blob: 894284f7d38d3b5df954bbea19c5ead83a054132 [file] [log] [blame]
// *************************************************************
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// *************************************************************
// This script asks for variables, which are necessary for building the
// examples of the Office Development Kit. The script duplicates the template
// script and inserts the variables into the copied script.
// The Script was developed for the operating systems Microsoft Windows.
var regKeyOfficeCurrentUser6432Node = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\OpenOffice\\UNO\\InstallPath\\";
var regKeyOfficeLocaleMachine6432Node = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\OpenOffice\\UNO\\InstallPath\\";
var regKeyOfficeCurrentUser = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\OpenOffice\\UNO\\InstallPath\\";
var regKeyOfficeLocaleMachine = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\OpenOffice\\UNO\\InstallPath\\";
var regKeyDotNetInstallRoot = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\InstallRoot";
var regKeyDotNet1_1 = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\policy\\v1.1\\4322";
var sDirDotNet1_1 = "v1.1.4322";
var regKeyDotNet2_0 = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\Policy\\v2.0\\50727";
var sDirDotNet2_0 = "v2.0.50727";
var regKeyJDK = "HKLM\\Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit\\";
//var regKeyVC70 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\7.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
//var regKeyVC71 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\7.1\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
var regKeyVC90 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\9.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
//var regKeyVCExpress80 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\8.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
var regKeyVCExpress90 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\9.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
var regKeyVCExpress90_2 = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\9.0\\Setup\\VC\\ProductDir";
var regKeyWindowsSDK = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\CurrentInstallFolder";
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("process");
var aFileSystemObject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var stdin = WScript.StdIn;
var stdout = WScript.StdOut;
stdout.WriteLine("\n" +
" *** Configure your SDK environment ***\n\n" +
" NOTE: This script is working only for Windows 2000, Windows XP or newer versions!\n");
var oo_sdk_name=WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_NAME");
var stldebug="";
var oo_sdk_home=getSdkHome();
var oo_user_sdk_dir=WshSysEnv("APPDATA") + "\\" + oo_sdk_name;
var oo_user_sdk_env_script=oo_user_sdk_dir + "\\setsdkenv_windows.bat";
var office_home=getOfficeHome();
var office_base_home=getOfficeBaseHome();
var oo_sdk_make_home=getMakeHome();
var oo_sdk_zip_home=getZipHome();
var oo_sdk_cat_home=getCatHome();
var oo_sdk_sed_home=getSedHome();
var oo_sdk_manifest_used="";
var oo_sdk_windowssdk="";
var oo_sdk_cpp_home=getCppHome();
var oo_sdk_cli_home=getCliHome();
var oo_sdk_java_home=getJavaHome();
var oo_sdk_out=getOutputDir();
var sdk_auto_deployment=getAutoDeployment();
writeBatFile(oo_user_sdk_dir, oo_user_sdk_env_script);
"\n ******************************************************************\n" +
" * ... \"" + oo_user_sdk_env_script + "\"\n" +
" * batch file has been prepared.\n" +
" * This batch file will be used in the future to prepare your\n" +
" * personal configured SDK environment.\n" +
" ******************************************************************\n\n");
// " * For each time you want to use this configured SDK environment,\n" +
// " * you have to run the \"setsdkenv_windows.bat\" file in a new shell!\n" +
// done -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function skipChoice(msg)
stdout.Write("\n Do you want to skip the choice of " + msg + " (YES/NO) [YES]:");
var sChoice = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sChoice == "" || sChoice.toLowerCase() == "yes")
return true;
return false;
function getSdkHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0) {
var scriptname = WScript.ScriptFullName;
sSuggestedHome = scriptname.substr(0,scriptname.length-10);
stdout.Write("\n Enter the Office Software Development Kit directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". An SDK is required, please" +
" specify the path to a valid installation.");
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. Please enter the path to a" +
"valid SDK installation.");
//Check if this is an sdk folder by looking for the idl sub - dir
var idlDir = sHome + "\\idl";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(idlDir))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
idlDir + "\". An SDK is required, please specify " +
"the path to a valid SDK installation.");
if (aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sHome + "\\lib\\stlport_vc71_stldebug.lib")) {
return sHome;
function getOfficeOrUre()
var suggestion = "Office";
