| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"><title>Apache OpenOffice - blog</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/" rel="alternate"></link><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/feeds/blog.atom.xml" rel="self"></link><id>https://openoffice.apache.org/</id><updated>2023-02-27T19:45:24+00:00</updated><subtitle></subtitle><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-110.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2023-02-27T19:45:24+00:00</published><updated>2023-02-27T19:45:24+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2023-02-27:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-110.html</id><summary type="html"><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>27</strong><strong> February 2023 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.14 is a maintenance release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All |
| users …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>27</strong><strong> February 2023 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.14 is a maintenance release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All |
| users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13 or earlier are advised to upgrade. You |
| can download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14 <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp; Windows 10 and 11 users can now also get Apache OpenOffice for selected languages in the "Microsoft Store" App.</p><p>To check that the download file is not broken or changed in any other way, please see our <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">checksums page</a> for instructions on how to verify this.</p><p>If |
| you are upgrading from an earlier release you can verify that the |
| release upgrade worked by opening the About box (menu "Help - About |
| OpenOffice") for the version number.</p><p>Please review the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.14+Release+Notes" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> to learn what is new in this version as well as important remarks concerning known issues and their workarounds.</p><p>For a complete overview of all resolved issues please see the list in <a class="external-link" href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=250920&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.14" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Bugzilla</a>.</p><p>To get a copy of the source code see our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/source.html" rel="nofollow">source page</a> for our Git repository or download prepared source tarballs from our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">project download page</a>.</p><p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: |
| announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p><p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:</p><p>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/openoffice" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube">https://www.youtube.com/openoffice</a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" target="_blank" title="Mail">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></p><p></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>More than 333 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/more-than-333-million-downloads.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2022-08-30T22:32:53+00:00</published><updated>2022-08-30T22:32:53+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2022-08-30:/blog/more-than-333-million-downloads.html</id><summary type="html"><p>A few days ago we have seen with great pleasure that the bar of more than 333 million <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank">downloads of Apache OpenOffice&reg;</a> was exceeded. The count is from 2011 until today and it includes all 4.1.x releases.<br/><br/>Please note that there are much more ways to get OpenOffice …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>A few days ago we have seen with great pleasure that the bar of more than 333 million <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank">downloads of Apache OpenOffice&reg;</a> was exceeded. The count is from 2011 until today and it includes all 4.1.x releases.<br/><br/>Please note that there are much more ways to get OpenOffice than just via our partner <a href="https://sourceforge.net/" target="_blank">SourceForge.net</a> or alternative servers hosted by Apache itself. You need to consider also copies on CDs, DVDs and download portals of online magazines. So, actually the real number is much higher.<br/><br/>The following are a few statistics to show some more details.<br/><br/><b>Downloads from 2011 until today<br/><br/></b> |
| <a href="../images/blog/more-than-333-million-downloads_downloads_from_2011_until_2022.png"> |
| <img alt="Apache_OpenOffice_downloads_from_2011_until_2022.png" src="../images/blog/more-than-333-million-downloads_downloads_from_2011_until_2022.png" style="width: 100%;"/> |
| </a> |
| <br/><br/> |
| <b>Downloads by country</b><br/><br/>Rank&nbsp; Country/Territory&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Downloads<br/>1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; United States&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 55,515,897<br/>2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; France&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 44,394,981<br/>3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Germany&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 34,939,475<br/>4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Italy&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 28,173,104<br/>5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Spain&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 17,131,245<br/>6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Russia&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 15,178,537<br/>7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; United Kingdom&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 14,903,050<br/>8&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Poland&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 14,457,642<br/>9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Japan&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 13,852,054<br/>10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Canada&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 8,435,395<br/><br/><b>Downloads by operating system</b><br/><br/>Rank&nbsp; OS&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Downloads<br/>1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Windows&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 297,992,216<br/>2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Macintosh&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 31,625,280<br/>3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Linux&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4,744,249<br/><br/><b>Sources</b><br/><a href="https://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html" target="_blank">https://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html</a><br/><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/stats/timeline" target="_blank">https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/stats/timeline</a><br/><br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-19.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2022-07-22T17:57:02+00:00</published><updated>2022-07-22T17:57:02+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2022-07-22:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-19.html</id><summary type="html"><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>22</strong><strong> July 2022 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.13 is a Security release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All |
| users …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>22</strong><strong> July 2022 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.13 is a Security release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All |
| users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12 or earlier are advised to upgrade. You |
| can download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13 <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp; Windows 10 and 11 users can now also get Apache OpenOffice for selected languages in the "Microsoft Store" App.</p><p>It is recommended to make a backup of the Apache OpenOffice users profile |
| before installing AOO 4.1.13. It is especially important for users who use |
| the Master Password functionality and may decide to use an older version |
| later. There is a change in the encoding of stored passwords in this 4.1.13 |
| release that may make your user profile unusable for previous versions. |
| <br/> |
| <br/>In general, it is always a good idea to do a backup of important and |
| personal data, so we recommend to always backup your OpenOffice user profile |
| before doing an upgrade to a newer release. |
| </p><p>To check that the download file is not broken or changed in any other way, please see our <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">checksums page</a> for instructions on how to verify this.</p><p>If |
| you are upgrading from an earlier release you can verify that the |
| release upgrade worked by opening the About box (menu "Help - About |
| OpenOffice") for the version number.</p><p>Please review the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.13+Release+Notes" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> to learn what is new in this version as well as important remarks concerning known issues and their workarounds.</p><p>For a complete overview of all resolved issues please see the list in <a class="external-link" href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.13" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Bugzilla</a>.</p><p>To get a copy of the source code see our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/source.html" rel="nofollow">source page</a> for our Git repository or download prepared source tarballs from our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">project download page</a>.</p><p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: |
| announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p><p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:</p><p>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/openoffice" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube">https://www.youtube.com/openoffice</a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" target="_blank" title="Mail">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-18.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2022-05-04T21:27:43+00:00</published><updated>2022-05-04T21:27:43+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2022-05-04:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-18.html</id><summary type="html"><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>04</strong><strong> May 2022 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.12 is a Maintenance release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All |
| users …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>04</strong><strong> May 2022 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.12 is a Maintenance release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All |
| users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11 or earlier are advised to upgrade. You |
| can download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12 <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp; Windows 10 and 11 users can now also get Apache OpenOffice for selected languages in the "Microsoft Store" App.</p><p>This release is dedicated to <span>J&ouml;rg Schmidt </span>who was a valued contributor to the project.<br/></p><p>To check that the download file is not broken or changed in any other way, please see our <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">checksums page</a> for instructions on how to verify this.</p><p>If |
| you are upgrading from an earlier release you can verify that the |
| release upgrade worked by opening the About box (menu "Help - About |
| OpenOffice") for the version number.</p><p>Please review the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.12+Release+Notes" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> to learn what is new in this version as well as important remarks concerning known issues and their workarounds.</p><p>For a complete overview of all resolved issues please see the list in <a class="external-link" href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=249824&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.12" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Bugzilla</a>.</p><p>To get a copy of the source code see our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/source.html" rel="nofollow">source page</a> for our Git repository or download prepared source tarballs from our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">project download page</a>.</p><p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: |
| announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p><p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:</p><p>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/openoffice" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube">https://www.youtube.com/openoffice</a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" target="_blank" title="Mail">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-17.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2021-10-06T18:04:34+00:00</published><updated>2021-10-06T18:04:34+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2021-10-06:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-17.html</id><summary type="html"><p><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>06</strong><strong> October 2021</strong> |
| - Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.11 is a Security release incorporating other bug fixes and little enhancements. All …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>06</strong><strong> October 2021</strong> |
| - Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.11 is a Security release incorporating other bug fixes and little enhancements. All |
| users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10 or earlier are strongly advised to upgrade. You |
| can download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11 <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.&nbsp; Windows 11 users can now also get Apache OpenOffice for selected languages in the Microsoft Store.</p><p>This release is dedicated to <a href="https://s.apache.org/patricia.shanahan" target="_blank">Patricia Shanahan</a> who was a valued contributor to the project.<br/></p><p>To check that the download file is not broken or changed in any other way, please see our <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">checksums page</a> for instructions on how to verify this.</p><p>If |
| you are upgrading from an earlier release you can verify that the |
| release upgrade worked by opening the About box (menu "Help - About |
| OpenOffice") for the version number.</p><p>Please review the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.11+Release+Notes" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> to learn what is new in this version as well as important remarks concerning known issues and their workarounds.</p><p>For a complete overview of all resolved issues please see the list in <a class="external-link" href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.11" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Bugzilla</a>.</p><p>To get a copy of the source code see our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/source.html" rel="nofollow">source page</a> for our Git repository or download prepared source tarballs from our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">project download page</a>.</p><p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: |
| announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p><p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:</p><p>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/openoffice" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube">https://www.youtube.com/openoffice</a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" target="_blank" title="Mail">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-16.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2021-05-04T12:28:17+00:00</published><updated>2021-05-04T12:28:17+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2021-05-04:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-16.html</id><summary type="html"><p><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>04</strong><strong> May 2021</strong> |
| - Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.10 is a Security release incorporating important bug fixes. All |
| users of Apache …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>04</strong><strong> May 2021</strong> |
| - Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.10 is a Security release incorporating important bug fixes. All |
| users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9 or earlier are strongly advised to upgrade. You |
| can download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10 <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.</p><p>To check that the download file is not broken or changed in any other way, please see our <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">checksums page</a> for instructions on how to verify this.</p><p>If |
| you are upgrading from an earlier release you can verify that the |
| release upgrade worked by opening the About box (menu "Help - About |
| OpenOffice") for the version number.</p><p>Please review the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.10+Release+Notes" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> to learn what is new in this version as well as important remarks concerning known issues and their workarounds.</p><p>For a complete overview of all resolved issues please see the list in <a class="external-link" href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.10" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Bugzilla</a>.</p><p>To get a copy of the source code see our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/source.html" rel="nofollow">source page</a> for our Git repository or download prepared source tarballs from our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">project download page</a>.</p><p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: |
| announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p><p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:</p><p>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/openoffice" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube">https://www.youtube.com/openoffice</a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" target="_blank" title="Mail">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-15.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2021-02-08T17:13:07+00:00</published><updated>2021-02-08T17:13:07+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2021-02-08:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-15.html</id><summary type="html"><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(49,55,57);">Forest Hill, MD</span></strong> - <strong>07</strong><strong> February 2021</strong> |
| - Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.9 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes. All |
| users of …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(49,55,57);">Forest Hill, MD</span></strong> - <strong>07</strong><strong> February 2021</strong> |
| - Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.9 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes. All |
| users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 or earlier are advised to upgrade. You |
| can download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9 <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.</p><p>To check that the download file is not broken or changed in any other way, please see our <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">checksums page</a> for instructions on how to verify this.</p><p>If |
| you are upgrading from an earlier release you can verify that the |
| release upgrade worked by opening the About box (menu "Help - About |
| OpenOffice") for the version number.</p><p>Please review the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.9+Release+Notes" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> to learn what is new in this version as well as important remarks concerning known issues and their workarounds.</p><p>For a complete overview of all resolved issues please see the list in <a class="external-link" href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.9" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Bugzilla</a>.</p><p>To get a copy of the source code see our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/source.html" rel="nofollow">source page</a> for our Git repository or download prepared source tarballs from our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">project download page</a>.</p><p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: |
| announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p><p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:</p><p>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/openoffice" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube">https://www.youtube.com/openoffice</a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" target="_blank" title="Mail">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>New release for Apple's macOS 11 (Big Sur) - Also with fixes for Linux and Windows</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/new-release-for-apple-s.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2021-01-06T23:22:39+00:00</published><updated>2021-01-06T23:22:39+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2021-01-06:/blog/new-release-for-apple-s.html</id><summary type="html"><p>Dear Apache OpenOffice&reg; Users,</p><p>Thank you for your interest in Apache OpenOffice and your on-going support over the years. You may have heard (e.g., through our <a class="external-link" href="https://forum.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow">support forums</a>) that OpenOffice has problems with Apple's new macOS 11 (Big Sur).</p><p>When opening modern Microsoft Office Documents (files that end with …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>Dear Apache OpenOffice&reg; Users,</p><p>Thank you for your interest in Apache OpenOffice and your on-going support over the years. You may have heard (e.g., through our <a class="external-link" href="https://forum.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow">support forums</a>) that OpenOffice has problems with Apple's new macOS 11 (Big Sur).</p><p>When opening modern Microsoft Office Documents (files that end with .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, for example), OpenOffice crashes. There is no workaround at this point, but we are going to fix the issue soon.</p><p>We would be happy to give you more details if you want to help us with testing. Just write a mail to the developers mailing list <a class="external-link" href="mailto:dev@openoffice.apache.org" rel="nofollow">dev@openoffice.apache.org</a>.</p><p>The main reason is to fix the bug on Big Sur. We will also include some other minor fixes in the release, so all platforms can benefit from the new release. We know that this is a pressing issue to our Mac users, so you can expect the release soon on our <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow">download web page</a>.</p><p>In order to identify the issue we took a closer look at our build to exclude any issues with an error in prior releases. Next, we updated the build to a newer SDK issue to exclude&nbsp;any issue in our support structures. We believe that our upcoming version 4.2.0 (which is not yet production-ready) is not affected by this issue. In an effort over Christmas a comparison took place between the 4.2.0 and 4.1.8 versions to locate the issue. We have found the code change that solves the crash on Big Sur.</p><p>We are testing the solution at this point. If you want to join the test of the new version of this fix, drop an e-mail in English to the developers mailing list <a class="external-link" href="mailto:dev@openoffice.apache.org" rel="nofollow">dev@openoffice.apache.org</a>. The more environments we test the sooner we can release.</p><p>The OpenOffice project thanks Jim Jagielski for his endless effort during Christmas time, and the French forum users who supported the development effort with&nbsp;dedicated testing.</p><p>We wish you a good and healthy start into the new year. |
| </p><p>All the best and stay tuned.</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-14.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-11-10T22:30:28+00:00</published><updated>2020-11-10T22:30:28+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2020-11-10:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-14.html</id><summary type="html"><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(49,55,57);">Forest Hill, MD</span></strong> -&nbsp;<strong>10</strong><strong> November 2020</strong> |
| - Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.8 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes. All |
| users of …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(49,55,57);">Forest Hill, MD</span></strong> -&nbsp;<strong>10</strong><strong> November 2020</strong> |
| - Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity |
| suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8, as usual available in |
| 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a> |
| 4.1.8 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes. All |
| users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 or earlier are advised to upgrade. You |
| can download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.</p><p>To check that the download file is not broken or changed in any other way, please see our <a class="external-link" href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">checksums page</a> for instructions on how to verify this.</p><p>If |
| you are upgrading from an earlier release you can verify that the |
| release upgrade worked by opening the About box (menu "Help - About |
| OpenOffice") for the version number.</p><p>Please review the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.8+Release+Notes" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Release Notes</a> to learn what is new in this version as well as important remarks concerning known issues and their workarounds.</p><p>For a complete overview of all resolved issues please see the list in <a class="external-link" href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.8" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Bugzilla</a>.</p><p>To get a copy of the source code see our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/source.html" rel="nofollow">source page</a> for our Git repository or download prepared source tarballs from our <a class="external-link" href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">project download page</a>.</p><p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: |
| announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p><p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:</p><p>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/openoffice" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube">https://www.youtube.com/openoffice</a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" target="_blank" title="Mail">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>300 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/300-million-downloads-of-apache.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-10-29T23:43:11+00:00</published><updated>2020-10-29T23:43:11+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2020-10-29:/blog/300-million-downloads-of-apache.html</id><summary type="html"><p>With great pleasure we have seen that <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice&reg; was downloaded</a> more than 300 million times from 2011 until now, October 24th. Here included are more than 200 million downloads of all releases in the 4.1.x branch. This was reached with our partner <a href="https://sourceforge.net/" target="_blank">SourceForge.net</a>.<br/><br/>Of course there …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>With great pleasure we have seen that <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice&reg; was downloaded</a> more than 300 million times from 2011 until now, October 24th. Here included are more than 200 million downloads of all releases in the 4.1.x branch. This was reached with our partner <a href="https://sourceforge.net/" target="_blank">SourceForge.net</a>.<br/><br/>Of course there are some other ways like alternative servers hosted by Apache itself. So, actually we don't know these numbers but it is for sure that we are already a lot above the 300 million downloads line. And when we include also the copies on CDs and DVDs then we can add another big number on top.<br/><br/>Currently we are very busy with baking our next release: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a few minutes to celebrate this milestone.<br/><br/>The following are a few statistics to show some aspects of the numbers.<br/><br/><b>Downloads from 2011 until today</b><br/></p><p> |
| <a href="../images/blog/300-million-downloads-of-apache_graph.png" target="_blank"> |
| <img src="../images/blog/300-million-downloads-of-apache_graph.png" style="width: 100%;"/> |
| </a> |
| <br><br><br> |
| <b>Downloads by country</b><br/><br/>Rank&nbsp;&nbsp; Country/Territory&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Downloads<br/>1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; United States&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 51,473,201<br/>2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; France&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 39,933,538<br/>3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Germany&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 31,890,935<br/>4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Italy&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 25,012,883<br/>5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Spain&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 15,558,033<br/>6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Russia&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 13,540,861<br/>7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; United Kingdom&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 13,468,497<br/>8&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Japan&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 12,944,497<br/>9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Poland&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 12,796,756<br/>10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Canada&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 7,749,657<br/><br/><b>Downloads by operating system</b><br/><br/>OS&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Downloads<br/>Windows&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;271,292,988<br/>Macintosh&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;28,722,672<br/>Linux&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4,256,681<br/><br/><b>Sources</b><br/><a href="https://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html" target="_blank">https://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html</a><br/><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/stats/timeline" target="_blank">https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/stats/timeline</a><br/><br/></br></br></br></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates 20 Years of OpenOffice®</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/the-apache-software-foundation-celebrates.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-10-15T22:15:59+00:00</published><updated>2020-10-15T22:15:59+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2020-10-15:/blog/the-apache-software-foundation-celebrates.html</id><summary type="html"><p><b><i>Leading Open Source office |
| application and personal productivity suite under development as a |
| community-led Apache&reg; Project for the past 8 years</i></b></p> |
| <p> |
| <b>Wakefield,</b> |
| <b>&nbsp;MA &mdash;14 October 2020&mdash;</b> |
| The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, |
| stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source projects and |
| initiatives, announced today the twenty-year …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><b><i>Leading Open Source office |
| application and personal productivity suite under development as a |
| community-led Apache&reg; Project for the past 8 years</i></b></p> |
| <p> |
| <b>Wakefield,</b> |
| <b>&nbsp;MA &mdash;14 October 2020&mdash;</b> |
| The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, |
| stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source projects and |
| initiatives, announced today the twenty-year anniversary of OpenOffice<sup>&reg;</sup>, the last eight of which as an Apache<sup>&reg;</sup> Top-Level Project.</p><p>"It&rsquo;s |
| inspiring to see so many dedicated people from around the world |
| volunteer their time to mentor, contribute code, test issues, moderate |
| mailing lists, help on forums, translations, marketing and more to keep |
| making this great product better and available for millions of users," |
| said Carl Marcum, Vice President of Apache OpenOffice. "OpenOffice is |
| more than just software. It&rsquo;s a great community that I&rsquo;m glad to be a |
| part of."</p><p>With more than 300 million downloads, Apache OpenOffice |
| is used by countless individuals, organizations, and institutions around |
| the world who are seeking a reliable, robust, and freely-available Open |
| Source office document productivity suite. Apache OpenOffice features |
| the following applications for Windows, macOS and Linux:</p><ul><li>"Writer" word processor;</li><li>"Calc" spreadsheet tool;</li><li>"Impress" presentation editor;</li><li>"Draw" vector graphics editor;&nbsp;</li><li>"Math" mathematical formula editor; and&nbsp;</li><li>"Base" database management program.&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Apache |
| OpenOffice supports more than 120 languages, 41 of which are officially |
| maintained and released by the Project. Apache OpenOffice is the |
| productivity suite of choice for governments seeking to meet mandates |
| for using ISO/IEC standard Open Document Format (ODF) files.</p><p>Originally |
| created as "StarOffice" in 1985 by StarDivision, who was acquired by |
| Sun Microsystems in 1999. The project was open-sourced under the name |
| "OpenOffice.org", and continued development after Oracle Corporation |
| acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010. OpenOffice entered the Apache |
| Incubator in 2011 and graduated as an Apache Top-level Project in |
| October 2012.</p><p>"At Apache OpenOffice we are very excited about 20 |
| years of OpenOffice," said Marcus Lange, ASF Member and Apache |
| OpenOffice Committer since the project first arrived at the ASF. |
| "Countless users, developers and friends have made it possible that we |
| can today celebrate this incredible anniversary. Their commitment makes |
| me believe that we will see many more years of this great Open Source |
| productivity suite."</p><p>"The need and, in fact, the demand, for a |
| permissively licensed Open Source office suite, available to the masses |
| and not just the privileged few fortunate enough to have the latest |
| hardware and software, has never been greater within the last two |
| decades," said Jim Jagielski, ASF co-Founder and Apache OpenOffice |
| incubating mentor. "Apache OpenOffice exists to provide essential |
| functionality, with as few licensing restrictions as possible, to the |
| world at large. It is truly a noble mission, and I am honored to be a |
| small part of it."</p><p>"As a long-term user, I joined the project in |
| 2016 to give something back," said Matthias Seidel, Committer and member |
| of the Apache OpenOffice Project Management Committee. "After a steep |
| learning curve, I am proud to be part of the community that provides |
| this great software for the public good and benefits millions |
| worldwide."</p><p>Apache OpenOffice is available as a free download to |
| all users at 100% no cost, charge, or fees of any kind. OpenOffice |
| source code is readily available for anyone who wishes to enhance the |
| applications. The Project welcomes contributions back to the project, |
| its code, and its community. Those interested in participating with |
| Apache OpenOffice can find out more at <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html" target="_blank">https://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html</a> .</p><p><b>Availability and Oversight<br/></b>As |
| with all Apache projects, OpenOffice software is released under the |
| Apache License v2.0 and is overseen by a self-selected team of active |
| contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides |
| the Project's day-to-day operations, including community development |
| and product releases. For project data, documentation, and more |
| information on Apache OpenOffice, visit <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/" style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);" target="_blank">https://openoffice.apache.org/</a>&nbsp;and <a href="https://twitter.com/ApacheOO" style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/ApacheOO</a> .</p><p>12 |
| releases have been made under the auspices of the ASF. The project |
| strongly recommends that users download OpenOffice only from the |
| official site <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank">https://www.openoffice.org/download/</a>&nbsp;to ensure that they receive the original software in the correct and most recent version.</p><p><b>About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)<br/></b>Established |
| in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is the world&rsquo;s largest |
| Open Source foundation, stewarding 227M+ lines of code and providing |
| more than $20B+ worth of software to the public at 100% no cost. The |
| ASF&rsquo;s all-volunteer community grew from 21 original founders overseeing |
| the Apache HTTP Server to 813 individual Members and 206 Project |
| Management Committees who successfully lead 350+ Apache projects and |
| initiatives in collaboration with 7,900+ Committers through the ASF&rsquo;s |
| meritocratic process known as "The Apache Way". Apache software is |
| integral to nearly every end user computing device, from laptops to |
| tablets to mobile devices across enterprises and mission-critical |
| applications. Apache projects power most of the Internet, manage |
| exabytes of data, execute teraflops of operations, and store billions of |
| objects in virtually every industry. The commercially-friendly and |
| permissive Apache License v2 is an Open Source industry standard, |
| helping launch billion dollar corporations and benefiting countless |
| users worldwide. The ASF is a US 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable |
| organization funded by individual donations and corporate sponsors |
| including Aetna, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Amazon Web Services, |
| Anonymous, Baidu, Bloomberg, Budget Direct, Capital One, Cerner, |
| Cloudera, Comcast, Facebook, Google, Handshake, Huawei, IBM, Inspur, |
| Pineapple Fund, Red Hat, Target, Tencent, Union Investment, Verizon |
| Media, and Workday. For more information, visit <a href="http://apache.org/" style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);" target="_blank">http://apache.org/</a>&nbsp;and <a href="https://twitter.com/TheASF" style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/TheASF</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&copy; |
| The Apache Software Foundation. "Apache", "OpenOffice", |
| "OpenOffice.org", "Apache OpenOffice", and "ApacheCon" are registered |
| trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United |
| States and/or other countries. All other brands and trademarks are the |
| property of their respective owners.</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Apache OpenOffice needs your help</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache-openoffice-needs-your-help.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-05-17T22:34:44+00:00</published><updated>2020-05-17T22:34:44+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2020-05-17:/blog/apache-openoffice-needs-your-help.html</id><summary type="html"><p>The Apache&reg; OpenOffice&reg; Project is on the road to a bigger update for |
