToStartAuthorizationCodeFlow(final boolean requireUserToStartAuthorizationCodeFlow) {
this.requireUserToStartAuthorizationCodeFlow = requireUserToStartAuthorizationCodeFlow;
public boolean isUseS256CodeChallenge() {
return useS256CodeChallenge;
public void setUseS256CodeChallenge(final boolean useS256CodeChallenge) {
this.useS256CodeChallenge = useS256CodeChallenge;
public boolean isForwardRoleAsJwtClaims() {
return forwardRoleAsJwtClaims;
public void setForwardRoleAsJwtClaims(final boolean forwardRoleAsJwtClaims) {
this.forwardRoleAsJwtClaims = forwardRoleAsJwtClaims;
public String getEncryptedAlgo() {
return encryptedAlgo;
public void setEncryptedAlgo(final String encryptedAlgo) {
this.encryptedAlgo = encryptedAlgo;
public String getEncryptedKey() {
return encryptedKey;
public void setEncryptedKey(final String encryptedKey) {
this.encryptedKey = encryptedKey;
public int getJpaMaxActive() {
return jpaMaxActive;
public void setJpaMaxActive(final int jpaMaxActive) {
this.jpaMaxActive = jpaMaxActive;
public int getJpaMaxIdle() {
return jpaMaxIdle;
public void setJpaMaxIdle(final int jpaMaxIdle) {
this.jpaMaxIdle = jpaMaxIdle;
public int getJpaMaxWait() {
return jpaMaxWait;
public void setJpaMaxWait(final int jpaMaxWait) {
this.jpaMaxWait = jpaMaxWait;
public String getJpaValidationQuery() {
return jpaValidationQuery;
public void setJpaValidationQuery(final String jpaValidationQuery) {
this.jpaValidationQuery = jpaValidationQuery;
public int getJpaValidationInterval() {
return jpaValidationInterval;
public void setJpaValidationInterval(final int jpaValidationInterval) {
this.jpaValidationInterval = jpaValidationInterval;
public boolean isJpaTestOnBorrow() {
return jpaTestOnBorrow;
public void setJpaTestOnBorrow(final boolean jpaTestOnBorrow) {
this.jpaTestOnBorrow = jpaTestOnBorrow;
public boolean isJpaTestOnReturn() {
return jpaTestOnReturn;
public void setJpaTestOnReturn(final boolean jpaTestOnReturn) {
this.jpaTestOnReturn = jpaTestOnReturn;
public String getJpaProperties() {
return jpaProperties;
public void setJpaProperties(final String jpaProperties) {
this.jpaProperties = jpaProperties;
public String getJpaDatabaseUrl() {
return jpaDatabaseUrl;
public void setJpaDatabaseUrl(final String jpaDatabaseUrl) {
this.jpaDatabaseUrl = jpaDatabaseUrl;
public String getJpdaDatabaseUsername() {
return jpdaDatabaseUsername;
public void setJpdaDatabaseUsername(final String jpdaDatabaseUsername) {
this.jpdaDatabaseUsername = jpdaDatabaseUsername;
public String getJpdaDatabasePassword() {
return jpdaDatabasePassword;
public void setJpdaDatabasePassword(final String jpdaDatabasePassword) {
this.jpdaDatabasePassword = jpdaDatabasePassword;
public String getJpaDriver() {
return jpaDriver;
public void setJpaDriver(final String jpaDriver) {
this.jpaDriver = jpaDriver;
public String getJcacheConfigUri() {
return jcacheConfigUri;
public void setJcacheConfigUri(final String jcacheConfigUri) {
this.jcacheConfigUri = jcacheConfigUri;
public boolean isJcacheStoreJwtKeyOnly() {
return jcacheStoreJwtKeyOnly;
public void setJcacheStoreJwtKeyOnly(final boolean jcacheStoreJwtKeyOnly) {
this.jcacheStoreJwtKeyOnly = jcacheStoreJwtKeyOnly;
public String getProvider() {
return provider;
public void setProvider(final String provider) {
this.provider = provider;
public boolean isWriteCustomErrors() {
return writeCustomErrors;
public void setWriteCustomErrors(final boolean writeCustomErrors) {
this.writeCustomErrors = writeCustomErrors;
public boolean isBlockUnsecureRequests() {
return blockUnsecureRequests;
public void setBlockUnsecureRequests(final boolean blockUnsecureRequests) {
this.blockUnsecureRequests = blockUnsecureRequests;
public boolean isWriteOptionalParameters() {
return writeOptionalParameters;
public void setWriteOptionalParameters(final boolean writeOptionalParameters) {
this.writeOptionalParameters = writeOptionalParameters;
public boolean isCanSupportPublicClients() {
return canSupportPublicClients;
public void setCanSupportPublicClients(final boolean canSupportPublicClients) {
this.canSupportPublicClients = canSupportPublicClients;
public boolean isForceClient() {
return forceClient;
public void setForceClient(final boolean forceClient) {
this.forceClient = forceClient;
public boolean isPartialMatchScopeValidation() {
return partialMatchScopeValidation;
public void setPartialMatchScopeValidation(final boolean partialMatchScopeValidation) {
this.partialMatchScopeValidation = partialMatchScopeValidation;
