blob: 5efd4793db3c14d42e09e06cc422fef1660c3155 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
// DJP ToDo: need way of specifying fg/bg colors on ws->DOM
package org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml;
import java.awt.Color;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.openoffice.xmerge.util.Debug;
* Represents a text <code>Style</code> in an OpenOffice document.
* @author David Proulx
public class TextStyle extends Style implements Cloneable {
final protected static int FIRST_ATTR = 0x01;
/** Indicates <i>bold</i> text. */
final public static int BOLD = 0x01;
/** Indicates <i>italic</i> text. */
final public static int ITALIC = 0x02;
/** Indicates <i>underlined</i> text. */
final public static int UNDERLINE = 0x04;
/** Indicates <i>strike-through</i> in the text. */
final public static int STRIKETHRU = 0x08;
/** Indicates <i>superscripted</i> text. */
final public static int SUPERSCRIPT = 0x10;
/** Indicates <i>subscripted</i> text. */
final public static int SUBSCRIPT = 0x20;
/** Indicates the last attribute. */
final protected static int LAST_ATTR = 0x20;
/** Values of text attributes. */
protected int values = 0;
/** Bitwise mask of text attributes. */
protected int mask = 0;
/** Font size in points. */
protected int sizeInPoints = 0;
/** Font name. */
protected String fontName = null;
/** Font <code>Color</code>. */
protected Color fontColor = null;
/** Background <code>Color</code>. */
protected Color bgColor = null;
* Constructor for use when going from DOM to client device format.
* @param node The <i>style:style</i> <code>Node</code> containing
* the <code>Style</code>. (This <code>Node</code> is
* assumed have a <i>family</i> attribute of <i>text</i>).
* @param sc The <code>StyleCatalog</code>, which is used for
* looking up ancestor <code>Style</code> objects.
public TextStyle(Node node, StyleCatalog sc) {
super(node, sc);
// Run through the attributes of this node, saving
// the ones we're interested in.
NamedNodeMap attrNodes = node.getAttributes();
if (attrNodes != null) {
int len = attrNodes.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Node attr = attrNodes.item(i);
handleAttribute(attr.getNodeName(), attr.getNodeValue());
// Look for children. Only ones we care about are "style:properties"
// nodes. If any are found, recursively traverse them, passing
// along the style element to add properties to.
if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
int len = children.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Node child = children.item(i);
String name = child.getNodeName();
if (name.equals("style:properties")) {
NamedNodeMap childAttrNodes = child.getAttributes();
if (childAttrNodes != null) {
int nChildAttrNodes = childAttrNodes.getLength();
for (int j = 0; j < nChildAttrNodes; j++) {
Node attr = childAttrNodes.item(j);
* Constructor for use when going from client device format to DOM
* @param name Name of text <code>Style</code>. Can be null.
* @param family Family of text <code>Style</code> (usually
* <i>text</i>). Can be null.
* @param parent Name of parent text <code>Style</code>, or null
* for none.
* @param mask Bitwise mask of text attributes that this text
* <code>Style</code> will specify. Can be any
* combination of the following, or'ed together:
* {@link #BOLD}, {@link #ITALIC}, {@link #UNDERLINE},
* {@link #STRIKETHRU}, {@link #SUPERSCRIPT},
* {@link #SUBSCRIPT}. This parameter determines what
* attributes this <code>Style</code> will specify.
* When an attribute is specified in a
* <code>Style</code>, its value can be either
* <i>on</i> or <i>off</i>. The on/off value for
* each attribute is controlled by the
* <code>values</code> parameter.
* @param values Values of text attributes that this text
* <code>Style</code> will be setting. Any of the
* attributes ({@link #BOLD}, etc) listed for
* <code>mask</code> can be used for this.
* @param fontSize Font size in points.
* @param fontName Name of font.
* @param sc The <code>StyleCatalog</code>, which is used for
* looking up ancestor <code>Style</code> objects.
public TextStyle(String name, String family, String parent,
int mask, int values, int fontSize, String fontName, StyleCatalog sc) {
super(name, family, parent, sc);
this.mask = mask;
this.values = values;
this.sizeInPoints = fontSize;
this.fontName = fontName;
* Parse a color specification of the form <i>#rrggbb</i>
* @param value <code>Color</code> specification to parse.
