blob: 7fd720e28b28a76b44d053ea413472fa8f470cda [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package lib;
* Status represents a result of a testing activity performed. The result is
* described in two ways: state and runtime state. The state describes if the
* activity was successful (OK state) or not (FAILED state). The runtime state
* describes what happened during the activity: the test can be:
* - PASSED - the activity completed normally (although it can complete with
* FAILED state)
* - SKIPPED - the activity was not performed because of a reason (it also can
* has OK or FAILED state)
* - EXCEPTION - the activity was abnormally terminated because of an
* unexpected exception. It always has a FAILED state.
* - EXCLUDED - the activity is expected to fail. The state represents how
* the state really completed: OK or FAILED.
* - other variants are not formalized now and can be represented by
* Status.failed() method. They always have a FAILED state.
public class Status extends SimpleStatus {
* Construct a status: use runState and state
* @param runState either PASSED, SKIPPED, etc.
* @param state OK or FAILED.
public Status(int runState, boolean state ) {
super(runState, state);
* Construct a status: use own message and state.
* @parame message An own message for the status.
* @param state: OK or FAILED.
public Status(String message, boolean state) {
super( message, state );
* This is a factory method for creating a Status representing normal
* actibity termination.
* @param state describes a test state (OK if state == true, FAILED
* otherwise).
public static Status passed( boolean state ) {
return new Status(PASSED, state );
* This is a factory method for creating a Status representing an exception
* activity termination. The Status alway has FAILED state.
* @param t the exception with that the activity completed.
public static Status exception( Throwable t ) {
return new ExceptionStatus( t );
* This is a factory method for creating a Status representing a skipped
* activity.
* @param state describes a test state (OK if state == true, FAILED
* otherwise).
public static Status skipped( boolean state ) {
return new Status( SKIPPED, state );
* This is a factory method for creating a Status representing that the
* result of the activity was excluded. It alwas has FAILED state.
public static Status excluded() {
return new Status( EXCLUDED, false );
* Creates a Status representing an activity failed for an arbitrary reason.
* It always has FAILED state.
* @param reason describes why the activity failed
public static Status failed(final String reason) {
return new Status(reason, FAILED);
* The method returns a human-readable description of the status.
* The Status implementation of the method returns the status state
* description and appends to it it the reason, for example:
* "FAILED.The getLabel works wrong", "PASSED.OK".
public String toString() {
String str = getRunStateString() + "." + getStateString();
return str;
* Checks whether the status runstate is passed.
public boolean isPassed() {
return getRunState() == PASSED;
* Checks whether the status runstate is skipped.
public boolean isSkipped() {
return getRunState() == SKIPPED;
* Checks whether the status runstate is excluded.
public boolean isExcluded() {
return getRunState() == EXCLUDED;
* Checks whether the status runstate is exception.
public boolean isException() {
return getRunState() == EXCEPTION;
* Checks whether the status state is failed.
public boolean isFailed() {
return !getState();
* Checks whether the status state is ok.
public boolean isOK() {
return getState();
public String getDescription () {
return getRunStateString();