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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* under the License.
#ifndef __com_sun_star_awt_XPopupMenu_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_awt_XPopupMenu_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/awt/KeyEvent.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Rectangle.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/XMenu.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/graphic/XGraphic.idl>
module com { module sun { module star { module awt {
published interface XWindowPeer;
/** controls a popup menu.
published interface XPopupMenu: XMenu
/** inserts a separator at the specified position.
@param nItemPos
specifies the position where the menu separator will be insterted.
[oneway] void insertSeparator( [in] short nItemPos );
/** sets the menu default item.
@param nItemId
specifies the menu item identifier.
[oneway] void setDefaultItem( [in] short nItemId );
/** returns the menu default item.
the ID of the default item.
short getDefaultItem();
/** sets the state of the item to be checked or unchecked.
@param nItemId
specifies the menu item identifier.
@param bCheck
specifies if the item is checked (<TRUE/>) or unchecked (<FALSE/>).
[oneway] void checkItem( [in] short nItemId,
[in] boolean bCheck );
/** returns whether the item is checked or unchecked.
@param nItemId
specifies the menu item identifier.
<TRUE/> if the item is checked, <FALSE/> otherwise.
boolean isItemChecked( [in] short nItemId );
/** executes the popup menu and returns the selected item
or <code>0</code>, if cancelled.
@param Parent
the parent window.
@param Position
a <type>Rectangle</type> representing the coordinates system
where the popup menu should be executed.
@param Direction
the direction in which a popup menu will grow, as specified
by one of the <type>PopupMenuDirection</type> constants.
returns the selected item or <code>0</code>, if cancelled.
short execute( [in] XWindowPeer Parent,
[in] Rectangle Position,
[in] short Direction );
/** queries if the <type>PopupMenu</type> is being.
<p>Returns <TRUE/> only if the <type>PopupMenu</type> is being executed
as a result of invoking <member >XPopupMenu::execute()</member>; that is,
for a <type>PopupMenu</type> activated by a <type>MenuBar</type> item,
this methods returns <FALSE/>.</p>
<TRUE/> if the <type>PopupMenu</type> is being executed,
<FALSE/> otherwise.
@see <member >XPopupMenu::execute()</member>
boolean isInExecute();
/** ends the execution of the <type>PopupMenu</type>.
<p><member scope="com::sun::star::awt">XPopupMenu::execute()</member>
will then return 0.</p>
@see <member scope="com::sun::star::awt">XPopupMenu::execute()</member>
void endExecute();
/** sets the <type>KeyEvent</type> for the menu item.
<p>The <type>KeyEvent</type> is <b>only</b> used as a container to transport
the shortcut information, this methods only draws the text corresponding to
this keyboard shortcut. The client code is responsible for listening to
keyboard events (typically done via <type>XUserInputInterception</type>),
and dispatch the respective command.</p>
@param nItemId
specifies the menu item identifier for which the <type>KeyEvent</type> should be set.
@param aKeyEvent
specifies the <type>KeyEvent</type> for the menu item.
void setAcceleratorKeyEvent( [in] short nItemId,
[in] KeyEvent aKeyEvent );
/** retrieves the <type>KeyEvent</type> for the menu item.
<p>The <type>KeyEvent</type> is <b>only</b> used as a container to transport
the shortcut information, so that in this case
<member scope="::com::sun::star::lang::">EventObject::Source</member> is <NULL/>.</p>
@param nItemId
specifies the menu item identifier for which the <type>KeyEvent</type> should be retrieved.
the <type>KeyEvent</type> struct assigned to the requested menu item.
KeyEvent getAcceleratorKeyEvent( [in] short nItemId );
/** sets the image for the menu item.
@param nItemId
specifies the menu item identifier for which the image should be set.
@param xGraphic
specifies the image for the menu item.
@param bScale
if <TRUE/>, the image will be scaled to the standard size used internally by
the implementation.
void setItemImage( [in] short nItemId,
[in] ::com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic xGraphic,
[in] boolean bScale );
/** retrieves the image for the menu item.
@param nItemId
specifies the menu item identifier for which the image should be retrieved.
a <type scope="::com::sun::star::graphic::">XGraphic</type> reference
to the current image for the requested menu item.
::com::sun::star::graphic::XGraphic getItemImage( [in] short nItemId );
}; }; }; };