blob: 2ae620a30d131518bd799737672bc6cce8e10bbe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxc.pexcel.records.formula;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxc.pexcel.records.Workbook;
import org.openoffice.xmerge.util.Debug;
* This is the Formula Parser based on an article written by Jack Crenshaw. It is a
* top down parser with some basic error handling. It handles
* +,-,*,/,>,<,>=,<=,=,<>, unary + and - as well as functions.
* The BNF notation for this parser is
* <pre>
* &lt;expression&gt; ::= &lt;unary op&gt; &lt;term&gt; [&lt;addop&gt;|&lt;logop&gt; &lt;term&gt;]
* &lt;term&gt; ::= &lt;factor&gt; [&lt;mulop&gt; &lt;factor&gt;]
* &lt;factor&gt; ::= &lt;number&gt;[%] | &lt;CellRef&gt; | &lt;QuoteString&gt; | &lt;expression&gt;
* </pre>
public class FormulaParser {
private char look;
private String formulaStr;
private int index = 1;
private TokenFactory tokenFactory;
private Vector tokenVector;
private Workbook wb;
* Default constructor
public FormulaParser() {
Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Creating a Formula Parser");
tokenFactory = new TokenFactory();
tokenVector = new Vector();
public void setWorkbook(Workbook wb) {
this.wb = wb;
* Parse method for parsing from a String to a byte[]
* @param formula A <code>String</code> representation of a formula
* starting with the '=' character
* @return A <code>Vector</code> containing the parsed <code>Token</code>s
public Vector parse(String formula) throws FormulaParsingException {
index = 1;
look = ' ';
if(formula.startsWith("=")) {
formulaStr = formula;
Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Creating a Formula Parser for " + formulaStr);
} else {
throw new FormulaParsingException("No equals found!" + makeErrorString());
return tokenVector;
* Identify + and - operators
* @param c The character which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isAddOp(char c) {
return (c == '-') || (c == '+');
* Determine if the current character is a multiop
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isMultiOp() {
return look=='*' || look =='/' || look == '^' || look == '&';
* Identify &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=, =, &lt;&gt; using the index to find the current character(s)
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isLogicalOp() {
if (!isLogicalOpChar(look)) {
return false;
} else if ((index+1) >= formulaStr.length()) {//logical operators in their own right : if at end then return true
return true;
} else if (!isLogicalOpChar(formulaStr.charAt(index))) { // we have >, < or = on their own
return true;
} else if ((look == '<') && ((formulaStr.charAt(index) == '>') || formulaStr.charAt(index) == '=')) { // <>, or <=
return true;
} else if ((look == '>') && (formulaStr.charAt(index) == '=')) { // >=
return true;
return false;
* Identify &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=, =, &lt;&gt;
* @param op The <code>String</code> which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isLogicalOp(String op) {
return ((op.compareTo(">") == 0) ||
(op.compareTo("<") == 0) ||
(op.compareTo(">=") == 0) ||
(op.compareTo("<=") == 0) ||
(op.compareTo("=") == 0) ||
(op.compareTo("<>") == 0));
* Identify characters that MAY be logical operator characters
* @param c The character which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isLogicalOpChar(char c) {
return (c == '>') || (c == '<') || (c == '=');
* Identify special Cell Reference charaters
* @param c The character which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isCellRefSpecialChar(char c) {
return (c == ':') || (c == '$') || (c == '.');
* Identify letters
* @param c The character which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isAlpha(char c) {
* Identify numbers
* @param c The character which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isDigit(char c) {
* Identify numbers
* @param c The character which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isPercent(char c) {
return (c == '%');
* Identify letters or numbers
* @param c The character which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isAlphaNum(char c) {
return(isAlpha(c) || isDigit(c));
* Identify valid Characters for cell references
* @param c The character which is to be identified
* @return A boolean returning the result of the comparison
private boolean isCellRefChar(char c) {
return(isAlpha(c) || isDigit(c) || isCellRefSpecialChar(c));
* Test if current character is a match and move to next character
* @param c The character which is to be matched
private void match(char c) throws FormulaParsingException {
if(look==c) {
Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Operator Found : " + look);
throw new FormulaParsingException("Unexpected character '" + c + "'" + makeErrorString());
* Test if current character is a match and move to next character
* @param symbol The <code>String</code> to be matched.
private void match(String symbol) throws FormulaParsingException {
int numChars = symbol.length();
boolean bContinue = true;
for (int i=0;i<numChars && bContinue; i++) {
if (look == symbol.charAt(i)) {
bContinue = getChar();
} else {
throw new FormulaParsingException("Unexpected character '" + symbol + "'" + makeErrorString());
* Skip over whitespaces (ie. spaces and tabs)
private void skipWhite() throws FormulaParsingException {
boolean success = true;
while(Character.isWhitespace(look) && success) {
success = getChar();
* This is a factor for multiplication and division operators
private void factor() throws FormulaParsingException {
if(isAddOp(look)) { // handle unary addop
Character ch = new Character(look);
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken(ch.toString(), 1));
if(look=='(') {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken("(", 1));
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken(")", 1));
} else if(isDigit(look)){
} else {
* Pulls the next character from the <code>String</code>
* @return boolean false if the end if the statement
* is reached otherwise true
private boolean getChar() throws FormulaParsingException {
boolean success = true;
if(index<formulaStr.length()) {
look = formulaStr.charAt(index);
success = false;
} else {
success = false;
return success;
* Parses the number of arguments in a function
* @return The number of arguments
private int arguments() throws FormulaParsingException {
int numArgs;
numArgs = 0;
numArgs = 1;
while(look!=')') {
if(look==',') {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken(",", 1));
return numArgs;
* Test to see if we have come across a cell reference or a Name
* Definition.
