blob: 2dc5159c3a8bcdd66de271f798f20907f71432d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_filter.hxx"
#include "typedetection.hxx"
#include "constant.hxx"
// includes
#include <com/sun/star/document/XExtendedFilterDetection.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XURLTransformer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/XInputStream.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/XSeekable.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/task/XInteractionHandler.hpp>
#include <tools/wldcrd.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <framework/interaction.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <unotools/localfilehelper.hxx>
// namespace
namespace filter{
namespace config{
namespace css = ::com::sun::star;
// definitions
// Use this switch to change the behaviour of preselection DocumentService ... (see using for further informations)
// enable/disable special handling for CSV/TXT problem
03.07.2003 11:25
TypeDetection::TypeDetection(const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xSMGR)
BaseContainer::init(xSMGR ,
TypeDetection::impl_getImplementationName() ,
FilterCache::E_TYPE );
03.07.2003 10:36
03.11.2003 08:43
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL TypeDetection::queryTypeByURL(const ::rtl::OUString& sURL)
throw (css::uno::RuntimeException)
::rtl::OUString sType;
// SAFE ->
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
css::util::URL aURL;
aURL.Complete = sURL;
css::uno::Reference< css::util::XURLTransformer > xParser(m_xSMGR->createInstance(SERVICE_URLTRANSFORMER), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
// set std types as minimum requirement first!
// Only in case no type was found for given URL,
// use optional types too ...
FlatDetection lFlatTypes;
m_rCache->detectFlatForURL(aURL, lFlatTypes);
if (
(lFlatTypes.size() < 1 ) &&
m_rCache->detectFlatForURL(aURL, lFlatTypes);
// first item is guaranteed as "preferred" one!
if (lFlatTypes.size() > 0)
const FlatDetectionInfo& aMatch = *(lFlatTypes.begin());
sType = aMatch.sType;
return sType;
// <- SAFE
31.10.2003 09:36
::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL TypeDetection::queryTypeByDescriptor(css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& lDescriptor,
sal_Bool bAllowDeep )
throw (css::uno::RuntimeException)
// make the descriptor more useable :-)
::comphelper::MediaDescriptor stlDescriptor(lDescriptor);
// SAFE -> ----------------------------------
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
// parse given URL to split it into e.g. main and jump marks ...
::rtl::OUString sURL = stlDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_URL(), ::rtl::OUString());
if (stlDescriptor.find(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("FileName")) != stlDescriptor.end())
OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "Detect using of deprecated and already unsupported MediaDescriptor property \"FileName\"!");
css::util::URL aURL;
aURL.Complete = sURL;
css::uno::Reference< css::util::XURLTransformer > xParser(m_xSMGR->createInstance(SERVICE_URLTRANSFORMER), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
// preselected filter, type or document service?
// use it as first "flat" detected type later!
FlatDetection lFlatTypes;
impl_getPreselection(aURL, stlDescriptor, lFlatTypes);
// get all types, which match to the given descriptor
// That can be true by: extensions/url pattern/mime type etcpp.
m_rCache->detectFlatForURL(aURL, lFlatTypes);
// <- SAFE ----------------------------------
::rtl::OUString sType ;
::rtl::OUString sLastChance;
// verify every flat detected (or preselected!) type
// by calling its registered deep detection service.
// But break this loop if a type match to the given descriptor
// by an URL pattern(!) or if deep detection isn't allowed from
// outside (bAllowDeep=sal_False) or break the whole detection by
// throwing an exception if creation of the might needed input
// stream failed by e.g. an IO exception ...
OUStringList lUsedDetectors;
if (lFlatTypes.size()>0)
sType = impl_detectTypeFlatAndDeep(stlDescriptor, lFlatTypes, bAllowDeep, lUsedDetectors, sLastChance);
// if no flat detected (nor preselected!) type could be
// verified and no error occurred during creation of
// the might needed input stream, start detection
// which uses all registered deep detection services.
if (
(!sType.getLength()) &&
(bAllowDeep )
sType = impl_detectTypeDeepOnly(stlDescriptor, lUsedDetectors);
// flat detection failed
// pure deep detection failed
// => ask might existing InteractionHandler
// means: ask user for it's decision
if (!sType.getLength())
sType = impl_askUserForTypeAndFilterIfAllowed(stlDescriptor);
// no real detected type - but a might valid one.