* @return The <code>Color</code> associated the value.
private Color parseColorString(String value) {
// Assume color value is of form #rrggbb
String r = value.substring(1, 3);
String g = value.substring(3, 5);
String b = value.substring(5, 7);
int red = 0;
int green = 0;
int blue = 0;
try {
red = Integer.parseInt(r, 16);
green = Integer.parseInt(g, 16);
blue = Integer.parseInt(b, 16);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Debug.log(Debug.ERROR, "Problem parsing a color string", e);
return new Color(red, green, blue);
* Set an attribute.
* @param attr The attribute to set.
* @param value The attribute value to set.
private void handleAttribute(String attr, String value) {
if (attr.equals("fo:font-weight")) {
if (value.equals("bold")) turnAttributesOn(BOLD);
else if (value.equals("normal")) turnAttributesOff(BOLD);
else if (attr.equals("fo:font-style")) {
if (value.equals("italic")) turnAttributesOn(ITALIC);
else if (value.equals("oblique")) turnAttributesOn(ITALIC);
else if (value.equals("normal")) turnAttributesOff(ITALIC);
else if (attr.equals("style:text-underline")) {
if (value.equals("none"))
else if (attr.equals("style:text-crossing-out")) {
if (value.equals("none"))
else if (attr.equals("style:text-position")) {
if (value.startsWith("super "))
else if (value.startsWith("sub "))
else if (value.startsWith("0% "))
else {
String firstPart = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" "));
if (firstPart.endsWith("%")) {
firstPart = firstPart.substring(0, value.indexOf("%"));
int amount;
try {
amount = Integer.parseInt(firstPart);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
amount = 0;
Debug.log(Debug.ERROR, "Problem with style:text-position tag", e);
if (amount < 0) turnAttributesOn(SUBSCRIPT);
else if (amount > 0) turnAttributesOn(SUPERSCRIPT);
else if (attr.equals("fo:font-size")) {
if (value.endsWith("pt")) {
String num = value.substring(0, value.length() - 2);
sizeInPoints = Integer.parseInt(num);
else if (attr.equals("style:font-name"))
fontName = value;
else if (attr.equals("fo:color"))
fontColor = parseColorString(value);
else if (attr.equals("style:text-background-color"))
bgColor = parseColorString(value);
else if (isIgnored(attr)) {}
else {
Debug.log(Debug.INFO, "TextStyle Unhandled: " + attr + "=" + value);
* Return true if text <code>attribute</code> is set in this
* <code>Style</code>. An attribute that is set may have a
* value of <i>on</i> or <i>off</i>.
* @param attribute The attribute to check ({@link #BOLD},
* {@link #ITALIC}, etc.).
* @return true if text <code>attribute</code> is set in this
* <code>Style</code>, false otherwise.
public boolean isSet(int attribute) {
return (!((mask & attribute) == 0));
* Return true if the <code>attribute</code> is set to <i>on</i>
* @param attribute Attribute to check ({@link #BOLD},
* {@link #ITALIC}, etc.)
* @return true if <code>attribute</code> is set to <i>on</i>,
* otherwise false.
public boolean getAttribute(int attribute) {
if ((mask & attribute) == 0)
return false;
return (!((values & attribute) == 0));
* Return the font size for this <code>Style</code>.
* @return The font size in points
public int getFontSize() {
return sizeInPoints;
* Return the name of the font for this <code>Style</code>.
* @return Name of font, or null if no font is specified by
* this <code>Style</code>.
public String getFontName() {
return fontName;
* Return the font <code>Color</code> for this <code>Style</code>.
* Can be null if none was specified.
* @return <code>Color</code> value for this <code>Style</code>.
* Can be null.
public Color getFontColor() {
return fontColor;
* Return the background <code>Color</code> for this
* <code>Style</code>. Can be null if none was specified.
* @return Background <code>Color</code> value for this
* <code>Style</code>. Can be null.
public Color getBackgroundColor() {
return bgColor;
* Set the font and/or background <code>Color</code> for this
* <code>Style</code>.
* @param fontColor The font <code>Color</code> to set.