var choice;
while (choice != "office" && choice != "ure") {
"\n Use an installed Office or an installed UNO Runtime"
+ " Environment (Office/URE) [" + suggestion + "]:");
choice = stdin.ReadLine();
if (choice == "") {
choice = suggestion;
choice = choice.toLowerCase();
return choice;
function getOfficeHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OFFICE_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyOfficeCurrentUser6432Node);
//The registry entry points to the program folder but we need the
//installation folder
} catch(exc) {}
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyOfficeLocaleMachine6432Node);
//The registry entry points to the program folder but we need
//the installation folder
} catch (exc) {}
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyOfficeLocaleMachine);
//The registry entry points to the program folder but we need
//the installation folder
} catch (exc) {}
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyOfficeLocaleMachine);
//The registry entry points to the program folder but we need
//the installation folder
} catch (exc) {}
var index=0;
if ((index = sSuggestedHome.lastIndexOf("\\")) != -1)
sSuggestedHome = sSuggestedHome.substr(0, index);
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
sSuggestedHome = searchOffice();
stdout.Write("\n Enter the Office base installation directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\" An office installation is " +
"required, please specify the path to a valid " +
"office installation.");
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
} else
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. Please specify the path to " +
"a valid office installation.");
//Check if this is a valid office installtion folder by looking for the
//program sub-directory
var progDir = sHome + "\\program";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(progDir))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
progDir + "\". An office installation is required, " +
"please specify the path to a valid office " +
return sHome;
function searchOffice()
var tmp = oo_sdk_home;
var officepath ="";
var index=-1;
if ((index = tmp.lastIndexOf("\\sdk")) != -1) {
tmp = tmp.substr(0, index);
if (aFileSystemObject.FileExists(tmp + "\\program\\soffice.exe")) {
return tmp;
return "";
function getOfficeBaseHome()
var officebase = oo_sdk_home;
var index=officebase.lastIndexOf("\\");
officebase = officebase.substr(0, index);
return officebase;
function getMakeHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME");
stdout.Write("\n Enter GNU make (3.79.1 or higher) tools directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". GNU make is required, " +
"please specify a GNU make tools directory.");
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
} else
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. GNU make is required, " +
"please specify a GNU make tools directory.");
//Check for the make executable
var sMakePath = sHome + "\\make.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sMakePath))
sMakePath = sHome + "\\mingw32-make.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sMakePath))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" + sMakePath +
"\". GNU make is required, please specify a GNU " +
"make tools directory.");
return sHome;
function getZipHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0 && oo_sdk_make_home.length > 0) {
sSuggestedHome = oo_sdk_make_home;
stdout.Write("\n Enter a zip (2.3 or higher) tools directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". zip is required, please " +
"specify a zip tools directory.");
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. zip is required, please " +
"specify a zip tools directory.");
//Check for the make executable
var sZipPath = sHome + "\\zip.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sZipPath))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" + sZipPath +
"\". zip is required, please specify a zip tools " +
return sHome;
function getCatHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_CAT_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0 && oo_sdk_make_home.length > 0) {
sSuggestedHome = oo_sdk_make_home;
stdout.Write("\n Enter a cat (2.0 or higher) tools directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". cat is required, please " +
"specify a cat tools directory." +
"\nYou can get cat from " +
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. cat is required, please " +
"specify a cat tools directory." +
"\nYou can get cat from " +
//Check for the make executable
var sCatPath = sHome + "\\cat.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sCatPath))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" + sCatPath +
"\". cat is required, please specify a cat tools " +
"directory." +
"\nYou can get cat from " +
return sHome;
function getSedHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_SED_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0 && oo_sdk_make_home.length > 0) {
sSuggestedHome = oo_sdk_make_home;
stdout.Write("\n Enter a sed (3.02 or higher) tools directory [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, use default.