// update descriptor and set last chance for return.
if (!sType.getLength() && sLastChance.getLength())
OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "set first flat detected type without a registered deep detection service as \"last chance\" ... nevertheless some other deep detections said \"NO\". I TRY IT!");
sType = sLastChance;
catch(const css::uno::RuntimeException&)
{ throw; }
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
{ sType = ::rtl::OUString(); }
// adapt media descriptor, so it contains the right values
// for type/filter name/document service/ etcpp.
impl_checkResultsAndAddBestFilter(stlDescriptor, sType); // Attention: sType is used as IN/OUT param here and will might be changed inside this method !!!
impl_validateAndSetTypeOnDescriptor(stlDescriptor, sType);
stlDescriptor >> lDescriptor;
return sType;
03.07.2003 10:36
void TypeDetection::impl_checkResultsAndAddBestFilter(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor,
::rtl::OUString& sType )
// a)
// Dont overwrite a might preselected filter!
::rtl::OUString sFilter = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(
if (sFilter.getLength())
// b)
// check a preselected document service too.
// Then we have to search a suitable filter witin this module.
::rtl::OUString sDocumentService = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(
if (sDocumentService.getLength())
::rtl::OUString sRealType = sType;
// Workaround for #i60158#
// We do not have right filter for Text_Ascii in calc nor a suitable filter for CSV in writer.
// So we must overrule our detection and make the right things. Normaly we should have
// one type TextAscii and two filters registered for these one type.
// But then we loose automatic opening of CSV files in calc instead of opening these files
// inside writer.
if (
(sDocumentService.equalsAscii("")) &&
(sRealType.equalsAscii("writer_Text" )) ||
sRealType = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("calc_Text_txt_csv_StarCalc");
if (
(sDocumentService.equalsAscii("")) &&
(sRealType.equalsAscii("calc_Text_txt_csv_StarCalc" ))
sRealType = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("writer_Text");
#endif // WORKAROUND_CSV_TXT_BUG_i60158
// SAFE ->
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
// Attention: For executing next lines of code, We must be shure that
// all filters already loaded :-(
// That can disturb our "load on demand feature". But we have no other chance!
CacheItem lIProps;
lIProps[PROPNAME_DOCUMENTSERVICE] <<= sDocumentService;
lIProps[PROPNAME_TYPE ] <<= sRealType;
OUStringList lFilters = m_rCache->getMatchingItemsByProps(FilterCache::E_FILTER, lIProps);
// <- SAFE
for ( OUStringList::const_iterator pIt = lFilters.begin();
pIt != lFilters.end() && sFilter.getLength() == 0 ;
++pIt )
// SAFE ->
CacheItem aFilter = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_FILTER, *pIt);
sal_Int32 nFlags = 0;
aFilter[PROPNAME_FLAGS] >>= nFlags;
sFilter = *pIt;
catch(const css::uno::Exception&) {}
// <- SAFE
if (sFilter.getLength() > 0)
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME() ] <<= sRealType;
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME()] <<= sFilter;
sType = sRealType;
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
// c)
// We can use the preferred filter for the specified type.
// Such preferred filter points:
// - to the default filter of the preferred application
// - or to any other filter if no preferred filter was set.
// Note: It's an optimization only!
// It's not guaranteed, that such preferred filter exists.
sFilter = ::rtl::OUString();
// SAFE ->
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
CacheItem aType = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_TYPE, sType);
CacheItem aFilter = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_FILTER, sFilter);
// <- SAFE
// no exception => found valid type and filter => set it on the given descriptor
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME() ] <<= sType ;
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME()] <<= sFilter;
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
// d)
// Search for any import(!) filter, which is registered for this type.
sFilter = ::rtl::OUString();
// SAFE ->
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
// Attention: For executing next lines of code, We must be shure that
// all filters already loaded :-(
// That can disturb our "load on demand feature". But we have no other chance!