* @param backgroundColor The background <code>Color</code> to set.
public void setColors(Color fontColor, Color backgroundColor) {
if (fontColor != null)
this.fontColor = fontColor;
if (backgroundColor != null)
this.bgColor = backgroundColor;
* Return a <code>Style</code> object corresponding to this one,
* but with all of the inherited information from parent
* <code>Style</code> objects filled in. The object returned will
* be a new object, not a reference to this object, even if it does
* not need any information added.
* @return The <code>StyleCatalog</code> in which to look up
* ancestors.
public Style getResolved() {
// Create a new object to return, which is a clone of this one.
TextStyle resolved = null;
try {
resolved = (TextStyle)this.clone();
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.log(Debug.ERROR, "Can't clone", e);
// Look up the parentStyle. (If there is no style catalog
// specified, we can't do any lookups.)
TextStyle parentStyle = null;
if (sc != null) {
if (parent != null) {
parentStyle = (TextStyle)sc.lookup(parent, family, null,
if (parentStyle == null)
Debug.log(Debug.ERROR, "parent style lookup of "
+ parent + " failed!");
parentStyle = (TextStyle)parentStyle.getResolved();
} else if (!name.equals("DEFAULT_STYLE")) {
parentStyle = (TextStyle)sc.lookup("DEFAULT_STYLE", null,
null, this.getClass());
// If we found a parent, for any attributes which we don't have
// set, try to get the values from the parent.
if (parentStyle != null) {
parentStyle = (TextStyle)parentStyle.getResolved();
if ((sizeInPoints == 0) && (parentStyle.sizeInPoints != 0))
resolved.sizeInPoints = parentStyle.sizeInPoints;
if ((fontName == null) && (parentStyle.fontName != null))
resolved.fontName = parentStyle.fontName;
if ((fontColor == null) && (parentStyle.fontColor != null))
resolved.fontColor = parentStyle.fontColor;
if ((bgColor == null) && (parentStyle.bgColor != null))
resolved.bgColor = parentStyle.bgColor;
for (int m = BOLD; m <= SUBSCRIPT; m = m << 1) {
if (((mask & m) == 0) && ((parentStyle.mask & m) != 0)) {
resolved.mask |= m;
resolved.values |= (parentStyle.mask & m);
return resolved;
* Set one or more text attributes to <i>on</i>.
* @param flags Flag values to set <i>on</i>.
private void turnAttributesOn(int flags) {
mask |= flags;
values |= flags;
* Set one or more text attributes to <i>off</i>.
* @param flags The flag values to set <i>off</i>.
private void turnAttributesOff(int flags) {
mask |= flags;
values &= ~flags;
* Private function to return the value as an element in
* a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.
* @param value The value to format.
* @return The formatted value.
private static String toCSV(String value) {
if (value != null)
return "\"" + value + "\",";
return "\"\",";
* Private function to return the value as a last element in
* a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.
* @param value The value to format.
* @return The formatted value.
private static String toLastCSV(String value) {
if (value != null)
return "\"" + value + "\"";
return "\"\"";
* Print a Comma Separated Value (CSV) header line for the
* spreadsheet dump.
public static void dumpHdr() {
System.out.println(toCSV("Name") + toCSV("Family") + toCSV("parent")
+ toCSV("Font") + toCSV("Size")
+ toCSV("Bold") + toCSV("Italic") + toCSV("Underline")
+ toCSV("Strikethru") + toCSV("Superscript") + toLastCSV("Subscript"));
* Dump this <code>Style</code> as a Comma Separated Value (CSV) line.
public void dumpCSV() {
String attributes = "";
for (int bitVal = 0x01; bitVal <= 0x20; bitVal = bitVal << 1) {
if ((bitVal & mask) != 0) {
attributes += toCSV(((bitVal & values) != 0) ? "yes" : "no");
} else attributes += toCSV(null); // unspecified
System.out.println(toCSV(name) + toCSV(family) + toCSV(parent)
+ toCSV(fontName) + toCSV("" + sizeInPoints) + attributes + toLastCSV(null));
* Create a new <code>Node</code> in the <code>Document</code>, and
* write this <code>Style</code> to it.
