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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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<!DOCTYPE oor:component-schema SYSTEM "../../../../component-schema.dtd">
<oor:component-schema oor:name="WebWizard" oor:package="org.openoffice.Office" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns:oor="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="">
<desc >Contains the configuration schema for the web wizard</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizLayout">
<desc>Information on a web-wizard layout</desc>
<prop oor:name="Index" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>the index of the layout (start at 0, must be exporter-unique)</desc>
<prop oor:localized="true" oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>The UI name of the layout</desc>
<prop oor:name="FSName" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the directory name of the layout.</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizExporter">
<desc>Information on a web wizard exporter</desc>
<prop oor:localized="true" oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the UI name of the exporter</desc>
<prop oor:name="Index" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>a general index of the exporter, starts with 0, must be exporter-unique</desc>
<prop oor:name="ExporterClass" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>A full quilified class name of the exporter class</desc>
<prop oor:name="OwnDirectory" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>does this exporter needs an own directory to export to.</desc>
<prop oor:name="SupportsFilename" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>does this exporter support a given filename, or export to a self-generated filename</desc>
<prop oor:name="DefaultFilename" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>if does not support filename, what name does it use?</desc>
<prop oor:name="Extension" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the extension that should be used, if the expoter supports filename</desc>
<prop oor:name="SupportedMimeTypes" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>one of : writer/calc/impress/draw/graphics/other/(empty for all)</desc>
<prop oor:name="Icon" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the icon to use as preview</desc>
<prop oor:name="TargetType" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>A type name out of TypeDetection (like graphic_HTML)</desc>
<prop oor:name="PageType" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Page type of the target document; 0 = no page, 1 = pages, 2 = slides</desc>
<prop oor:name="Binary" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>if the target format is binary (like pdf) - html is NOT binary.</desc>
<set oor:name="Arguments" oor:node-type="WWizArgument">
<desc>additional arguments given to the exporter class by initialisation</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizArgument">
<desc>An argument used by exporters and other configuration groups/sets</desc>
<prop oor:name="Value" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the value of the argument</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizStyle">
<desc>Specifies style information (css)
<prop oor:name="Index" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>the index of the style (used by the ui) - starts with 0, must by - style-unique</desc>
<prop oor:localized="true" oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>UI name of the style</desc>
<prop oor:name="CssHref" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the name of the css file</desc>
<prop oor:name="BackgroundImage" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>default background image. not implemented.</desc>
<prop oor:name="IconSet" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>default iconset. not implemented</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizImage">
<desc>locates images for the background images of the webwizard</desc>
<prop oor:name="Href" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>either a directory or a full qualified filename. Office-path variables can be used.</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizIconSet">
<desc>describes an icon set, used in export of draw and impress documents.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Index" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>index of the icon set</desc>
<prop oor:localized="true" oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>UI name of the icon set</desc>
<prop oor:name="FNPrefix" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>prefix of the filename. see impress/draw html export</desc>
<prop oor:name="FNPostfix" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>postfix of the filename. see impress/draw html export</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizDocument">
<desc>describes a document to be exported</desc>
<prop oor:name="Index" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>the index of the document in the "content"</desc>
<prop oor:name="Title" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Title of the document</desc>
<prop oor:name="Description" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>description of the document</desc>
<prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>a full url of the document</desc>
<prop oor:name="Author" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the author of the document</desc>
<prop oor:name="Exporter" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the name of the exporter used for this document</desc>
<prop oor:name="ApplyWebStyle" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>not implemented</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizContent">
<desc>describes a web-wizard content, which contains
recursivley documents and other contents.
At the moment, contents contain only documents. Implementation of
sub-contents is a future issue
<prop oor:name="Index" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>the index of the content in its parent content.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>The content's name</desc>
<prop oor:name="Description" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>The contents description</desc>
<set oor:name="Contents" oor:node-type="WWizContent">
<desc>sub contents of this content. not implemented.</desc>
<set oor:name="Documents" oor:node-type="WWizDocument">
<desc>documents contained in this content</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizSession">
<desc>A web wizard session. contains all the user's input.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Index" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>the index of the session in the list of saved session.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>a user given name of the session</desc>
<prop oor:name="InDirectory" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the last used directory from which the user added documents
to the wizard.