CacheItem lIProps;
lIProps[PROPNAME_TYPE] <<= sType;
OUStringList lFilters = m_rCache->getMatchingItemsByProps(FilterCache::E_FILTER, lIProps);
// <- SAFE
OUStringList::const_iterator pIt;
for ( pIt = lFilters.begin();
pIt != lFilters.end() ;
++pIt )
sFilter = *pIt;
// SAFE ->
CacheItem aFilter = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_FILTER, sFilter);
sal_Int32 nFlags = 0;
aFilter[PROPNAME_FLAGS] >>= nFlags;
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
{ continue; }
// <- SAFE
sFilter = ::rtl::OUString();
if (sFilter.getLength())
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME() ] <<= sType ;
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME()] <<= sFilter;
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
14.11.2003 12:06
sal_Bool TypeDetection::impl_getPreselectionForType(const ::rtl::OUString& sPreSelType,
const css::util::URL& aParsedURL ,
FlatDetection& rFlatTypes )
// Can be used to suppress execution of some parts of this method
// if its already clear that detected type is valid or not.
// Its necessary to use shared code at the end, which update
// all return parameters constistency!
sal_Bool bBreakDetection = sal_False;
// Further we must know if it matches by pattern
// Every flat detected type by pattern wont be detected deep!
sal_Bool bMatchByPattern = sal_False;
// And we must know if a preselection must be preferred, because
// it matches by it's extension too.
sal_Bool bMatchByExtension = sal_False;
// If we e.g. collect all filters of a factory (be a forced factory preselection)
// we should preferr all filters of this factory, where the type match the given URL.
// All other types (which sorrespond to filters of the same factory - but dont match
// the URL) should be "used later" for detection and sorted at the end of our return vector
// rFlatTypes!
// => bPreferredPreselection = (matchByExtension || matchByURLPattern)
sal_Bool bPreferredPreselection = sal_False;
// validate type
::rtl::OUString sType(sPreSelType);
CacheItem aType;
// SAFE -> --------------------------
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
aType = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_TYPE, sType);
// <- SAFE --------------------------
catch(const css::container::NoSuchElementException&)
sType = ::rtl::OUString();
bBreakDetection = sal_True;
if (!bBreakDetection)
// We can't check a preselected type for a given stream!
// So we must believe, that it can work ...
if (aParsedURL.Complete.equalsAsciiL("private:stream", 14))
bBreakDetection = sal_True;
if (!bBreakDetection)
// extract extension from URL .. to check it case-insensitive !
INetURLObject aParser (aParsedURL.Main);
::rtl::OUString sExtension = aParser.getExtension(INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT ,
sal_True ,
sExtension = sExtension.toAsciiLowerCase();
// otherwise we must know, if it matches to the given URL really.
// especially if it matches by its extension or pattern registration.
OUStringList lExtensions(aType[PROPNAME_EXTENSIONS]);
for (OUStringList::const_iterator pIt = lExtensions.begin();
pIt != lExtensions.end() ;
++pIt )
::rtl::OUString sCheckExtension(pIt->toAsciiLowerCase());
if (sCheckExtension.equals(sExtension))
bBreakDetection = sal_True;
bMatchByExtension = sal_True;
bPreferredPreselection = sal_True;
if (!bBreakDetection)
for (OUStringList::const_iterator pIt = lURLPattern.begin();
pIt != lURLPattern.end() ;
++pIt )
WildCard aCheck(*pIt);
if (aCheck.Matches(aParsedURL.Main))
bBreakDetection = sal_True;
bMatchByPattern = sal_True;
bPreferredPreselection = sal_True;
Comment ... why the following line of code should be comened out .-)
This type does not seem to fit the requirements
But its an existing and well known type.
At least - [because may be the extension was missing :-( ]
we should try to detect this type deep ...