private boolean isCellRef(String s) {
char c;
boolean result = false;
for(int i = 0;i<s.length();i++) {
c = s.charAt(i);
if(isCellRefSpecialChar(c)) {
result = true;
// if it is a simple cell reference then there will not be a cell
// reference 'special char' so we should also look for a digit
if(!result) {
if(isDigit(s.charAt(1)) || isDigit(s.charAt(2))) {
result = true;
return result;
* Test to see if we have come across a cell reference or a function and
* add the resulting toek nto the tokenVector.
private void ident() throws FormulaParsingException {
String cell = getTokenString();
if(look=='(') {
Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Found Function : " + cell);
int index = tokenVector.size();
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken("(", 1));
int numArgs = arguments();
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken(")", 1));
tokenVector.insertElementAt(tokenFactory.getFunctionToken(cell, numArgs), index);
} else {
if(cell.indexOf('.')!=-1) {
String cellRef = cell.substring(cell.indexOf('.') + 1, cell.length());
if(cellRef.indexOf(':')!=-1) {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperandToken(cell, "3D_CELL_AREA_REFERENCE"));
} else {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperandToken(cell, "3D_CELL_REFERENCE"));
} else if(cell.indexOf(':')!=-1) {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperandToken(cell, "CELL_AREA_REFERENCE"));
} else if(isCellRef(cell)) {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperandToken(cell, "CELL_REFERENCE"));
} else {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperandToken(cell, "NAME"));
* Will keep pulling valid logical operators from the formula and return
* the resultant <code>String</code>.
* @return a <code>String</code> representing a logical operator
private String getLogicalOperator() throws FormulaParsingException {
String op = new String();
boolean status;
do {
op += look;
status = getChar();
} while(isLogicalOpChar(look) && status);
return op;
* Keeps pulling characters from the statement until we get an
* operator and returns the resulting string.
* @return A <code>String</code>representing the next token
private String getTokenString() throws FormulaParsingException {
if(!isAlpha(look) && look!='$')
throw new FormulaParsingException("Expected Cell Reference" + makeErrorString());
else {
String cell = new String();
boolean status;
do {
cell += look;
status = getChar();
} while(isCellRefChar(look) && status);
return cell;
* Keeps pulling numbers from the statement and add the resulting integer
* token to the tokenVector.
private void getNum() throws FormulaParsingException {
Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"getNum : ");
throw new FormulaParsingException("Expected Integer" + makeErrorString());
else {
String num = new String();
boolean status;
do {
num += look;
status = getChar();
} while((isDigit(look) || ((look == '.') && isDigit(formulaStr.charAt(index)))) && status);
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperandToken(num, "INTEGER"));
if(isPercent(look)) {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken("%", 1));
Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Added Percent token to Vector: ");
Debug.log(Debug.TRACE,"Number parsed : " + num);
* Term will parse multiplication/division expressions
private void term() throws FormulaParsingException {
while(isMultiOp()) {
* Expression is the entry point for the parser. It is the code
* that parses addition/subtraction expressions.
private void expression() throws FormulaParsingException {
if (look == '"') { //Extract a quoted string...
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
boolean success = true;
success = getChar();
while (look != '"' && success) {
success = getChar();
if (look != '"') { //We've reached the end of the string without getting a closing quote
throw new FormulaParsingException("Expected closing quote." + makeErrorString());
} else {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperandToken(buff.toString(), "STRING"));
getChar(); //Move on to the next character
} else {
while(isAddOp(look) || isLogicalOp()) {
if (isAddOp(look)) {
} else if (isLogicalOp()) {
* Test to see if the next token (represented as a <code>String</code>) is
* the same as the String passed in. Move the index along to the end of
* that String and add that <code>Token</code> to the tokenVector. Then
* call <code>term</code> to parse the right hand side of the operator.
* @param op A <code>String</code> representing the operator
private void addOp(String op) throws FormulaParsingException {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken(op, 2));
* Test to see if the next token (represented as a <code>String</code>) is
* the same as the String passed in. Move the index along to the end of
* that String and add that <code>Token</code> to the tokenVector. Then
* call <code>factor</code> to parse the right hand side of the operator.
* @param op A <code>String</code> representing the operator
private void multiOp(String op) throws FormulaParsingException {
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken(op, 2));
* Pull a logical operator starting at the current index, add a token for
* that operator to the tokenVector and call <code>term</code> to parse the
* right hand side of the operator
private void logicalOp() throws FormulaParsingException {
String op = getLogicalOperator();
tokenVector.add(tokenFactory.getOperatorToken(op, 2));
private String makeErrorString() {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0; i<index-1; i++) {
buff.append(' ');
return "\n\t" + formulaStr + "\n\t" + buff.toString();