| the leading open source office suite. |
| <br/> |
| <br/>This is your chance. OpenOffice needs people to help in the development |
| process. Don't panic, you do not need to be a software engineer or |
| programmer though those skills are always …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>The Apache&reg; OpenOffice&reg; Project is on the road to a bigger update for |
| the leading open source office suite. |
| <br/> |
| <br/>This is your chance. OpenOffice needs people to help in the development |
| process. Don't panic, you do not need to be a software engineer or |
| programmer though those skills are always welcome. You can already |
| contribute a lot if you just install the software and test it for |
| quality, reliability, language translations and submit bug reports, |
| write documentation, and many other tasks as well. |
| <br/> |
| <br/>If this sounds like something that you would be interested in then join |
| with many others from all over the world on our development mailing list |
| by sending an e-mail to <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:dev-subscribe@openoffice.apache.org">dev-subscribe@openoffice.apache.org</a> and join the fun (<a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" target="_blank">more information about mailing lists</a>). |
| </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>1.6 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/1-6-million-downloads-of.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2019-10-22T18:44:44+00:00</published><updated>2019-10-22T18:44:44+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2019-10-22:/blog/1-6-million-downloads-of.html</id><summary type="html"><p>On Sep, 21st we have released Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7. Since then we had <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/4.1.7/stats/timeline?dates=2019-09-21+to+2019-10-21" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice download statistics">1.6 million</a> |
| download requests. And this is only for the newest release. There are |
| more for other versions that the users download due to their special |
| needs. And not included are the many others …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>On Sep, 21st we have released Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7. Since then we had <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/4.1.7/stats/timeline?dates=2019-09-21+to+2019-10-21" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice download statistics">1.6 million</a> |
| download requests. And this is only for the newest release. There are |
| more for other versions that the users download due to their special |
| needs. And not included are the many others from news magazins - online |
| or on CD/DVD.<br/></p> |
| <p>Another impressive number is: <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/openofficeorg.mirror/files/stats/timeline?dates=2012-01-01+to+2019-10-21" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffce download statistics">294 million</a>. These are the downloads over all versions since 01st January, 2012.<br/></p> |
| <p>Also with this post we want to call your attention again to 2 important things:</p> |
| <ol> |
| <li>We strongly advise to download software only from its original |
| source. Then you are on the safe side to avoid any viruses or malware. |
| For Apache OpenOffice it is "<a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice Official Download">https://www.openoffice.org/download/</a>".<br/><br/></li> |
| <li>You don't need a permission or even registration to use or copy |
| Apache OpenOffice as it is free and open source software. So, no problem |
| with license keys and fees and other restricting stuff that is wasting |
| your lifetime.</li> |
| </ol> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-13.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2019-09-21T19:40:11+00:00</published><updated>2019-09-21T19:40:11+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2019-09-21:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-13.html</id><summary type="html"><p>21 September 2019 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office |
| document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7, as |
| usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache |
| OpenOffice 4.1.7 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some |
| regressions and delivering the latest English …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>21 September 2019 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office |
| document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7, as |
| usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache |
| OpenOffice 4.1.7 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some |
| regressions and delivering the latest English dictionary. All users of |
| Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6 or earlier are advised to upgrade.<br/><br/>Main improvements include:</p> |
| <p>* Adds support for <a class="external-link" href="https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html" rel="nofollow">AdoptOpenJDK</a> as well as Oracle Java<br/>* <span style="color: #000000;">Possible crash in Freetype code</span><br/>* <span style="color: #000000;">Crash in Writer when linking frames on OS/2</span><br/>* <span style="color: #000000;">Apache OpenOffice TM in Splash screen has different background</span></p> |
| <p> </p>The complete overview is available as list in <a href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.7" target="_blank" title="Bugzilla">Bugzilla</a>.<br/> |
| <p>Details of this release are described in the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.7+Release+Notes" target="_blank" title="Release Notes">Release Notes</a>. <br/></p> |
| <p>For a complete list of available languages and language packs see the <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice - Official download">download webpage</a>.</p> |
| <p>Those interested can also <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice - Source code">download the source code</a>.</p> |
| <p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p> |
| <p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:<br/>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a></a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a></a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/openoffice" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube"><a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/openoffice">https://www.youtube.com/c/openoffice</a></a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" title="Mail"><a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></a></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-12.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2018-11-18T20:29:04+00:00</published><updated>2018-11-18T20:29:04+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2018-11-18:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-12.html</id><summary type="html"><p>18 November 2018 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office |
| document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6, as |
| usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache |
| OpenOffice 4.1.6 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some |
| regressions and delivering the latest English …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>18 November 2018 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office |
| document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6, as |
| usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache |
| OpenOffice 4.1.6 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some |
| regressions and delivering the latest English dictionary. All users of |
| Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5 or earlier are advised to upgrade.<br/><br/>Main improvements include:</p> |
| <p>* Fixed bugs which caused improper handling (crashes) when using Microsoft Drawing Binary File format<br/>* Updated OpenSSL to version 0.9.8zh<br/>* Updated curl library used from version 7.19.7 to 7.61.1<br/>* Save As ... Docbook now works correctly for Windows 7 and Windows 10<br/>* Updated logos</p>The complete overview is available as list in <a href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.6" target="_blank" title="Bugzilla">Bugzilla</a>.<br/> |
| <p>Details of this release are described in the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.6+Release+Notes" target="_blank" title="Release Notes">Release Notes</a>. <br/></p> |
| <p>For a complete list of available languages and language packs see the <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice - Official download">download webpage</a>.</p> |
| <p>Those interested can also <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice - Source code">download the source code</a>.</p> |
| <p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p> |
| <p>Follow Apache OpenOffice:<br/>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" title="Apache OpenOffice @Twitter"><a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a></a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Facebook"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a></a><br/>Google+&nbsp;&nbsp; <a data-mce-href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts" href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts" title="Apache OpenOffice @ Google+"><a href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/+openoffice">https://plus.google.com/u/0/+openoffice</a></a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/openoffice" title="Apache OpenOffice @ YouTube"><a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/openoffice">https://www.youtube.com/c/openoffice</a></a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" title="Mail"><a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a></a></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-11.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2017-12-30T16:16:10+00:00</published><updated>2017-12-30T16:16:10+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2017-12-30:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-11.html</id><summary type="html"><p>30 December 2017 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office |
| document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5, as |
| usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some regressions and delivering the latest English …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>30 December 2017 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office |
| document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5, as |
| usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some regressions and delivering the latest English dictionary. All users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4 or earlier are advised to upgrade.<br/><br/>Main improvements include:</p> |
| <p>* BZ 127568 Diagrams become corrupt (not retrievable) when Calc document is saved<br/>* BZ 127580 Fix for Issue 127568 created a new bug in Base<br/>* BZ 127581 Writer crashes after copying all content<br/>* BZ 127621 Update English dictionary to version 2017.11.01 <br/></p>The complete overview is available as list in <a href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.5" target="_blank" title="Bugzilla">Bugzilla</a>.<br/> |
| <p>Details of this release are described in the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.5+Release+Notes" target="_blank" title="Release Notes">Release Notes</a>. <br/></p> |
| <p>For a complete list of available languages and language packs see the <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice - Official download">download webpage</a>.</p> |
| <p>Those interested can also <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice - Source code">download the source code</a>.</p> |
| <p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p> |
| <p> |
| Follow Apache OpenOffice:<br/>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" target="_blank" title="Twitter">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a><br/>Facebook&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" target="_blank" title="Facebook">http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO</a><br/>Google+&nbsp;&nbsp; <a data-mce-href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts" href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts">https://plus.google.com/u/0/+openoffice</a><br/>YouTube&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/c/openoffice/" target="_blank" title="YouTube">https://www.youtube.com/c/openoffice/</a><br/>Mail&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html" title="Mail">https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html</a><br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 18, Brussels FOSDEM is 3-4 Feb 2018</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/open_document_editors_devroom_at_FOSDEM_18.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2017-11-27T07:38:46+00:00</published><updated>2017-11-27T07:38:46+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2017-11-27:/blog/open_document_editors_devroom_at_FOSDEM_18.html</id><summary type="html"><p>FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2018, it will be held on Saturday, February 3, and Sunday, February 4.<br/><br/>As usual, the Open Document Editors DevRoom will be jointly …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2018, it will be held on Saturday, February 3, and Sunday, February 4.<br/><br/>As usual, the Open Document Editors DevRoom will be jointly organized by Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice, on Saturday, February 3 (from 10:30AM to 6:30PM, room AW1.120). The shared devroom gives every project in this area a chance to present ODF related developments and innovations.<br/><br/>We are now inviting proposals for talks about Open Document Editors or the ODF standard document format, on topics such as code, localization, QA, UX, extensions, tools and adoption related cases. This is a unique opportunity to show new ideas and developments to a wide technical audience. Please do keep in mind, though, that product pitches are not allowed at FOSDEM.<br/><br/>Length of talks should be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes, as we would like to have questions after each presentation, and to fit as many presenters as possible in the schedule. Exceptions must be explicitly requested and justified. You may be assigned LESS time than you request.<br/><br/>All submissions have to be made in the Pentabarf event planning tool: <a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM18"><a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM18">https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM18</a></a><br/><br/>While filing your proposal, please provide the title of your talk, a short abstract (one or two paragraphs), some information about yourself (name, bio and photo, but please do remember that your profile might be already stored at Pentabarf).<br/><br/>To submit your talk, click on &ldquo;Create Event&rdquo;, then make sure to select the &ldquo;Open Document Editors&rdquo; devroom as the &ldquo;Track&rdquo;. Otherwise, your talk will not be even considered for any devroom at all.<br/><br/>If you already have a Pentabarf account from a previous year, even if your talk was not accepted, please reuse it. Create an account if, and only if, you don&rsquo;t have one from a previous year. If you have any issues with Pentabarf, please contact <a href="mailto:ode-devroom-manager@fosdem.org">ode-devroom-manager@fosdem.org</a><br/><br/>The deadline is Monday, December 4th, 2017. Accepted speakers will be notified by Monday, December 11th, 2017. The schedule will be published before Friday, December 15, 2017.<br/><br/>Recording Permission<br/><br/>The talks in the Open Document Editors DevRoom will be audio and video recorded, and possibly streamed live too.<br/><br/>In the &ldquo;Submission notes&rdquo; field, please indicate that you agree to have your presentation recorded and published under the same license as all FOSDEM content (CC-BY). For example: &ldquo;If my speech is accepted for FOSDEM, I hereby agree to be recorded and to have recordings - including slides and other presentation related documents - published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International License. Sincerely, Name&rdquo;.&nbsp;</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-1.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2017-10-19T19:44:55+00:00</published><updated>2017-10-19T19:44:55+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2017-10-19:/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-1.html</id><summary type="html"><p>19 October 2017 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4, as usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes, security fixes, updated dictionaries, and build …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>19 October 2017 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4, as usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes, security fixes, updated dictionaries, and build fixes. All users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 or earlier are advised to upgrade.<br/><br/>Main improvements include:</p> |
| <p>* BZ 119208 Cannot select a different icon set (menu "Tools - Options - View").<br/>* BZ 125147 Crash when applying a style to a new text document.<br/>* BZ 127176 Different installed Java Runtime Environment cannot be selected (menu "Tools - Options - Java").<br/>* BZ 127553 <span><span>Update links doesn't work for sections in 4.1.4-RC4</span></span></p>The complete overview is available as list in <a href="https://bz.apache.org/ooo/buglist.cgi?list_id=233429&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;resolution=FIXED_WITHOUT_CODE&amp;target_milestone=4.1.4" target="_blank" title="Bugzilla">Bugzilla</a>.<br/> |
| <p>For a complete list of available languages and language packs see the <a href="https://www.openoffice.org/download/" target="_blank">download webpage</a>.</p> |
| <p>Details of new features and enhancements in this release are described in the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.4+Release+Notes" title="Release Notes">Release Notes</a>.</p> |
| <p>Those interested can also <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html" target="_blank">download the source code</a>.</p> |
| <p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches. To subscribe you can send an email to: announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p> |
| Follow Apache OpenOffice:<br/>Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp; https://twitter.com/apacheoo<br/>Facebook&nbsp; http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO<br/>Google+&nbsp;&nbsp; https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts<br/>E-mail&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html<br/><br/> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Over 200 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/over_200_million_downloads_of.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2016-11-28T20:04:19+00:00</published><updated>2016-11-28T20:04:19+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2016-11-28:/blog/over_200_million_downloads_of.html</id><summary type="html"><style type="text/css"> |
| <!-- |
| @page { margin: 0.79in } |
| P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } |
| --></style>Apache OpenOffice |
| <p>continues to enjoy the user's valuation.</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">Recently the new record |
| mark of <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html" target="_blank" title="More than 200 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice">200 million downloads</a> was reached. The |
| downloads are managed by our partner <a href="https://www.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank" title="SourceForge">SourceForge</a> .</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">The high demand of the |
| most current release 4.1.3 - that was released in …</p></summary><content type="html"><style type="text/css"> |
| <!-- |
| @page { margin: 0.79in } |
| P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } |
| --></style>Apache OpenOffice |
| <p>continues to enjoy the user's valuation.</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">Recently the new record |
| mark of <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html" target="_blank" title="More than 200 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice">200 million downloads</a> was reached. The |
| downloads are managed by our partner <a href="https://www.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank" title="SourceForge">SourceForge</a> .</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">The high demand of the |
| most current release 4.1.3 - that was released in October - is an |
| acknowledgment of the previous work and a great motivation for the |
| future.</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">The ongoing trust of our |
| users is also a thankful expression to all people who put their personal |
| spare time and effort into the project and software.</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">But of course there are |
| more ways to distribute Apache OpenOffice. The most common one is to |
| download the binary packages from one of the many mirror servers. But |
| also printed magazines with an included DVD are possible, you can get |
| it from your neighbors, friends, coworkers, it's part of free |
| software collections, and many more ways we can think of.</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">You don't need a |
| permission or even registration to use or copy Apache OpenOffice as |
| it is <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software" target="_blank" title="Free and Open Source Software">free and open source software</a>. |
| However, this makes it also difficult to get meaningful numbers of |
| actual users. It's not measurable if a download stands for a single |
| user or an installation in a larger network.</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">Furthermore it's not known |
| if Apache OpenOffice was downloaded the first time or it's an update |
| for a previous installed version. Much more interesting to know is |
| that the statistics show a steady download of 100,000 every day.</p> |
| <p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">It's safe to say that |
| Apache OpenOffice has one of the highest user base in the world of |
| free software projects. And for this we want to say <b>Thank You!</b></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 17, Brussels 4-5 Feb 2017</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/open_document_editors_devroom_at_FOSDEM_17.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2016-11-08T21:11:52+00:00</published><updated>2016-11-08T21:11:52+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2016-11-08:/blog/open_document_editors_devroom_at_FOSDEM_17.html</id><summary type="html"><p>FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2017, it will be held on Saturday, February 4, and Sunday, February 5.<br/><br/>As usual, the Open Document Editors DevRoom will be jointly …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2017, it will be held on Saturday, February 4, and Sunday, February 5.<br/><br/>As usual, the Open Document Editors DevRoom will be jointly organized by Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice, on Saturday, February 4, in room 4.401 in Building K (from 10:30AM to 6:30PM). The shared devroom gives every project in this area a chance to present ODF related developments and innovations.<br/><br/>We are now inviting proposals for talks about Open Document Editors or the ODF document format, on topics such as code, extensions, localization, QA, UX, tools and adoption related cases. This is a unique opportunity to show new ideas and developments to a wide technical audience. Please do keep in mind, though, that product pitches are not allowed at FOSDEM.<br/><br/>Length of talks should be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes, as we would like to have questions after each presentation, and to fit as many presenters as possible in the schedule. Exceptions must be explicitly requested and justified. You may be assigned LESS time than you request.<br/><br/>All submissions have to be made in the <a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM17">Pentabarf</a> event planning tool at https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM17<br/></p>While filing your proposal, please provide the title of your talk, a short abstract (one or two paragraphs), some information about yourself (name, bio and photo, but please do remember that your profile might be already stored at Pentabarf).<br/> |
| <p>To submit your talk, click on &ldquo;Create Event&rdquo;, then make sure to select the &ldquo;Open Document Editors&rdquo; devroom as the &ldquo;Track&rdquo;. Otherwise, your talk will not be even considered for any devroom at all.<br/><br/>If you already have a Pentabarf account from a previous year, even if your talk was not accepted, please reuse it. Create an account if, and only if, you don&rsquo;t have one from a previous year. If you have any issues with Pentabarf, please contact ode-devroom-manager@fosdem.org.<br/><br/>The deadline is Monday, December 5th, 2016. Accepted speakers will be notified by Sunday, December 11th, 2016. The DevRoom schedule will be published on the same day.<br/><br/>Recording Permission<br/><br/>The talks in the Open Document Editors DevRoom will be audio and video recorded, and possibly streamed live too.<br/><br/>In the &ldquo;Submission notes&rdquo; field, please indicate that you agree to have your presentation recorded and published under the same license as all FOSDEM content (CC-BY). For example: &ldquo;If my speech is accepted for FOSDEM, I hereby agree to be recorded and to have recordings - including slides and other presentation related documents - published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International License. Sincerely, Name&rdquo;.<br/><br/> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Note from a satisfied user: Congratulations for all efforts of the past!'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/note_from_a_satisfied_user.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2016-10-16T21:42:29+00:00</published><updated>2016-10-16T21:42:29+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2016-10-16:/blog/note_from_a_satisfied_user.html</id><summary type="html"><p>We received the following mail from Mr. Ziegler on the developer mailing list [1] and we want to share it with all of you:<br/></p> |
| <p>Quote start<br/></p> |
| <p><i>I was encouraged to leave my aoo forum post directly in the dev mailing |
| list so that you all can read what I wanted …</i></p></summary><content type="html"><p>We received the following mail from Mr. Ziegler on the developer mailing list [1] and we want to share it with all of you:<br/></p> |
| <p>Quote start<br/></p> |
| <p><i>I was encouraged to leave my aoo forum post directly in the dev mailing |
| list so that you all can read what I wanted to express. I am not a |
| software developper in any sense--only a user. |
| <br/><br/>Dear developers, |
| </i> <i><br/>there may be little positive feedback for your work, I guess. So I |
| created an account for the forum (and now subscribed temporarily to |
| dev@aoo) to leave a big THANK YOU! |
| <br/><br/>The&nbsp; first version I used must have been something like StarOffice |
| 4.3, the&nbsp; first I owned was SO 5.2, and then I shifted to |
| OpenOffice(.org) when it&nbsp; introduced the XML file formats. So I am a |
| convinced and longterm user&nbsp; since then and hardly ever regretted my |
| decision. |
| </i> <i><br/><br/>OpenOffice&nbsp; gave me the possibility to mostly do what I wanted to |
| (with writer,&nbsp; base, calc, impress and draw - in that historic order) in |
| an efficient&nbsp; way, and the only thing I don't like is, that it always |
| tends towards following&nbsp; MS Office although it already was better in |
| many ways. I understand that it is&nbsp; crucial to get as many users as |
| possible, so I acknowledge the decisions&nbsp; towards MS Office. |
| </i> <i><br/><br/>What I like most is the long term usability&nbsp; and stability, and I do |
| not only keep my office files from more than 10&nbsp; years ago, I also use |
| and re-use them. And if one crashed in the past, I nearly&nbsp; always could |
| recover them by opening the zip bundle with an (hex) editor. |
| </i> <i><br/><br/>By that, I&nbsp; enjoyed the progress in LibreOffice, but didn't really |
| need it. Although&nbsp; I switched to LibreOffice on some machines, I am |
| always glad that there&nbsp; is OpenOffice, too. In my eyes, it is the more |
| stable and efficient&nbsp; branch of the project. This year it was my |
| fallback tool and salvation&nbsp; in a book project that I started with LO |
| Writer;&nbsp;&nbsp; I first invested hours to get my pictures back to the place |
| they&nbsp; belonged to when they got more and more (as others did decades |
| before&nbsp; with MS Word) and then had to give up as it didn't open the file |
| anymore&nbsp; without crashing. Apache OpenOffice (standard and portable) |
| solved the problem. It got a nice book, by&nbsp; the way, for our church |
| jubilee. |
| </i> <i><br/><br/>So if you get the software&nbsp; maintained, I will probably continue to |
| use OpenOffice for another 20&nbsp; years. And I won't switch to DTP software |
| (Scribus) for the next book&nbsp; project neither like I regularly do for |
| magazines, brochures etc. |
| </i> <i><br/><br/>OpenOffice is a great, great software, even if it didn't evolve much |
| in the last years! (maybe even: because..)&nbsp;&nbsp; Powerful enough for both |
| private and standard business use. |
| </i> <i><br/><br/>Keep patience and persistance! |
| </i> <i><br/><br/>A very satisfied and content user </i> </p> |
| <p>Quote end<br/></p> |
| <p>[1] <a href="http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/openoffice-dev/201610.mbox/%3C2137ac11e13907261a14ca11752eb75a%40email.freenet.de%3E">Archived message in the developer mailing list</a><a href="http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/openoffice-dev/201610.mbox/%3C2137ac11e13907261a14ca11752eb75a%40email.freenet.de%3E"></a></p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_12.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2016-10-12T21:46:03+00:00</published><updated>2016-10-12T21:46:03+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2016-10-12:/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_12.html</id><summary type="html"><p>12 October 2016 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office |
| document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3, |
| now available in 41 languages on Windows, OS X and Linux. |
| <br/> <br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 is a maintenance release incorporating important |
| bug fixes, security fixes, updated dictionaries, and build …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>12 October 2016 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office |
| document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3, |
| now available in 41 languages on Windows, OS X and Linux. |
| <br/> <br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 is a maintenance release incorporating important |
| bug fixes, security fixes, updated dictionaries, and build fixes. All |
| users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 or earlier are advised to upgrade.<br/></p> |
| <p> |
| Main improvements include: |
| <br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Key security vulnerability fixes</li> |
| <li>Support for new language dictionaries&nbsp;</li> |
| <li>Numerous bug fixes, including installer and database support on OS X&nbsp;</li> |
| <li>Enhancements to the build tools (for developers) |
| </li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>A complete list of the issues fixed in this release can be found at <a href="https://s.apache.org/t0wh">https://s.apache.org/t0wh</a><a class="external-link" href="https://s.apache.org/t0wh" rel="nofollow"></a></p> |
| <p>For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: <a class="external-link" href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow">http://www.openoffice.org/download/</a></p> |
| <p>Details of new features and enhancements in this release are described in th <a href="https://s.apache.org/Vnpt">Release Notes</a>.</p> |
| <p>Those interested in the source code can download it at <a href="http://s.apache.org/Bsr">http://s.apache.org/Bsr</a>.</p> |
| <p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches.&nbsp; To subscribe you can send an email to:&nbsp; announce-subscribe-AT-openoffice.apache-DOT-org.</p> |
| <p>You can also follow the project on <a class="external-link" href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a>, <a class="external-link" href="http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" rel="nofollow">Facebook</a> and <a class="external-link" href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts" rel="nofollow">Google+</a>.</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>More team-mates needed</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/more_team_mates_needed1.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2016-09-22T21:04:50+00:00</published><updated>2016-09-22T21:04:50+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2016-09-22:/blog/more_team_mates_needed1.html</id><summary type="html"><p><img alt="American Football Team" src="../images/blog/more_team_mates_needed1_American_Football_Team.jpeg"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>At Apache OpenOffice we are looking for further team-mates and here especially for developers:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Are you a software developer with C++ skills?</li> |
| <li>Or do you have expertise in building software?</li> |
| <li>Are you additionally experienced as lead technical writer?</li> |
| <li>Do you like to contribute to open source projects?</li> |
| <li>And are you …</li></ul></summary><content type="html"><p><img alt="American Football Team" src="../images/blog/more_team_mates_needed1_American_Football_Team.jpeg"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>At Apache OpenOffice we are looking for further team-mates and here especially for developers:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Are you a software developer with C++ skills?</li> |
| <li>Or do you have expertise in building software?</li> |
| <li>Are you additionally experienced as lead technical writer?</li> |
| <li>Do you like to contribute to open source projects?</li> |
| <li>And are you proficient in written technical English?<br/></li> |
| </ul> |
| <p><br/>If this is the case then come and join us in helping Apache OpenOffice to thrive. Subscribe to the <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#recruitment-mailing-list-public" target="_blank" title="recruitment mailing list">recruitment mailing list</a> and introduce yourself. We will help you get started.<br/><br/>All contributions are welcome and valued. Established contributors have the opportunity to become committers at the Apache Software Foundation, and thus get several benefits and the recognition from other community members for the value of their open source contributions.<br/><br/>It doesn't exist as a slogan in 1-2 sentences but the following short statements can be referred to as "<a href="http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html" target="_blank" title="The Apache Way">The Apache Way</a>":<br/><br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>collaborative software development</li> |
| <li>commercial-friendly free and open source license</li> |
| <li>consistently high quality software</li> |
| <li>respectful, honest, technical-based interaction</li> |
| <li>faithful implementation of standards</li> |
| <li>security as a mandatory feature<br/></li> |
| </ul> |
| <p><br/>When you like to work and code independently from any commercial influence, so that you want try your own things, then this is your way - <a href="http://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html" target="_blank" title="The Apache Way">The Apache Way</a>.<br/><br/>Please also visit our "<a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice - Get involved">Get involved</a>" webpage as it provides you with much more information.<br/><br/>Happy to hear from you soon.<br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Stop the lazy season, start changing</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/stop_the_lazy_season_start.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2016-09-20T19:02:41+00:00</published><updated>2016-09-20T19:02:41+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2016-09-20:/blog/stop_the_lazy_season_start.html</id><summary type="html"><p> </p> |
| <p><img alt="Keep calm and embrace change" src="../images/blog/stop_the_lazy_season_start_Keep_calm.png"/> </p> |
| <p>It's time to write about new things that happen here in the Apache OpenOffice project.</p> |
| <p>At first, we want to let you know about new releases. The first will be the bugfix release 4.1.3 that will tie in directly with the current version. It's already in the cooking …</p></summary><content type="html"><p> </p> |
| <p><img alt="Keep calm and embrace change" src="../images/blog/stop_the_lazy_season_start_Keep_calm.png"/> </p> |
| <p>It's time to write about new things that happen here in the Apache OpenOffice project.</p> |
| <p>At first, we want to let you know about new releases. The first will be the bugfix release 4.1.3 that will tie in directly with the current version. It's already in the cooking pot but needs some tasting and refinement before we will serve it. The next will then be the follow-up release 4.1.4 with further fixes.</p> |
| <p>When you now think <i>"hm, only fixed bugs? Nice, but what about more"</i> then please be patient. We are also planning a release afterwards with many more changes, including all new features developed in the last couple of years. As these aren't finally certain - number as well as size - even the version number isn't yet written in stone.</p> |
| <p>More news will follow. But this needs further blog posts. |
| </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Apache OpenOffice Extensions and Templates New Sites</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_extensions_and_templates.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2016-03-24T17:46:34+00:00</published><updated>2016-03-24T17:46:34+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2016-03-24:/blog/apache_openoffice_extensions_and_templates.html</id><summary type="html"><div style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px;">Since 2012 SourceForge has been distributing Apache&nbsp;<span class="il">OpenOffice</span> downloads and actively maintaining both Apache <span class="il">OpenOffice</span> <a href="https://extensions.openoffice.org/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">Extensions</a> and <a href="https://templates.openoffice.org/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">Templates</a> sites. I wrote a couple of short <a href="https://sourceforge.net/blog/new-apache-openoffice-sites/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">blog </a><a href="http://robertogaloppini.net/2016/01/12/about-contributing-to-apache-openoffice/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">posts</a> about the changes that affect end- users. <br/><br/>Extensions that have not been updated in a while report the following message: "Warning message This …</div></summary><content type="html"><div style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px;">Since 2012 SourceForge has been distributing Apache&nbsp;<span class="il">OpenOffice</span> downloads and actively maintaining both Apache <span class="il">OpenOffice</span> <a href="https://extensions.openoffice.org/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">Extensions</a> and <a href="https://templates.openoffice.org/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">Templates</a> sites. I wrote a couple of short <a href="https://sourceforge.net/blog/new-apache-openoffice-sites/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">blog </a><a href="http://robertogaloppini.net/2016/01/12/about-contributing-to-apache-openoffice/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">posts</a> about the changes that affect end- users. <br/><br/>Extensions that have not been updated in a while report the following message: "Warning message This extension was not updated recently. It might not work with latest versions of <span class="il">OpenOffice</span>." See for example how looks like the <a href="http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/oracle-pdf-import-extension-openoffice-3x" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">old Oracle PDF Importer</a>. <br/><br/>Registered users see an additional notice on unmaintained extensions that allows them to contact the original author and apply for a co-maintainer role. Co-maintainers can edit the extension description and create releases.<br/><br/>Registration emails and password related communications are now delivered in the language chosen by the user. It worth to add that we are more than happy to provide .po files to whoever is willing to help with translations. If need will arise we'll consider the possibility to upload localization files to the Apache Pootle server so that existing translation teams can help and the site can be translated into more than the current three languages (English, French, German).<br/><br/>Recovering passwords has been simplified to cover cases where users had difficulties in resetting their passwords: users receive an email in their language with a simple link to reset their password with no further steps.<br/><br/>Sites have been converted to use a more efficient anti-spam system that will improve handling by extensions maintainers: the system will not trigger anti-spam warnings and page unpublishing when the author modifies a popular extension.<br/><br/></div> |