So we accept it here :-)
if (!bBreakDetection)
sType = ::rtl::OUString();
// if its a valid type - set it on all return values!
if (sType.getLength())
FlatDetectionInfo aInfo;
aInfo.sType = sType;
aInfo.bMatchByExtension = bMatchByExtension;
aInfo.bMatchByPattern = bMatchByPattern;
aInfo.bPreselectedAsType = sal_True;
if (bPreferredPreselection)
return sal_True;
// not valid!
return sal_False;
14.11.2003 12:09
sal_Bool TypeDetection::impl_getPreselectionForFilter(const ::rtl::OUString& sPreSelFilter,
const css::util::URL& aParsedURL ,
FlatDetection& rFlatTypes )
// Can be used to suppress execution of some parts of this method
// if its already clear that detected filter is valid or not.
// Its necessary to use shared code at the end, which update
// all return parameters constistency!
sal_Bool bBreakDetection = sal_False;
// validate filter
::rtl::OUString sFilter(sPreSelFilter);
CacheItem aFilter;
// SAFE -> --------------------------
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
aFilter = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_FILTER, sFilter);
// <- SAFE --------------------------
catch(const css::container::NoSuchElementException&)
sFilter = ::rtl::OUString();
bBreakDetection = sal_True;
if (!bBreakDetection)
// get its type and check if it matches the given URL
::rtl::OUString sType;
aFilter[PROPNAME_TYPE] >>= sType;
bBreakDetection = impl_getPreselectionForType(sType, aParsedURL, rFlatTypes);
// not a valid type? -> not a valid filter!
if (!bBreakDetection)
sFilter = ::rtl::OUString();
// We have to mark all retrieved preselection items as "preselected by filter"!
FlatDetection::iterator pIt;
for ( pIt = rFlatTypes.begin();
pIt != rFlatTypes.end() ;
++pIt )
FlatDetectionInfo& rInfo = *pIt;
rInfo.bPreselectedAsType = sal_False;
rInfo.bPreselectedByFilter = sal_True;
if (sFilter.getLength())
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
14.11.2003 12:11
sal_Bool TypeDetection::impl_getPreselectionForDocumentService(const ::rtl::OUString& sPreSelDocumentService,
const css::util::URL& aParsedURL ,
FlatDetection& rFlatTypes )
// get all filters, which match to this doc service
OUStringList lFilters;
// SAFE -> --------------------------
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
// Attention: For executing next lines of code, We must be shure that
// all filters already loaded :-(
// That can disturb our "load on demand feature". But we have no other chance!
CacheItem lIProps;
lIProps[PROPNAME_DOCUMENTSERVICE] <<= sPreSelDocumentService;
lFilters = m_rCache->getMatchingItemsByProps(FilterCache::E_FILTER, lIProps);
// <- SAFE --------------------------
catch(const css::container::NoSuchElementException&)
// step over all filters, and check if its registered type
// match the given URL.
// But use temp. list of "preselected types" instead of incoming rFlatTypes list!
// The reason behind: we must filter the getted results. And copying of stl entries
// is an easier job then removing it .-)
FlatDetection lPreselections;
for (OUStringList::const_iterator pFilter = lFilters.begin();
pFilter != lFilters.end() ;
++pFilter )
const ::rtl::OUString sFilter = *pFilter;
impl_getPreselectionForFilter(sFilter, aParsedURL, lPreselections);
// We have to mark all retrieved preselection items as "preselected by document service".
// Further we must ignore all preselected items, which does not match the URL!
FlatDetection::iterator pIt;
for ( pIt = lPreselections.begin();
pIt != lPreselections.end() ;
++pIt )
FlatDetectionInfo& rInfo = *pIt;
Preselection by DocumentService ...
How many filters (and corresponding types) must be checked ?
All or only the list of filters/types, which match to the given URL too ?