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\". sed is required, please " +
"specify a sed tools directory." +
"\nYou can get sed from " +
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist. sed is required, please " +
"specify a sed tools directory." +
"\nYou can get sed from " +
//Check for the make executable
var sSedPath = sHome + "\\sed.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sSedPath))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" + sSedPath +
"\". sed is required, please specify a sed tools " +
"directory." +
"\nYou can get sed from " +
return sHome;
function getCppHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_CPP_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
var sVC="";
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVCExpress90);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVCExpress90_2);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVC90);
}catch (exc) {}
// check Windows SDK if VC 9
if (sVC.length > 0)
try {
oo_sdk_windowssdk = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyWindowsSDK);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVCExpress80);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length > 0)
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVC80);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length > 0)
if (sVC.length == 0)
try {
sVC = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyVC71);
}catch (exc) {}
if (sVC.length > 0)
sVC += "bin";
if (aFileSystemObject.FileExists(sVC + "\\cl.exe"))
sSuggestedHome = sVC;
var bSkip = false;
stdout.Write("\n Enter the directory of the C++ compiler (optional) [" +
sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, check OO_SDK_CPP_HOME or suggested value
if ( sSuggestedHome.length == 0 ) {
bSkip = true;
} else {
if ( !aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome) )
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\".");
sSuggestedHome = "";
bSkip = true;
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
} else
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sHome + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if ( !bSkip) {
//Check if the C++ compiler exist
var cl = sHome + "\\cl.exe";
var mt = sHome + "\\mt.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(cl))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find the C++ compiler \""
+ cl + "\".");
sHome = "";
bSkip = true;
} else {
if (aFileSystemObject.FileExists(mt)) {
if ( bSkip ) {
if ( skipChoice("the C++ compiler") ) {
return "";
} else {
bSkip = false;
return sHome;
function getCliHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_CLI_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
var _ver = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyDotNet2_0);
if (_ver.length > 0)
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyDotNetInstallRoot);
sSuggestedHome += sDirDotNet2_0;
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
sSuggestedHome = "";
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
_ver = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyDotNet1_1);
if (_ver.length > 0)
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyDotNetInstallRoot);
sSuggestedHome += sDirDotNet1_1;
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome))
sSuggestedHome = "";
} catch (exc) {}
var bSkip = false;
stdout.Write("\n Enter the directory of the C# and VB.NET compilers (optional) [" + sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, check OO_SDK_CLI_HOME or suggested value
if ( sSuggestedHome.length == 0 ) {
bSkip = true;
} else {
if ( !aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome) )
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\".");
sSuggestedHome = "";
bSkip = true;
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist.");
bSkip = true;
if ( !bSkip ) {
//Check if the C# and VB.NET compiler exist
var csc = sHome + "\\csc.exe";
var vbc = sHome + "\\vbc.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(csc))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find the C# compiler \"" +
csc + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(vbc))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find the VB.NET compiler \"" +
vbc + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if ( bSkip ) {
if ( skipChoice("the C# and VB.NET compilers") ) {
return "";
} else {
bSkip = false;
return sHome;
function getJavaHome()
var sSuggestedHome = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME");
if (sSuggestedHome.length == 0)
try {
var currentVersion = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyJDK + "CurrentVersion");
if (currentVersion.length > 0)
sSuggestedHome = WshShell.RegRead(regKeyJDK + currentVersion +
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome) )
sSuggestedHome = "";
} catch (exc) {}
var bSkip = false;
stdout.Write("\n Enter JAVA SDK (1.4.1_01 or higher) installation directory (optional) [" + sSuggestedHome + "]:");
var sHome = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sHome.length == 0)
//No user input, check OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME or suggested value
if ( sSuggestedHome.length == 0 ) {
bSkip = true;
} else {
if ( !aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedHome) )
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedHome + "\".");
sSuggestedHome = "";
sHome = sSuggestedHome;