| <div style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px;"> |
| <p><b>Changes users facing</b>.<br/><br/><b><a href="http://extensions.openoffice.org/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">The new extensions home</a> </b>has a strong focus on the search box, a brand new logo, and an&nbsp;overall redesigned look and feel, where all menu items have icons for better readability.</p> |
| <p> <img height="315" src="http://robertogaloppini.net/wp-content/uploads/aooe_home.png" width="585"/> </p> |
| <p><a href="http://templates.openoffice.org/" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank"><b>The new templates home</b></a> is similar to the Apache <span class="il">OpenOffice</span> Extensions site, with a similar redesigned look and feel and different colors to highlight which application a given template can be applied to.</p> |
| <p><img height="355" src="http://robertogaloppini.net/wp-content/uploads/aoot_home.png" width="582"/> </p> |
| <p><b>The new administrative interface</b> includes a navigation bar at the top for Extensions&rsquo; authors that links to the most common actions. We also improved the GUI, making it more intuitive for uploading extensions.</p> |
| <p><img height="392" src="http://robertogaloppini.net/wp-content/uploads/aooe_creation.png" width="587"/> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><b>Search</b> has been completely redesigned too. It&rsquo;s worth mentioning that there are other changes sprinkled here and there, including an alert for outdated extensions that provides an easy way to contact the original author. </p> |
| </div> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Apache OpenOffice at FOSDEM 2016: Submit your talk now'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_at_fosdem_2016.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2015-12-06T00:05:38+00:00</published><updated>2015-12-06T00:05:38+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2015-12-06:/blog/apache_openoffice_at_fosdem_2016.html</id><summary type="html"><p>FOSDEM 16 will be held at the ULB Campus Solbosch, Brussels (Belgium) on Saturday, January 30, and Sunday, January 31, 2016.<br/><br/>Open document editors are coming again to FOSDEM with a shared devroom which gives every project in this area a chance to present ODF related developments and innovations. The …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>FOSDEM 16 will be held at the ULB Campus Solbosch, Brussels (Belgium) on Saturday, January 30, and Sunday, January 31, 2016.<br/><br/>Open document editors are coming again to FOSDEM with a shared devroom which gives every project in this area a chance to present ODF related developments and innovations. The devroom is jointly organized by Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice.<br/><br/>We invite submission of talks for the Open Document Editors devroom, to be held on Saturday, January 30, from 10:30AM to 6:30PM.<br/><br/>Length of talks should be limited to 20 minutes, as we would like to have questions after each presentation, and to fit as many presenters as possible in the schedule. Exceptions must be explicitly requested and justified.<br/><br/>Technical talks (code, extensions, localization, QA, tools and adoption related cases) about open document editors or the ODF document format are welcome.<br/><br/>Submissions must be done by the speakers using the Pentabarf system:<br/><a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM16/"><a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM16/">https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM16/</a></a><br/><br/>While filing your proposal, please provide the title of your talk, a short abstract (one or two paragraphs), some information about yourself (name, bio and photo, but please do remember that your profile might be already stored at Pentabarf) and specify what topic (Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice, other ODF editors, ODF in general...) your talk is about.<br/><br/>You do not need to create a new account if you already have one. If the password has been lost, you can easily recover it.<br/><br/>Presenting at FOSDEM implies giving permission to be recorded.&nbsp; The recordings will be published under the CC-BY license.<br/><br/>The deadline is Monday, December 7, 2015. Accepted speakers will be notified by December 15, 2015.<br/><br/>You can send any questions to the devroom mailing list:<br/><a href="mailto:open-document-devroom@lists.fosdem.org">open-document-devroom@lists.fosdem.org</a><br/><br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_11.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2015-10-28T19:22:39+00:00</published><updated>2015-10-28T19:22:39+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2015-10-28:/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_11.html</id><summary type="html"><p>28 |
| October 2015 - The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce the |
| immediate availability of OpenOffice 4.1.2. You can download it from <a class="external-link" href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow">the official website</a> <a class="external-link" href="http://www.openoffice.org/download" rel="nofollow">http://www.openoffice.org/download</a></p> |
| <p><a class="external-link" href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow">Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</a> brings stability fixes, bug fixes and enhancements. All users of Apache OpenOffice 4 …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>28 |
| October 2015 - The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce the |
| immediate availability of OpenOffice 4.1.2. You can download it from <a class="external-link" href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow">the official website</a> <a class="external-link" href="http://www.openoffice.org/download" rel="nofollow">http://www.openoffice.org/download</a></p> |
| <p><a class="external-link" href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow">Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</a> brings stability fixes, bug fixes and enhancements. All users of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 or earlier are advised to upgrade.</p> |
| <p>Main improvements include:</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Bug fixes in Writer, Calc, Impress/Draw, Base.</li> |
| <li>Better |
| WebDAV and file locking support: OpenOffice is now able to properly |
| interact with Microsoft Sharepoint. These enhancements were funded, and |
| contributed upstream, by the Emilia-Romagna regional administration |
| (Italy), where OpenOffice was adopted a few years ago.</li> |
| <li>Redesign of the PDF export dialog for better usability on small laptop screens.</li> |
| <li>Updates of underlying libraries, for better performance and increased security.</li> |
| <li>Security vulnerability fixes, with details&nbsp;eventually&nbsp;disclosed&nbsp;at&nbsp;<a href="http://www.openoffice.org/security/bulletin.html" rel="nofollow">the security announcements page</a>.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>A complete list of the issues fixed in this release can be found at <a class="external-link" href="http://s.apache.org/9uI" rel="nofollow">http://s.apache.org/9uI</a></p> |
| <p>For a complete list of available languages and language packs see: <a class="external-link" href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/" rel="nofollow">http://www.openoffice.org/download/</a></p> |
| <p>Details of new features and enhancements in this release are described in the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.2+Release+Notes" rel="nofollow">Release Notes</a>.</p> |
| <p>Those interested in the source code can download it at <a href="http://s.apache.org/Bsr">http://s.apache.org/Bsr</a>.</p> |
| <p>You |
| are encouraged to subscribe to the Apache OpenOffice announcement |
| mailing list to receive important notifications such as product updates |
| and security patches.&nbsp; To subscribe you can send an email to:&nbsp; <a class="external-link" href="mailto:announce-subscribe@openoffice.apache.org" rel="nofollow">announce-subscribe@openoffice.apache.org</a>.</p> |
| <p>You can also follow the project on <a class="external-link" href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a>, <a class="external-link" href="http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" rel="nofollow">Facebook</a> and <a class="external-link" href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts" rel="nofollow">Google+</a>.</p> |
| <p style="margin-left: 30px;"><i>The |
| OpenOffice community dedicates version 4.1.2 to the memory of Ian |
| Lynch, a member of the OpenOffice Project Management Committee and a key |
| contributor to marketing and education efforts, who passed away earlier |
| this year.</i></p><br/> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Coming soon... Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/coming_soon_apache_openoffice_4.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2015-09-27T14:17:07+00:00</published><updated>2015-09-27T14:17:07+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2015-09-27:/blog/coming_soon_apache_openoffice_4.html</id><summary type="html"><p> |
| A new OpenOffice update, version 4.1.2, has been in preparation for a while. Born as a simple bugfix release, it became an occasion for some deep restructuring in the project: several processes have now been streamlined (and some are still in the works), new people are on board …</p></summary><content type="html"><p> |
| A new OpenOffice update, version 4.1.2, has been in preparation for a while. Born as a simple bugfix release, it became an occasion for some deep restructuring in the project: several processes have now been streamlined (and some are still in the works), new people are on board and infrastructure has been improved.<br/></p> |
| <p>Now the wait is almost over, and we are approaching the final phases before the 4.1.2 release. But we still need help with some non-development tasks, like QA and final preparations (press release, release notes and their translation).</p> |
| <p>&nbsp;OpenOffice is driven exclusively by volunteers, and everyone is welcome to volunteer. See <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.2">https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.2</a> for a list of opportunities and please contact our <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#development-mailing-list-public">main development mailing list</a> if interested.</p> |
| <p>Here's a quick summary of where we are at the moment.</p> |
| <h2 id="code-and-building">Code and building<br/><a class="headerlink" href="#code-and-building" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Most of the code changes for OpenOffice 4.1.2 have already been integrated. Dozens of old and new developers contributed in recent weeks.</p> |
| <p>For users, improvements are expected in stability (fixes in all modules: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base), Microsoft interoperability (Sharepoint) and documents import.</p> |
| <p>For developers, OpenOffice 4.1.2 is designed to be easier to build on modern systems and on non-mainstream systems, thus respecting the Apache OpenOffice mission of providing a solid codebase that people can adapt and customize.</p> |
| <h2 id="quality-assurance">Quality Assurance<br/><a class="headerlink" href="#quality-assurance" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>We welcome testers for bugfixes. If you can volunteer some time, helping is easy: you will have to download one of our development builds, you will receive a short list of bugs from our bug tracking system and be asked to verify that they are fixed. It is especially important for us to get coverage of all operating systems (so not only Windows, but Mac OS X and Linux too) and all languages (a few bugs are to be checked by native Chinese-Japanese-Korean speakers).</p> |
| <p>In order to help, please read <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-qa.html">http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-qa.html</a>&nbsp; and contact our QA list as explained there. <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="release-preparation">Release preparation<a class="headerlink" href="#release-preparation" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>We already have volunteers for the main tasks, such as updating the website and preparing the Release Notes. But we could use more help, at due time, for translations of Release Notes and press releases. Please contact our <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#development-mailing-list-public">main development mailing list</a> if interested.</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Authoring e-Books in Apache OpenOffice: An Interview with Jon Swords-Holdsworth'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/authoring_e_books_in_apache.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2015-05-13T11:51:36+00:00</published><updated>2015-05-13T11:51:36+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2015-05-13:/blog/authoring_e_books_in_apache.html</id><summary type="html"><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-37476a48-42f8-a20b-0281-95f5e56df6a8"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> </span></font> |
| <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">A few months ago we received an email from Jon Swords-Holdsworth, an author of "slipstream and hard science fiction" from Melbourne, Australia. He was finishing up a new volume of short stories, </span><i style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Stories of an Awkward Size</i><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> and was seeking permission to mention <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> in the book's colophon. Since …</span></font></p></span></p></summary><content type="html"><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-37476a48-42f8-a20b-0281-95f5e56df6a8"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> </span></font> |
| <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">A few months ago we received an email from Jon Swords-Holdsworth, an author of "slipstream and hard science fiction" from Melbourne, Australia. He was finishing up a new volume of short stories, </span><i style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Stories of an Awkward Size</i><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> and was seeking permission to mention <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> in the book's colophon. Since I know the topic of e-book production is of interest to many OpenOffice users, I asked Jon if he'd consent to an interview (via email) on this topic, to which he agreed. I certainly learned a lot from Jon about what is involved in using OpenOffice and other open source tools together to produce an e-book. I hope you do as well!</span></font></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"> |
| <font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> |
| <img src="../images/blog/authoring_e_books_in_apache_storie.jpeg"/> |
| </span></font></p> |
| <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><font face="Arial"><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: Hi Jon, I read a little bit, to get a feel for your writing. I couldn't put down "Black Prince" once I started.</span></font></p> |
| <p></p></span><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Jon</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: Ah that's fantastic! A lot of people seem to <em>love</em> that story (if I may be so bold). The others seem to be getting very good responses, but Black Prince is the one that makes 'em jump up and down.</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: A little about the book, before we get started on the technical side. You describe the book as "Slipstream and Hard Science Fiction". Even as a casual science fiction reader I've heard of hard science fiction before, but what is |
| "slipstream"?</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Jon</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: This bears some discussion. I am going to write a small piece on it up on my <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/12706245.Jonathan_Swords_Holdsworth/blog">GoodReads blog</a>, but I don't know when, so please take the below as my views. 'Slipstream' is a neologism and may be regarded as somewhat dubious, but it is getting used more and more. A number of authors identify themselves as Slipstream authors, and it is starting to appear as a genre/category on book listing sites.</span></p> |
| <p>I personally - and I'm not alone - see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Dahl">Roald Dahl</a> as the grandfather of Slipstream, particularly with regard to his 'Tales Of The Unexpected' works. The 'unexpected', is most important in Slipstream.</p> |
| <p>Slipstream, at least as I see it, is the modern approach to the Mystery/Macabre genre. But, being modern, it has some important differences. It tries to be subtle, usually, and avoid things being 'epic'. No giant conspiracies, no huge space-faring or mine-dwelling empires, poised to take over the world or anything like that. Instead, it often concentrates on the everyday, and things becoming very strange, or out of place. Of course it can be backed-up by anything you like: science fiction, fantasy, deviant psychology, whatever you want.</p> |
| <p>In traditional, ye-olde, Mystery fiction, the mystery is all-important and the characters and atmosphere are fleshed out as a by-product, if indeed they get fleshed out at all. The same is true of older Detective or Thriller fiction.</p> |
| <p>With Slipstream, the entire package, taken holistically, is the genre. A strange atmosphere is brewed - and not necessarily a dread one! - as the story unfolds, and the story usually happens in the most mundane of settings.</p> |
| <p>An external example: the excellent film <i style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Nightcrawler</i><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">, with Jake Gyllenhaal, is something I strongly regard as Slipstream. Though it is a thriller, it concerns itself purely with news crews trawling a city for events, and no further! Though it is a psychological character-study, it achieves all its aims by demonstration, not by dwelling or by inner monologues! And though it is just a series of events (which don't start to shock you until later in the piece), by the careful unfolding of those events it manages to have atmosphere you can cut with a knife.</span></p> |
| <p>Several people commented that my story 'Black Prince' is, strictly speaking, a Slipstream tale, even though it is rooted in hard-SF. I'd like to think that is not only true, but true of all my stories, and hence the sub-title of my book.</p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: Is this your first published book?</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Jon</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: It is indeed.</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: OK. Let's get into the nitty-gritty details of what tools you used for creating the book. First, what OS do you work with?</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Jon</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: Ubuntu. I started off on an ancient 11.04 install, but eventually it couldn't support the late versions of applications that I needed. I therefore decided to upgrade to 14.4.02 LTS (Long Term Support). Unless you are a dabbler, I would recommend only using LTS versions of Ubuntu.</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: Did you start off your work in Apache OpenOffice, or did you use something else for research notes, idea sketching, outlining, etc?</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Jon</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: I use <a href="https://www.kde.org/applications/utilities/kwrite/">KWrite </a>for taking notes, and keeping notes about stories. But eventually everything lands on the launchpad of Apache OpenOffice (Writer).</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: Did you use the default named styles in OpenOffice or did you modify them?</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Jon</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: Unfortunately, the default named styles in OpenOffice weren't of any use. I had to make my own templates with my own styles.</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: What kind of modifications did you make and why?</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Jon</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: The reason for this is that manuscript-publication has very strict requirements, and there is almost no leeway: they must conform or else!</span></p> |
| <p>What I did was take some MSWord Templates published (unconditionally) by Amazon <a href="https://www.createspace.com/">CreateSpace</a>, and transform them to OpenOffice Templates. This took a lot of experimentation.</p> |
| <p>Along the way I settled on the 6" x 9" page-size, or "Trim", as all publishers recommend it as being the most flexible. You can get from a 6"x9" Trim to almost any other format quite easily, and many processes and printers out there in the world are already set up for it.</p> |
| <p>My OpenOffice template for 6"x9" Trim, for use on CreateSpace (it could be used for any publisher, really) is freely available (with no restrictions) at: <a href="http://jonswordsholdsworth.com/templates/openoffice/" style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"><a href="http://jonswordsholdsworth.com/templates/openoffice/">http://jonswordsholdsworth.com/templates/openoffice/</a></a><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"></span></p> |
| <p>All the styles in that template that have names that begin with "CSP - " are the ones to use.</p> |
| <p>DISCLAIMER: if it doesn't work for you or does something bad - so sorry but it's not my responsibility - it's your responsibility, for downloading it!</p> |
| <p>I'll put some detailed instructions up at some point, but basically if (in Page Styles) you set the first page to "CSP - Chapter Verso", then start typing on the second page, it all starts to become obvious.</p> |
| <p>You need to read up on and understand the page concepts of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recto_and_verso">Verso and Recto</a> - this is very important, particularly in paper versions of a book.</p> |
| <p>I have several Page styles defined in my template (as opposed to Paragraph styles, which my template also defines). Verso should always be blank, with no content in it, and your First Page should start a chapter.</p> |
| <p>There is too much detail to describe here, but if you read up on the necessary styles required in a book - particularly a work of fiction - it will all start to make sense. Then you can look in my OTT template and you'll see where I have defined the appropriate styles for you to use. You are, of course, free to modify them in any way you like. But do bear in mind that you still need to conform to CreateSpace's requirements (in this case for a book in 6"x9" Trim), which the Page styles are particularly relevant to, and you will still need the Paragraph styles looking good for eBook publication.</p> |
| <p>Note one other thing: I live in Australia and abhor Imperial units of measurement, but unfortunately the world of printing and publishing is still firmly using them. You need to set OpenOffice - at least Writer - to use inches for everything. It will save you much pain!</p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: While working on the book did you come across any features in OpenOffice that were new to you and which made your work easier?</span></p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Jon</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: The ability to have, and edit, per-document dictionaries was very useful! And the fact you can have them in parallel with the standard dictionary.</span></p> |
| <p>Another thing was OpenOffice's memory management, it's rather good.</p> |
| <p>I edited this book as individual chapters, initially - I highly recommend doing this, even if you are writing a Novel. Keeping the chapters separate gives you a lot more flexibility.</p> |
| <p>However, when it came time to merge them - something I was dreading - it actually went very smoothly. The Page Styles adapted more or less automatically, and where they needed some nudging they obligingly nudged. But most importantly of all the program itself effortlessly handled a 322 page document.</p> |
| <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> |
| I've heard that most commercial word-processors (OpenOffice Writer is regarded as closer to a true DTP system), really struggle with large documents.</span></font></p> |
| <p>Also I made use of two external tools:</p> |
| <p><a href="http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/languagetool">LanguageTool </a>--&nbsp;<span style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> This tool has a few issues</span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">, and either the Java engine or the search-base or both, make it very slow. It's a case of set it doing something, walk away, come back, set it on the next thing, rinse repeat.</span></p> |
| <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Nevertheless, it spotted the odd thing here and there made it 'pay' for itself (it's a free tool!) - things I wouldn't have seen. In the absence of human proof-readers (well, I only have a limited population of them, and as they are unpaid they tire of the work quickly - fair enough too!) tools like this are priceless, provided they work.</span></font></p> |
| <p><a href="http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/writer2xhtml">Writer2xhtml</a> -- Another free tool, part of the Writer2latex suite. I used its Writer2epub sub-tool. Suffice it to say, the eBook would not have happened without this tool.</p> |
| <p><b style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Rob</b><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">: What features do you wish OpenOffice had that would have made your work easier?</span></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"><b>Jon</b>: A built-in grammar checker that was fast would be lovely. Also I don't like the Navigator tool. Actually, that's not entirely true. It's a very useful tool indeed, but some of its features should be one key-combination away. Eg. if I type ctrl-G I want a 'Go To Page' window to come up! Otherwise, OpenOffice Writer is quite a nice environment to write a book in.</span></font></p> |
| <p><b>Rob</b>: I understand you did the hard copy of the book first. What did the pipeline for that look like? ODT-&gt;PDF?</p> |
| <p><b>Jon</b>: OpenOffice Writer, and then use the internal Export To PDF function. Despite some naysayers out there on the web, the internal PDF exporter works fine and produces a beautiful PDF that perfectly mirrors the ODT. Just make sure you have your Author details set in the Settings of OpenOffice (it's a general setting), and make sure the document has a Title set - these are used by the exporter to build the PDF's own metadata.</p> |
| <p><b>Rob</b>: For the e-book edition, what formats did you target?</p> |
| <p><b>Jon</b>: There are only two - EPUB (all eReaders except proprietary ones), and MOBI (Amazon Kindle. This format is being replaced by KF8 and AZW, but like all proprietary formats it has inevitably started running into marketplace and technical issues).</p> |
| <p><b>Rob</b>: What did the pipe-line look like for conversion to e-book?</p> |
| <p><b>Jon</b>: I was able to use FOSS software all the way up to and including EPUB.</p> |
| <p>For MOBI I had to use a different machine (running the 'dreaded 8') and Amazon's own closed-source 'Kindle Previewer' tool (important note: 'Kindle Previewer' is a different tool to 'Kindle For PC' - this tripped a lot of people up). But that tool did an excellent conversion.</p> |
| <p>To get to EPUB from ODT I used the Writer2epub tool, mentioned above. The EPUB that it produces is nearly perfect, but I still had to do a few tweaks to it - the full details are out of scope for this interview, but I promise I will put them up on my blog. The tool I used for tweaking the EPUB was <a href="http://sigil-ebook.com/">Sigil</a>, which is an excellent tool.</p> |
| <p>EPUB is basically an on-disc website, in a particular directory-hierarchy, wrapped up in a ZIP file. So to edit one you need to be familiar with XHTML and CSS Styles. That's a big ask for a lot of authors! I am lucky in that I have a deep software-development background, including a good chunk of website building, so I knew what I was doing. For anyone else, I have to say the forums are the place to look.</p> |
| <p>Side note: Forget about Calibre. Calibre is an excellent eBook library tool, but it's EPUB editor is an added-on afterthought. It can't do the job. Sigil, on the other hand, is a dedicated EPUB editor and makes things very easy.</p> |
| <p>Big note - and apparently ALL word-processors that use XML based formats suffer from this: extraneous &lt;span&gt; elements in the text.</p> |
| <p>If you look at the XHTML that is produced by exporting your ODT to EPUB, you will notice something odd. All through the text, you will find blocks of text that are wrapped in &lt;span&gt; tags, and these &lt;span&gt; tags usually have their own font-definitions and other style information. They can also be nested inside one another.</p> |
| <p>Nobody know what causes these! And all XML-format word-processors have this issue! It's not unique to OpenOffice Writer.</p> |
| <p>When you are looking at, and editing, your ODT in Writer, these &lt;span&gt;s are not a problem - because inside Writer it uses absolute font-sizes.</p> |
| <p>However, to create a proper EPUB, you need to export with relative font-sizes. This means that &lt;span&gt;s that are nested inside one another, each with different font-size information, will start doubling-up or tripling-up font-sizes! For example, an outer &lt;span&gt; specifies a font-size of 83% (a relative font-size). Nested inside that &lt;span&gt; somewhere is another &lt;span&gt; and it too specifies a font-size of 83%. That inner span, will actually have a font-size that is 83% of 83%, or about 70%. This causes the font-size to wander up and down, all over the document.</p> |
| <p>It's also subtle. I was looking at an export of my EPUB onto a Kobo Glo, and couldn't work out why some of the pages looked terrible. It was difficult to put my finger on. Eventually, by a lot of visual comparison, I realised that the font-size was jumping randomly all over the page.</p> |
| <p>To fix it, you need to come to grips with regex expressions and how to use them in Sigil (or your EPUB editor of choice). Sigil's regex support is rather good. These allow you to globally search-and-replace these annoying &lt;span&gt;s, or at least their style information. After doing this my EPUB was perfect (or as close to as I could see, anyway).</p> |
| <p><b>Rob</b>: What did you use for designing your book cover?</p> |
| <p><b>Jon</b>: I used <a href="https://inkscape.org/en/">Inkscape</a> to do the layout, blocking and writing, and I used The Gimp to process the photograph.</p> |
| <p>The final export to PNG, at 300 DPI, was from Inkscape.</p> |
| <p>I would advise that if you are going for PoD - Print on Demand - ie. paperback, as I did first, then be careful with cover-art. Smooth things. Up the chroma, and up the contrast. Even to the point where it starts to look a little 'cartoony'.</p> |
| <p>The reason is that PoD processes, whilst they are 'good', are not 'great', and suck a lot of the life out of complex pictures and make them look a little grainy too. If the input image already has vibrancy to spare, it will survive better.</p> |
| <p>Another thing - temporarily reduce it to the size of a postage stamp and look at it. This is how it will look on Amazon's book listings and other publishers' book listings. Think about how you want it to stand out (or blend in, depending on how you operate).</p> |
| <p><b>Rob</b>: Any other tips for readers of our blog who might want to start writing their own e-book with OpenOffice?</p> |
| <p><b>Jon</b>: </p> |
| <p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"> </p> |
| <ol> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">Ignore the naysayers, OpenOffice is one of the best environments around for writing professionally. I have not tried the 'Scribus' program, but as far as I can tell it and OpenOffice Writer are the only games in town, unless you want to spend a lot of money.</span></li> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;"></span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">Strongly recommend either use my template, or one from some other author you trust - or by the time we finish speaking it is possible that CreateSpace has got with the times and started publishing OpenOffice Templates to use with their site.</span></li> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;"></span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">Get to understand Styles properly! You need to be using Styles, and that's why I recommend getting a template which has useful ones already built-in. </span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">It is painful going back and trying to fix a document that was created without using Styles (e.g. indents were done with tabs, titles are hand-bolded and have arbitrary definitions, etc). </span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">It is not hard to understand Styles - it is often made out to be a complex, mystical process, but really they are quite simple things and quite easy to get to grips with.</span></li> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;"></span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">Make sure your OS is up to date: trying to get older versions of apps to do things is not recommended, and they often won&rsquo;t install under older environments.</span></li> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;"></span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">Make sure your OpenOffice environment is configured:</span> </li> |
| <ol> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">Set the date, your author name, set the units to Imperial and inches (yes, yes, I know), set the directory where it is picking up Templates from.</span></li> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;"></span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">SET YOUR OS'S JAVA RUNTIME UP PROPERLY!</span></li> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">Make sure you set your dictionary and other languages to your native language (e.g. everything on mine is English(AU)). </span></li> |
| <li><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;"></span><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: Arial;">Turn Smart Quotes ON! This is very important - your conversations in your documents should have proper opening and closing quotes, not 'straight' quotes unless there is a requirement that they be so.</span></li> |
| </ol> |
| </ol><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> <b>Rob</b>: Where can readers find your book? |
| <p><b>Jon</b><i>: Stories Of an Awkward Size (A Slipstream and Hard-SF Anthology)</i> is currently available on Amazon, as <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Stories-Awkward-Size-Slipstream-Anthology/dp/1505582601">Paperback</a> and <a href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V7SUOGO">Kindle</a> (It will also be available on iBook and other places, though currently I can't put a firm date on when.)</p> |
| <p></p></span></font> |
| <p> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Collaboration is in our DNA</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/collaboration_is_in_our_dna.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2015-04-13T22:24:27+00:00</published><updated>2015-04-13T22:24:27+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2015-04-13:/blog/collaboration_is_in_our_dna.html</id><summary type="html"><p>Apache OpenOffice is living in interesting times, and this is a good moment to reflect on future scenarios.<br/><br/>The old OpenOffice.org project spawned numerous derivative products and we are proud to see how the OpenOffice ecosystem, taken as a whole, has grown so far.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice is distributed under …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>Apache OpenOffice is living in interesting times, and this is a good moment to reflect on future scenarios.<br/><br/>The old OpenOffice.org project spawned numerous derivative products and we are proud to see how the OpenOffice ecosystem, taken as a whole, has grown so far.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice is distributed under a license (the Apache 2 license) that by design permits anyone to reuse the code and create derivative products almost under any license, ranging from copyleft to proprietary. The Apache Software Foundation has been really successful in creating and nurturing open source communities leveraging code distributed under the Apache License, and we aim to be one of those successes.<br/><br/>When considering collaboration between a project and its derivatives one important aspect is how and if upstream changes are submitted to the original project. Basically, permissive licenses like the Apache License are forward-compatible with nearly any other kind of license, but backward-compatible only with other permissive licenses.<br/> <br/></p> |
| <div align="center"> |
| <img align="middle" src="../images/blog/collaboration_is_in_our_dna_overview.png"/> |
| </div> |
| <br/> <br/> |