There is no final decision about this currently. So we make it "configurable" .-)
if (
(!rInfo.bMatchByExtension) &&
(!rInfo.bMatchByPattern )
rInfo.bPreselectedAsType = sal_False;
rInfo.bPreselectedByFilter = sal_False;
rInfo.bPreselectedByDocumentService = sal_True ;
return sal_True;
14.11.2003 12:21
void TypeDetection::impl_getPreselection(const css::util::URL& aParsedURL ,
::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor,
FlatDetection& rFlatTypes )
// done to be shure, that only valid results leave this function!
/* #i55122#
Sometimes we must detect files without or with real unknown extensions.
If it does not work /which can happen of course .-)/, the user tried to preselect
the right format. But some special dialogs (e.g. "Insert->Sheet From File")
add it's own preselection too.
So we have a combination of preselected values ...
The we should preferr the most important one - set by the user.
And the user normaly preselects a filter or type. The preslected
document service cames from the dialog.
Further it doesn't matter if the user preselected a filter or a document service.
A filter selection is always more explicit then a document service selection.
So it must be pereferred. An order between type and filter selection can't be discussed .-)
::rtl::OUString sSelectedType = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME(), ::rtl::OUString());
if (sSelectedType.getLength())
impl_getPreselectionForType(sSelectedType, aParsedURL, rFlatTypes);
::rtl::OUString sSelectedFilter = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME(), ::rtl::OUString());
if (sSelectedFilter.getLength())
impl_getPreselectionForFilter(sSelectedFilter, aParsedURL, rFlatTypes);
::rtl::OUString sSelectedDoc = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_DOCUMENTSERVICE(), ::rtl::OUString());
if (sSelectedDoc.getLength())
impl_getPreselectionForDocumentService(sSelectedDoc, aParsedURL, rFlatTypes);
03.11.2003 09:17
::rtl::OUString TypeDetection::impl_detectTypeFlatAndDeep( ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor ,
const FlatDetection& lFlatTypes ,
sal_Bool bAllowDeep ,
OUStringList& rUsedDetectors,
::rtl::OUString& rLastChance )
// reset it everytimes, so the outside code can distinguish between
// a set and a not set value.
rLastChance = ::rtl::OUString();
// step over all possible types for this URL.
// solutions:
// a) no types => no detection
// b) deep detection not allowed => return first valid type of list (because its the preferred or the first valid one)
// or(!) match by URLPattern => in such case a deep detection will be suppressed!
// c) type has no detect service => safe the first occurred type without a detect service
// as "last chance"(!). It will be used outside of this method
// if no further type could be detected.
// It must be the first one, because it can be a preferred type.
// Our types list was sorted by such criteria!
// d) detect service return a valid result => return its decision
// e) detect service return an invalid result
// or any needed information could not be
// getted from the cache => ignore it, and continue with search
for (FlatDetection::const_iterator pFlatIt = lFlatTypes.begin();
pFlatIt != lFlatTypes.end() ;
++pFlatIt )
const FlatDetectionInfo& aFlatTypeInfo = *pFlatIt;
::rtl::OUString sFlatType = aFlatTypeInfo.sType;
if (!impl_validateAndSetTypeOnDescriptor(rDescriptor, sFlatType))
// b)
if (
(!bAllowDeep ) ||
return sFlatType;
// SAFE -> ----------------------------------
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
CacheItem aType = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_TYPE, sFlatType);
::rtl::OUString sDetectService;
aType[PROPNAME_DETECTSERVICE] >>= sDetectService;
// c)
if (!sDetectService.getLength())
// accept or not accept flat types without deep detection: that's the question :-)
// May be there exists some states, where we have to use our LastChance feature instead
// of using the flat type directly.
// Here the list of task ID's, which wasrelated to these lines of code:
// #i47159#, #i43404#, #i46494#
// a flat detected type without the chance for a deep detection ... but preselected by the user
// explicitly (means preselected as type or filter ... not as documentservice!)
// should be accepted. So the user can overrule our detection.
if (
(aFlatTypeInfo.bPreselectedAsType ) ||
return sFlatType;
// flat detected types without any registered deep detection service and not
// preselected by the user can be used as LAST CHANCE in case no other type could
// be detected. Of course only the first type without deep detector can be used.