<prop oor:name="OutDirectory" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>The last directory the user used as output.</desc>
<node-ref oor:name="Content" oor:node-type="WWizContent">
<desc>the content (documents) of the session</desc>
<group oor:name="Design">
<desc>design specifications of the session.</desc>
<prop oor:name="Layout" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>layout name chosen by the user</desc>
<prop oor:name="Style" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Style name chosen by the user.</desc>
<prop oor:name="BackgroundImage" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>background image chosen by the user.</desc>
<prop oor:name="IconSet" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Icon set chosen by the user.</desc>
<prop oor:name="OptimizeDisplaySize" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>0 = 640x..., 1 = 800x..., 2 = 1024x...</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplayTitle" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<prop oor:name="DisplayDescription" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the desctiprion of each document be listed in the TOC</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplayAuthor" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the author of each document be listed in the TOC</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplayCreateDate" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the creation date of each document be listed in the TOC</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplayUpdateDate" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the "last changed date" of each document be listed in the TOC</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplayFilename" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the filename of each document be listed in the TOC</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplayFileFormat" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the file format of each document be listed in the TOC</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplayFormatIcon" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the file format icon of each document be listed in the TOC</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplayPages" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the number of pages/slides of each document be listed in the TOC</desc>
<prop oor:name="DisplaySize" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should the size of binary files be listed in the TOC</desc>
<group oor:name="GeneralInfo">
<desc>the general web site information of the session</desc>
<prop oor:name="Title" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>web site title</desc>
<prop oor:name="Description" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>web site description </desc>
<prop oor:name="Icon" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>web site favIcon (local URL)</desc>
<prop oor:name="Author" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Web Site author</desc>
<prop oor:name="Keywords" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>web site keywords</desc>
<prop oor:name="CreationDate" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>web site creation date</desc>
<prop oor:name="UpdateDate" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>web site last update date</desc>
<prop oor:name="RevisitAfter" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>web site rvisit after meta info</desc>
<prop oor:name="Email" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>email for contact in web site</desc>
<prop oor:name="Copyright" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>copyright notice of web site</desc>
<set oor:name="Publishing" oor:node-type="WWizPublish">
<desc>publishing information of the web site.
always contains always 3 members with the names local, ftp and zip.
<group oor:name="WWizPublish">
<desc>specifies information of a single target to publish to</desc>
<prop oor:name="Publish" oor:type="xs:boolean">
<desc>should this target be used?</desc>
<prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>full url to publish to</desc>
<prop oor:name="Username" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>used by ftp targets</desc>
<group oor:name="WWizFilter">
<desc>specifies information of a filter for the add dialog</desc>
<prop oor:name="Index" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>the index of the filter </desc>
<prop oor:localized="true" oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>UI Name of the filter</desc>
<prop oor:name="Filter" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Semicolon separated list of file types this filter will show</desc>
<group oor:name="WebWizard">
<desc>the web wizard configuration</desc>
<prop oor:name="WorkDir" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>the sub dir under temnplate/(langauge)/ of the web wizard files</desc>
<prop oor:name="LastSavedSession" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>The name of the last saved session. empty if last session was not saved.</desc>
<set oor:name="Exporters" oor:node-type="WWizExporter">
<desc>the set of available exporters</desc>
<set oor:name="Layouts" oor:node-type="WWizLayout">
<desc>the set of available layouts</desc>
<set oor:name="Styles" oor:node-type="WWizStyle">
<desc>the set of available styles</desc>
<set oor:name="BackgroundImages" oor:node-type="WWizImage">
<desc>the set of available background images</desc>
<set oor:name="IconSets" oor:node-type="WWizIconSet">
<desc>the set of available icon sets (at the moment, hard programmed 4)</desc>
<set oor:name="SavedSessions" oor:node-type="WWizSession">
<desc>the set of saved sessions.</desc>
<set oor:name="Filters" oor:node-type="WWizFilter">
<desc>the set filters in the "add" dialog.</desc>
<node-ref oor:name="DefaultSession" oor:node-type="WWizSession">
<desc>the default settings are loaded from this session.</desc>