| <div align="center"><i>Image credit: Morin et al., <a href="http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002598">A Quick Guide to Software Licensing for the Scientist-Programmer</a>, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002598.</i><br/></div><br/>We are really glad to be able to provide other open source projects as well as proprietary products with a rock solid platform to build on top of. Projects like AndrOpen Office, LibreOffice, NeoOffice, Ooo4Kids and <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/porting/">others</a> are all benefiting from our work, and we&rsquo;d love to be able to keep releasing new versions at a steady pace and make all of&nbsp; this possible.<br/><br/>We fully understand that some of these projects rely on their customizations as an &ldquo;added value&rdquo;, but it is also true that collaborating with the main OpenOffice project -&nbsp; if the partnership is limited to working on the common functionality - would be a win-win, since needs are basically identical. <br/><br/>Considering that OpenOffice is currently in the need to expand the number of its developers, we believe that seeing our release cycle slow down would damage the whole OpenOffice ecosystem.<br/> <br/>We want to continue serving all those different communities, and to do that we need your help. We invite all the most relevant OpenOffice derivative products and their communities or vendors to join us in discussing further ideas for collaboration and improvements. For example, we could organize what would be the first "OpenOffice Ecosystem Meetup", but we are open to explore all options.<br/> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Apache OpenOffice in 2014: a year in review'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_in_2014_a.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-12-31T18:50:02+00:00</published><updated>2014-12-31T18:50:02+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-12-31:/blog/apache_openoffice_in_2014_a.html</id><summary type="html"><p>2014 has been an exciting year for the OpenOffice project and community.<br/><br/>Click on the picture below to start a slideshow with highlights from 2014. A text-only version is under the picture.<br/><br/> <a href="http://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline/latest/embed/index.html?source=0ApXDQB3bRocRdHd6OEVOeHVRTHBFQlc4RkJTSG1XSkE&amp;font=Bevan-PotanoSans&amp;maptype=toner&amp;lang=en&amp;height=650"><img src="http://people.apache.org/~pescetti/blog/2014-12-review/timeline.png"/></a><br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li><b>January</b>: The Apache OpenOffice community starts the year by adding new localizations.<br/>OpenOffice supports 120+ languages, but only …</li></ul></summary><content type="html"><p>2014 has been an exciting year for the OpenOffice project and community.<br/><br/>Click on the picture below to start a slideshow with highlights from 2014. A text-only version is under the picture.<br/><br/> <a href="http://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline/latest/embed/index.html?source=0ApXDQB3bRocRdHd6OEVOeHVRTHBFQlc4RkJTSG1XSkE&amp;font=Bevan-PotanoSans&amp;maptype=toner&amp;lang=en&amp;height=650"><img src="http://people.apache.org/~pescetti/blog/2014-12-review/timeline.png"/></a><br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li><b>January</b>: The Apache OpenOffice community starts the year by adding new localizations.<br/>OpenOffice supports 120+ languages, but only those that are 100% translated and maintained are officially released.The 100% complete localizations in 2014 doubled the ones from 2012.<br/>OpenOffice also participated, as usual, in the initiatives for UNESCO's International Mother Language Day in February.</li> |
| <li><b>February</b>: OpenOffice comes back to FOSDEM, one of the most popular Free and Open Source Conferences in Europe, with a devroom and a dedicated stand.<br/>For the first year, the devroom is open to all ODF Editors.</li> |
| <li><b>March</b>: the Apache OpenOffice community prepares for ApacheCon Denver (7-11 April) by designing a dedicated track.<br/>Selected topics include: work toward a new translation workflow and a new build system, Open Source marketing and security testing.</li> |
| <li><b>April</b>: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 is released, with much improved accessibility, support for comments on text ranges, a new interface for editing input fields and many improvements in handling of graphics.<br/>Hundreds of community members participate in testing, with dedicated tests by accessibility experts.<br/>The code, distributed under the Apache License 2.0, is promptly reused by other projects.</li> |
| <li><b>May</b>: Apache OpenOffice downloads hit the 100 million mark in less than 2 years.<br/>By the end of 2014, downloads are more than <b>130 millions</b>, from virtually all countries and territories in the world.</li> |
| <li><b>June</b>: A new initiative allows to quickly and easily localize the OpenOffice website. New translations like Lithuanian and Hebrew are published and updated.<br/>Website translations are made more visibile using a language dropdown and browser-based language negotiation.</li> |
| <li><b>July</b>: The social media presence of Apache OpenOffice grows.<br/>The Facebook fan page at https://facebook.com/ApacheOO grows more than 30% from 2013, to 13,000 fans.<br/>The official Twitter account at https://twitter.com/apacheoo has more than 3,500 followers, with a 75% increase over the previous year.</li> |
| <li><b>August</b>: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 is released, with several important bugfixes, full support for three additional languages, security improvements and support for gestures under Mac OS X.</li> |
| <li><b>September</b>: The Apache OpenOffice Forum and Wiki receive hardware upgrades by the Apache Infra team to be able to sustain the ever-growing traffic.<br/>The official forum at https://forum.openoffice.org is the most used channel for user support, averaging over 100 posts per day and accumulating 320,000 posts about Apache OpenOffice and all derivatives.</li> |
| <li><b>October</b>: A community survey is launched to understand how we can better exploit the potential of our several hundreds contributors. Results will set the priorities for community development in future.<br/>The user community continues to grow thanks to increased adoption, with Udine (Italy) joining the long list of public administrations that migrated to OpenOffice.</li> |
| <li><b>November</b>: Apache OpenOffice has a strong presence at ApacheCon Europe, held in Budapest. A dedicated track is the occasion to reason about upcoming developments, our community, migration, integration with mobile technologies and web projects.</li> |
| <li><b>December</b>: Thanks to the work of Apache Infra and investments from the Apache Foundation, Apache OpenOffice has technology available to sign its releases in a way compatible with Windows security settings, thus allowing also non-technical users to immediately verify that they downloaded the genuine version of OpenOffice and confirming the continued commitment from Apache and OpenOffice to protect users.<br/>The new digital signing will be available in the next OpenOffice releases.</li> |
| </ul><br/>Have a nice 2015! |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Presentations and videos from ApacheCon EU 2014, Budapest</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_apachecon.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-12-24T22:08:53+00:00</published><updated>2014-12-24T22:08:53+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-12-24:/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_apachecon.html</id><summary type="html"><div class="sched-container-header" id="2014-11-18"> |
| <div class="sched-container-dates"> |
| <p>ApacheCon Europe, held last month in Budapest, was a wonderful occasion for the OpenOffice community to gather and discuss the state of the project and future developments.</p> |
| <p>Videos and presentations from the conference are now available. See below for some presentations from the OpenOffice track.</p> |
| <p><a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/101590593@N06/">Pictures</a> are available too, courtesy …</p></div></div></summary><content type="html"><div class="sched-container-header" id="2014-11-18"> |
| <div class="sched-container-dates"> |
| <p>ApacheCon Europe, held last month in Budapest, was a wonderful occasion for the OpenOffice community to gather and discuss the state of the project and future developments.</p> |
| <p>Videos and presentations from the conference are now available. See below for some presentations from the OpenOffice track.</p> |
| <p><a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/101590593@N06/">Pictures</a> are available too, courtesy of Michal Hrin.<br/></p> |
| </div> |
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| <p> </p> |
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| <h4 id="openoffice-at-apache-2014-and-beyond-andrea-pescetti-apache-openoffice-pmc"><span class="event ev_22 ev_22_sub_3"><a>OpenOffice At Apache: 2014 And Beyond - Andrea Pescetti, Apache OpenOffice PMC </a></span> <a class="headerlink" href="#openoffice-at-apache-2014-and-beyond-andrea-pescetti-apache-openoffice-pmc" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h4> |
| <h3 id="_1"> <a class="headerlink" href="#_1" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p><strong></strong> It's already two years since OpenOffice graduated as a |
| Top Level Project at Apache. We have more than 100 million downloads |
| and a stable, working community at Apache. In an overall "state of the |
| project" talk, we will see what we accomplished so far, what worked, |
| what can be improved... <a href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/ce134654825821a2a38e60a55e4ace3f#">Full Description</a> - <a href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-europe/program/slides">Slides </a></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
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| <h4 id="doing-the-write-thing-document-editing-made-mobile-the-corinthia-project-louis-suarez-potts-age-of-peers-inc-peter-kelly-ux-productivity"><span class="event ev_3 ev_3_sub_3"><a class="name" href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/100a43058a4f90f92f59d8d08f071f7b">Doing The Write Thing: Document Editing Made Mobile (the Corinthia Project) - Louis Su&aacute;rez-Potts, Age of Peers, Inc. &amp; Peter Kelly, UX Productivity </a></span> <a class="headerlink" href="#doing-the-write-thing-document-editing-made-mobile-the-corinthia-project-louis-suarez-potts-age-of-peers-inc-peter-kelly-ux-productivity" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h4> |
| <h3 id="_2"> <a class="headerlink" href="#_2" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
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| <p><strong></strong> At the Denver ApacheCon last April, I presented on |
| the evolution of OpenOffice, and the need for a good quality, compatible |
| solution for mobile devices. Participants suggested establishing a project in Apache Labs to address this problem... <a href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/100a43058a4f90f92f59d8d08f071f7b#">Full Description</a> - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoXyh2FuiJs">Video</a> - <a href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-europe/program/slides">Slides </a></p> |
| <h4 id="anatomy-of-an-apache-openoffice-extension-pedro-giffuni-apache-software-foundation"><span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_2"><a class="name" href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/78068627f4b308890259642839ccb5a1">Anatomy Of An Apache OpenOffice Extension - Pedro Giffuni, Apache Software Foundation </a></span> <a class="headerlink" href="#anatomy-of-an-apache-openoffice-extension-pedro-giffuni-apache-software-foundation" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h4> |
| <p><strong></strong> Developing code within the huge, and sometimes |
| daunting, Apache OpenOffice code can sometimes be very difficult, |
| specially if you only want to add a very specific piece of code that few |
| people want. As part of an ongoing effort to improve the Operation |
| Research capabilities within Apache OpenOffice, I will try to document |
| the different parts of an Apache OpenOffice extension... <a href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/78068627f4b308890259642839ccb5a1#">Full Description</a> - <a href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-europe/program/slides">Slides </a></p> |
| <p> </p> |
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| <div class="sched-container"> </div> <span class="event ev_3 ev_3_sub_3"></span><span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_3"></span> |
| <h4 id="how-to-turn-your-favorite-programming-language-into-an-aoo-macro-language-rony-flatscher-wu-vienna"><span class="event ev_22 ev_22_sub_2"><a class="name" href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/2f33824d27c87ceaca381424b58ba058"><span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_3"></span></a><a class="name" href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/1c222793d0ccec33cca892f8b68078f7" id="1c222793d0ccec33cca892f8b68078f7">How to Turn Your Favorite Programming Language Into An AOO Macro Language - Rony Flatscher, WU Vienna </a></span> <a class="headerlink" href="#how-to-turn-your-favorite-programming-language-into-an-aoo-macro-language-rony-flatscher-wu-vienna" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h4> |
| <p><strong></strong> Apache OpenOffice (AOO) defines a scripting framework |
| that can be exploited to add any programming language to Apache |
| OpenOffice as a macro language. This presentation introduces the |
| necessary overview and knowhow to become able to assess the effort to |
| add your own favorite programming language to AOO... <a href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/1c222793d0ccec33cca892f8b68078f7#">Full Description</a> - <a href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-europe/program/slides">Slides </a></p> |
| <div class="sched-container-bottom"> </div> |
| <p> </p><span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_1"></span> |
| <p><span class="event ev_22 ev_22_sub_2"></span> </p> |
| <h4 id="the-openoffice-localization-community-andrea-pescetti-apache-openoffice-pmc"><span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_2"><a class="name" href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/3577e116098675c503e8dbe046b2b818" id="3577e116098675c503e8dbe046b2b818">The OpenOffice Localization Community - Andrea Pescetti, Apache OpenOffice PMC</a></span><a class="headerlink" href="#the-openoffice-localization-community-andrea-pescetti-apache-openoffice-pmc" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h4> |
| <p><strong></strong> The sun never sets on the OpenOffice localization |
| community. Volunteers from all continents help translating OpenOffice, |
| its documentation and its website into dozens of languages... <a href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/3577e116098675c503e8dbe046b2b818#">Full Description</a> - <a href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-europe/program/slides">Slides </a></p> |
| <p> </p> |
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| <p> </p> <span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_1"></span> <span class="event ev_22 ev_22_sub_3"></span> |
| <h4 id="addressing-file-format-compatibility-in-word-processors-louis-suarez-potts-age-of-peers-inc-peter-kelly-ux-productivity"><span class="event ev_22 ev_22_sub_2"><a class="name" href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/2f33824d27c87ceaca381424b58ba058">Addressing |
| File Format Compatibility in Word Processors - Louis Su&aacute;rez-Potts, Age |
| of Peers, Inc. &amp; Peter Kelly, UX Productivity </a></span><a class="headerlink" href="#addressing-file-format-compatibility-in-word-processors-louis-suarez-potts-age-of-peers-inc-peter-kelly-ux-productivity" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h4> |
| <p>A well-known XKCD comic parodies the industry's solution to standards |
| proliferation: a new, "universal" standard to replace all its |
| predecessors. We all know where that leads. In this talk, I'll discuss |
| an alternate approach that deals with the mess without creating more of |
| it, in the context of word processing... <a href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/2f33824d27c87ceaca381424b58ba058#">Full Description</a> - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tUAoEyY9eo">Video </a> - <a href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-europe/program/slides">Slides </a></p> |
| <h4 id="the-municipality-of-trieste-apache-openoffice-migration-davide-dozza"><span class="event ev_22 ev_22_sub_3"><a class="name" href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/0673f3d878e2f2e6e9339642e55fa2cc" id="0673f3d878e2f2e6e9339642e55fa2cc">The Municipality Of Trieste Apache OpenOffice Migration - Davide Dozza </a></span><a class="headerlink" href="#the-municipality-of-trieste-apache-openoffice-migration-davide-dozza" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h4> |
| <p><strong></strong> In 2013 the Municipality of Trieste (Italy) decided |
| to migrate to Apache OpenOffice. The main goal was to adopt ODF as the |
| document standard format for all the 1800 users on about 1550 PCs... <a href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/0673f3d878e2f2e6e9339642e55fa2cc#">Full Description</a> - <a href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-europe/program/slides">Slides </a></p> |
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| <h4 id="collaborated-editing-on-odf-svante-schubert-oasis-odf-advanced-collaboration-subcommittee"> <span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_2"></span><span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_3"></span><span class="event ev_11 ev_11_sub_1"><a class="name" href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/8e9ce88108c8680b66a9e5dc52085882" id="8e9ce88108c8680b66a9e5dc52085882">Collaborated Editing On ODF - Svante Schubert, OASIS ODF Advanced Collaboration Subcommittee </a></span><a class="headerlink" href="#collaborated-editing-on-odf-svante-schubert-oasis-odf-advanced-collaboration-subcommittee" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h4> |
| <p>The OpenDocument format (ODF) consists of compressed XML |
| files. ODF is read and written by many Office applications; the Apache |
| ODF Toolkit (incubating) provides the ability of an easy automated |
| access... <a href="http://apacheconeu2014.sched.org/event/8e9ce88108c8680b66a9e5dc52085882#">Full Description</a> - <a href="http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-europe/program/slides">Slides </a><br/></p> |
| </div> |
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| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Call for talks: Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 15'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/call_for_talks_open_document.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-11-03T22:23:41+00:00</published><updated>2014-11-03T22:23:41+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-11-03:/blog/call_for_talks_open_document.html</id><summary type="html"><p>FOSDEM 15 will be held at the ULB Campus Solbosch on Saturday, January |
| 31, and Sunday, February 1st, 2015. |
| <br/> <br/>Open document editors are coming again to FOSDEM with a shared devroom which gives every project in this area a chance to present ODF related |
| developments and innovations. The devroom is …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>FOSDEM 15 will be held at the ULB Campus Solbosch on Saturday, January |
| 31, and Sunday, February 1st, 2015. |
| <br/> <br/>Open document editors are coming again to FOSDEM with a shared devroom which gives every project in this area a chance to present ODF related |
| developments and innovations. The devroom is jointly organized by Apache |
| OpenOffice and LibreOffice. |
| <br/> <br/>We invite submission of talks for the Open Document Editors devroom, to |
| be held on Saturday, January 31, from 10AM to 6PM. |
| <br/> <br/>Length of talks should be limited to 20 minutes, as we would like to |
| have questions after each presentation, and to fit as many presenters as |
| possible in the schedule. Exceptions must be explicitly requested and |
| justified. |
| <br/> <br/>Technical talks (code, extensions, localization, QA, tools and adoption |
| related cases) about open document editors or the ODF document format |
| are welcome. |
| <br/> <br/>Submissions must be done by the speakers using the Pentabarf system: |
| <br/><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM15"><a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM15">https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM15</a></a> <br/> <br/>While filing your proposal, please provide the title of your talk, a |
| short abstract (one or two paragraphs), some information about yourself |
| (name, bio and photo, but please do remember that your profile might be |
| already stored at Pentabarf) and specify what topic (Apache OpenOffice, |
| LibreOffice, other ODF editors, ODF in general...) your talk is about. |
| <br/> <br/>You do not need to create a new account if you already have one. If the |
| password has been lost, you can easily recover it. |
| <br/> <br/>The deadline is <b>Sunday, December 14, 2014</b>. Accepted speakers will be |
| notified by December 28, 2014. |
| <br/> <br/>You can send any questions to the devroom mailing list: |
| <br/><a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:open-document-devroom@lists.fosdem.org"><a href="mailto:open-document-devroom@lists.fosdem.org">open-document-devroom@lists.fosdem.org</a></a> <br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_1.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-08-23T08:00:06+00:00</published><updated>2014-08-23T08:00:06+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-08-23:/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_1.html</id><summary type="html"><p>21 August 2014 - The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of OpenOffice 4.1.1. You can download it from <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">our website</a>.</p> |
| <p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 is a micro update with many useful and critical bugfixes including 2 security relevant fixes (details will come separately …</p></p></summary><content type="html"><p>21 August 2014 - The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of OpenOffice 4.1.1. You can download it from <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">our website</a>.</p> |
| <p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 is a micro update with many useful and critical bugfixes including 2 security relevant fixes (details will come separately).</p></p> |
| <p>Bugfixes include:</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>better compatibility with Microsoft Office files,</li> |
| <li> better support for Mac OS X gestures and scrolling,</li> |
| <li> enhanced compatibility with Linux desktop environments.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>A full list of the issues fixed in this release can be found at <a href="http://s.apache.org/AOO411-solved">http://s.apache.org/AOO411-solved</a>.</p> |
| <p>With 3 additional supported languages, OpenOffice 4.1.1 increases again the number of released languages which is now 41. The released languages are Asturian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Calalan (Valencia AVL), Catalan (Valencia RACV), Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English (GB + US), Spanish, Basque, Finnish, French, Scots Gaelic, Galician, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian Bokmal, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazil, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian Cyrillic, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Chinese (Simplified + Traditional).</p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 is the next key milestone to continue the success of OpenOffice.</p> |
| <p>Details of new features and enhancements in this release are described in the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1.1+Release+Notes">Release Notes</a>.</p> |
| <p>Those interested in the source code can download it via the links on <a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html">this page.</a></p> |
| <p><i>Juergen Schmidt - Apache OpenOffice Release Manager and member of the |
| Project Management Committee |
| </i></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Presentations and videos from FOSDEM 2014</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-07-05T11:44:30+00:00</published><updated>2014-07-05T11:44:30+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-07-05:/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem.html</id><summary type="html"><p> |
| <a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014a-1024.jpeg"> |
| <img alt="fosdem2014a-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014a-1024.jpeg"/> |
| </a> |
| <a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014b-1024.jpeg"> |
| <img alt="fosdem2014b-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014b-1024.jpeg"/> |
| </a> |
| <a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"> |
| <img alt="fosdem2014c-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"/> |
| </a> |
| <a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"> |
| <img alt="fosdem2014d-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"/> |
| </a> |
| <br/> |
| </p> |
| <p>Presentations and videos from the Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 2014 are now available.</p> |
| <p>The OpenOffice presence at the event was strong and well-received, with a number of interesting talks and many visits at the booth. And the devroom was a nice way to get together with other projects …</p></summary><content type="html"><p> |
| <a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014a-1024.jpeg"> |
| <img alt="fosdem2014a-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014a-1024.jpeg"/> |
| </a> |
| <a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014b-1024.jpeg"> |
| <img alt="fosdem2014b-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014b-1024.jpeg"/> |
| </a> |
| <a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"> |
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| </a> |
| <a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"> |
| <img alt="fosdem2014d-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"/> |
| </a> |
| <br/> |
| </p> |
| <p>Presentations and videos from the Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 2014 are now available.</p> |
| <p>The OpenOffice presence at the event was strong and well-received, with a number of interesting talks and many visits at the booth. And the devroom was a nice way to get together with other projects focused on the ODF format.<br/></p> |
| <p>Make sure you don't miss the following talks about improvements that are coming (or already came!) to OpenOffice:</p> |
| <table class="table"> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="c6"> <br/></td> |
| <td><a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/changes_to_fields_in_writer_for_apache_openoffice_41/">Changes to 'fields' in Writer for Apache OpenOffice 4.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <i></i></a></td> |
| <td><a class="quiet" href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/speaker/oliver_rainer_wittmann/">Oliver-Rainer Wittmann</a> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="c4"> <br/></td> |
| <td><a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/improving_the_xhtml_export_filter/">Improving the XHTML export filter<br/></a></td> |
| <td><a class="quiet" href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/speaker/andrea_pescetti/">Andrea Pescetti</a> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="c7"> <br/></td> |
| <td><a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/genlang_a_new_workflow_for_translation/">genLang, a new workflow for translation<br/></a> (partial video available <a href="https://video.fosdem.org/2014/H2214/Saturday/genLang_a_new_workflow_for_translation.webm">here</a>)<br/></td> |
| <td><a class="quiet" href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/speaker/jan_iversen/">Jan Iversen</a> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="c9"> <br/></td> |
| <td><a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/quality_assurance/">Quality Assurance<br/></a></td> |
| <td><a class="quiet" href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/speaker/raphael_bircher/">Raphael Bircher</a> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="c10"> <br/></td> |
| <td><a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/create_sidebar_extensions_for_openoffice/">Create Sidebar Extensions for OpenOffice</a></td> |
| <td><a class="quiet" href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/speaker/andre_fischer/">Andre Fischer</a> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="c3"> <br/></td> |
| <td><a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/openoffice_and_eclipse/">OpenOffice and Eclipse</a></td> |
| <td><a class="quiet" href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/speaker/andre_fischer/">Andre Fischer</a> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="c6"> <br/></td> |
| <td><a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/exploring_openoffice_history_using_git_grafts/">Exploring OpenOffice History using GIT Grafts<br/></a></td> |
| <td><a class="quiet" href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/speaker/herbert_duerr/">Herbert Duerr</a> </td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="c9"> <br/></td> |
| <td><a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/digital_signing_of_releases/">Digital signing of releases<br/></a></td> |
| <td> |
| <p><a class="quiet" href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/speaker/jan_iversen/">Jan Iversen</a> <br/></p> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| <p>The<a href="https://archive.fosdem.org/2014/schedule/track/open_document_editors/"> full list of talks</a> from the Open Document Editors devroom is available as well. Most have a presentation attached.</p><br/> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #3'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_3.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-05-05T12:24:54+00:00</published><updated>2014-05-05T12:24:54+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-05-05:/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_3.html</id><summary type="html"><p>Translations: (<a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40509513">de</a>) |
| </p> |
| <h2 id="major-discussions"> Major Discussions<a class="headerlink" href="#major-discussions" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Juergen, our Release Manager, <a href="http://markmail.org/message/gnxjqtqyxxlzo3he">announced the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1</a>.</p> |
| <p>The winPenPack team updated their <a href="http://markmail.org/message/oikdeetzc4ntlcgx">portable version, x-ApacheOpenOffice 4.1</a>.</p> |
| <p>Marcello has updated the unofficial Debian repository for Apache OpenOffice. It now "<a href="http://markmail.org/message/l6qn4gcakcfrr7qf">provides the version 4.1 of Apache OpenOffice with all available languages …</a></p></summary><content type="html"><p>Translations: (<a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40509513">de</a>) |
| </p> |
| <h2 id="major-discussions"> Major Discussions<a class="headerlink" href="#major-discussions" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Juergen, our Release Manager, <a href="http://markmail.org/message/gnxjqtqyxxlzo3he">announced the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1</a>.</p> |
| <p>The winPenPack team updated their <a href="http://markmail.org/message/oikdeetzc4ntlcgx">portable version, x-ApacheOpenOffice 4.1</a>.</p> |
| <p>Marcello has updated the unofficial Debian repository for Apache OpenOffice. It now "<a href="http://markmail.org/message/l6qn4gcakcfrr7qf">provides the version 4.1 of Apache OpenOffice with all available languages</a>."</p> |
| <h2 id="OpenOfficeWeeklyNews(collectdraftshere)-OpenOfficeintheNews">OpenOffice in the News</h2> |
| <p>"<a href="https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/the_apache_openoffice_project_announce">The Apache OpenOffice project announce the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1</a>" in the official <b>Apache OpenOffice Blog</b>.&nbsp; |
| "Improvements to graphics, charts, forms, text annotations and |
| accessibility feature in this 23rd release of the 14-year old |
| community-run open source project."</p> |
| <p>"<a href="http://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/384226,apache-openoffice-41-improves-support-for-visually-impaired-users.aspx">Apache OpenOffice 4.1 improves support for visually impaired users</a>" is the headline of an article by Nick Peers in <b>PC &amp; Tech Authority</b> (Australia).</p> |
| <p>"<a href="https://www.socialbizug.org/blogs/Kramer/entry/apache_open_office?lang=en_us">Apache OpenOffice &ndash; Why 100 Million Downloads Matter</a>" by Kramer Reeves in <b>Social Biz User Group</b>.</p> |
| <p>"<a href="https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/news/updated-openoffice-good-news-administrations">Updated OpenOffice 'good news for administrations'</a>" by Gijs Hellenius on the European Commission's <b>JoinUp</b> website.</p> |
| <p><a href="http://download.cnet.com/Apache-OpenOffice/3000-18483_4-10209910.html">"Apache OpenOffice for Mac</a>" a new review (4 1/2 stars) on <b>CNet Download.com</b> by Ben Markton. "Bottom Line: &nbsp;Apache OpenOffice is a very good free, accessible alternative to expensive |
| office software. It is loaded with tools; downloads and installs |
| quickly; and handles all the basic functions you could need from an |
| office suite."</p> |
| <div style="text-align: left; text-decoration: none;">"<a href="http://pplware.sapo.pt/windows/software/apache-openoffice-4-1-a-mega-suite-office/">Apache OpenOffice 4.1, a mega suite office</a>" in&nbsp; <b>pplware</b> (Portuguese)</div> |
| <h2 id="OpenOfficeWeeklyNews(collectdraftshere)-MorefromApacheCon">More from ApacheCon</h2> |
| <p>"<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAv6Iyryz3c">Apache OpenOffice by the Numbers</a>"&nbsp;&nbsp;is a reprise of the Lightning Talk by Andrew Rist and Rob Weir at ApacheCon in Denver.</p> |
| <h2 id="OpenOfficeWeeklyNews(collectdraftshere)-UseCases,QuestionsandAnswers">Use Cases, Questions and Answers</h2> |
| <p>We |
| received another report on the users mailing list from someone who had |
| downloaded what he thought was OpenOffice, but instead got a bunch of |
| malware.&nbsp; That wasn't us, obviously.&nbsp;&nbsp; Apache OpenOffice does not bundle |
| any other programs in its package.&nbsp; Absolutely none.&nbsp; Our downloads are |
| carefully scanned for viruses and are accompanied by digital signatures |
| and cryptographic hashes to allow users to verify their integrity.<br/><br/>However, |
| there are third parties that sometimes take OpenOffice and bundle it |
| with objectionable and intrusive applications.&nbsp; In some cases they put |
| up fake websites, or purchase advertisements in search engine search |
| results, to lure people to their website.<br/><br/>It is unfortunate that |
| such sites often come top of the hit list on search engines; |
| inexperienced users download from them and their computers become |
| infected with adware/viruses/trojans. When we know the exact URL of any |
| such sites we do our best to have these removed or flagged, but it is an |
| uphill battle.<br/><br/>We recommend to download only from<a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download"> www.openoffice.org/download</a> |
| which will redirect to SourceForge, whose secure content distribution |
| network we use.&nbsp; A download from there will usually start within five |
| seconds.<br/><br/>Typically an OpenOffice download is about 145 MB; we do |
| not use downloader applications, so any site offering a much smaller |
| download should immediately be suspect. If in any doubt about a download |
| it is best to check its integrity using MD5Sum; details are given at&nbsp; <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html">http://www.openoffice.org/download/checksums.html</a><br/><br/>OpenOffice is a complex and powerful software. If you have difficulties, our User Forums at&nbsp; <a href="https://forum.openoffice.org/">https://forum.openoffice.org/</a> in several languages will do their best to help.</p> |
| <h2 id="OpenOfficeWeeklyNews(collectdraftshere)-Communitydevelopment">Community development</h2> |
| <p>Three new translation teams have been established: Catalan, Valencian AVL, Valencian RACV.&nbsp; If you want to help with these, or any other translation, you can find <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html">more information on our website</a>.<br/></p> |
| <p>The |
| Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache OpenOffice has asked Tal |
| Daniel to become a committer and we are pleased to announce that Tal has |
| accepted and taken the ID "tal".</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>The Apache OpenOffice project announce the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/the_apache_openoffice_project_announce.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-04-29T11:23:18+00:00</published><updated>2014-04-29T11:23:18+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-04-29:/blog/the_apache_openoffice_project_announce.html</id><summary type="html"><div><b><i>Improvements to graphics, charts, forms, text annotations and |
| accessibility feature in this 23rd release of the 14-year old |
| community-run open source project</i></b></div> |
| <div><br/></div> |
| <div> |
| <p><b>29 April 2014&ndash; </b>The Apache OpenOffice project, a Top Level Project (TLP) of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), announced today |
| the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1, now …</p></div></summary><content type="html"><div><b><i>Improvements to graphics, charts, forms, text annotations and |
| accessibility feature in this 23rd release of the 14-year old |
| community-run open source project</i></b></div> |
| <div><br/></div> |
| <div> |
| <p><b>29 April 2014&ndash; </b>The Apache OpenOffice project, a Top Level Project (TLP) of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), announced today |
| the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1, now available for free download from <a href="http://www.openoffice.org">http://www.openoffice.org</a>.&nbsp; A highlight of this release is support for the IAccessible2 interface, an open standard for communicating with assistive technologies, enabling more effective use of OpenOffice by persons with visual impairments. Other additions to OpenOffice 4.1 include in-place editing of text fields, interactive crop on |
| transformed graphics, text selection annotations, support for 64-bit Mac and translations for six new languages.<a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1+Release+Notes"></a></p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more.&nbsp; Apache OpenOffice has been downloaded over <a href="https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the_apache_software_foundation_announces56">100 million times</a>.&nbsp; It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/index.html">downloaded</a> and used completely free of charge for any purpose. </p> |
| <p>"After a long wait, OpenOffice 4.1 is finally released!" said Marlin Rodrigues from Brazil.&nbsp; Marlin is one of the early testers of OpenOffice 4.1 as well as a translator of the NVDA screen reader into Portuguese. &nbsp; "This release has great significance for blind people, representing much more than a simple application update. This update will bring long-awaited support for IAccessible2. This means that we will finally have a free, accessible and quality office suite, without relying on the infamous Java Access Bridge! &nbsp;I&rsquo;ve tested the development and beta versions, and it&rsquo;s so good in several ways. Finally, we can say that we have the a great office application, with full accessibility and, even better, without hacking or paying a fortune for it!"&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> |
| <p><a href="http://davidgoldfield.wordpress.com/home/">David Goldfield</a>, a Computer Technology Instructor who works with the blind, and who also helped test OpenOffice 4.1, explained the significance of IAccessible2:&nbsp; "Computer users who are blind use software packages known as screen |
| readers, which allow the user not only to hear keys which are typed but |
| also to use the keyboard to read and review everything which is on the |
| screen. &nbsp;Before OpenOffice 4.1, a blind user could use OpenOffice only if the |
| Java Access bridge was installed and enabled. &nbsp;In addition, the user had |
| to navigate to OpenOffice's accessibility options to ensure that the |
| built-in assistive technology support was enabled. &nbsp;For some users, |
| performing these tasks was a challenge. &nbsp;With the new IAccessible2 code, OpenOffice should be accessible to screen readers right out-of-the-box, right when the program starts. &nbsp;Blind users with a screen reader that supports IAccessible2 will be able to |
| access documents, spreadsheets as well as items which are in the menus |
| and various dialog boxes without the need to manually enable accessibility or |
| install any additional components."</p> |
| <p>Along with feature additions and enhancements, OpenOffice 4.1 includes six new |
| translations, including Bulgarian, Hebrew, Danish, Hindi, Norwegian Bokm&aring;l and Thai, as well as improvements to the existing |
| Basque, Dutch, German, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish and |
| Turkish translations. <br/></p> |
| <p>These and many other enhancements are detailed in the |
| <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1+Release+Notes">Release Notes.</a></p> |