} else
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sHome))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The directory \"" + sHome +
"\" does not exist.");
bSkip = true;
if ( !bSkip) {
//Check if this is an sdk folder by looking for the javac compiler
var javacompiler = sHome + "\\bin\\javac.exe";
if (! aFileSystemObject.FileExists(javacompiler))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find \"" +
javacompiler + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if ( bSkip ) {
if ( skipChoice("the Java SDK") ) {
return "";
} else {
bSkip = false;
return sHome;
function getOutputDir()
var defaultdir = "c:\\" + oo_sdk_name;
var sSuggestedDir = WshSysEnv("OO_SDK_OUT");
if (sSuggestedDir.length == 0)
sSuggestedDir = defaultdir;
var bSkip = false;
"\n Default output directory is the \"c:\\" + oo_sdk_name + "\".\n" +
" Enter an existent directory if you prefer a different one. But note" +
" that only\n a path without spaces is allowed because of a" +
" limitation of gnu make. (optional) [" + sSuggestedDir + "]:");
var sDir = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sDir.length == 0)
//No user input, check OO_SDK_OUT or suggested value
if ( sSuggestedDir.length == 0 ) {
bSkip = true;
} else {
if (sSuggestedDir == oo_user_sdk_dir || sSuggestedDir == defaultdir) {
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if ( !fso.FolderExists(sSuggestedDir) )
if ( !aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sSuggestedDir) )
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sSuggestedDir + "\".");
sSuggestedDir = "";
bSkip = true;
sDir = sSuggestedDir;
if (sDir.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: your specified output directory " +
"\"" + sDir + "\" " +
"contains one or more spaces.\n That " +
"causes problems with gnu make. Please specifiy" +
" a directory without spaces.");
bSkip = true;
//validate the user input
if ( ! aFileSystemObject.FolderExists(sDir))
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: Could not find directory \"" +
sDir + "\".");
bSkip = true;
if ( bSkip ) {
if ( skipChoice("a special output directory") ) {
return "";
} else {
bSkip = false;
return sDir;
function getAutoDeployment()
var sSuggestedAuto = WshSysEnv("SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT");
if (sSuggestedAuto.length == 0)
sSuggestedAuto = "YES";
stdout.Write("\n Automatic deployment of UNO components (YES/NO) ["+
sSuggestedAuto + "]:");
var sAuto = stdin.ReadLine();
if (sAuto.length == 0)
sAuto = sSuggestedAuto;
sAutoU = sAuto.toUpperCase();
if (sAutoU != "YES" && sAutoU != "NO")
stdout.WriteLine("\n Error: The value \"" + sAuto + "\" is " +
"invalid. Please answer YES or NO.")
sAuto = sAutoU;
return sAuto;
//The function uses sp2bv.exe to obtain a file URL from a
//system path. The URL is already escaped for use as bootstrap variable.
//($ -> \$). Then the resulting string is escaped for use in a bat file.
//That is % signs are made to double % (% -> %%);
function makeBootstrapFileUrl(systemPath)
var oExec = WshShell.Exec("sp2bv.exe \"" + systemPath + "\"");
var output="";
while (true)
if (!oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream)
var next = oExec.StdOut.Read(1);
if (next == '%')
output += "%%";
output += next;
return output;
function writeBatFile(fdir, file)
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if ( !fso.FolderExists(fdir) )
var newFile = fso.CreateTextFile(file, true);
"@echo off\n" +
"REM This script sets all environment variables, which\n" +
"REM are necessary for building the examples of the Office Development Kit.\n" +
"REM The Script was developed for the operating systems Windows.\n" +
"REM The SDK name\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_NAME=openoffice4.0_sdk\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_NAME=" + oo_sdk_name +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Installation directory of the Software Development Kit.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\OpenOffice\\4\\sdk\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_HOME=" + oo_sdk_home +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Office installation directory.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OFFICE_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\OpenOffice 4\"\n" +
"@set \"OFFICE_HOME=" + office_home +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the make command.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME=C:\\UnxUtils\\usr\\local\\wbin\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME=" + oo_sdk_make_home +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the zip tool.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME=C:\\UnxUtils\\usr\\local\\wbin\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME=" + oo_sdk_zip_home +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the cat tool.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_CAT_HOME=C:\\UnxUtils\\usr\\local\\wbin\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_CAT_HOME=" + oo_sdk_cat_home +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the sed tool.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_SED_HOME=C:\\UnxUtils\\usr\\local\\wbin\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_SED_HOME=" + oo_sdk_sed_home +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the C++ compiler.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_CPP_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\bin\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_CPP_HOME=" + oo_sdk_cpp_home +