// Further ones has to be ignored.
if (rLastChance.getLength() < 1)
rLastChance = sFlatType;
// dont forget to add every real asked deep detection service here.
// Such detectors will be ignored if may be "impl_detectTypeDeepOnly()"
// must be called later!
::rtl::OUString sDeepType = impl_askDetectService(sDetectService, rDescriptor);
// d)
if (sDeepType.getLength())
return sDeepType;
catch(const css::container::NoSuchElementException&)
// e)
return ::rtl::OUString();
// <- SAFE ----------------------------------
03.11.2003 09:19
::rtl::OUString TypeDetection::impl_detectTypeDeepOnly( ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor ,
const OUStringList& lOutsideUsedDetectors)
// We must know if a detect service was already used:
// i) in a combined flat/deep detection scenario outside or
// ii) in this method for a deep detection only.
// Reason: Such deep detection services work differently in these two modes!
OUStringList lInsideUsedDetectors;
OUStringList::const_iterator pIt;
// a)
// The list of "already used detect services" correspond to the list
// of preselected or flat detected types. But these detect services was called
// to check these types explicitly and return black/white ... yes/no only.
// Now they are called to return any possible result. But we should preferr
// these already used detect services against all other ones!
for ( pIt = lOutsideUsedDetectors.begin();
pIt != lOutsideUsedDetectors.end() ;
++pIt )
const ::rtl::OUString& sDetectService = *pIt;
::rtl::OUString sDeepType = impl_askDetectService(sDetectService, rDescriptor);
if (sDeepType.getLength())
return sDeepType;
// SAFE -> ----------------------------------
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
OUStringList lDetectors = m_rCache->getItemNames(FilterCache::E_DETECTSERVICE);
// <- SAFE ----------------------------------
// b)
// Sometimes it would be nice to ask a special set of detect services before
// any other detect service is asked. E.g. by using a preselection of a DocumentService.
// That's needed to prevent us from asking the "wrong application module" and
// opening the files into the "wrong application".
::rtl::OUString sPreselDocumentService = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(
if (sPreselDocumentService.getLength())
for ( pIt = lDetectors.begin();
pIt != lDetectors.end() ;
++pIt )
const ::rtl::OUString& sDetectService = *pIt;
OUStringList::const_iterator pAlreadyUsed = ::std::find(lInsideUsedDetectors.begin(), lInsideUsedDetectors.end(), sDetectService);
if (pAlreadyUsed != lInsideUsedDetectors.end())
// SAFE -> --------------------------------------------------------
CacheItem lIProps;
lIProps[PROPNAME_DETECTSERVICE] <<= sDetectService;
OUStringList lTypes = m_rCache->getMatchingItemsByProps(FilterCache::E_TYPE, lIProps);
// <- SAFE --------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool bMatchDetectorToDocumentService = sal_False;
OUStringList::const_iterator pIt2;
for ( pIt2 = lTypes.begin();
pIt2 != lTypes.end() ;
++pIt2 )
const ::rtl::OUString& sType = *pIt2;
// SAFE -> ----------------------------------------------------
CacheItem aType = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_TYPE, sType);
::rtl::OUString sFilter;
CacheItem aFilter = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_FILTER, sFilter);
::rtl::OUString sCheckDocumentService;
aFilter[PROPNAME_DOCUMENTSERVICE] >>= sCheckDocumentService;
// <- SAFE
if (sCheckDocumentService.equals(sPreselDocumentService))
bMatchDetectorToDocumentService = sal_True;
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
{ continue; }
if (bMatchDetectorToDocumentService)
::rtl::OUString sDeepType = impl_askDetectService(sDetectService, rDescriptor);
if (sDeepType.getLength())
return sDeepType;
// c)
// Last chance. No "used detectors", no "preselected detectors" ... ask any existing detect services
// for this till know unknown format.
for ( pIt = lDetectors.begin();
pIt != lDetectors.end() ;
++pIt )
const ::rtl::OUString& sDetectService = *pIt;
OUStringList::const_iterator pAlreadyUsed = ::std::find(lInsideUsedDetectors.begin(), lInsideUsedDetectors.end(), sDetectService);
if (pAlreadyUsed != lInsideUsedDetectors.end())
::rtl::OUString sDeepType = impl_askDetectService(sDetectService, rDescriptor);
if (sDeepType.getLength())
return sDeepType;
return ::rtl::OUString();
07.03.2005 11:13
void TypeDetection::impl_seekStreamToZero(comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor)
// try to seek to 0 ...