| <p> <b>Availability and Oversight<br/></b></p> |
| <p>As with all Apache products, Apache OpenOffice is released under |
| the Apache License v2.0, and is overseen by a self-selected team of |
| active contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) |
| guides the Project's day-to-day operations, including community |
| development and product releases.&nbsp; To learn how to become |
| involved with Apache OpenOffice, visit <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html">http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html</a>.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice 4.1 can be downloaded from <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download">http://www.openoffice.org/download</a>.&nbsp; |
| OpenOffice supports Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux, in 38 |
| languages.&nbsp; Users are encouraged to consult the <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/source/sys_reqs_aoo41.html">System Requirements</a> |
| and <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1+Release+Notes">Release Notes</a> for additional details.<br/></p> |
| <p><b>About Apache OpenOffice</b></p> |
| </div>"Apache" and "OpenOffice" are |
| trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other brands and |
| trademarks are the property of their respective owners.&nbsp;&nbsp; Follow Apache OpenOffice on <a class="external-link" href="https://twitter.com/#%21/apacheoo" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a>, <a class="external-link" href="http://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO" rel="nofollow">Facebook</a> and <a class="external-link" href="https://plus.google.com/u/0/114598373874764163668/posts" rel="nofollow">Google+</a>. |
| <div><br/></div> |
| <div># # #</div> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #2'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_2.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-04-28T12:22:21+00:00</published><updated>2014-04-28T12:22:21+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-04-28:/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_2.html</id><summary type="html"><p>Translations: (<a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40509513">de</a>) <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="welcome">Welcome <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#welcome" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Welcome to the second edition of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News.&nbsp; We welcome your feedback and contributions.&nbsp; You can respond with a |
| comment on this blog post, of course.&nbsp; You can also send an email to |
| our public mailing list: <a href="mailto:dev@openoffice.apache.org">dev@openoffice.apache.org</a>.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="major-discussions">Major Discussions<a class="headerlink" href="#major-discussions" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Marcus has …</li></ul></summary><content type="html"><p>Translations: (<a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40509513">de</a>) <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="welcome">Welcome <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#welcome" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Welcome to the second edition of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News.&nbsp; We welcome your feedback and contributions.&nbsp; You can respond with a |
| comment on this blog post, of course.&nbsp; You can also send an email to |
| our public mailing list: <a href="mailto:dev@openoffice.apache.org">dev@openoffice.apache.org</a>.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="major-discussions">Major Discussions<a class="headerlink" href="#major-discussions" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Marcus has been looking at ways of improving the UI of the download page and has <a href="http://markmail.org/message/a5qmabioq4txrw7t">posted a prototype</a> of some changes that make it easier to access different languages and OS versions.</li> |
| <li>Juergen has <a href="http://markmail.org/message/tetdg7jnpkdzmm5b">started the vote</a> to release AOO 4.1 RC4.&nbsp; If the vote passes, OpenOffice 4.1 will be released later this week.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="openoffice-in-the-news"> OpenOffice in the News<a class="headerlink" href="#openoffice-in-the-news" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2340853/open-source-apache-openoffice-surpasses-100-million-downloads">"Open source Apache Openoffice surpasses 100 million downloads</a>" is the headline in <b>the Inquirer</b>.</li> |
| <li>"<a href="http://www.fayerwayer.com/2014/04/fundacion-apache-anuncia-que-alcanzaron-los-100-millones-de-descargas-de-openoffice/">OpenOffice llega a las 100 millones de descargas</a>" in <b>FayerWayer.com</b>.</li> |
| <li>"<a href="http://smallbiztrends.com/2014/04/apache-openoffice-microsoft-alternative.html">Can&rsquo;t Afford Microsoft? Meet Apache OpenOffice</a>", in <b>Small Business Trends</b>.&nbsp; Mark O'Neill writes: "So this version is clearly the leader among open sourced options."</li> |
| <li>"<a href="http://siliconangle.com/blog/2014/04/22/open-source-productivity-suite-openoffice-reaches-100-million-downloads-in-less-than-two-years/">Open source productivity suite OpenOffice reaches 100 million downloads in less than two years</a>" by Saroj Kar in <b>SiliconANGLE</b>.</li> |
| <li>"<a href="http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2340877/openoffice-suite-hits-100-million-downloads">OpenOffice suite hits 100 million downloads</a>" by Daniel Robinson on<b> V3.co.uk</b>.</li> |
| <li>"<a href="http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1684178-el-openoffice-alcanza-las-100-millones-de-descargas">El OpenOffice alcanza las 100 millones de descargas</a>" on <b>Lanacion.com</b>.</li> |
| <li>"<a href="http://www.itespresso.it/openoffice-conta-cento-milioni-download-95459.html">OpenOffice conta cento milioni di download</a>" on <b>ITespresso.com</b></li> |
| </ul> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #1'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_1.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-04-25T14:04:40+00:00</published><updated>2014-04-25T14:04:40+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-04-25:/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_1.html</id><summary type="html"><h2 id="welcome">Welcome <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#welcome" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Translations:&nbsp; (<a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40509525">de</a>) <br/></p> |
| <p>Welcome to the first edition of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News.&nbsp; We're experimenting with a new way to give the OpenOffice community a look into the project and what we're doing week-to-week.&nbsp; We saw another Apache project,&nbsp; CouchDB, do <a href="https://blogs.apache.org/couchdb/entry/couchdb_weekly_news_april_3%20From%20ApacheCon">something similar</a>,&nbsp; and liked their approach.&nbsp; So in the …</p></summary><content type="html"><h2 id="welcome">Welcome <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#welcome" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Translations:&nbsp; (<a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40509525">de</a>) <br/></p> |
| <p>Welcome to the first edition of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News.&nbsp; We're experimenting with a new way to give the OpenOffice community a look into the project and what we're doing week-to-week.&nbsp; We saw another Apache project,&nbsp; CouchDB, do <a href="https://blogs.apache.org/couchdb/entry/couchdb_weekly_news_april_3%20From%20ApacheCon">something similar</a>,&nbsp; and liked their approach.&nbsp; So in the open source tradition, we're going to borrow their idea.</p> |
| <p>The exact format and timing of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News will likely change as we gain more experience with it, and based on your feedback.</p> |
| <p>Speaking of which, we welcome your feedback.&nbsp; You can respond with a comment on this blog post, of course.&nbsp; You can also send an email to our public mailing list: <a href="mailto:dev@openoffice.apache.org">dev@openoffice.apache.org</a>. <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="from-apachecon">From ApacheCon<br/><a class="headerlink" href="#from-apachecon" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <ul> |
| <li> |
| <div> |
| <div><a href="http://people.apache.org/%7Ejani/genlang.pdf">Genlang: Translators and developers are equally important in ApacheOpenOffice</a></div> |
| </div> |
| </li> |
| <li> |
| <div><a href="http://people.apache.org/%7Ejani/buildSysAOO.pdf">Changing AOO build system with 4,000+ files</a></div> |
| </li> |
| <li><a href="http://www.robweir.com/blog/publications/OpenSourceMarketingForHackers.pdf">Open Source Marketing for Hackers</a></li> |
| <li><a href="http://www.robweir.com/blog/publications/AOOFuzzing.pdf">Fuzzing Apache OpenOffice: An Approach to Automated Black-box Security Testing</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="OpenOfficeWeeklyNews(collectdraftshere)-MajorDiscussions">Major Discussions</h2> |
| <p><a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@openoffice.apache.org/msg17739.html">OpenOffice websites at Apache clear of "heartbleed" issues.</a></p> |
| <p><a href="http://markmail.org/message/evl7t5jvyetxw3xt">What percentage of Linux downloads would you expect for Apache OpenOffice?</a></p> |
| <p><a href="http://markmail.org/thread/fjddgyoggh7uflka#query:+page:1+mid:tal4ofeebs2kh7z2+state:results">Proposal to drop tar.gz source code distribution and just do .bz2 for Linux users and .zip for Windows</a></p> |
| <h2 id="OpenOfficeWeeklyNews(collectdraftshere)-OpenOfficeintheNews">OpenOffice in the News</h2> |
| <p>"<a href="http://www.zdnet.com/four-months-on-im-still-not-using-office-for-mac-7000028091/">Four Months on, I'm still not using Office for Mac</a>", |
| David Braue on ZDNet.com:&nbsp; "While I initially turned to OpenOffice as a |
| freely available alternative when I couldn't locate my Office for Mac |
| install disks, the reasons I've stayed with it revolve around |
| reliability and compatibility."</p> |
| <p>"<a href="http://sourceforge.net/blog/apache-openoffice-extensions-site-gets-social/">Apache OpenOffice Extensions Site Gets Social!</a>", Roberto Galoppini reports on some exciting updates from SourceForge to the OpenOffice Extensions and Templates website</p> |
| <p>"<a href="https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the_apache_software_foundation_announces56">The Apache Software Foundation Announces 100 Million Downloads of Apache&trade; OpenOffice&trade;</a>", on the ASF's official blog.</p> |
| <p>"<a href="http://www.pcworld.com/article/2145161/apache-openoffice-hits-major-100-million-downloads-milestone-in-under-2-years.html">Apache OpenOffice hits major 100 million downloads milestone in under 2 years</a>", in PC World.&nbsp; "<span>Microsoft's |
| Office may be the go-to productivity suite in the business world, but |
| there's apparently plenty of room out there for challengers to thrive: |
| On Thursday, the Apache Software Foundation announced that the Apache |
| OpenOffice suite has been downloaded a whopping 100 million times." </span></p> |
| <p>Slashdot:&nbsp; <a href="http://apache.slashdot.org/story/14/04/17/144228/apache-openoffice-reaches-100-million-downloads-now-what">Apache OpenOffice Reacher 100 Million Downloads. Now What?</a> <br/></p><br/> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Apache OpenOffice 4.2 to Bring OpenCash Support</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_4_2_to.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-04-01T02:04:52+00:00</published><updated>2014-04-01T02:04:52+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-04-01:/blog/apache_openoffice_4_2_to.html</id><summary type="html"><p>This is an April Fool's post: it is a humorous work and it does not describe actual developments.<br/></p> |
| <p>As we on the Apache OpenOffice project put the final touches on our 4.1 release, we've started planning for our next major release, version 4.2, hopefully out sometime mid-year. One …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>This is an April Fool's post: it is a humorous work and it does not describe actual developments.<br/></p> |
| <p>As we on the Apache OpenOffice project put the final touches on our 4.1 release, we've started planning for our next major release, version 4.2, hopefully out sometime mid-year. One of the exciting new features we're looking forward to is support for the <b>OpenCash Protocol</b>, the new open standard for on-demand funding and delivery of both traditional currencies as well as the new cryptocurrencies.</p> |
| <p>For several years it has been possible, with expensive proprietary systems, to do convenient on-demand funding and printing of postage stamps.&nbsp; The OpenCash protocol advances this to the next level, extended to currencies, and in an way that makes it accessible to users on all platforms. </p> |
| <p>We're still early in the design phase for this feature, but the gist of it can be seen in the following UI prototype: <br/></p> |
| <div align="center"><img src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_4_2_to_OpenCash.png"/></div> |
| <p> The basic flow would be: <br/></p> |
| <ol> |
| <li>User selects desired currency, denomination and number of copies.<br/></li> |
| <li>User specifies a funding source.</li> |
| <li>User confirms the desired settings, via the integrated print-preview, and prints the currency.&nbsp; <br/></li> |
| </ol>No special hardware is required for traditional currencies, beyond a typical color inkjet or laser printer.&nbsp; Additionally, if the user has a 3D printer then they can "print" Bitcoins, just like you see in the news. |
| <p>By embedding OpenCash into Apache OpenOffice, the leading open source office productivity suite, we do more than just increase convenience by reducing trips to the ATM.&nbsp; Since OpenCash permits pluggable funding sources, the integration into OpenOffice enables new models in areas like micro-finance and even fiscal stimulus.&nbsp; The possibilities are limited only by your imagination!<br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Seeking Beta Testers for Apache OpenOffice 4.1</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/seeking_beta_testers_for_apache.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-03-10T18:09:40+00:00</published><updated>2014-03-10T18:09:40+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-03-10:/blog/seeking_beta_testers_for_apache.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"> <img frameborder="0" height="502" src="../images/blog/seeking_beta_testers_for_apache_cowboy.jpeg" width="640"/> </div> |
| <p> </p><br/> |
| <p>We're looking for users interested in test driving our new Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta Release.&nbsp;&nbsp; The beta can be downloaded from <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">our website</a> (use the yellow box).<br/></p> |
| <p>We release Beta versions of OpenOffice to get early feedback from users. &nbsp;Beta versions may have more bugs than our final <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_availability#General_availability_.28GA.29">GA …</a></p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"> <img frameborder="0" height="502" src="../images/blog/seeking_beta_testers_for_apache_cowboy.jpeg" width="640"/> </div> |
| <p> </p><br/> |
| <p>We're looking for users interested in test driving our new Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta Release.&nbsp;&nbsp; The beta can be downloaded from <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">our website</a> (use the yellow box).<br/></p> |
| <p>We release Beta versions of OpenOffice to get early feedback from users. &nbsp;Beta versions may have more bugs than our final <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_availability#General_availability_.28GA.29">GA</a> releases and may not be suitable for tasks which require the highest level of stability. Beta versions are recommended for experienced users who are willing to share their feedback with the OpenOffice project.<br/> </p> |
| <p>The 4.1.0 Beta features:</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Mac OS X version is now 64-bit and requires OS X version 10.7 or above.<br/></li> |
| <li>Integrated <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAccessible2">iAccessible2</a> support, offering better integration with screen readers. <br/></li> |
| <li>Annotations of text ranges in Writer.<br/></li> |
| <li>In-place editing of text fields in Writer.</li> |
| <li>Interactive image crop feature for Impress and Draw.</li> |
| <li>Enhanced support for 3D charts.</li> |
| <li>New language translations:&nbsp; Bulgarian, Danish, Hindi, Norwegian Bokm&aring;l and Thai.</li> |
| <li>Many bug fixes and smaller improvements as detailed in the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1+Release+Notes">Release Notes</a>.<br/></li> |
| </ul><br/> |
| <p> |
| Bug reports can be entered in our Bugzilla database at: <a href="https://issues.apache.org/ooo/" target="_blank">https://issues.apache.org/ooo/</a>. &nbsp;Questions and other feedback, good or bad, can be sent to our users mailing list at<a href="mailto:users@openoffice.apache.org"> users@openoffice.apache.org</a>.</p> |
| <p>After you have tried the Beta for a while we welcome your feed back via our <a href="http://survey.openoffice.org/index.php/732688/">4.1 Beta Survey</a>.<br/></p> |
| <div class="a3s" id=":uz"> <br/> |
| Thanks in advance to our Beta Testers!<br/></div><br/> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>International Mother Language Day 2014</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/international_mother_language_day_2014.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2014-02-20T22:56:17+00:00</published><updated>2014-02-20T22:56:17+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2014-02-20:/blog/international_mother_language_day_2014.html</id><summary type="html"><p>On International Mother Language Day the UN's Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and UN agencies participate in events that promote linguistic and cultural diversity. They also encourage people to maintain their knowledge of their mother language while learning and using more than one language. Governments and non-governmental organizations may …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>On International Mother Language Day the UN's Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and UN agencies participate in events that promote linguistic and cultural diversity. They also encourage people to maintain their knowledge of their mother language while learning and using more than one language. Governments and non-governmental organizations may use the day to announce policies to encourage language learning and support. You can visit <a href="http://www.internationalmotherlanguageday.com/" target="_blank">http://www.<wbr/>internationalmotherlanguageday<wbr/>.com/</a> to know about worldwide #IMLD events.</p> |
| <p>The Apache OpenOffice project is proud to help commemorate International Mother Language Day on <span class="aBn" data-term="goog_126708540" tabindex="0"><span class="aQJ">February 21</span></span>. &nbsp;Read more about why this day is important, how OpenOffice supports linguistic diversity, and how you can help.</p> |
| <p>Why <span class="aBn" data-term="goog_126708541" tabindex="0"><span class="aQJ">February 21</span></span> was chosen?&nbsp; <span class="aBn" data-term="goog_126708542" tabindex="0"><span class="aQJ">February 21st</span></span> was declared as <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mother_Language_Day">International Mother Language Day</a> (IMLD) by UNESCO. &nbsp; IMLD originated as the international recognition of Language Movement Day, which has been commemorated in Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) since 1952, when a number of Dhaka university students were killed by the Pakistani police and army in Dhaka during the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_Language_Movement">Bengali Language Movement</a>. This is the only event where people gave their lives to preserve the independence of using their mother language. To remember them there is a monument named Language Martyr's Monument (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaheed_Minar,_Dhaka">Shahid Minar</a>) in Dhaka University, Bangladesh. Every year more than a million people give flowers there. This is a big event in Bangladesh. Many foreigners visit Bangladesh just to experience the way the Bangladeshi people give respect to those brave hearts. Every town of Bangladesh has a Language Martyr's Monument, where local people give flowers. &nbsp;A Language Martyr's Monument is also built in Ikebukoro park of Tokyo, Japan. There are also Language Martyr's Monument in USA, UK, Italy and many other countries. Please think about your Mother Language not only on <span class="aBn" data-term="goog_126708543" tabindex="0"><span class="aQJ">February 21</span></span> but also on other days.<br/> <br/> |
| The Apache OpenOffice project strongly supports International Mother Language Day and the cause of language diversity.&nbsp; Our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mission.html">Public Service Mission</a> includes this section on "Support for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity":</p> |
| <blockquote>There are over 6,000 languages in the world, but unless the language is associated |
| with a G20 economic superpower, commercial vendors tend to ignore it. The |
| OpenOffice community has a long standing tradition of supporting a large number |
| of languages, including languages used by smaller populations, minority languages, |
| endangered languages, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp; By supporting languages that would |
| not otherwise be supported we help reduce "digital exclusion" and promote |
| development, local education and administration.</blockquote> |
| <p> |
| <p>Our most recent release of Apache OpenOffice, version 4.0.1, supported 32 languages, including Basque,&nbsp; |
| Khmer, |
| Lithuanian,</p> |
| <p>Polish, |
| Serbian Cyrillic, |
| Swedish, |
| Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, |
| Turkish, Vietnamese, Asturian, Czech, Dutch, British English, American English, Scottish Gaelic, Hungarian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Tamil.</p></p> |
| <p>Our 4.1 release, expected to be available in beta form soon, will include several new translations, including Hindi, Bulgarian, Kazakh, Danish, Norwegian and Thai.</p> |
| <p>Although these translations are all done by community volunteers we aim for professional quality and only release support for a language when the UI is 100% translated.&nbsp; We have many translations-in-progress which might also make it into 4.1, depending on their progress towards completion.&nbsp; For example: Uyghur (97% complete), Hebrew (96% complete), Indonesian (95% complete,) Icelandic (95% complete), Catalan (95% complete), Arabic (94% complete), Ukrainian (84% complete) and so on.&nbsp; Altogether we have support (complete or in-progress) for 111 languages.</p> |
| <p>If you would like to learn more about our localization process or to volunteer to help translate Apache OpenOffice into your mother tongue, you can read more on our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html">"Introduction to Localization"</a> web page.</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Apache OpenOffice in 2013: a year in review'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_in_2013_a.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-12-31T13:48:18+00:00</published><updated>2013-12-31T13:48:18+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-12-31:/blog/apache_openoffice_in_2013_a.html</id><summary type="html"><p> </p> |
| <p>&nbsp;2013 has been an exciting year for the OpenOffice project and community.<br/></p> |
| <p>&nbsp;Click on the picture below to start a slideshow with highlights from 2013. A text-only version is under the picture.</p> |
| <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline/latest/embed/index.html?source=0ApXDQB3bRocRdFVCOEdHXzlCckNVSjRfUGh6aVJ3YWc&amp;font=Bevan-PotanoSans&amp;maptype=TERRAIN&amp;lang=en&amp;height=650"><img align="middle" src="http://people.apache.org/~pescetti/blog/2013-12-review/timeline.png"/></a> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li> <b>January</b>: Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 is released in 8 additional languages (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Korean, Polish, Basque …</li></ul></summary><content type="html"><p> </p> |
| <p>&nbsp;2013 has been an exciting year for the OpenOffice project and community.<br/></p> |
| <p>&nbsp;Click on the picture below to start a slideshow with highlights from 2013. A text-only version is under the picture.</p> |
| <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline/latest/embed/index.html?source=0ApXDQB3bRocRdFVCOEdHXzlCckNVSjRfUGh6aVJ3YWc&amp;font=Bevan-PotanoSans&amp;maptype=TERRAIN&amp;lang=en&amp;height=650"><img align="middle" src="http://people.apache.org/~pescetti/blog/2013-12-review/timeline.png"/></a> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li> <b>January</b>: Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 is released in 8 additional languages (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Korean, Polish, Basque, Asturian and Scottish Gaelic) thanks to the work of new translation volunteers. <br/>OpenOffice supports 120+ languages, but only those that are 100% translated and maintained are officially released. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>February</b>: OpenOffice comes back to FOSDEM, one of the most popular Free and Open Source Conferences in Europe, with a dedicated devroom and a stand. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>March</b>: Apache OpenOffice starts integrating improvements from IBM Lotus Symphony, a previous fork that is now closed and donated to the Apache Software Foundation. <br/>The integrated improvements bring better compatibility with Microsoft Office documents. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>April</b>: It's time for a radical improvement of the OpenOffice user interface. <br/>The first major change in years, the Sidebar, is done by the Apache OpenOffice "dream team" in Hamburg in close cooperation with hundreds of other community members. <br/>The code, distributed under the Apache License 2.0, is promptly reused by other projects. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>May</b>: After a long selection process that saw over 5000 votes cast, a new logo is selected for OpenOffice 4. The winning proposal is submitted by community member Chris Rottensteiner, from South Tyrol. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>June</b>: The social media presence of Apache OpenOffice grows. <br/>The Facebook fan page at <a href="https://facebook.com/ApacheOO">https://facebook.com/ApacheOO</a> has about 40 new fans per day and reached the 10,000 fans milestone in 2013. <br/>The official Twitter account at <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo">https://twitter.com/apacheoo</a> has more than 2,000 followers. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>July</b>: Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is released. <br/>OpenOffice 4.0 features an innovative new Sidebar user interface, additional language support for 22 languages (including 3 new languages), 500 bug fixes, improvements in Microsoft Office interoperability, enhancements to drawing/graphics, performance improvements, etc. <br/>The full list of improvements is available on the project's <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes">community wiki</a>.<br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is downloaded at an impressive rate, about 1 million downloads per week. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>August</b>: The official repositories for Apache OpenOffice Extensions and Templates are refreshed. <br/>The updates bring to the two community sites get a nicer search functionality, social media sharing features, better spam control and many other improvements. <br/> The sites offer more than 750 extensions at <a href="http://extensions.openoffice.org">http://extensions.openoffice.org</a> and more than 2,800 templates at <a href="http://templates.openoffice.org">http://templates.openoffice.org</a> </li> |
| <li><b>September</b>: The Apache OpenOffice Forum reaches 60,000 registered users. <br/>The official forum at <a href="https://forum.openoffice.org">https://forum.openoffice.org</a> is the most used channel for user support, averaging over 100 posts per day and accumulating over 270,000 posts about Apache OpenOffice and all derivatives. <br/>The Forum and Wiki benefited from a number of infrastructure improvements in 2013, thanks to the Apache Infra team. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>October</b>: Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 is released. It is a maintenance release which fixes critical issues and improves the overall quality of the application. <br/> |
| General areas of improvement include: additional native language translations, bug fixes, performance improvements and Windows 8 compatibility enhancements. <br/>The full release notes are available on the project's <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0.1+Release+Notes">community wiki</a>. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>November</b>: Apache OpenOffice successfully integrates support for the Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) and IAccessible2 interfaces. <br/>Support for these interfaces enables screen readers and other assistive technologies to work with Apache OpenOffice, which in turn enables greater productivity by OpenOffice users who are blind or who have low-vision. <br/>With the new accessibility support OpenOffice becomes even more attractive for use by governments and public institutions, like the administrative region of Emilia-Romagna, in Italy, that recently announced a <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">migration to OpenOffice</a>. |
| </li> |
| <li><b>December</b>: Apache OpenOffice reaches 85,000,000 downloads. <br/>According to the statistics provided by SourceForge, that hosts the official downloads, the English version is the most downloaded one, followed by French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and Russian. <br/>The Apache OpenOffice porting page at <a href="http://openoffice.org/porting">http://openoffice.org/porting</a> lists other versions, such as a portable version for Windows, the PrOOo-box software collection in German, and AndrOpen Office, an Android port of Apache OpenOffice available since June 2013. </li> |
| </ul>Have a nice 2014!<br/> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Join Apache OpenOffice at FOSDEM 2014 - Submit a talk proposal</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/join_apache_openoffice_at_fosdem.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-12-18T00:05:15+00:00</published><updated>2013-12-18T00:05:15+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-12-18:/blog/join_apache_openoffice_at_fosdem.html</id><summary type="html"><p>Apache OpenOffice and the other Open Document Editors will have a dedicated track at <a href="https://fosdem.org/2014/">FOSDEM 2014</a>, 1 February 2014, Brussels. The devroom is organized by Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice and will give every project in this area a chance to present ODF related developments and innovations.<br/><br/>We invite submission of …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>Apache OpenOffice and the other Open Document Editors will have a dedicated track at <a href="https://fosdem.org/2014/">FOSDEM 2014</a>, 1 February 2014, Brussels. The devroom is organized by Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice and will give every project in this area a chance to present ODF related developments and innovations.<br/><br/>We invite submission of talks for the Open Document Editors devroom, to be held on Saturday, February 1st, from 10AM to 6PM. Submission deadline is <b>Sunday, 22 December 2013</b>.<br/><br/>Length of talks should be limited to 20 minutes, as we would like to have questions after each presentation, and to fit as many presenters as possible in the schedule. Exceptions must be explicitly requested and justified.<br/><br/>Technical talks (code, extensions, localization, QA, tools and significant adoption related cases) about Apache OpenOffice, other open document editors or the ODF format are welcome.<br/><br/>Submissions must be done using the Pentabarf system:<br/><br/><a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM14"><a href="https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM14">https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM14</a></a><br/><br/>While filing your proposal, please add a few lines about yourself (although your profile might already be stored at Pentabarf) and specify what product or topic (Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice, both, other editor, ODF in general...) your talk is about.<br/><br/>The deadline is Sunday, December 22, 2013. Accepted speakers will be notified by January 5, 2014.<br/><br/>You can send any questions to the <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#development-mailing-list-public">OpenOffice dev list</a> or to the <a href="https://lists.fosdem.org/mailman/listinfo/office-devroom">devroom mailing list</a> <br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/call_for_comments_apache_openoffice.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-12-05T14:42:44+00:00</published><updated>2013-12-05T14:42:44+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-12-05:/blog/call_for_comments_apache_openoffice.html</id><summary type="html"><p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly OpenOffice.org) is the leading free and open office productivity suite.&nbsp; We have many millions of users.&nbsp; In the past two years we've seen over 80 million downloads from our website, and millions more from 3rd party websites.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>Although most users are able to download OpenOffice successfully …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly OpenOffice.org) is the leading free and open office productivity suite.&nbsp; We have many millions of users.&nbsp; In the past two years we've seen over 80 million downloads from our website, and millions more from 3rd party websites.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>Although most users are able to download OpenOffice successfully, we do get occasional requests for a CD.&nbsp;&nbsp; This is something that we (the Apache Software Foundation) do not currently do.&nbsp; We make the OpenOffice source code, and installable versions of OpenOffice, available for free download.&nbsp; But we're not involved in distributing CDs.&nbsp; However, the Apache License 2.0, like most open source licenses, allows 3rd parties to copy and distribute copies of the software and even to charge for the copies.</p> |
| <p>So the open question is this:&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Would it be beneficial for the Apache OpenOffice project to maintain, as a public service, a list of 3rd party CD distributors, on our website?</b> </p> |
| <p>Also, it is probably reasonable to ask CD distributors, in return for giving |
| them a listing on our website, to adhere to defined best practices.&nbsp; |
| An example <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/distribution/best-practices.html">draft Distributor Best Practices</a> page is on our website.&nbsp; <b>Is there anything that should be added or removed from that list?</b></p> |
| <p>We invite public comments on this topic, as comments to this blog post, or in an email to our public <a href="mailto:marketing@openoffice.apache.org">marketing mailing list</a>.&nbsp; Comments are welcome from anyone, especially users, potential distributors and the wider Apache community.&nbsp; <b>Please submit comments by January 15th for our consideration.</b><br/></p> |
| <p> <br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Apache OpenOffice 4.1 to Bring Enhanced Accessibility Support</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_4_1_to.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-11-15T14:06:42+00:00</published><updated>2013-11-15T14:06:42+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-11-15:/blog/apache_openoffice_4_1_to.html</id><summary type="html"><p> |
| The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce that it has successfully integrated support for the <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd373592%28v=vs.85%29.aspx">Microsoft Active Accessibility</a> (MSAA) and <a href="http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/accessibility/iaccessible2">IAccessible2</a> interfaces.&nbsp; Support for these interfaces enables screen readers and other assistive technologies to work with Apache OpenOffice, which in turn enables greater productivity by OpenOffice users who are …</p></summary><content type="html"><p> |
| The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce that it has successfully integrated support for the <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd373592%28v=vs.85%29.aspx">Microsoft Active Accessibility</a> (MSAA) and <a href="http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/accessibility/iaccessible2">IAccessible2</a> interfaces.&nbsp; Support for these interfaces enables screen readers and other assistive technologies to work with Apache OpenOffice, which in turn enables greater productivity by OpenOffice users who are blind or who have low-vision.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>The new accessibility code, based on the donation of IBM's <a href="https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/merging_lotus_symphony_allegro_moderato">Lotus Symphony</a>, will now undergo extensive testing.&nbsp; The plan is to ship the new accessibility support in Apache OpenOffice 4.1, early in 2014.&nbsp; With this support added Apache OpenOffice, the leading open source productivity suite, also becomes the most accessible one.<br/><br/>The IAccessible2 interface was developed as a superset of MSAA interfaces, to enable enhanced support for document editors,&nbsp; including support for rich text, tables, spreadsheets, etc., while allowing assistive technology developers to preserve their existing investment in MSAA support.&nbsp; IAccessible2 is supported by assistive technologies such as JAWS, MAGic, Window-Eyes, NVDA and ZoomText.</p> |