"\"\n@set \"CPP_MANIFEST=" + oo_sdk_manifest_used +
"\"\n@set \"CPP_WINDOWS_SDK=" + oo_sdk_windowssdk +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Directory of the C# and VB.NET compilers.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_CLI_HOME=C:\\WINXP\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v1.0.3705\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_CLI_HOME=" + oo_sdk_cli_home +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Java SDK installation directory.\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.6.0_05\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME=" + oo_sdk_java_home +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Special output directory\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"OO_SDK_OUT=C:\\" + oo_sdk_name + "\"\n" +
"@set \"OO_SDK_OUT=" + oo_sdk_out +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Automatic deployment\n" +
"REM Example: @set \"SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT=YES\"\n" +
"@set \"SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT=" + sdk_auto_deployment +
"\"\n\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the Office Development Kit.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n\n" +
"REM Check installation path for GNU make.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the zip tool.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the cat tool.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_CAT_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_CAT_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Check installation path for the sed tool.\n" +
"if not defined OO_SDK_SED_HOME (\n" +
" echo Error: the variable OO_SDK_SED_HOME is missing!\n" +
" goto :error\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set library path. \n" +
"@set \"LIB=%OO_SDK_HOME%\\lib;%LIB%\"\n" +
"if defined CPP_WINDOWS_SDK (\n" +
" @set \"LIB=%LIB%;%CPP_WINDOWS_SDK%\\lib\"\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set office program path.\n" +
"if defined OFFICE_HOME (\n" +
" @set \"OFFICE_PROGRAM_PATH=%OFFICE_HOME%\\program\"\n" +
" )" +
"\n" +
"REM Set UNO path, necessary to ensure that the cpp examples using the\n" +
"REM new UNO bootstrap mechanism use the configured office installation\n" +
"REM (only set when using an Office).\n" +
"if defined OFFICE_HOME (\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set classpath\n" +
"@set \"CLASSPATH=%OO_SDK_OFFICE_JAVA_DIR%\\juh.jar;%OO_SDK_OFFICE_JAVA_DIR%\\jurt.jar;%OO_SDK_OFFICE_JAVA_DIR%\\ridl.jar;%OO_SDK_OFFICE_JAVA_DIR%\\unoloader.jar;%OO_SDK_OFFICE_JAVA_DIR%\\unoil.jar\"\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the SDK tools to the path.\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set PATH appropriate to the output directory\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_OUT (\n" +
" @set \"PATH=%OO_SDK_OUT%\\WINexample.out\\bin;%PATH%\"\n" +
" ) else (\n" +
" @set \"PATH=%OO_SDK_HOME%\\WINexample.out\\bin;%PATH%\"\n" +
" )\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the Win SDK to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined CPP_WINDOWS_SDK (\n" +
" @set \"PATH=%CPP_WINDOWS_SDK\\bin%;%PATH%\"\n" +
" @set \"INCLUDE=%CPP_WINDOWS_SDK\\Include%;%INCLUDE%\"\n" +
")\n" +
"REM Add directory of the C# and VB.NET compilers to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_CLI_HOME @set \"PATH=%OO_SDK_CLI_HOME%;%PATH%\"\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Add directory of the Java tools to the path, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME @set \"PATH=%OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME%\\bin;%OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME%\\jre\\bin;%PATH%\"\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set environment for C++ compiler tools, if necessary.\n" +
"if defined OO_SDK_CPP_HOME call \"%OO_SDK_CPP_HOME%\\VCVARS32.bat\"\n" +
"\n" +
"REM Set tilte to identify the prepared shell.\n" +
"title Shell prepared for SDK\n" +
"\nREM Prepare shell with all necessary environment variables.\n" +
"echo.\n" +
"echo ******************************************************************\n" +
"echo *\n" +
"echo * SDK environment is prepared for Windows\n" +
"echo *\n" +
"echo * SDK = %OO_SDK_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Office = %OFFICE_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Make = %OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Zip = %OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME%\n" +
"echo * cat = %OO_SDK_CAT_HOME%\n" +
"echo * sed = %OO_SDK_SED_HOME%\n" +
"echo * C++ Compiler = %OO_SDK_CPP_HOME%\n" +
"echo * C# and VB.NET compilers = %OO_SDK_CLI_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Java = %OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME%\n" +
"echo * Special Output directory = %OO_SDK_OUT%\n" +
"echo * Auto deployment = %SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT%\n" +
"echo *\n" +
"echo ******************************************************************\n" +
"echo.\n" +
"goto end\n" +
"\n" +
" :error\n" +
"Error: Please insert the necessary environment variables into the batch file.\n" +
"\n" +
" :end\n"