// But because XSeekable is an optional interface ... try it only .-)
css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > xStream = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(
css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream >());
css::uno::Reference< css::io::XSeekable > xSeek(xStream, css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
if (
catch(const css::uno::RuntimeException& exRun)
{ throw exRun; }
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
30.10.2003 15:12
::rtl::OUString TypeDetection::impl_askDetectService(const ::rtl::OUString& sDetectService,
::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor )
// Open the stream and add it to the media descriptor if this method is called for the first time.
// All following requests to this method will detect, that there already exists a stream .-)
// Attention: This method throws an exception if the stream could not be opened.
// It's important to break any further detection in such case.
// Catch it on the highest detection level only !!!
// seek to 0 is an optional feature to be more robust against
// "simple implemented detect services" .-)
css::uno::Reference< css::document::XExtendedFilterDetection > xDetector;
css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xSMGR;
// SAFE ->
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
xSMGR = m_xSMGR;
// <- SAFE
// Attention! If e.g. an office module was not installed sometimes we find a
// registered detect service, which is referred inside the configuration ... but not really
// installed. On the other side we use third party components here, which can make trouble anyway.
// So we should handle errors during creation of such services more gracefully .-)
xDetector = css::uno::Reference< css::document::XExtendedFilterDetection >(
if ( !
return ::rtl::OUString();
::rtl::OUString sDeepType;
// start deep detection
// Dont forget to convert stl descriptor to its uno representation.
/* Attention!
You have to use an explicit instance of this uno sequence ...
Because its used as an in out parameter. And in case of a temp. used object
we will run into memory corruptions!
css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > lDescriptor;
rDescriptor >> lDescriptor;
sDeepType = xDetector->detect(lDescriptor);
rDescriptor << lDescriptor;
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
// We should ignore errors here.
// Thrown exceptions mostly will end in crash recovery ...
// But might be we find another deep detection service which can detect the same
// document without a problem .-)
sDeepType = ::rtl::OUString();
// seek to 0 is an optional feature to be more robust against
// "simple implemented detect services" .-)
// analyze the results
// a) detect service returns "" => return "" too and remove TYPE/FILTER prop from descriptor
// b) returned type is unknown => return "" too and remove TYPE/FILTER prop from descriptor
// c) returned type is valid => check TYPE/FILTER props inside descriptor and return the type
// this special helper checks for a valid type
// and set right values on the descriptor!
sal_Bool bValidType = impl_validateAndSetTypeOnDescriptor(rDescriptor, sDeepType);
if (bValidType)
return sDeepType;
return ::rtl::OUString();
17.12.2004 13:47
::rtl::OUString TypeDetection::impl_askUserForTypeAndFilterIfAllowed(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor)
// SAFE ->
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xSMGR = m_xSMGR;
// <- SAFE
css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler > xInteraction =
css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler >());
if (!
return ::rtl::OUString();
::rtl::OUString sURL =
css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > xStream =
css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream >());
// Dont distrub the user for "non existing files - means empty URLs" or
// if we was forced to detect a stream.
// Reason behind: We must be shure to ask user for "unknown contents" only ...
// and not for "missing files". Especially if detection is done by a stream only
// we can't check if the stream points to an "existing content"!
if (
(!sURL.getLength() ) || // "non existing file" ?
(! ) || // non existing file !