| <p>As we did with the award-winning <a href="https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/the_sidebar_new_and_improved">Side Panel</a> UI in Apache OpenOffice 4.0, and all other features we develop, we will publish the IAccessible2 code under the <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html">Apache License 2.0</a>.&nbsp; This allows anyone to use, copy and redistribute OpenOffice freely.&nbsp; The license also allows others to take our source code, integrate it into their products and develop it further.&nbsp; That is what open source is all about.&nbsp; In a healthy open source ecosystem code flows in both directions.&nbsp; A new feature is developed in OpenOffice, and the code is taken by downstream consumers.&nbsp; As that code is tested further ("Every new class of users finds a new class of bugs") and fixes are made, these fixes should be contributed upstream.&nbsp; This reduces future merge costs for the downstream consumer.&nbsp; It is also the right thing to do, to help improve the code that your project benefits from and which your users depend upon.&nbsp; We invite all downstream consumers to engage with the Apache OpenOffice project, especially those that have so far neglected to do so, in order to improve the accessibility code that is of mutual benefit and that is so critical for the open source community.&nbsp; Help your neighbor.&nbsp; Be a hacker, not a hoarder.&nbsp; Our website has further information on <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/contributing-code.html">how to contribute patches</a>.<br/><br/>If you want to receive notification of when Apache OpenOffice 4.1 is available you can sign up for our announcements mailing list by sending an email to <a href="mailto:announce-subscribe@openoffice.apache.org">announce-subscribe@openoffice.apache.org</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp; You can also follow us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO">Facebook</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo">Twitter</a> and <a href="https://plus.google.com/+openoffice/">Google+</a>.&nbsp; If you want to help test the new accessibility support, before it is released, you can send a note to our QA mailing list to learn more:&nbsp; <a href="mailto:qa@openoffice.apache.org">qa@openoffice.apache.org</a>.<br/><br/> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>75 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-10-30T19:02:24+00:00</published><updated>2013-10-30T19:02:24+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-10-30:/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache.html</id><summary type="html"><p>We are pleased to report that yesterday, October 29th, someone downloaded the <b>75,000,000th </b>copy of&nbsp; Apache OpenOffice&trade;. &nbsp; The 75 million downloads have occurred in the less than 18th months since the first release of Apache OpenOffice on May 8th, 2012.&nbsp;</p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly called OpenOffice.org) is the …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>We are pleased to report that yesterday, October 29th, someone downloaded the <b>75,000,000th </b>copy of&nbsp; Apache OpenOffice&trade;. &nbsp; The 75 million downloads have occurred in the less than 18th months since the first release of Apache OpenOffice on May 8th, 2012.&nbsp;</p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly called OpenOffice.org) is the leading free and open source office application suite for Windows, Mac and Linux.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <p>Although we're all very busy now with working on our next major release, Apache OpenOffice 4.1, it is worth taking a few minutes to explore some of the trends that can be discerned from our download data.&nbsp; The information we have gathered, relative to desktop OS versions, 64-bit Linux use, etc.,&nbsp; may be of special interest to other open source projects to consider in their |
| planning. <br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>First a scatter plot of daily download numbers, with a 7-day moving average overlay.&nbsp; Each of our releases is marked by a vertical line.&nbsp; You can clearly see the increase in interest since the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.0.<br/></p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <p align="center"> <img alt="daily-downloads.png" src="../images/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache_day.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="left"> </p><br/> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="left"> </p>We are able to break down these trends along several other dimensions.&nbsp; One is by country, looking at where the download request came from.&nbsp; This information is gleaned from the IP address of the machine making the request.&nbsp; Since each IP address is part of an assigned block of addresses, and blocks are assigned geographically, we can create a table of downloads by country, territory, etc.&nbsp; We show the <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/stats/countries.html">full table</a> on our website, of all 238 countries, territories, etc., but here are the top 10: |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <table align="center" border="1" class="table"> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#1</td> |
| <td>United States</td> |
| <td align="right">14,148,707</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#2</td> |
| <td>France</td> |
| <td align="right">9,622,464</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#3</td> |
| <td>Germany</td> |
| <td align="center">7,363,242</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#4</td> |
| <td>Italy</td> |
| <td align="right">6,239,913</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#5</td> |
| <td>Japan</td> |
| <td align="right">3,944,256</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#6</td> |
| <td>United Kingdom</td> |
| <td align="right">3,316,827</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#7</td> |
| <td>Spain</td> |
| <td align="right">2,756,638</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#8</td> |
| <td>Russia</td> |
| <td align="right">2,693,113</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#9</td> |
| <td>Canada</td> |
| <td align="right">2,177,430</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#10</td> |
| <td>Poland<br/></td> |
| <td align="right">1,569,020</td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Another approach is to look at which localized versions of Apache OpenOffice were downloaded.&nbsp; We can see these trends in the following dot chart:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="languages.png" src="../images/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache_languages.png"/></p> |
| <p>We can also look at the trend over time of downloads by operating system.&nbsp;&nbsp; (Note the log-scale on the Y-axis.)&nbsp; OpenOffice is a mainstream open source desktop application, so the OS distribution reflects overall desktop operating system market shares:<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="os-downloads.png" src="../images/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache_os-downloads_64-bit.png"/></p> |
| <p>Since we have Linux versions of OpenOffice packed as RPMs (e.g., for RedHat) as well as DEBs (e.g., for Ubuntu), we can look for trends in the ratio of requests for these two packaging formats over time:<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"> <img alt="packaging.png" src="../images/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache_packaging.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Also, we have 32-bit and 64-bit Linux downloads, and we see a gradual increase in demand over time for the 64-bit version, now reaching 50%.&nbsp; (The drop in July-September is not fully explained, but may have been an error in our download page that was not recommending 64-bit downloads appropriately.)<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"> <img alt="64-bit.png" src="../images/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache_64-bit.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Although we don't have detailed download data for different Windows versions (we have a single download for all Windows users) we do have information from website visitors (nearly 7 million visitors per month) that tells a similar story.&nbsp; Windows 7 remains the most popular Windows version for our users, accounting for over half of Windows visitors.&nbsp; Windows XP ties with Windows 8 for second place, though Windows XP usage is declining quickly.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="windows-version.png" src="../images/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache_windows.png"/></p> |
| <p>Looking at the similar data for web browsers, we see the rise in Chrome users among our website visitors:<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="browsers.png" src="../images/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache_browsers.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p><br/> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>The above charts were made in <a href="http://www.r-project.org/">R</a>, using data from <a href="http://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/Download%20Stats%20API/">SourceForge's REST API</a> and from Google Analytics.&nbsp;&nbsp; The processing of the SourceForge data was automated via a <a href="https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/devtools/aoo-stats/detail-by-day.py">custom Python script</a>.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><br/> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_0.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-10-01T13:19:11+00:00</published><updated>2013-10-01T13:19:11+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-10-01:/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_0.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2163470598/" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"><img alt="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC)" height="469" src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2037/2163470598_fb7571cdab_z.jpg?zz=1" width="640"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2163470598/" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| <div align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2163470598/" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a></div> |
| </div> |
| <p> |
| <p>The Apache OpenOffice project (formerly OpenOffice.org) is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Apache 4.0.1.&nbsp; Building upon the success of our <a href="http://www.infoworld.com/slideshow/119867/bossie-awards-2013-the-best-open-source-desktop-and-mobile-software-226979#slide8">award-winning</a> Apache OpenOffice 4.0 release, which was well-received by both users and reviewers, the 4.0.1 maintenance update brings new translations, performance enhancements …</p></p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2163470598/" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"><img alt="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC)" height="469" src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2037/2163470598_fb7571cdab_z.jpg?zz=1" width="640"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2163470598/" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| <div align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2163470598/" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a></div> |
| </div> |
| <p> |
| <p>The Apache OpenOffice project (formerly OpenOffice.org) is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Apache 4.0.1.&nbsp; Building upon the success of our <a href="http://www.infoworld.com/slideshow/119867/bossie-awards-2013-the-best-open-source-desktop-and-mobile-software-226979#slide8">award-winning</a> Apache OpenOffice 4.0 release, which was well-received by both users and reviewers, the 4.0.1 maintenance update brings new translations, performance enhancements and bug fixes.&nbsp; </p></p> |
| <p>You can download OpenOffice 4.0.1 from our <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">download page</a>.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <p>New translations introduced in this release are:&nbsp; Basque,&nbsp; |
| Khmer, |
| Lithuanian, |
| <p>Polish, |
| Serbian Cyrillic, |
| Swedish, |
| Traditional Chinese, |
| Turkish and |
| Vietnamese. &nbsp; It is an important part of our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mission.html">Public Service Mission</a> to support, with help from our translation volunteers, minority and regional languages that are typically ignored by commercial vendors.&nbsp;&nbsp; We now ship OpenOffice in 32 languages.&nbsp; <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html">With your help</a> we could support many more.&nbsp; </p></p> |
| <p>This update also includes many bug fixes, including performance fixes.&nbsp; For example, one common scenario saving Microsoft Excel files was sped up 230%.&nbsp;&nbsp; A repaint issue reported by several 4.0.0 users was fixed.&nbsp; In general the most common issues reported by 4.0.0 users are fixed in this update.&nbsp; A full list of changes can be found in the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0.1+Release+Notes">Release Notes</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>In parallel with work on 4.0.1 the project has also been working on 4.1.0 items.&nbsp; Although no date has been set for this release, areas of focus include:&nbsp; improved interoperability with Microsoft Office, integration of IAccesible2 accessibility support, and (of course) new translations and bug fixes.<br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Back to School with Apache OpenOffice</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/back_to_school_with_apache.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-08-26T12:09:16+00:00</published><updated>2013-08-26T12:09:16+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-08-26:/blog/back_to_school_with_apache.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_virginia/3595197971/" title="Chesterfield County school bus and students by The Library of Virginia, on Flickr"><img alt="Chesterfield County school bus and students" height="497" src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3305/3595197971_77e49c61af_z.jpg?zz=1" width="640"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_virginia/3595197971/" title="Chesterfield County school bus and students by The Library of Virginia, on Flickr"> </a> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>As August comes to a close it is time for millions of children and young adults to return to school.&nbsp;&nbsp; In preparation, parents empty their wallets for a variety of necessities: clothes, shoes, backpacks, notebooks, pencils, calculators, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp; But with one common back-to-school item parents and students often overpay by …</p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_virginia/3595197971/" title="Chesterfield County school bus and students by The Library of Virginia, on Flickr"><img alt="Chesterfield County school bus and students" height="497" src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3305/3595197971_77e49c61af_z.jpg?zz=1" width="640"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_virginia/3595197971/" title="Chesterfield County school bus and students by The Library of Virginia, on Flickr"> </a> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>As August comes to a close it is time for millions of children and young adults to return to school.&nbsp;&nbsp; In preparation, parents empty their wallets for a variety of necessities: clothes, shoes, backpacks, notebooks, pencils, calculators, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp; But with one common back-to-school item parents and students often overpay by $100, $200 or more.&nbsp; In many cases parents can save money by using open source equivalents of commercial application software.&nbsp; For example, <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> is a desktop productivity suite -- absolutely free -- that can be used instead of Microsoft Office.<br/></p> |
| <p>Open source software is software that is made available to the public at no charge, free to use and copy.&nbsp; Those who know how to program can even freely modify the software if they want.&nbsp; <a href="http://www.apache.org/">The Apache Software Foundation</a> is a non-profit organization whose charitable mission is to publish open source software for the public to use.&nbsp; That's what we do.&nbsp;&nbsp; One program that we publish that is especially useful to students is <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a>,&nbsp; the free and open productivity suite, for Windows, Mac OS and Linux, including the tools that every student needs:&nbsp; a <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/product/writer.html">word processor</a>, a <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/product/calc.html">spreadsheet</a> and a <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/product/impress.html">presentation editor</a>.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <h3 id="ten-reasons-use-apache-openoffice-for-school">Ten Reasons Use Apache OpenOffice for School <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#ten-reasons-use-apache-openoffice-for-school" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <ol> |
| <li>OpenOffice is free.&nbsp; Commercial alternatives cost $100 or more.</li> |
| <li>Because it is free you can install OpenOffice on <b>all</b> of your computers without any additional charge.&nbsp; Commercial products make you pay extra for the ability to install on multiple computers.</li> |
| <li>You can install and use OpenOffice, with no subscription fees -- ever.&nbsp; Updates are free as well.<br/></li> |
| <li>School districts, by using OpenOffice in the classroom, can save money in their budget, but also allow their students (and their parents) to run the same software at home for free.&nbsp;&nbsp; This is the open source advantage.<br/></li> |
| <li>OpenOffice works the same on Windows, Mac OS and Linux.&nbsp; You are not trapped in a single operating system.</li> |
| <li>OpenOffice speaks your language.&nbsp; It is available in over 20 languages, with many more translations in progress.<br/></li> |
| <li>You can run OpenOffice from a <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/porting/index.html">USB-stick</a> and so work everywhere using your personal |
| settings, even if OpenOffice is not yet installed on your friend's PC.&nbsp;</li> |
| <li>There are <a href="http://templates.openoffice.org/">over 1000 document templates</a> for OpenOffice, free to download, including many <a href="http://templates.openoffice.org/en/search?f[0]=field_template_category%3A21">templates designed for education</a>.</li> |
| <li>OpenOffice is extensible with 100's of <a href="http://extensions.openoffice.org/">free extensions</a> that you can download.<br/></li> |
| <li>As an all-volunteer open source project we <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html">welcome students, teachers and parents</a> interested in helping us develop the next great version of OpenOffice. Learn new skills and gain valuable experience working on an open source project, while helping to improve the tools that you use yourself.<br/></li> |
| </ol> |
| <p>You can download our latest release, Apache OpenOffice 4.0, <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">here</a>.</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Developer in AOO, 1year celebration</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/developer_in_aoo_1year_celebration.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-07-31T15:18:20+00:00</published><updated>2013-07-31T15:18:20+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-07-31:/blog/developer_in_aoo_1year_celebration.html</id><summary type="html"><p><font size="4"><b>1 year as developer with AOO</b></font> [<a href="https://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a>]<br/></p> |
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| <img alt="jan1.jpg" height="512" src="../images/blog/Jan.jpeg" width="340"/></td> |
| <td> <br/></td> |
| <td> |
| <p>Many of the big open source software packages are to a high degree |
| driven by developers employed by companies who sponsor manpower. The |
| sponsorship allows a faster development than otherwise possible which is a |
| benefit for everybody. There is however a negative …</p></td></tr></tbody></table></summary><content type="html"><p><font size="4"><b>1 year as developer with AOO</b></font> [<a href="https://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a>]<br/></p> |
| <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="table" width="100%"> |
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| <img alt="jan1.jpg" height="512" src="../images/blog/Jan.jpeg" width="340"/></td> |
| <td> <br/></td> |
| <td> |
| <p>Many of the big open source software packages are to a high degree |
| driven by developers employed by companies who sponsor manpower. The |
| sponsorship allows a faster development than otherwise possible which is a |
| benefit for everybody. There is however a negative side to this, today |
| we see some packages being in reality controlled by the sponsoring |
| companies.</p> |
| <p>It has from time to time been alleged that AOO is controlled by a |
| company, my 1year in the community shows that individuals who care have a |
| much higher influence that any sponsoring company. In ASF [<a href="https://www.apache.org/">Apache Software Foundation</a>] (and AOO in |
| particular) there is a sound balance between sponsorships and active |
| volunteers, that balance is part of what makes ASF and AOO really cool |
| communities.</p> |
| <p>This month a year ago, I joined the Apache OpenOffice community, as with many things in life it happened by accident. I needed to upgrade my OpenOffice program and determined that it was not available in Danish. A short mail to |
| <a href="mailto:dev@openoffice.apache.org" target="_blank">dev@openoffice.apache.org</a> started a chain of events. I got a mail back telling me that danish was nearly completed, and if I would be interested in translating the missing part.</p> |
| <p>While doing the translation (and compiling AOO, after all I am a full blooded developer), I saw how awkward the translation process was and started to document it, that caused many funny discussions on the mailing list, and I am sure that my stupid (seen in the rear mirror) questions must have driven one or two to the edge, but everybody was helpful and did their best to help me gain the needed knowledge. Having documented the current process I started on a bigger challenge, to define an automated failure proof work process.</p> |
| </td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table><br/> |
| <p>My motivation and curiosity was rewarded by the community with committer status. I thought, they did it, to stop my flow of small patches (as committer I am allowed to change source/web etc. directly) but reality is that the community wanted to embrace my ideas. I learned that AOO does not have a steering committee that accept/reject patches, all committers have equal rights and responsibilities. AOO works The Apache Way, all members of the community are equal, there is a group (PMC [<a href="http://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html">Project management committee</a>] ) that handles project logistic. The biggest and most positive surprise came when we had to decide on a new release, ALL community member were asked to vote and give their opinion. That freedom and trust gave my motivation a big kick.</p> |
| <p><strike>s</strike>lowly over time, I got deeper involved. <a href="wiki.openoffice.org">wiki.openoffice.org</a> suffered from lack of maintenance, that brought me in contact with an internal ASF project called "infra". INFRA is a group of volunteers that keeps the ASF infrastructure floating. Infra gave me the possibility to install a new vm, reinstall the wiki and maintain it. Infra used the same method as the old AOO community members, they let me do things alone, helped when asked, but silently watched me and held a hand out when I was about to fall.</p> |
| <p>The AOO community can best be viewed as loads of specialists, each concentrating on their field of interest, but at the same time everybody are patient and open to help each other.&nbsp; Some of the members spent a lot of time on the community itself, making sure its a nice place to be and that everybody is listened to.</p> |
| <p>About half a year ago, we had some strong discussions about the LO/AOO split, to me the split is really wasting human resources. The discussion was mixed with accusations that IBM controlled AOO. I found it interesting to note that the volunteers I knew was IBM employees did have quite different opinions (not following the company line, as others claimed) and was just individuals like the rest of us. I complained and argued that our PMC should do something, because I saw the PMC as a |
| steering committee (hence the name), but I soon learned the hard fact, PMC is not controlling anything, but merely a group of volunteers that among others care for the community as a whole.</p> |
| <p>One day my inbox contained a new surprise, an invitation to be part of PMC.&nbsp; Being PMC focused my interest on other corners of the community, and It interesting to see that developers are just a corner of the |
| community, there are other parts equally important like QA, |
| marketing, web site maintenance.</p> |
| <p>Today I maintain together with other volunteers our core services, participate in design discussions, and develop my own little part (a new translation workflow). I am also deeply involved in infra work, where I&nbsp; integrate a new monitoring system, that covers services and vms for all Apache projects.<br/></p> |
| <p>A big thank to ASF and AOO for showing me, how software can be developed in a true free spirit !</p> |
| <p>Give it a try, you don't need to use as many hours as I do, to feel how motivating the free spirit can be.</p> |
| <p>Regards</p> |
| <p> jan I </p> |
| <p>Danish, living in southern Spain. I have designed/developed network protocols, embedded OS and SCADA systems since '77.<br/></p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Interview with the developers of PrOOo-Box</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/interview_with_the_developers_of.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-07-29T13:31:42+00:00</published><updated>2013-07-29T13:31:42+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-07-29:/blog/interview_with_the_developers_of.html</id><summary type="html"><p>Most of the posts on this blog are about the Apache OpenOffice product and the community of volunteers that develops it.&nbsp; But occasionally we write about interesting things in the broader Apache OpenOffice project, the ecosystem of extension developers, consultants, trainers, etc., that help users get value from OpenOffice.&nbsp; Today …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>Most of the posts on this blog are about the Apache OpenOffice product and the community of volunteers that develops it.&nbsp; But occasionally we write about interesting things in the broader Apache OpenOffice project, the ecosystem of extension developers, consultants, trainers, etc., that help users get value from OpenOffice.&nbsp; Today I'm pleased to feature another part of the ecosystem in this interview with the developers of <a href="http://www.prooo-box.org">PrOOo-Box</a>.</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><a href="http://www.prooo-box.org"><img src="../images/blog/interview_with_the_developers_of_PrOOo-Box.png"/></a> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="im"> |
| <p><b>What is PrOOo-Box? &nbsp;How does it differ from what a user downloads fromthe Apache OpenOffice website?</b><br/> </p> |
| <p>With the PrOOo-Box, a user not only gets Apache OpenOffice, but also |
| other interesting programs from the open source area, such as Lightning, |
| Sunbird, Inkscape and FreeMind. Also included are a part of the |
| documentation and useful OpenOffice-specific templates, extensions and |
| macros. In addition, a user gets the programs for different operating |
| systems. |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="im"> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><b>What does the name "PrOOo-Box" mean?</b><br/> </p> |
| <p>The name PrOOo-Box is a pun, that "OOo" comes from OpenOffice.org.<br/></p> |
| </div> |
| Pro = It is good. OOo = OpenOffice.org. &nbsp;In a Box = In the past, the CD |
| was delivered in a Box. For the future, we will use the name PrOOo-Box |
| although OpenOffice.org is now called Apache OpenOffice, but the name |
| "PrOOo-Box" has a long history, we don't want to change it rashly. |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="im"> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><b>What is the history of PrOOo-Box?</b><br/> </p> |
| <p>The PrOOo box is a creation of the OpenOffice.org German community that was started in the early 2000s. The box was active up until to the |
| secession of the LibreOffice fork. The development of the box was not |
| continued after 2010.&nbsp;&nbsp; Then we, the new team of PrOOo-Box (currently J<span class="il">&ouml;</span>rg |
| Schmidt, Jan-Christian Wienandt and Detlef Nannen), have taken care of |
| the PrOOo-box and its development since 2012. |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="im"> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><b>Is PrOOo-Box free?</b><br/> </p> |
| <p>Yes, the PrOOo-Box is free, in the sense of free software. The contents |
| of the box are available under various free licenses. Downloading the |
| ISO images is free and will remain free. In the future, as well as |
| earlier, the physical box is also sold in order to cover our costs (e.g., |
| servers) and to support the local community. |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="im"> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><b>What feedback have you received from users of PrOOo-Box?</b><br/></p> |
| <p> The PrOOo-box has a long history, and in course of time received a lot of |
| positive feedback, e.g., from computer magazines or private persons. For |
| example we received the following comment from a German |
| user:<br/></p> |
| </div> "I think it's great, that you continue the project. Believing in OOo was the right decision." |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="im"> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><b>Have you thought of extending PrOOo-Box to support other languages?</b><br/> </p> |
| <p>In principle it would be possible, but we don't have enough capacity |
| yet. At the moment we are a team of 3 persons, who created the PrOOo-Box |
| only by volunteer work. |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| <div class="im"> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><b>What next? &nbsp;Do you have any other things you would like to bring to PrOOo-Box?</b><br/></p> |
| <p> At the moment we have, in addition to the web-site, only a DVD version of |
| the PrOOo box. In the future we want to provide CD versions, which |
| will contain only the content for a specific OS such as Linux. We also |
| plan to publish a version specifically for business users, and we are |
| working on a "live" version which only will contain specific content for |
| users in the church. |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
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| <p> </p> |
| <p><b>If someone wants to help further develop PrOOo-Box, what should they do? &nbsp;Where can they go to learn more?</b><br/> </p> |
| <p> Interested parties can contact us either via our web site <a href="http://www.prooo-box.org" target="_blank">www.prooo-box.org</a> or directly via email <a href="mailto:info@prooo-box.org" target="_blank">info@prooo-box.org</a>. |
| </p><hr/> |
| <h3 id="interview-mit-den-entwicklern-der-prooo-box">Interview mit den Entwicklern der PrOOo-Box<a class="headerlink" href="#interview-mit-den-entwicklern-der-prooo-box" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p>Die meisten Beitr&auml;ge in diesem Blog handeln von Apache OpenOffice und der Community, die es entwickeln. Aber manchmal schreiben wir &uuml;ber interessante Dinge im weiteren Apache OpenOffice-Projekt, dem &Ouml;kosystem Entwickler von Erweiterungen, Berater, Trainer, etc., die Benutzern helfen, die Vorteile von OpenOffice nutzen zu k&ouml;nnen. Heute bin ich froh, in einem Interview einen anderen Teil des &Ouml;kosystems vorzustellen, die <a href="http://www.prooo-box.org">PrOOo-Box</a> uns deren Entwickler.<br/><br/><b>Was ist PrOOo-Box? Wie sieht es aus, was unterscheidet die PrOOo-Box vom Download von der Apache OpenOffice Webseite?</b></p> |
| <p><br/>Mit der PrOOo-Box, erh&auml;lt ein Benutzer nicht nur Apache OpenOffice, sondern dazu weitere interessante Programme aus dem Open-Source-Bereich, wie Thunderbird, Sunbird, Inkscape und FreeMind. Ebenfalls enthalten sind ein Teil der Dokumentation und n&uuml;tzliche OpenOffice-Templates, Erweiterungen und Makros. Dar&uuml;ber hinaus werden den Benutzern diese Programme f&uuml;r verschiedene Betriebssysteme zur Verf&uuml;gung gestellt.<br/><br/><b>Was bedeutet der Name "PrOOo-Box"?</b></p> |
| <p><br/>Der Name PrOOo-Box ist ein Wortspiel, dass "OOo" kommt von OpenOffice.org.<br/>Pro = Es ist gut. OOo = OpenOffice.org. In einer Box = In der Vergangenheit wurde die CD in einer Box geliefert.<br/><br/>F&uuml;r die Zukunft werden wir den Namen PrOOo-Box vorerst weiterverwenden, obwohl OpenOffice.org jetzt Apache OpenOffice hei&szlig;t. Der Name "PrOOo-Box" hat eine lange Geschichte, wir wollen den Namen nicht vorschnell &auml;ndern.<br/><br/><b>Was ist die Geschichte der PrOOo-Box?</b></p> |
| <p><br/>Die PrOOo-Box ist eine Entwicklung der deutschen OpenOffice.org-Gemeinde, und begann in den fr&uuml;hen 2000er Jahren. Die Box war aktiv bis zur Abtrennung des LibreOffice-Fork. Die Entwicklung der Box wurde nach 2010 nicht fortgesetzt. Ab 2012 hat das neue Team von PrOOo-Box (derzeit J&ouml;rg Schmidt, Jan-Christian Wienandt und Detlef Nannen), die Pflege der PrOOo-Box und die Weiterentwicklung &uuml;bernommen.<br/><br/><b>Ist PrOOo-Box frei?</b></p> |
| <p><br/>Ja, die PrOOo-Box frei, im Sinne von freier Software. Die Inhalte der Box sind unter verschiedenen freien Lizenzen verf&uuml;gbar. Der Download des ISO-Images ist kostenlos und wird frei bleiben. In der Zuk&uuml;nftig soll es auch wieder eine die physische Boxgeben, die verkauft wird, um unsere Kosten zu decken (z. B. Server) und die lokale Gemeinschaft zu unterst&uuml;tzen. <br/><br/><b>Welches Feedback haben Sie von den Nutzern PrOOo-Box empfangen?</b></p> |
| <p><br/>Die PrOOo-Box hat eine lange Geschichte, und im Laufe der Zeit erhielten viel positives Feedback, z.B. von Computer-Zeitschriften oder Privatpersonen. Zum Beispiel erhielten wir den folgenden Kommentar von einem deutschen Benutzer:<br/><br/>"Ich finde es toll, dass Sie das Projekt fortsetzen. Mein Glauben in OOo war die richtige Entscheidung."<br/><br/><b>Haben Sie daran gedacht sich PrOOo-Box in andere Sprachen zu unterst&uuml;tzen?</b></p> |
| <p><br/>Im Prinzip w&auml;re es m&ouml;glich, aber wir haben nicht genug Kapazit&auml;t. Im Moment sind wir ein Team von 3 Personen, die die PrOOo-Box nur durch ehrenamtliche Arbeit pflegen.<br/><br/><b>Was kommt als n&auml;chstes? Haben Sie andere Dinge, die Sie gerne mit PrOOo-Box bringen w&uuml;rde?</b></p> |
| <p><br/>Im Moment haben wir&nbsp; neben der Website nur eine DVD-Version der PrOOo-Box.&nbsp; In der Zukunft wollen wir eine CD-Versionen bereitstellen, die nur den Inhalt f&uuml;r ein bestimmtes OS wie z. B. Linux enth&auml;lt. Wir planen auch eine Version speziell f&uuml;r Business-Anwender zu ver&ouml;ffentlichen, und planen eine "Live"-Version, die nur bestimmte Inhalte f&uuml;r Benutzer in der Kirche zur Verf&uuml;gung stellt..<br/><br/><b>Wenn jemand helfen will, die PrOOo-Box weiter zu entwickeln, was sollte sie oder er tun? Wohin k&ouml;nnen sie sich wenden, um mehr zu erfahren?</b></p> |
| <p><br/>Interessenten k&ouml;nnen uns entweder &uuml;ber unsere Website <a href="http://www.prooo-box.org">www.prooo-box.org</a> erreichen oder direkt per E-Mail an&nbsp; <a href="mailto:info@prooo-box.org">info@prooo-box.org</a>.</p> |
| </div> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>A short celebration, and then back to work</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/a_short_celebration_and_then.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-07-23T09:23:23+00:00</published><updated>2013-07-23T09:23:23+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-07-23:/blog/a_short_celebration_and_then.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/statelibraryofnsw/5055825859/" title="Society of Artists' Selection Committee, Sydney, 1907 / photographer Henry King by State Library of New South Wales collection, on Flickr"><img alt="Society of Artists' Selection Committee, Sydney, 1907 / photographer Henry King" height="443" src="http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4084/5055825859_fda49decd1_z.jpg" width="640"/></a></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> |
| <p>Cheers to the community on the successful release of Apache OpenOffice 4.0.&nbsp; Full details of release can be found in our <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes">Release Notes</a>.&nbsp; You can download Apache OpenOffice 4.0 <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">here</a>.<br/></p></p> |
| <p>This was a major release and a major effort for the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Directory+of+Volunteers">many volunteers</a> who worked on coding, testing …</p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/statelibraryofnsw/5055825859/" title="Society of Artists' Selection Committee, Sydney, 1907 / photographer Henry King by State Library of New South Wales collection, on Flickr"><img alt="Society of Artists' Selection Committee, Sydney, 1907 / photographer Henry King" height="443" src="http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4084/5055825859_fda49decd1_z.jpg" width="640"/></a></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> |
| <p>Cheers to the community on the successful release of Apache OpenOffice 4.0.&nbsp; Full details of release can be found in our <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes">Release Notes</a>.&nbsp; You can download Apache OpenOffice 4.0 <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">here</a>.<br/></p></p> |
| <p>This was a major release and a major effort for the <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Directory+of+Volunteers">many volunteers</a> who worked on coding, testing, translation, support, marketing, documentation and other aspects of the project.&nbsp; And thanks are due to ongoing support from other parts of the Apache Software Foundation, especially the <a href="http://www.apache.org/dev/infrastructure.html">Apache Infrastructure Team</a> for their outsized effort to support our outsized project.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>It is summertime, at least for volunteers in the northern hemisphere,&nbsp; and August is vacation time.&nbsp; Many of us will be taking a break and enjoying time with friends and family.&nbsp; But then we'll be back and working at full force, with a focus on: <br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Bringing additional language translations to AOO 4.0.&nbsp; There are quite a few languages that are "almost done", but did not make it into this release.&nbsp; But rather than wait until 4.1 we'll release these languages, in batches, as they become available.&nbsp;&nbsp; Tentatively we're aiming for mid-September for the first batch.&nbsp; If you want to help with a particular translation, we'd <a href="mailto:L10N@openoffice.apache.org">love to hear from you</a>.<br/></li> |
| <li>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.&nbsp; We've jotted down some <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.1+Release+Planning">proposed ideas</a> on our wiki.&nbsp; We now need to turn that into a plan, ideally for a 4.1 release at the end of 2013.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>Finally, as we transition from one major release to another, this is a great time for new volunteers in all areas to join the project.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you are interested helping us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then |
| we want to hear from you.&nbsp; We're not only programmers, but are a |
| community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, |
| accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |
| Volunteers in all areas are welcome.&nbsp;&nbsp; More information can be found on |
| our <a class="external-link" href="http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html" rel="nofollow">Get Involved</a> page.</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Rejected</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/rejected.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-07-16T15:03:53+00:00</published><updated>2013-07-16T15:03:53+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-07-16:/blog/rejected.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"><img alt="rejected stamp" src="../images/blog/rejected.png"/></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Release Candidate 1 (Build 9702) has been rejected.&nbsp; It was not good enough. Detlef, in our German-language community, first noted the crash two days ago, which was passed on to the developers by Regina.&nbsp; We immediately started further testing to narrow down the problem.</p> |
| <p>Samer, in …</p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"><img alt="rejected stamp" src="../images/blog/rejected.png"/></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Release Candidate 1 (Build 9702) has been rejected.&nbsp; It was not good enough. Detlef, in our German-language community, first noted the crash two days ago, which was passed on to the developers by Regina.&nbsp; We immediately started further testing to narrow down the problem.</p> |
| <p>Samer, in Canada, independently reported the crash a few hours later.&nbsp; We then determined that the crash only occurred on Windows 8 64-bit systems.&nbsp; Rob, in the United States, then worked with Herbert, in Germany, to find out where in the code the problem was.&nbsp; After a few more emails and chats, we had a proposed fix to test.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>As community members in Germany and North America slept, Yuzhen was testing the fix in Beijing. And now, this morning, the fix is confirmed and we've agreed to produce a new Release Candidate.&nbsp; If the new Release Candidate is free of serious issues it will be released next week.<br/></p> |
