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diff --git a/rest-trivial/rest-trivial.adoc b/rest-trivial/README.adoc
similarity index 79%
rename from rest-trivial/rest-trivial.adoc
rename to rest-trivial/README.adoc
index b895781..7f9b567 100644
--- a/rest-trivial/rest-trivial.adoc
+++ b/rest-trivial/README.adoc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 This example shows probably the smallest JavaEE REST Service.
 It is the REST version of the famous 'Hello World' program.
-It contains just a <<src/main/java/com/superbiz/jaxrs/,Hello Resource>>.
+It contains just a link:src/main/java/com/superbiz/jaxrs/[Hello Resource].
 The important parst of this class are the @Path(`"hello")` and the `@GET' annotated method.
 Note that the Resource is a CDI bean annotated with `@ApplicationScoped`.