(sURL.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL("private:stream", 14)) // not a good idea .-)
return ::rtl::OUString();
// create a new request to ask user for it's decision about the usable filter
::framework::RequestFilterSelect aRequest(sURL);
// "Cancel" pressed? => return with error
if (aRequest.isAbort())
return ::rtl::OUString();
// "OK" pressed => verify the selected filter, get it's coressponding
// type and return it. (BTW: We must update the media descriptor here ...)
// The user selected explicitly a filter ... but normaly we are interested on
// a type here only. But we must be shure, that the selected filter is used
// too and no ambigous filter registration disturb us .-)
::rtl::OUString sFilter = aRequest.getFilter();
if (!impl_validateAndSetFilterOnDescriptor(rDescriptor, sFilter))
return ::rtl::OUString();
::rtl::OUString sType;
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME()] >>= sType;
return sType;
catch(const css::uno::Exception&)
return ::rtl::OUString();
10.03.2004 10:30
void TypeDetection::impl_openStream(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor)
throw (css::uno::Exception)
sal_Bool bSuccess = sal_False;
::rtl::OUString sURL = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault( ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_URL(), ::rtl::OUString() );
sal_Bool bRequestedReadOnly = rDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault( ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_READONLY(), sal_False );
if ( sURL.getLength() && ::utl::LocalFileHelper::IsLocalFile( INetURLObject( sURL ).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) ) )
// OOo uses own file locking mechanics in case of local file
bSuccess = rDescriptor.addInputStreamOwnLock();
bSuccess = rDescriptor.addInputStream();
if ( !bSuccess )
throw css::uno::Exception(_FILTER_CONFIG_FROM_ASCII_("Could not open stream."), static_cast< css::document::XTypeDetection* >(this));
if ( !bRequestedReadOnly )
// The MediaDescriptor implementation adds ReadOnly argument if the file can not be opened for writing
// this argument should be either removed or an additional argument should be added so that application
// can separate the case when the user explicitly requests readonly document.
// The current solution is to remove it here.
rDescriptor.erase( ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_READONLY() );
04.07.2003 13:47
void TypeDetection::impl_removeTypeFilterFromDescriptor(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor)
::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::iterator pItType = rDescriptor.find(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME() );
::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::iterator pItFilter = rDescriptor.find(::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME());
if (pItType != rDescriptor.end())
if (pItFilter != rDescriptor.end())
14.10.2003 11:15
sal_Bool TypeDetection::impl_validateAndSetTypeOnDescriptor( ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor,
const ::rtl::OUString& sType )
// SAFE ->
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
if (m_rCache->hasItem(FilterCache::E_TYPE, sType))
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME()] <<= sType;
return sal_True;
// <- SAFE
// remove all related informations from the descriptor
return sal_False;
04.07.2003 14:01
sal_Bool TypeDetection::impl_validateAndSetFilterOnDescriptor( ::comphelper::MediaDescriptor& rDescriptor,
const ::rtl::OUString& sFilter )
// SAFE ->
::osl::ResettableMutexGuard aLock(m_aLock);
CacheItem aFilter = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_FILTER, sFilter);
::rtl::OUString sType;
aFilter[PROPNAME_TYPE] >>= sType;
CacheItem aType = m_rCache->getItem(FilterCache::E_TYPE, sType);
// <- SAFE
// found valid type and filter => set it on the given descriptor
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_TYPENAME() ] <<= sType ;
rDescriptor[::comphelper::MediaDescriptor::PROP_FILTERNAME()] <<= sFilter;
return sal_True;
catch(const css::container::NoSuchElementException&){}
// remove all related informations from the descriptor
return sal_False;
03.07.2003 10:36
::rtl::OUString TypeDetection::impl_getImplementationName()
return ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("");
03.07.2003 11:27
css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > TypeDetection::impl_getSupportedServiceNames()
css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > lServiceNames(1);
lServiceNames[0] = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("");
return lServiceNames;
09.07.2003 08:02
css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > SAL_CALL TypeDetection::impl_createInstance(const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xSMGR)
TypeDetection* pNew = new TypeDetection(xSMGR);
return css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >(static_cast< css::document::XTypeDetection* >(pNew), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
} // namespace config
} // namespace filter