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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// my own includes
#include <threadhelp/inoncopyable.h>
#include <framework/imutex.hxx>
#include <threadhelp/irwlock.h>
#include <threadhelp/fairrwlock.hxx>
// interface includes
// other includes
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#include <vos/mutex.hxx>
#include <fwidllapi.h>
// namespace
namespace framework{
// const
@descr If you use a lock or mutex as a member of your class and whish to use it earlier then other ones
you should have a look on this implementation. You must use it as the first base class
of your implementation - because base classes are initialized by his order and before your
member! Thats why ist a good place to declare your thread help member so.
enum ELockType
// declarations
@short helper to set right lock in right situation
@descr This helper support different types of locking:
a) no locks - transparent for user!
This could be useful for simluation or single threaded environments!
b) own mutex
An object use his own osl-mutex to be threadsafe. Useful for easy and exclusiv locking.
c) solar mutex
An object use our solar mutex and will be a part of a greater safed "threadsafe code block".
Could be useful for simulation and testing of higher modules!
d) fair rw-lock
An object use an implementation of a fair rw-lock. This increase granularity of t hreadsafe mechanism
and should be used for high performance threadsafe code!
@attention We support two interfaces - "IMutex" and "IRWLock". Don't mix using of it!
A guard implementation should use one interface only!
@implements IMutex
@implements IRWLock
@base INonCopyable
@devstatus draft
class FWI_DLLPUBLIC LockHelper : public IMutex
, public IRWLock
, private INonCopyable
// public methods
// ctor/dtor
LockHelper( ::vos::IMutex* pSolarMutex = NULL );
virtual ~LockHelper( );
// interface ::framework::IMutex
virtual void acquire();
virtual void release();
// interface ::framework::IRWLock
virtual void acquireReadAccess ();
virtual void releaseReadAccess ();
virtual void acquireWriteAccess ();
virtual void releaseWriteAccess ();
virtual void downgradeWriteAccess();
// something else
static LockHelper& getGlobalLock ( ::vos::IMutex* pSolarMutex = NULL );
::osl::Mutex& getShareableOslMutex( );
// private methods
static ELockType& implts_getLockType();
// private member
// a) Make some member mutable for using in const functions!
// b) "m_eLockType" define, which of follow members is used!
// You can use "m_pFairRWLock" as a fair rw-lock (multiple reader / one writer / looks for incoming order of threads too) ...
// or you can use a normal osl mutex ("m_pOwnMutex") ...
// ... or the solarmuex as "m_pSolarMutex" (must be set from outside! because some components must be vcl-free!)
// ... but sometimes you need a shareable osl mutex!
// In this case you has some problems: i ) If your lock type is set to E_OWNMUTEX => it's easy; you can use your member "m_pOwnMutex" - it's a osl mutex.
// Creation and use of "m_pShareableOslMutex" isn't necessary!
// ii ) Otherwise you have no osl mutex ... so you must create "m_pShareableOslMutex" and use it twice!
// In this case you must lock two members every time - "m_pShareableMutex" AND "m_pFairRWLock" or "m_pSolarMutex" or ...
// It isn't really fine - but the only possible way.
// iii) There exist another special case - E_NOTHING is set! Then we should create this shareable mutex ...
// nad you can use it ... but this implmentation ignore it.
ELockType m_eLockType ;
mutable FairRWLock* m_pFairRWLock ;
mutable ::osl::Mutex* m_pOwnMutex ;
mutable ::vos::IMutex* m_pSolarMutex ;
mutable ::osl::Mutex* m_pShareableOslMutex ;
mutable sal_Bool m_bDummySolarMutex ;
} // namespace framework