public boolean isJaas() {
return jaas;
public void setJaas(final boolean jaas) {
this.jaas = jaas;
public boolean isRefreshToken() {
return refreshToken;
public void setRefreshToken(final boolean refreshToken) {
this.refreshToken = refreshToken;
public int getAccessTokenLifetime() {
return accessTokenLifetime;
public void setAccessTokenLifetime(final int accessTokenLifetime) {
this.accessTokenLifetime = accessTokenLifetime;
public long getRefreshTokenLifetime() {
return refreshTokenLifetime;
public void setRefreshTokenLifetime(final long refreshTokenLifetime) {
this.refreshTokenLifetime = refreshTokenLifetime;
public boolean isRecycleRefreshTokens() {
return recycleRefreshTokens;
public void setRecycleRefreshTokens(final boolean recycleRefreshTokens) {
this.recycleRefreshTokens = recycleRefreshTokens;
public String getDefaultScopes() {
return defaultScopes;
public void setDefaultScopes(final String defaultScopes) {
this.defaultScopes = defaultScopes;
public String getRequiredScopes() {
return requiredScopes;
public void setRequiredScopes(final String requiredScopes) {
this.requiredScopes = requiredScopes;
public String getInvisibleToClientScopes() {
return invisibleToClientScopes;
public void setInvisibleToClientScopes(final String invisibleToClientScopes) {
this.invisibleToClientScopes = invisibleToClientScopes;
public boolean isSupportPreauthorizedTokens() {
return supportPreauthorizedTokens;
public void setSupportPreauthorizedTokens(final boolean supportPreauthorizedTokens) {
this.supportPreauthorizedTokens = supportPreauthorizedTokens;
public boolean isUseJwtFormatForAccessTokens() {
return useJwtFormatForAccessTokens;
public void setUseJwtFormatForAccessTokens(final boolean useJwtFormatForAccessTokens) {
this.useJwtFormatForAccessTokens = useJwtFormatForAccessTokens;
public String getJwtAccessTokenClaimMap() {
return jwtAccessTokenClaimMap;
public void setJwtAccessTokenClaimMap(final String jwtAccessTokenClaimMap) {
this.jwtAccessTokenClaimMap = jwtAccessTokenClaimMap;
public boolean isUseAllClientScopes() {
return useAllClientScopes;
public void setUseAllClientScopes(final boolean useAllClientScopes) {
this.useAllClientScopes = useAllClientScopes;
public boolean isAuthorizationCodeSupport() {
return authorizationCodeSupport;
public void setAuthorizationCodeSupport(final boolean authorizationCodeSupport) {
this.authorizationCodeSupport = authorizationCodeSupport;
public boolean isUseRegisteredRedirectUriIfPossible() {
return useRegisteredRedirectUriIfPossible;
public void setUseRegisteredRedirectUriIfPossible(final boolean useRegisteredRedirectUriIfPossible) {
this.useRegisteredRedirectUriIfPossible = useRegisteredRedirectUriIfPossible;
public int getMaxDefaultSessionInterval() {
return maxDefaultSessionInterval;
public void setMaxDefaultSessionInterval(final int maxDefaultSessionInterval) {
this.maxDefaultSessionInterval = maxDefaultSessionInterval;
public boolean isMatchRedirectUriWithApplicationUri() {
return matchRedirectUriWithApplicationUri;
public void setMatchRedirectUriWithApplicationUri(final boolean matchRedirectUriWithApplicationUri) {
this.matchRedirectUriWithApplicationUri = matchRedirectUriWithApplicationUri;
public String getScopesRequiringNoConsent() {
return scopesRequiringNoConsent;
public void setScopesRequiringNoConsent(final String scopesRequiringNoConsent) {
this.scopesRequiringNoConsent = scopesRequiringNoConsent;
public boolean isTokenSupport() {
return tokenSupport;
public void setTokenSupport(final boolean tokenSupport) {
this.tokenSupport = tokenSupport;
public boolean isJcacheStoreValue() {
return jcacheStoreValue;
public void setJcacheStoreValue(final boolean jcacheStoreValue) {
this.jcacheStoreValue = jcacheStoreValue;
public String getJcacheLoader() {
return jcacheLoader;
public void setJcacheLoader(final String jcacheLoader) {
this.jcacheLoader = jcacheLoader;
public String getJcacheWriter() {
return jcacheWriter;
public void setJcacheWriter(final String jcacheWriter) {
this.jcacheWriter = jcacheWriter;
public boolean isJcacheStatistics() {
return jcacheStatistics;
public void setJcacheStatistics(final boolean jcacheStatistics) {
this.jcacheStatistics = jcacheStatistics;
public boolean isJcacheJmx() {
return jcacheJmx;
public void setJcacheJmx(final boolean jcacheJmx) {
this.jcacheJmx = jcacheJmx;
public String getJwtIssuer() {
return jwtIssuer;
public void setJwtIssuer(final String jwtIssuer) {
this.jwtIssuer = jwtIssuer;