| <p>This is how a global community of volunteers produce quality open source software.&nbsp; There are skills required -- technical and social -- to coordinate a fix like this.&nbsp; But it also requires something much more important:&nbsp; a dedication to quality.&nbsp; We know that OpenOffice is more than just another software tool for our users.&nbsp; It is how you do work, how you write and communicate.&nbsp; If OpenOffice crashes then your productivity crashes.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>For Apache OpenOffice 4.0, over 20 QA volunteers executed 1,221 regression test cases on 5 operating systems.&nbsp; 495 reported issues are resolved in this release, including many bugs reported in earlier releases.<br/></p> |
| <p> We hope that you join us in encouraging these priorities.&nbsp; We look forward to presenting you a high-quality OpenOffice 4.0 really soon.&nbsp; Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is quality worth waiting for.</p> |
| <p>If you also have a passion for quality and attention to detail, then you might be interested in volunteering on our QA team.&nbsp; You can read more about volunteering with the Apache OpenOffice project on our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html">Get Involved</a> page.&nbsp;</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Facebook fanpage and the growing fanbase</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/facebook_fanpage_and_the_growing.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-07-05T03:19:58+00:00</published><updated>2013-07-05T03:19:58+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-07-05:/blog/facebook_fanpage_and_the_growing.html</id><summary type="html"><p>A bit more then a year ago, we discussed the topic social media on our list. We decided to create official channels on different social media. I jumped in to join the administrator team of the official Apache OpenOffice Fan page. Since then, the number of fans has increased a …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>A bit more then a year ago, we discussed the topic social media on our list. We decided to create official channels on different social media. I jumped in to join the administrator team of the official Apache OpenOffice Fan page. Since then, the number of fans has increased a lot.</p> |
| <p>At the beginning, the Facebook fan page was not really promising. We were happy if we got eight to twelve new fans per day. This is not a lot for a project that has 50 million downloads per year. But our group started growing more and more. Now we have 40 new fans every single day, and we have about two users per day who post on our pinboard.</p> |
| <p align="center"> |
| <img alt="Statistic about the growing number of the Apache OpenOffice Facebook fanpage" src="../images/blog/facebook_fanpage_and_the_growing_statistics.png"/> |
| </p> |
| <p> But it's not the number of fans that makes the Apache OpenOffice Fanpage so special. It's the activity of our fans we like so much. You know, as community members we are often a bit separated from the users. I mean, we don't see them...it's not like a band who, playing a concert, see their fans from the stage. Of course, we have download numbers, and we can assume that our product is widely used out there. But for real feedback we have to go to our social media.</p> |
| <p>We are surprised by the enthusiasm of the fan page community. Some of them are more then just fans. Sometimes we get really valuable feedback. And others have already asked how become a part of the community. For those who want more than just being a fan, I propose to join our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#development-mailing-list-public">dev mailing list</a>. And for the rest we like to say a "big thank you Apache OpenOffice Fans!"<br/></p> |
| <h1 id="_1"> <a class="headerlink" href="#_1" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h1> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Not interested</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/not_interested.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-07-01T13:25:57+00:00</published><updated>2013-07-01T13:25:57+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-07-01:/blog/not_interested.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/7494391690/" title="After midnight selling extras. There were many young boys selling very late these nights. Washington, D.C, April 1912 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="After midnight selling extras. There were many young boys selling very late these nights. Washington, D.C, April 1912" height="461" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7261/7494391690_f6c105235a_z.jpg" width="640"/></a></div> |
| <p>We get many emails, several per week, of individuals and companies wanting to "do business" with us.&nbsp; &nbsp; Some of it is obviously spam, but some of it is quite serious.&nbsp;&nbsp; The proposals do not have bad intentions, though they are often incompatible with our status as a non-profit organization.&nbsp; We …</p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/7494391690/" title="After midnight selling extras. There were many young boys selling very late these nights. Washington, D.C, April 1912 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="After midnight selling extras. There were many young boys selling very late these nights. Washington, D.C, April 1912" height="461" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7261/7494391690_f6c105235a_z.jpg" width="640"/></a></div> |
| <p>We get many emails, several per week, of individuals and companies wanting to "do business" with us.&nbsp; &nbsp; Some of it is obviously spam, but some of it is quite serious.&nbsp;&nbsp; The proposals do not have bad intentions, though they are often incompatible with our status as a non-profit organization.&nbsp; We try to respond to these notes and in a respectful manner. <br/></p> |
| <p>In general, if you are offering us money in return for a favor, we're not interested. The Apache OpenOffice project operates as part of the non-profit Apache Software Foundation.&nbsp; We're publishing open source code for the public benefit.&nbsp; We must operate fairly, without giving special advantage (or disadvantage) to any 3rd party.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <p>Some specific things we're not interested in: <br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>We're not interested in bundling your application with our install in return for money.&nbsp; But the <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html">Apache License</a> permits you to make and distribute your own bundle.<br/></li> |
| <li>We're not interested in endorsing your product.</li> |
| <li>We're not interested in adding a link to your website in return for you adding a link to ours.</li> |
| <li>We're not interested in taking your money in return for a special "advisory" role in the project.&nbsp; We're a meritocracy.&nbsp; Membership is not for sale.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>But make no mistake -- we're not antagonistic to businesses or commercial use of OpenOffice.&nbsp; In fact our license, the permissive Apache License, is one of the most <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/why/why_compliance.html">business-friendly licenses</a> around.&nbsp; We want you to use our code.&nbsp;&nbsp; But we cannot have "partners" in the same way that a for-profit corporation can. </p> |
| <p>Our lack of commercial entanglements with 3rd parties means that |
| you can operate commercially without fear that your competitor has a "special |
| relationship" with the project, giving them an unfair advantage. <br/></p> |
| <p>On the other hand, we do encourage things like:</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="http://www.apache.org/foundation/contributing.html#Paypal">Contributions to the Apache Software Foundation</a>, which benefit the ASF as a whole.&nbsp; Dozens of companies that sponsor the ASF are acknowledged on the <a href="https://www.apache.org/foundation/thanks.html">Thanks Page</a>.<br/></li> |
| <li><a href="https://openoffice.apache.org/contributing-code.html">Contributions of code</a> to the OpenOffice project, that helps us extend its capabilities.</li> |
| <li><a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#marketing-mailing-list-public">Send us</a> links to articles, news stories, tutorials, extensions, or other materials, related to OpenOffice.&nbsp; If it is good, relevant and non-spammy, then we might link to it.&nbsp; But we're never going to link to something purely for the sake of a link exchange.<br/></li> |
| <li>If you offer services related to OpenOffice, then we welcome your profile submission for our <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/bizdev/consultants.html">consultants listings</a>.</li> |
| <li>If you are doing something really interesting related to OpenOffice, maybe we'll interview you for an article on this blog.&nbsp; Stories related to what the broader ecosystem is doing are interesting to our readers. <br/></li> |
| </ul> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>With Apache OpenOffice you get what you don't pay for</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/with_apache_openoffice_you_get.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-06-17T18:06:36+00:00</published><updated>2013-06-17T18:06:36+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-06-17:/blog/with_apache_openoffice_you_get.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/nationaalarchief/4681460753/" title="Juichende jongens bij VSV-DFC / Boys cheering when their favorite team scores by Nationaal Archief, on Flickr"><img alt="Juichende jongens bij VSV-DFC / Boys cheering when their favorite team scores" height="465" src="http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1277/4681460753_2245d340c8_z.jpg" width="640"/></a></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice is and always will be free to <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">download from our website</a>.&nbsp; The <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html">license</a> allows you to use it yourself and share copies with friends and families or even total strangers.&nbsp; You may use it on home machines, in the office, with your small business, school, church, gardening club …</p></p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/nationaalarchief/4681460753/" title="Juichende jongens bij VSV-DFC / Boys cheering when their favorite team scores by Nationaal Archief, on Flickr"><img alt="Juichende jongens bij VSV-DFC / Boys cheering when their favorite team scores" height="465" src="http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1277/4681460753_2245d340c8_z.jpg" width="640"/></a></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice is and always will be free to <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">download from our website</a>.&nbsp; The <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html">license</a> allows you to use it yourself and share copies with friends and families or even total strangers.&nbsp; You may use it on home machines, in the office, with your small business, school, church, gardening club, etc.&nbsp; And if you know how to program software, you can take the <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/source.html">source code for OpenOffice</a> and modify it and share it with others as well.&nbsp; This is what open source means.</p></p> |
| <p>So it is sad when we receive emails from users, reporting that they have paid real money, as much as <span class="TPayTextSmall">&euro; 30 ($40 US), to websites in return for a link to our website.&nbsp; These websites promise the user immediate access to "open source office software with support for the lowest price", claim that "supplies are limited" and that prices are "50% off, if you order within the next 2 minutes".&nbsp; But after entering your credit card, or authorizing payment via SMS, you are merely redirected to the <a href="http://www.openoffice.org">www.openoffice.org</a>&nbsp; website, where you can download the same Apache OpenOffice software that everyone else downloads for free!</span></p> |
| <p>Of course, the fact that you are reading this blog is evidence that you are familiar with OpenOffice and know that it is free.&nbsp; The people who will be tricked into paying are those who do not read our blog, those who are not already familiar with OpenOffice.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>But with your help we can reach those in need of a free office suite, and make them aware of Apache OpenOffice and let them know that they can download it for free.&nbsp;&nbsp; The more people who know about OpenOffice, the fewer people who will be fooled.&nbsp;&nbsp; To help, go to our <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/download/">download page</a> and the "Help Spread the Word" section.&nbsp; Use any (or all) of those links to share the word about OpenOffice to your friends and family.&nbsp;&nbsp; Let's try to make as many people as possible aware of OpenOffice!</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>When will OpenOffice version X be released?</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/when_will_openoffice_version_x.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-06-10T15:59:11+00:00</published><updated>2013-06-10T15:59:11+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-06-10:/blog/when_will_openoffice_version_x.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/5189750209/" title="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940" height="370" src="http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4085/5189750209_610f37be51.jpg" width="500"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/5189750209/" title="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>I'm always impressed by the enthusiasm of OpenOffice users to try out the next great release.&nbsp; A frequent question is, "When will it be released?"&nbsp; I see this question on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO">Facebook</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo">Twitter</a>, the <a href="http://forum.openoffice.org/">Forums</a> and <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#using-mailing-lists">mailing lists</a>. &nbsp;&nbsp; "When will version &lt;insert next version&gt; of OpenOffice be ready?"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I'd like …</p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/5189750209/" title="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940" height="370" src="http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4085/5189750209_610f37be51.jpg" width="500"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/5189750209/" title="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>I'm always impressed by the enthusiasm of OpenOffice users to try out the next great release.&nbsp; A frequent question is, "When will it be released?"&nbsp; I see this question on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO">Facebook</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/apacheoo">Twitter</a>, the <a href="http://forum.openoffice.org/">Forums</a> and <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#using-mailing-lists">mailing lists</a>. &nbsp;&nbsp; "When will version &lt;insert next version&gt; of OpenOffice be ready?"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I'd like to answer the question fully here, so we can refer users to this answer in the future.</p> |
| <p>It is tempting to give the response, "It will be released when it is ready".&nbsp; But that sounds a bit snarky, although it is accurate.&nbsp;&nbsp; But the truth is software engineering schedule estimation is notoriously difficult and predicting a specific date is a sure way of looking foolish later on.<br/></p> |
| <p>There is a well-known diagram in the software industry of a triangle, with the sides labeled: "good", "cheap", "fast" and with the title, "Pick any Two".&nbsp; This expresses the ever-present trade-off between quality, cost and schedule.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>In commercial software development arbitrary dates can (sometimes) be met, by dropping quality (or features) or by adding resources to tasks (increasing costs).&nbsp; To some extent open source projects can also try to hit arbitrary dates by dropping quality.&nbsp; But unlike commercial endeavors open source projects don't have the same ability to add resources to recover a schedule slip.&nbsp; On the Apache OpenOffice project we are mainly volunteers, dedicating free time to the project, and that time varies according to school and holiday schedules and other personal needs.&nbsp; So we cannot stick to a schedule in the same way that a commercial software publisher can.</p> |
| <p>OpenOffice is a mature product and users expect it to just work.&nbsp; They are not looking for surprises.&nbsp; Users want to spend time doing their task, their |
| work, their business.&nbsp; OpenOffice is a tool, a means to an end, and |
| having a stable, familiar tool that gets the job done is golden. There |
| is little pleasure in getting a new hammer and screwdriver every month, with |
| new bugs, except for the small minority of technologists who relish the challenge and risk of frequent updates.&nbsp; The rest of us have real work to do and don't want to worry about whether the feature that worked last week still works today.<br/></p> |
| <p>So generally, we've been aiming for two high-quality release of Apache OpenOffice per year, with a cycle that looks approximately like this: <br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Brainstorm and discuss possible features.&nbsp; Even before version N is released we're discussing what will be included in version N+1.&nbsp; This includes specific new features, enhancements, new languages, bug fixes, etc.&nbsp; Much of this is tracked in our Bugzilla issue tracker (for bugs and enhancements) and on our mailing lists and wikis (for major features).&nbsp; The contents of the release are determined by the volunteers who do the work, based on their interests and motivations.&nbsp; These are discussed, documented on the wiki and become the goal for the next release.&nbsp; <br/></li> |
| <li>Development of the new features occurs, the coding often occurring in "branches" which are segregated areas in our Subversion version control system which help the developers to not step on each other's toes when stabilizing their code.</li> |
| <li>As features are completed they are "merged into the trunk".&nbsp; We regularly build install sets from the trunk, so project participants can try the new features as soon as they are ready and give feedback.</li> |
| <li>Once all the feature work is done for a release, we translate and test. <br/></li> |
| <li>We iterate on testing and fixing bugs until we've eliminated all "release blocking" bugs and have something of sufficient quality to call a Release Candidate.&nbsp; We then vote on the Release Candidate, and if approved it becomes the new release.</li> |
| </ul>So rather than asking about dates, the smart question is to ask, "Where in the release cycle are you now?".&nbsp; In the case of Apache OpenOffice 4.0, we're on that last step, finishing the translation and test work.&nbsp; How long that step will last will depend on how many bugs are found, how many of them are release blockers, and how long it takes to fix them.&nbsp; These are things that are not easy to predict.&nbsp; Again, it comes down to the old saying: good, cheap, fast -- pick any two. |
| <p>We welcome help from new volunteers in all parts of the Apache OpenOffice project.&nbsp; If you want to learn more please have a look at our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html">Get Involved</a> page.</p> |
| <ul></ul> |
| <p> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'The Sidebar: New And Improved'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-06-04T06:49:57+00:00</published><updated>2013-06-04T06:49:57+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-06-04:/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved.html</id><summary type="html"><p> Usually the phrase "new <i>and</i> improved" does not make much sense because something either is new <i>or</i> did already exist and was improved upon.&nbsp; For the sidebar the situation is a little different.&nbsp; The core implementation is new but the content, the panels, did already exist.&nbsp; The concept, but not …</p></summary><content type="html"><p> Usually the phrase "new <i>and</i> improved" does not make much sense because something either is new <i>or</i> did already exist and was improved upon.&nbsp; For the sidebar the situation is a little different.&nbsp; The core implementation is new but the content, the panels, did already exist.&nbsp; The concept, but not the name, of a sidebar has existed for many years both in Apache OpenOffice (and OpenOffice.org before that) and in IBM Lotus Symphony.&nbsp; In OpenOffice.org it was named "task pane" and was used primarily in Impress to give access to backgrounds, layouts, and shape and slide animations.&nbsp; Symphony renamed this to "property panel", extended it to all applications and covered even more frequently used tasks.</p> |
| <p align="center"><a href="../images/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved_impress_with_sidebar.png"><img alt="Screenshot of Impress with sidebar." height="217" src="../images/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved_impress_with_sidebar.png" width="344"/></a><br/> </p> |
| <h3 id="so-what-did-you-improve">So, what did you improve?<a class="headerlink" href="#so-what-did-you-improve" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p>The sidebar panels come from three different sources and have been improved in the migration process:<br/> </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>The property panels that let you for example change the size of text or the color of shapes have all been migrated from Symphony.&nbsp; In the process we have cleaned up the code, made some improvements and fixed many bugs.&nbsp; While the property panels work really well, their implementation could profit from more cleanup.&nbsp; Removing duplicated code could reduce their code size and their complexity considerably.&nbsp; The one new property panel for inserting shapes into draw documents has roughly one tenth the number of code lines of the text property panel and still has about the same number of controls.<br/></li> |
| <li>The Impress panels come from OpenOffice.&nbsp; They allow you for example to control animations of slides and shapes.&nbsp; The new framework of the sidebar made big cleanups of their implementations possible.&nbsp; They are not view shells anymore; they are now regular controls.&nbsp; If you don't know what a view shell is, good for you.</li> |
| <li>The third group consists of non-modal dialogs like the Navigator, the Gallery, or the <i>Styles and Formatting</i> dialog.&nbsp; Only small changes were necessary to plug them into the sidebar.<br/></li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="and-what-is-new">And what is new?<a class="headerlink" href="#and-what-is-new" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p>The core implementation of the sidebar and the framework provided for panel developers is completely new.&nbsp; The sidebar looks similar to the Symphony property panel but shares no code with it.&nbsp; One important new feature is that the sidebar is easily configurable via the, well, configuration.&nbsp; Another one is that extensions can now add new decks and panels that can freely mix with existing decks and panels.&nbsp; More on that later.</p> |
| <h2 id="what-exactly-is-the-sidebar">What exactly is "the sidebar"? |
| <a class="headerlink" href="#what-exactly-is-the-sidebar" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>The sidebar is a window at the right side of the edit view of Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw.&nbsp; It provides access to frequently used tasks when editing documents. The content in the sidebar is organized into decks and panels.&nbsp; Decks are containers of panels, one or more of them.&nbsp; In very few cases there may not yet be a panel available for the current task. You can switch between decks by clicking on buttons in the tab bar at the right side of the sidebar. A menu allows you to hide decks that you don't need.<br/><br/>The deck that is open by default is the "Properties" deck.&nbsp; Its set of panels is context sensitive and varies depending on what you are currently doing.&nbsp; For example, if you are editing text in Writer then the "Text" panel allows you to change the font, text attributes, text and background color.&nbsp; The "Paragraph" panel has controls for changing bullet style, text alignment and various indents.&nbsp; The "Page" panel lets you change page size and orientation.&nbsp; It is collapsed by default.&nbsp; That means that you can only see its title bar.&nbsp; One click on it and you can see the panel.&nbsp; This avoids cluttering the user interface with panels that are only used occasionally while at the same time making them easily accessible for when they are used.</p> |
| <p align="center"><a href="../images/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved_sidebar_parts.png"><img align="middle" alt="The different parts of the sidebar" height="362" src="../images/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved_sidebar_parts.png" width="431"/></a></p> |
| <h2 id="why-do-you-call-it-sidebar-and-not">Why do you call it sidebar and not...?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-do-you-call-it-sidebar-and-not" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>The Symphony name "property |
| panel" did not work for us because the sidebar contains more than just |
| information about document properties.<br/></p> |
| <p>The OpenOffice.org name |
| "task pane" came from the never realized idea of making OpenOffice.org |
| more task oriented.&nbsp; For example for the creation of form letters this |
| could have been an adapted version of the mail merge wizard that would |
| have displayed the general workflow and given access to templates, |
| address books and so on.&nbsp; This idea proved to be too difficult to |
| realize.<br/><br/>The name "sidebar" is generic enough to host very |
| different content such as document properties, clip art, navigator or |
| third party extensions.&nbsp; At the same time it is descriptive enough to be |
| remembered easily.&nbsp; Should you ever turn off the sidebar by accident |
| then you will have no problem finding the menu entry for the "bar" at |
| the "side" of the edit view and turn it back on.<br/></p> |
| <h2 id="why-add-the-sidebar-now-why-at-all">Why add the sidebar now, why at all?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-add-the-sidebar-now-why-at-all" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>Up to now, we, the OpenOffice community (developers, UXers, testers), were busy getting the project going at our new home in the Apache community.&nbsp; After that came two releases and then graduation.<br/> |
| <p><br/>Only after that did we finally have the time to tackle the major task of combining the sidebars of OpenOffice and Symphony.<br/><br/>Many users have asked us in the past to add a Symphony-like sidebar to OpenOffice.&nbsp; The feedback in the Apache community regarding the sidebar in the coming release is very positive.&nbsp; Even downstream has started to integrate our implementation.&nbsp; Some of the benefits of the sidebar are:<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>As in toolbars you have the most important functions for the current task available on a single click.&nbsp; Unlike the toolbars it does that in a single place while some toolbars are docked above the edit view, some are docked below, and still others are displayed floating in front of it.</li> |
| <li>The position on the right side takes advantage of the form factor of most modern screens that have much more space in the horizontal direction than in the vertical.</li> |
| <li>The sidebar provides more space to its panels than the tool bar areas provide to tool bars.&nbsp; Therefore panels can display more information better.</li> |
| <li>The sidebar has a constant size (unless you decide to change that size).&nbsp; Context changes lead to different panels being displayed but do not change the size of the sidebar or the edit view.&nbsp; Dock a context sensitive tool bar and you will know how annoying such size changes can be.<br/></li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="what-about-extensions">What about extensions?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-about-extensions" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>A little known feature of OpenOffice is that extensions can provide panels for the task panel (now called sidebar).&nbsp; These extensions are still supported.&nbsp; But now there is a better way to do this.<br/><br/>You can add a panel that is implemented in any language supported by the UNO API and display this panel in a deck of your choice or even in the properties panel.&nbsp; The panel can react to context changes such as different selections.&nbsp; But it does not have to.&nbsp; You want a panel that is only displayed when editing tables in Writer documents? No problem.&nbsp; You want to analyze a Calc document and display the result in real-time and always visible?&nbsp; That is possible. Or you can display the current time or weather.</p> |
| <p>Here is an example:&nbsp; an extension adds a deck (see the clock icon in the tab bar) and a panel that shows the current time.<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"><a href="../images/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved_Clock_extension.png"><img align="middle" alt="Clock added to sidebar by extension." height="223" src="../images/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved_Clock_extension.png" width="119"/></a><br/></p> |
| <h2 id="we-need-your-input">We need your input<a class="headerlink" href="#we-need-your-input" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>The toolbars and dialogs such as gallery and navigator are not yet scheduled to be disabled by default or even to be removed.&nbsp; Not because we don't think that the sidebar works.&nbsp; It does.<br/> |
| <p>The reason for keeping these established user interface elements is to let you become familiar with the sidebar in your own time.&nbsp; We hope that you will use the toolbars and dialogs less and less.<br/></p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice is an open source project.&nbsp; You can help by telling us what you don't like and what you miss. Share your ideas about how to make the sidebar better. Write a comment in the comment section below or subscribe to our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#development-mailing-list-public" title="Apache OpenOffice development mailing list">development mailing list</a> if you are willing to invest a little more time.&nbsp; And Apache also accepts <a href="http://www.apache.org/foundation/contributing.html" title="how to make a donation">donation</a><a href="http://www.apache.org/foundation/contributing.html" title="how to make a donation">s</a> (not project specific).<br/> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Apache OpenOffice: One Year, 50 Million Downloads'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-05-15T17:19:19+00:00</published><updated>2013-05-15T17:19:19+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-05-15:/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50.html</id><summary type="html"><p>We are pleased to note that yesterday we reached the <b>50 million download mark</b> for Apache OpenOffice 3.4. &nbsp; This milestone occurred within a few days of the first anniversary of the release of Apache OpenOffice 3.4., on May 8th, 2012.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly called OpenOffice.org) is the …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>We are pleased to note that yesterday we reached the <b>50 million download mark</b> for Apache OpenOffice 3.4. &nbsp; This milestone occurred within a few days of the first anniversary of the release of Apache OpenOffice 3.4., on May 8th, 2012.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly called OpenOffice.org) is the leading free and open source office application suite for Windows, Mac and Linux.&nbsp; Version 1.0 of OpenOffice was released 11 years ago, in May 2002.<br/></p> |
| <p>Although we're all very busy now with the testing of our next major release, Apache OpenOffice 4.0, it is worth taking a few minutes to explore some of the trends that can be discerned from our download data over the past year.&nbsp; The information we have gathered, relative to desktop OS versions, 64-bit Linux use, screen aspect ratios, etc.,&nbsp; may be of special interest to other open source projects to consider in their |
| planning. <br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>First a scatter plot of daily download numbers, with a 7-day moving average overlay.&nbsp; Noticeable on the chart is the peak in June 2012, when we enabled the upgrade notifications for OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 users, and the peak in September when Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 was released.&nbsp; There is also a noticeable summer lull and big drop around the end-of-year holidays.<br/></p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <p align="center"> <img alt="daily-downloads.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_daily-downloads.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="left"> </p> |
| <p>The following histogram shows the distribution of download counts.&nbsp; The average daily download count is 134,900,&nbsp; with a peak day of 197,500.&nbsp; On average we see around a million downloads every 7.4 days.&nbsp; Since a typical download size is |
| 130MB, this amounts to an average of around 17 TB per day of downloads, |
| ably handled by SourceForge and their distribution network. <br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="histogram.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_histogram.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="left"> </p> |
| <p>&nbsp;One final way to look at the daily counts (shown here in unit of 1000 downloads) is to decompose it into the sum of a smooth trend, a periodic weekly trend, and residual random noise:<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="decomposition.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_decomposition.png"/></p> |
| <p align="left"> </p> |
| <p>We are able to break down these trends along several other dimensions.&nbsp; One is by country, looking at where the download request came from.&nbsp; This information is gleaned from the IP address of the machine making the request.&nbsp; Since each IP address is part of an assigned block of addresses, and blocks are assigned geographically, we can create a table of downloads by country, territory, etc.&nbsp; We show the <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/stats/countries.html">full table</a> our the website, of all 237 countries, territories, etc., but here are the top 10:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <table align="center" border="1" class="table"> |
| <tbody> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#1</td> |
| <td>United States</td> |
| <td align="right">9,782,293</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#2</td> |
| <td>France</td> |
| <td align="right">6,738,682</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#3</td> |
| <td>Germany</td> |
| <td align="center">4,947,255</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#4</td> |
| <td>Italy</td> |
| <td align="right">4,484,601</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#5</td> |
| <td>Japan</td> |
| <td align="right">2,742,292</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#6</td> |
| <td>United Kingdom</td> |
| <td align="right">2,214,791</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#7</td> |
| <td>Spain</td> |
| <td align="right">1,925,193</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#8</td> |
| <td>Russia</td> |
| <td align="right">1,830,316</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#9</td> |
| <td>Canada</td> |
| <td align="right">1,527,682</td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td align="right">#10</td> |
| <td>Netherlands</td> |
| <td align="right">833,691</td> |
| </tr> |
| </tbody> |
| </table> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Another approach is to look at which localized versions of Apache OpenOffice were downloaded.&nbsp; We can see these trends in the following dot chart:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="languages.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_languages.png"/></p> |
| <p>We can also look at the trend over time of downloads by operating system.&nbsp;&nbsp; OpenOffice is a mainstream open source desktop application, so the OS distribution reflects overall desktop operating system market shares, and with a slight growth in Windows at the expense of Mac:<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="os-downloads.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_os-downloads.png"/></p> |
| <p>Since we have Linux versions of OpenOffice packed as RPMs (e.g., for RedHat) as well as DEBs (e.g., for Ubuntu), we can look for trends in the ratio of requests for these two packaging formats over time:<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"> <img alt="packaging.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_packaging.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Also, we have 32-bit and 64-bit Linux downloads, and we see a gradual increase in demand over time for the 64-bit version, though the 32-bit version still dominates.&nbsp; (The drop in July-September is not fully explained, but may have been an error in our download page that was not recommending 64-bit downloads appropriately.)<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"> <img alt="64-bit.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_64-bit.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Although we don't have detailed download data for different Windows versions (we have a single download for all Windows users) we do have information from website visitors (nearly 7 million visitors per month) that tells a similar story.&nbsp; Windows 7 remains the most popular Windows version for our users, accounting for over half of Windows visitors.&nbsp; Windows XP is in second place, though declining.&nbsp; At the end of the year Windows 8 overtook Vista for 3rd place, and continues to rise.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="windows-version.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_windows.png"/></p> |
| <p>Looking at the similar data for web browsers, we see the rise in Chrome users among our website visitors:<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"><img alt="browsers.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_browser.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Information from website visitors also tells us their screen resolution.&nbsp; There is a huge diversity of screen resolutions, but the general trend is a gradual increase in HD 16:9 resolutions and away from the older 1280x800 and 1024x768 modes.&nbsp; If you average it all out and look at the average aspect ratio, you see a slow, but steady trend toward increased aspect ratios (wider screen monitors):</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"> <img alt="aspect-ratio.png" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50_widescreen.png"/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>The above charts were made in <a href="http://www.r-project.org/">R</a>, using data from <a href="http://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/Download%20Stats%20API/">SourceForge's REST API</a> and from Google Analytics.&nbsp;&nbsp; The processing of the SourceForge data was automated via a <a href="https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/devtools/aoo-stats/detail-by-day.py">custom Python script</a>.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><br/> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Results of Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Logo Survey</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/results_of_apache_openoffice_4.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-05-10T12:57:17+00:00</published><updated>2013-05-10T12:57:17+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-05-10:/blog/results_of_apache_openoffice_4.html</id><summary type="html"><p>A quick update on our recent logo survey for Apache OpenOffice 4.0. &nbsp; We called on community members to submit proposals for a new project logo.&nbsp; The response was huge.&nbsp; We received over 40 logo proposals.&nbsp; To narrow down the choices we sought out feedback from users.&nbsp;&nbsp; We created a …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>A quick update on our recent logo survey for Apache OpenOffice 4.0. &nbsp; We called on community members to submit proposals for a new project logo.&nbsp; The response was huge.&nbsp; We received over 40 logo proposals.&nbsp; To narrow down the choices we sought out feedback from users.&nbsp;&nbsp; We created a survey asking users to rate each logo on a 5-point scale, from Strongly Dislike to Strongly Like, as well as give an optional comment on each logo.&nbsp; The survey ran for one week and 5028 responses were received.&nbsp; Full details of the results can be found in the <a href="http://survey.openoffice.org/reports/aoo40-logo-poll/">Apache OpenOffice Logo Survey Report</a>.&nbsp; In this blog post we want to highlight some of the highest scoring logos, recognize the designers, and talk about next steps.</p> |
