blob: 13ce41108cf4326a25cf00881d61c009d7a644d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// autogenerated file with
#include "preextstl.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "postextstl.h"
#include <basegfx/vector/b2isize.hxx>
#include <basegfx/point/b2ipoint.hxx>
#include <basebmp/color.hxx>
#include <basebmp/scanlineformats.hxx>
#include <basebmp/bitmapdevice.hxx>
#include <basebmp/debug.hxx>
#include "tools.hxx"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace ::basebmp;
std::ofstream output("32bpp_test.dump");
debugDump( mpDevice32bpp, output );
class BasicTest : public ::testing::Test
TEST_F(BasicTest, colorTest)
Color aTestColor;
aTestColor = Color(0xDEADBEEF);
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.toInt32() == 0xDEADBEEF ) << "unary constructor";
aTestColor = Color( 0x10, 0x20, 0xFF );
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.toInt32() == 0x001020FF ) << "ternary constructor";
aTestColor.setRed( 0x0F );
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.toInt32() == 0x00F20FF ) << "setRed()";
aTestColor.setGreen( 0x0F );
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.toInt32() == 0x00F0FFF ) << "setGreen()";
aTestColor.setBlue( 0x10 );
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.toInt32() == 0x00F0F10 ) << "setBlue()";
aTestColor.setGrey( 0x13 );
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.toInt32() == 0x00131313 ) << "setGrey()";
aTestColor = Color( 0x10, 0x20, 0xFF );
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.getRed() == 0x10 ) << "getRed()";
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.getGreen() == 0x20 ) << "getGreen()";
ASSERT_TRUE( aTestColor.getBlue() == 0xFF ) << "getBlue()";
TEST_F(BasicTest, testConstruction)
const basegfx::B2ISize aSize(101,101);
basegfx::B2ISize aSize2(aSize);
BitmapDeviceSharedPtr pDevice( createBitmapDevice( aSize,
Format::ONE_BIT_MSB_PAL ));
ASSERT_TRUE( pDevice->getSize() == aSize2 ) << "right size";
ASSERT_TRUE( pDevice->isTopDown() == true ) << "Top down format";
ASSERT_TRUE( pDevice->getScanlineFormat() == Format::ONE_BIT_MSB_PAL ) << "Scanline format";
ASSERT_TRUE( pDevice->getScanlineStride() == (aSize2.getY() + 7)/8 ) << "Scanline len";
ASSERT_TRUE( pDevice->getPalette() != NULL ) << "Palette existence";
ASSERT_TRUE( (*pDevice->getPalette())[0] == Color(0) ) << "Palette entry 0 is black";
ASSERT_TRUE( (*pDevice->getPalette())[1] == Color(0xFFFFFFFF) ) << "Palette entry 1 is white";
TEST_F(BasicTest, testPixelFuncs)
// 1bpp
const basegfx::B2ISize aSize(64,64);
BitmapDeviceSharedPtr pDevice( createBitmapDevice( aSize,
Format::ONE_BIT_MSB_PAL ));
const basegfx::B2IPoint aPt(3,3);
const Color aCol(0xFFFFFFFF);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt, aCol, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt) == aCol) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #1";
const basegfx::B2IPoint aPt2(0,0);
const Color aCol2(0xFFFFFFFF);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt2, aCol2, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt2) == aCol2) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #2";
const basegfx::B2IPoint aPt3(aSize.getX()-1,aSize.getY()-1);
const Color aCol3(0x00000000);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt3, aCol3, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt3) == aCol3) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #3";
pDevice->setPixel( aPt3, aCol2, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt3) == aCol2) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #3.5";
const basegfx::B2IPoint aPt4(-100000,-100000);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt4, aCol3, DrawMode_PAINT );
const basegfx::B2IPoint aPt5(100000,100000);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt5, aCol3, DrawMode_PAINT );
sal_Int32 nPixel(countPixel(pDevice, aCol2));
const basegfx::B2IPoint aPt6(aSize.getX(),aSize.getY());
pDevice->setPixel( aPt6, aCol2, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(countPixel(pDevice, aCol2) == nPixel) << "setPixel clipping";
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getBuffer()[0] == 0x80) << "raw pixel value #1";
// 1bit LSB
pDevice = createBitmapDevice( aSize,
Format::ONE_BIT_LSB_PAL );
pDevice->setPixel( aPt2, aCol, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt2) == aCol) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #4";
const basegfx::B2IPoint aPt222(1,1);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt222, aCol, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt222) == aCol) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #5";
pDevice->setPixel( aPt3, aCol, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt3) == aCol) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #6";
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getBuffer()[0] == 0x01) << "raw pixel value #2";
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getBuffer()[8] == 0x02) << "raw pixel value #3";
// 8bit alpha
pDevice = createBitmapDevice( aSize,
const Color aCol4(0x010101);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt, aCol4, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt) == aCol4) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #4";
const Color aCol5(0x0F0F0F);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt2, aCol5, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt2) == aCol5) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #5";
const Color aCol6(0xFFFFFF);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt3, aCol6, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt3) == aCol6) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #6";
// 16bpp
pDevice = createBitmapDevice( aSize,
const Color aCol7(0);
pDevice->clear( aCol7 );
const Color aCol4(0x00101010);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt, aCol4, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt) == aCol4) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #7";
const Color aCol5(0x00F0F0F0);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt2, aCol5, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt2) != aCol7) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #8";
const Color aCol6(0x00FFFFFF);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt3, aCol6, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt3) == aCol6) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #9";
// 24bpp
pDevice = createBitmapDevice( aSize,
const Color aCol4(0x01010101);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt, aCol4, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt) == aCol4) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #10";
const Color aCol5(0x0F3F2F1F);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt2, aCol5, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt2) == aCol5) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #11";
const Color aCol6(0xFFFFFFFF);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt3, aCol6, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt3) == aCol6) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #12";
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getBuffer()[2] == 0x3F
&& pDevice->getBuffer()[1] == 0x2F
&& pDevice->getBuffer()[0] == 0x1F) << "raw pixel value #4";
// 32bpp
pDevice = createBitmapDevice( aSize,
const Color aCol4(0x01010101);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt, aCol4, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt) == aCol4) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #13";
const Color aCol5(0x0F0F0F0F);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt2, aCol5, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt2) == aCol5) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #14";
const Color aCol6(0xFFFFFFFF);
pDevice->setPixel( aPt3, aCol6, DrawMode_PAINT );
ASSERT_TRUE(pDevice->getPixel(aPt3) == aCol6) << "get/setPixel roundtrip #15";