* @param parentDoc Parent <code>Document</code> of the
* <code>Node</code> to create.
* @param name Name to use for the new <code>Node</code> (e.g.
* <i>style:style</i>)
* @return Created <code>Node</code>.
public Node createNode(org.w3c.dom.Document parentDoc, String name) {
Element node = parentDoc.createElement(name);
return node;
* Return true if <code>style</code> specifies as much or less
* than this <code>Style</code>, and nothing it specifies
* contradicts this <code>Style</code>.
* @param style The <code>Style</code> to check.
* @return true if <code>style</code> is a subset, false
* otherwise.
public boolean isSubset(Style style) {
if (style.getClass() != this.getClass())
return false;
TextStyle tStyle = (TextStyle)style;
if (tStyle.values != values)
return false;
if (tStyle.sizeInPoints != 0) {
if (sizeInPoints != tStyle.sizeInPoints)
return false;
if (tStyle.fontName != null) {
if (fontName == null)
return false;
if (!fontName.equals(tStyle.fontName))
return false;
if (tStyle.fontColor != null) {
if (fontColor == null)
return false;
if (!fontColor.equals(tStyle.fontColor))
return false;
if (tStyle.bgColor != null) {
if (bgColor == null)
return false;
if (!bgColor.equals(tStyle.bgColor))
return false;
return true;
* Write this <code>Style</code> object's attributes to a
* <code>Node</code> in the <code>Document</code>.
* @param node The <code>Node</code> to add <code>Style</code>
* attributes.
public void writeAttributes(Element node) {
if ((mask & BOLD) != 0)
if ((values & BOLD) != 0)
node.setAttribute("fo:font-weight", "bold");
if ((mask & ITALIC) != 0)
if ((values & ITALIC) != 0)
node.setAttribute("fo:font-style", "italic");
if ((mask & UNDERLINE) != 0)
if ((values & UNDERLINE) != 0)
node.setAttribute("style:text-underline", "single");
if ((mask & STRIKETHRU) != 0)
if ((values & STRIKETHRU) != 0)
node.setAttribute("style:text-crossing-out", "single-line");
if ((mask & SUPERSCRIPT) != 0)
if ((values & SUPERSCRIPT) != 0)
node.setAttribute("style:text-position", "super 58%");
if ((mask & SUBSCRIPT) != 0)
if ((values & SUBSCRIPT) != 0)
node.setAttribute("style:text-position", "sub 58%");
if (sizeInPoints != 0) {
Integer fs = new Integer(sizeInPoints);
node.setAttribute("fo:font-size", fs.toString() + "pt");
if (fontName != null)
node.setAttribute("style:font-name", fontName);
if (fontColor != null)
node.setAttribute("fo:color", buildColorString(fontColor));
if (bgColor != null)
* Given a <code>Color</code>, return a string of the form
* <i>#rrggbb</i>.
* @param c The <code>Color</code> value.
* @return The <code>Color</code> value in the form <i>#rrggbb</i>.
private String buildColorString(Color c) {
int v[] = new int[3];
v[0] = c.getRed();
v[1] = c.getGreen();
v[2] = c.getBlue();
String colorString = new String("#");
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
String xx = Integer.toHexString(v[i]);
if (xx.length() < 2)
xx = "0" + xx;
colorString += xx;
return colorString;
private static String[] ignored = {
"style:text-autospace", "style:text-underline-color",
"fo:margin-left", "fo:margin-right", "fo:text-indent",
"fo:margin-top", "fo:margin-bottom", "text:line-number",
"text:number-lines", "style:country-asian",
"style:font-size-asian", "style:font-name-complex",
"style:language-complex", "style:country-complex",
"style:font-size-complex", "style:punctuation-wrap",
"fo:language", "fo:country",
"style:font-name-asian", "style:language-asian",
"style:line-break", "fo:keep-with-next"
* This code checks whether an attribute is one that we
* intentionally ignore.
* @param attribute The attribute to check.
* @return true if <code>attribute</code> can be ignored,
* otherwise false.
private boolean isIgnored(String attribute) {
for (int i = 0; i < ignored.length; i++) {
if (ignored[i].equals(attribute))
return true;
return false;