| <p> </p><hr/> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-36.png"/> <img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-5.png"/><br/></p> |
| <p>Samer Mansour, a software developer and an engaged citizen in his |
| community in Toronto, aimed for "simple and flat" with his designs, "I had |
| an a-ha moment when I |
| saw another volunteer's flat logo. I had learned from design experts at |
| work that thin font is the trend and is appealing to users, so I |
| narrowed it down to put together a wordmark from an Apache licensed font |
| that fit the bill." </p><hr/> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <div align="center"><img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-28.png"/><img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-31.png"/></div> |
| <p>Two of the top-scoring logo proposals came from Kevin Grignon, an OpenOffice contributor and a user |
| experience designer with over&nbsp;15 years experience&nbsp;designing user |
| interfaces and application graphics.&nbsp; In his submissions, |
| Kevin aimed to leverage some aspects of the&nbsp;existing branding, while |
| modifying and&nbsp;enhancing other elements.&nbsp;&nbsp; As he explains, "Given the large number of |
| graphic assets that would require updating in a refresh, my |
| submissions retain familiar and recognizable&nbsp;elements including the&nbsp;orb |
| element and logo type layout, which would allow a scaled rollout of the |
| new logo. Other elements of the logo submissions were enhanced, |
| including the curvature of the&nbsp;document/gulls or&nbsp;the use of a a stylized |
| feather, a colour palette which harmonizes well with proposed |
| individual product icons, the use of a globe element, and logo type |
| colouring which emphasizes the word "open" -&nbsp;which is our |
| differentiator." </p><hr/> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-12.png"/> <img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-13.png"/></p> |
| <p>Michael Acevedo is a college student studying Aviation technology in Florida, how humans and |
| technology interact while the aircraft is in operation and finding ways to |
| improve that relationship.&nbsp;&nbsp; He explains his design process as, "I aimed in the&nbsp;design&nbsp;of the new |
| AOO 4 logo for something that was simple (hence why I went with a |
| non&nbsp;capitalized&nbsp;design for the OpenOffice name) yet being something |
| refreshing to reflect the rebirth of Apache OpenOffice. The challenge |
| was how to create a logo that could reflect that philosophy yet being |
| respectful and familiar to the outgoing Apache OpenOffice logo. Taking |
| that into account, my proposed designs offer just |
| that, something refreshing and simple, while at the same time staying |
| true to the brand and image that has made OpenOffice their default |
| office suite for the last 13 years or so."</p> |
| <p> </p><hr/> |
| <p align="center"> <img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-34.png"/></p> |
| <p>You can see the top scoring design above, by Chris Rottensteiner, a webworker and genetic genealogist |
| from South Tyrol in the Alps. He supports the free digital |
| data flow and open elaboration trough FOSS software. "I'm |
| a clean flat style fan and tried to make something |
| without glossy or other "modish" elements: the brand |
| should speak for itself. For this second and much better |
| proposal from me I got inspired by Kevin Grignon and the |
| Source Sans Pro font. If the consensus is v4 should |
| receive a logo built on the existing version, I would |
| be happy to work on possible improvements. P.S.: the |
| work was done in Inkscape (SVG), a piece of software I |
| love."</p> |
| <p> </p><hr/> |
| <pre><p>&nbsp;</p></pre> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-15.png"/> </p> |
| <p>This design, and the next one, although they were not top scorers when measured by average score, were the logos that received the most number of "Strongly Like" selections.&nbsp; So they had more enthusiastic support than the other logos.&nbsp; The above design, from Robin Fowler, takes the traditional gulls element of the OpenOffice.org logo and makes them dynamic, while also suggesting the form of an open book.&nbsp; In Robin's words, "My goal for the logo was to take the traditional elements of the OpenOffice logo and give it more of a connection to the software itself. I |
| kept the sphere similar to the original, adding a border to make it look |
| more like an app icon. My initial idea was to take the birds and use |
| them to form a book. The first attempts were fairly crude but I got some |
| valuable feedback from the mailing list and managed to improve it |
| somewhat. The feather was added to resemble the new 'Apache era' of OpenOffice."</p><hr/> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img src="http://survey.openoffice.org/upload/surveys/815178/images/logo-4.png"/><br/></p> |
| <p>Vasilis Xenofontos, a visionary art |
| designer from the small island of Cyprus aimed for a modern and easy |
| to remember logo design. "I did this design trying to show that |
| OpenOffice will be here forever and that&rsquo;s why the logo has the infinity circles in it forming the letters AOO. The two colors in |
| it symbolize the sea and the sky showing that this software is free |
| and all over the world."</p><hr/> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>So what are the next steps in this logo exploration?&nbsp;&nbsp; The designers of the above logos have been invited to review user comments from the survey and based on that feedback submit revised logos.&nbsp; We'll then review the revisions, discuss and pick the new logo.&nbsp;&nbsp; As usual at Apache we try to reach consensus by discussion wherever possible, and only vote if necessary.&nbsp; The above logos already show a good deal of sharing of ideas.&nbsp; The constructive feedback among the designers and the Apache OpenOffice community should lead us to a wonderful new logo for a wonderful new release, Apache OpenOffice 4.0. |
| </p> |
| <p>Congratulations, obviously, to the top logos, but thanks go out to all those who contributed logos for consideration, as well as to the 5000 users who took time to rate and comment on these designs.<br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>With Special Guest Star... Apache OpenOffice</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/with_special_guest_star_apache.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-04-18T16:13:26+00:00</published><updated>2013-04-18T16:13:26+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-04-18:/blog/with_special_guest_star_apache.html</id><summary type="html"><p align="left">Viewers of the hit ABC sitcom <i>Suburgatory </i>may have noticed something special in the season 2 finale last night, in an episode called "Apocalypse Meow".&nbsp; Lead character Tessa (played by Jane Levy) used the free, open source office productivity software <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> on her Mac, to outline the pros and …</p></summary><content type="html"><p align="left">Viewers of the hit ABC sitcom <i>Suburgatory </i>may have noticed something special in the season 2 finale last night, in an episode called "Apocalypse Meow".&nbsp; Lead character Tessa (played by Jane Levy) used the free, open source office productivity software <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> on her Mac, to outline the pros and cons of getting revenge on her nemesis Dalia:<br/></p> |
| <p align="center"><img src="../images/blog/with_special_guest_star_apache_monitor.png"/></p> |
| <p align="left"> </p> |
| <p>Those with access (and this may have geo-based access restrictions) can see scene starting at the 8:50 mark on <a href="http://abc.go.com/watch/suburgatory/SH55126593/VDKA0_2durzflg/apocalypse-meow">ABC's online version of the episode</a>. </p> |
| <p>This is an example of "stage dressing".&nbsp; The designer in a play, movie or television show has a particular "look" in mind, to bring life to the script.&nbsp; The designer then works with the properties&nbsp; directory to provision the right props.&nbsp;&nbsp; Most of it is physical stuff, like furniture, lamps or other similar items.&nbsp; But contemporary shows, with characters interacting with technology, also use a digital form of stage dressing.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>Here's another example, from Roman Polanski's 2011 comedy <i>Carnage</i>:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><img src="../images/blog/with_special_guest_star_apache_monitor.jpeg" width="781"/><br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>The Apache OpenOffice project has received several requests to use our |
| product in this way, in movies and in US and UK television programs. Why use OpenOffice in such situations?&nbsp; One guess is that securing rights to use open source software like Apache OpenOffice is easier than getting rights for commercial products.&nbsp; Another guess is that using open source avoids potential conflicts with advertisers who are selling competing products.&nbsp; And another guess is that they avoid showing commercial products unless they are paid for placement.&nbsp;&nbsp; I don't really know.&nbsp; But in any case we're pleased to see open source software, and especially Apache OpenOffice, featured in the media. <br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Visualizing the AOO Dev List</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/visualizing_the_aoo_dev_list.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-04-17T13:54:24+00:00</published><updated>2013-04-17T13:54:24+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-04-17:/blog/visualizing_the_aoo_dev_list.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"><img alt="Dev list graph" src="../images/blog/visualizing_the_aoo_dev_list_Dev_list_graph.png"/> |
| </div> |
| <h3 id="what-am-i-looking-at">&nbsp;What am I looking at?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-am-i-looking-at" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p>The above image illustrates the social network of posts and responses to the Apache OpenOffice project's main development mailing list, from when it started in May 2011 until the end of March 2013 when this data was collected.&nbsp; (Click on the image to view a …</p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"><img alt="Dev list graph" src="../images/blog/visualizing_the_aoo_dev_list_Dev_list_graph.png"/> |
| </div> |
| <h3 id="what-am-i-looking-at">&nbsp;What am I looking at?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-am-i-looking-at" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p>The above image illustrates the social network of posts and responses to the Apache OpenOffice project's main development mailing list, from when it started in May 2011 until the end of March 2013 when this data was collected.&nbsp; (Click on the image to view a larger version)&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <p>Each circle represents a person posting to the mailing list.&nbsp; The arcs represent responses to posts, i.e., they are drawn from the person posting to the person to whose post they are replying.&nbsp; The weight of each line is proportionate to the number of times person X responded to person Y.&nbsp; So darker lines portray more frequent communication pathways.&nbsp; The size of each circle is proportionate to the poster's <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betweenness#Eigenvector_centrality">eigenvector centrality</a>, a theoretical measure of influence within the graph.&nbsp; The colors represent modularity classes, based a calculation that determines the most tightly-connected portions of the overall graph.&nbsp; These can represent real-world structures within the community.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>Overall the graph has 1077 nodes (persons) and 8181 arcs (response emails).&nbsp; On average each person responded to 7.6 other persons, and made 27.1 total responses. </p> |
| <p>Now some interpretation.&nbsp; This is not the the "hub and spokes" or tree pattern of a |
| command/control or hierarchical organization, but a complex organism, |
| with project participants contributing at various levels of engagement.&nbsp; The larger circles in the center, connected with many and darker lines, are the core project participants (at least on the development list).&nbsp; The very small circles at the periphery of the graph are those who posted a single question, received a response were never heard of again.&nbsp; They typically received one or two response posts, but did not really engage further. And in the middle we see additional rich structure of conversation patterns.&nbsp; The modularity classes, represented by colors here, appear to segment the list participants into what I'll call "programmers", "marketing" and "support", though these labels are imperfect.</p> |
| <p>It is difficult to ascribe too much meaning to these email response patterns.&nbsp; Some mailing lists have been the topic of research before.&nbsp; In Q&amp;A forums, where nearly 100% of the initial posts are questions, and responses are all answers, it is interesting to look at the response patterns as an indication of expertise.&nbsp; See <a href="http://wwwconference.org/www2008/papers/pdf/p665-adamic.pdf">Adamic, et al.</a>, for a good example.&nbsp; We might apply a similar analysis to the support forums.&nbsp; But with the Dev list, an initial post might be a question, but it is often a report, or a proposal or just information sharing.&nbsp; And responses are not always expert answers or answers at all.&nbsp; Some responses are expressing approval or disapproval, or asking questions of their own.&nbsp; All these factors make this quite complex.<br/></p> |
| <h3 id="how-i-made-the-graph">How I made the graph<br/><a class="headerlink" href="#how-i-made-the-graph" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <ol> |
| <li>I started with the <a href="http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/openoffice-dev/">list archives</a>, downloaded the mbox files extracted the response graph to a text file, with a custom python script, using the python "mailbox" package.</li> |
| <li>Then I manually cleaned up the data, coalescing multiple mail accounts used by some members.</li> |
| <li>I used the open source graph visualization package "<a href="https://gephi.org/">Gephi</a>" to process the data and draw the graph (layout via the <a href="http://wiki.gephi.org/index.php/Fruchterman-Reingold">Fruchterman-Reingold</a> algorithm) and export it to a PNG file.<br/></li> |
| </ol> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Welcome to GSoC Students!</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/welcome_to_gsoc_students.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-04-10T12:19:55+00:00</published><updated>2013-04-10T12:19:55+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-04-10:/blog/welcome_to_gsoc_students.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/osucommons/3332955265/" title="Coeds with Hoes by OSU Special Collections &amp; Archives : Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="Coeds with Hoes" height="408" src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3575/3332955265_b9c81cfd81.jpg" width="500"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/osucommons/3332955265/" title="Coeds with Hoes by OSU Special Collections &amp; Archives : Commons, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| <p align="left">Once again the Apache Software Foundation is a "<a href="http://community.apache.org/gsoc.html">mentoring organization</a>" in Google Summer of Code, and the Apache OpenOffice project looks forward to this year's program.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p align="left">We invite students looking to get their hands dirty with real-world code to consider submitting an GSoC application related to OpenOffice.&nbsp;</p> |
| <p align="left"> Why OpenOffice?</p> |
| <div align="left"> |
| <ul> |
| <li>We're …</li></ul></div></div></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/osucommons/3332955265/" title="Coeds with Hoes by OSU Special Collections &amp; Archives : Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="Coeds with Hoes" height="408" src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3575/3332955265_b9c81cfd81.jpg" width="500"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/osucommons/3332955265/" title="Coeds with Hoes by OSU Special Collections &amp; Archives : Commons, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| <p align="left">Once again the Apache Software Foundation is a "<a href="http://community.apache.org/gsoc.html">mentoring organization</a>" in Google Summer of Code, and the Apache OpenOffice project looks forward to this year's program.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p align="left">We invite students looking to get their hands dirty with real-world code to consider submitting an GSoC application related to OpenOffice.&nbsp;</p> |
| <p align="left"> Why OpenOffice?</p> |
| <div align="left"> |
| <ul> |
| <li>We're one of the most famous open source projects around.&nbsp; Our latest release has had over 45 million downloads.&nbsp; The work you do with OpenOffice could be seen by millions of users.</li> |
| <li>We're a fun, international and diverse group of volunteers.&nbsp; Working with OpenOffice this summer will be fun.</li> |
| <li>The core code for OpenOffice is C++, but extensions can be written in Java, Python and Basic as well.&nbsp; We probably speak your language.</li> |
| <li>OpenOffice software is central to the daily work of its users, with text documents, spreadsheets and presentations.&nbsp; There are good opportunities to explore applications that connect OpenOffice to cutting-edge disciplines such as text analytics, natural language processing, social network analysis, the semantic web, etc.<br/></li> |
| </ul> |
| </div> |
| <p align="left">We've posted some <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20COMDEV%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20gsoc2013%20AND%20text%20~%20%22openoffice%22">initial ideas</a>, suggested by our mentors.&nbsp; But don't feel limited to these ideas.&nbsp; If you want to work on a variation of one of these ideas, or an entirely different idea, let us know.&nbsp; If it is a good fit, and a mentor is able to work with you, then let us know.&nbsp; If you're passionate about something we want to hear about it.</p> |
| <p align="left">For more information, please take a look at the <a href="http://community.apache.org/gsoc.html">Apache-wide GSoC page</a> where many of your questions may be already answered.</p> |
| <p align="left">Finally, we highly encourage prospective applicants to engage early with the OpenOffice community on our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mailing-lists.html#development-mailing-list-public">development mailing list</a>.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| </div> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>One Year until the End of Life for Microsoft Office 2003</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/one_year_until_the_end.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-04-08T15:36:49+00:00</published><updated>2013-04-08T15:36:49+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-04-08:/blog/one_year_until_the_end.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/national_library_of_australia_commons/6174073756/" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2]" height="369" src="http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6154/6174073756_5b8f664361.jpg" width="500"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/national_library_of_australia_commons/6174073756/" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| <div align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/national_library_of_australia_commons/6174073756/" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| <h2 id="the-april-2014-deadline">The April 2014 deadline</h2> |
| <p>Microsoft has <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/endofsupport.aspx">announced</a> |
| that they will end support of Office 2003 and Windows XP on April |
| 8th, 2014. What does this mean? As they describe, |
| "After April 8, 2014, there will be no new security updates, |
| non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options or online …</p></div></div></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"> |
| <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/national_library_of_australia_commons/6174073756/" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2]" height="369" src="http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6154/6174073756_5b8f664361.jpg" width="500"/></a></p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/national_library_of_australia_commons/6174073756/" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| <div align="left"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/national_library_of_australia_commons/6174073756/" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr"> |
| <p> </p></a> |
| <h2 id="the-april-2014-deadline">The April 2014 deadline</h2> |
| <p>Microsoft has <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/endofsupport.aspx">announced</a> |
| that they will end support of Office 2003 and Windows XP on April |
| 8th, 2014. What does this mean? As they describe, |
| "After April 8, 2014, there will be no new security updates, |
| non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options or online |
| technical content updates." This, |
| according to Microsoft, exposes Office 2003 users to greater "Security |
| &amp; Compliance Risks".</p> |
| <h2 id="exploring-the-alternatives">Time to explore the alternatives</h2> |
| <p>Some companies and users will write a big check to Microsoft for an upgraded license for Office. But |
| others will see this as an opportunity |
| to explore the alternatives, including open source products like <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache |
| OpenOffice</a>, the leading free productivity suite, with over 44 million downloads.&nbsp; Now is a good time to start planning for a migration off |
| of Microsoft Office 2003 and Windows XP. Many companies have already |
| started.</p> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice is available on Windows, MacOS and Linux.&nbsp; It is open source software, which means there are no license or subscription fees required to use or redistribute OpenOffice.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <p>You can learn more about Apache OpenOffice at <a href="http://www.openoffice.org">www.openoffice.org</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp; Many companies offer migration services for Apache OpenOffice, some of which are listed on our <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/bizdev/consultants.html">consultants page</a>.<br/></p> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'X-ApacheOpenOffice: A Portable Applications Version of Apache OpenOffice from winPenPack'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/x_apacheopenoffice_a_portable_applications.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-04-04T12:12:08+00:00</published><updated>2013-04-04T12:12:08+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-04-04:/blog/x_apacheopenoffice_a_portable_applications.html</id><summary type="html"><p>We receive many questions from users looking for a portable version of Apache OpenOffice.&nbsp; "Portable Applications"<span lang="en"><span></span></span> are software applications designed or adapted to run from portable storage, like a USB memory stick, without requiring an installation.&nbsp; Such applications allow you to bring your applications, settings and documents with you.&nbsp; One …</p></summary><content type="html"><p>We receive many questions from users looking for a portable version of Apache OpenOffice.&nbsp; "Portable Applications"<span lang="en"><span></span></span> are software applications designed or adapted to run from portable storage, like a USB memory stick, without requiring an installation.&nbsp; Such applications allow you to bring your applications, settings and documents with you.&nbsp; One popular portable version of OpenOffice is "<a href="http://www.winpenpack.com/en/download.php?view.1341">X-ApacheOpenOffice</a>", from the <a href="http://www.winpenpack.com">winPenPack</a> open source project. &nbsp; We interviewed the founder of winPenPack, <span class="il">Danilo</span> |
| Leggieri, and his team to learn more. </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"><br/><img src="../images/blog/x_apacheopenoffice_a_portable_applications_winPenPack.png"/></p> |
| <p align="left"> </p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <h3 id="what-is-winpenpack-how-did-the-project-start-how-many-people-work-on-the-project">What is winPenPack? &nbsp;How did the project start? &nbsp; How many people work on the project? |
| <a class="headerlink" href="#what-is-winpenpack-how-did-the-project-start-how-many-people-work-on-the-project" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="gmail_quote"> |
| <div class="im"> |
| <div> </div> |
| </div> |
| <div> |
| <p>Well, it is really difficult to describe in a few words what this project |
| is for us, because since from the first moment has begun to be part of our |
| own life...&nbsp; Briefly we can say that winPenPack is an Italian open source |
| project that deals with portable software, both natively portable <i>and portabilized</i> by means of X-Launcher, our portable program launcher. These |
| apps can be grouped into suites or can be used also as standalone |
| portable programs, adapting with end users preferences.<br/></p> |
| <p>winPenPack philosophy is well summarized by our (very restrictive) definition of |
| "portable software": a portable program can't simply be a "no-install" |
| program, but must also be able to save its settings into his own folder |
| (or a user-definable folder), does not write settings or leave other data in user folders (i.e. into |
| c:\Users\TheUserName\AppData\<wbr/>Roaming\ or c:\Documents and |
| Settings\TheUserName) or into the registry, must be able to run from a |
| USB pen drive and can perform path normalizations moving around different |
| PCs (where the pen drive could be installed with different drive letters). |
| Obviously, all of these programs can be executed also from hard |
| drives, greatly simplifying recovery operations of all programs (and |
| their preferred configurations) when reinstalling the operating system.<br/><br/>Our |
| project started in November 2005 by a brilliant intuition of <span class="il">Danilo</span> |
| Leggieri (AKA Danix, the founder of the project). <span class="il">Danilo</span> and a couple |
| of "web friends" expanded the project and the community grew very |
| quickly. Since that date, we have issued about 20 new releases and hundreds |
| of Open Source portable applications. Actually, the project is well |
| known in Italy and is growing also abroad. winPenPack is hosted on |
| SourceForge and all the collections are regularly distributed also in |
| bundles with some IT magazines. The community of users has grown over |
| the years and has actively contributed to the growth of the whole project. |
| <a href="http://www.winpenpack.com">The site</a> currently hosts various projects created and suggested also by forum members, and is also used for bug reporting and users |
| suggestions.<br/><br/>Currently, the project involves 6 officially active |
| people and a lot of contributors (translators, testers, and so on). All |
| of them are spending their time completely for free, working on the |
| project out of pure passion. Each member of the staff has a different |
| job in "normal life", not necessarily connected to the world of computer |
| and information technology.<br/><br/></p> |
| <h3 id="how-do-you-make-a-winpenpack-application-what-kinds-of-things-do-you-need-to-do-to-make-a-desktop-application-portable">How do you make a winPenPack application? &nbsp;What kinds of things do you need to do to make a desktop application portable? |
| <a class="headerlink" href="#how-do-you-make-a-winpenpack-application-what-kinds-of-things-do-you-need-to-do-to-make-a-desktop-application-portable" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| </div> |
| <div><br/>The core of all our portabilizations is X-Launcher, the winPenPack |
| program launcher. A program portabilized by X-Launcher is called an "X-Program". The folder structure of any X-Program always contains a \Bin |
| folder (the program folder) and a \User folder (the settings folder), plus |
| other optional folders, such as \Documents or \Downloads (depending on the |
| nature of the portabilized program). At the root of this structure there |
| is X-ProgramName.exe (the launcher of "ProgramName" program) and |
| X-ProgramName.ini (the text file that contains all the settings and |
| instructions for X-ProgramName.exe to make portable the portabilized |
| program). Due to its nature, the .ini file can be easily edited with any |
| text editor, simplifying the creation, the testing and the fine-tuning of |
| the portabilization. The various sections of the X-ProgramName.ini file |
| allow us to define the X-Launcher behavior towards the registry or the |
| user folders or to perform other actions. We can easily copy or move |
| registry keys or files or folders back and forth beween the USB pen drive |
| and the PC hard drive,&nbsp; leaving the host PC |
| in the exactly same state it was before we executed it on our |
| X-Program.&nbsp; So X-Launcher allows us to recreate the environment in which a |
| program works correctly (registry keys, user folders, etc.), but, after |
| the program execution completes, it leaves the PC "clean", because when closing the |
| program all these keys (or files) are moved back into the \User folder |
| of the portabilized program folders structure, ready to recreate the |
| environment at the next execution.<br/><br/>The process of portabilization of a |
| program passes through various steps. First of all, someone (a team |
| member or a forum user) signals an interesting program. We test its |
| portability through <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/regshot/">RegShot</a>, which helps us understand if the program |
| uses the registry or the user folders for saving its settings or for |
| other purposes.&nbsp; If, after our tests, the program turns out to be |
| natively 100% portable, it is added to the "Portable Software" section |
| of our Download area. If the program is not fully portable, we check |
| whether it is possible to make it portable through X-Launcher. This |
| phase reuses all the information gathered during portability tests to |
| determine which features of X-Launcher should be enabled to portabilize |
| the program.&nbsp; This is the most important step, that requires all the |
| portabilization skills of our developers, and often makes the difference |
| between being able to consider a program portabilizable or not. The |
| last step is the packaging of the X-Program and its distribution through |
| our "X-Software" Download area. Sometimes even 100% portable programs |
| can receive some benefit from X-Launcher (for example, backups of |
| configurations, paths normalization, use in conjunction with external |
| libraries like Java), so we create also X-Programs of that kind.<br/><br/> |
| <h3 id="did-you-run-into-any-special-challenges-when-making-the-portable-version-of-apache-openoffice-x-apacheopenoffice-are-there-any-changes-we-could-make-in-the-openoffice-to-make-portable-versions-more-powerful">Did you run into any special challenges when making the portable version of Apache OpenOffice (X-ApacheOpenOffice)? &nbsp;Are there any changes we could make in the OpenOffice to make portable versions more powerful? |
| <a class="headerlink" href="#did-you-run-into-any-special-challenges-when-making-the-portable-version-of-apache-openoffice-x-apacheopenoffice-are-there-any-changes-we-could-make-in-the-openoffice-to-make-portable-versions-more-powerful" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| </div> |
| <div> |
| <p><br/>For developing X-ApacheOpenOffice Portable we were able to put into |
| practice our previous knowledge acquired in past years with early |
| versions of OpenOffice. This background helped us a lot for speeding up |
| the development of X-AOO Portable. </p> |
| <p>The more relevant features added to Apache OpenOffice for building the completely portable X-ApacheOpenOffice Portable are:<br/></p> |
| <ol> |
| <li>Path normalization: all paths of recent files that are saved into X-AOO Portable folder structure have been normalized</li> |
| <li>"System" folders: the \Documents and \Backups X-ApacheOpenOffice |
| Portable subfolders have been set as "system" folders, also moving the |
| main folder</li> |
| <li>Disabled quickstart.exe: quickstart.exe has been |
| disabled to prevent the soffice.exe process from remaining active in the traybar |
| after closing the program, or when the user tries to disconnect |
| the USB pen drive from the PC</li> |
| <li><a href="http://www.winpenpack.com/en/page.php?39">JavaGet</a> integration: the |
| integration of JavaGet functions into the launcher allows X-AOO to work |
| with or without a Java installation present on the host PC</li> |
| </ol> |
| <p><br/>We |
| haven't had particular challenges to develop our portable version (just |
| some extra-time due to the download of all language versions to be |
| merged into one single X-Program). However, the fact that Apache |
| OpenOffice recognizes automatically the OS language has simplified our |
| work, allowing us to have a single launcher. For the future we would |
| like very much also a monolithic multi-language setup of Apache |
| OpenOffice to be used as a base for our portable X-ApacheOpenOffice |
| Portable.<br/><br/></p> |
| <h3 id="when-i-think-of-portable-applications-i-think-mainly-of-putting-apps-on-usb-keys-but-are-you-seeing-any-other-interesting-uses-like-people-running-their-apps-from-the-cloud-dropbox-etc">When I think of portable applications I think mainly of putting apps on USB keys. &nbsp;But are you seeing any other interesting uses, like people running their apps from the cloud, DropBox, etc.?<a class="headerlink" href="#when-i-think-of-portable-applications-i-think-mainly-of-putting-apps-on-usb-keys-but-are-you-seeing-any-other-interesting-uses-like-people-running-their-apps-from-the-cloud-dropbox-etc" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| </div> |
| <div><br/>Portable programs aren't simply "apps to be run from USB keys". |
| Portable programs allow the users to carry in their pockets all their |
| preferred applications, with all their preferred settings, to be run anywhere they find a Windows PC with a free USB port. That's it. We |
| could even say that the portable programs were the forerunners of the |
| cloud: your programs, everywhere...&nbsp; At this moment, we see cloud apps |
| more oriented to mobile devices (that are "portable" by definition). |
| Windows programs need an operating system in which to be executed. If we |
| would be able to run Windows portable programs from the cloud, the only |
| thing that we would do without would be exactly our USB pen drive...&nbsp; <br/><br/> |
| <h3 id="where-can-readers-go-to-learn-more-about-winpenpack-or-to-help-with-the-project">Where can readers go to learn more about winPenPack or to help with the project? |
| <a class="headerlink" href="#where-can-readers-go-to-learn-more-about-winpenpack-or-to-help-with-the-project" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| </div> |
| </div><br/>Of course on <a href="http://www.winpenpack.com">our site</a>! We have a <a href="http://www.winpenpack.com/en/page.php?10">"Documentation</a>" section that with |
| considerable efforts we have translated almost entirely in English, in |
| order to help as many users as possible. We have also |
| an <a href="http://www.winpenpack.com/en/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewforum.php?24">English forum</a> where we answer all users' questions and discuss any |
| other aspect of programs portabilization. You all are welcome to visit |
| us and donate to the project to allow us to continue to develop even |
| more exciting portabilizations! <br/><br/><br/> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Document Freedom Day</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/openoffice_and_odf.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-03-22T17:25:18+00:00</published><updated>2013-03-22T17:25:18+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-03-22:/blog/openoffice_and_odf.html</id><summary type="html"><p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"> |
| <a href="../images/blog/openoffice_and_odf_large_document_freedom_day.jpeg"> |
| <img alt="large_document_freedom_day.jpeg" src="../images/blog/openoffice_and_odf_large_document_freedom_day.jpeg"/> |
| </a> |
| </p> |
| <h2 id="what-is-document-freedom-day">What is Document Freedom Day? <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#what-is-document-freedom-day" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Document Freedom Day, the last Wednesday in March, is a global celebration of open standards, especially ones that are used in your documents.&nbsp; At Apache OpenOffice, we're strong supporters of open standards and we're pleased to join in this year's celebration.&nbsp; But we're much more …</p></summary><content type="html"><p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p align="center"> |
| <a href="../images/blog/openoffice_and_odf_large_document_freedom_day.jpeg"> |
| <img alt="large_document_freedom_day.jpeg" src="../images/blog/openoffice_and_odf_large_document_freedom_day.jpeg"/> |
| </a> |
| </p> |
| <h2 id="what-is-document-freedom-day">What is Document Freedom Day? <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#what-is-document-freedom-day" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Document Freedom Day, the last Wednesday in March, is a global celebration of open standards, especially ones that are used in your documents.&nbsp; At Apache OpenOffice, we're strong supporters of open standards and we're pleased to join in this year's celebration.&nbsp; But we're much more than passive supporters of open standards.&nbsp; We're also active implementers of open standards, and several of our project volunteers serve on standards committees as well. <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="what-is-an-open-standard">What is an Open Standard?&nbsp; <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#what-is-an-open-standard" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>There are many definitions of "open standard", some of which are summarized on this <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_standard">Wikipedia page</a>.&nbsp; But the central idea is that an open standard is a standard that 1) is developed in an open, consensus based standardization process, and 2) does not require royalty payments in order to implement.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="why-are-open-standards-important">Why are Open Standards important? |
| <a class="headerlink" href="#why-are-open-standards-important" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <ul> |
| <li>The use of open standards makes your software less expensive, since |
| the authors of the code do not need to pay royalties. Free software, |
| including open source |
| software, would be nearly impossible to create without open |
| standards.</li> |
| <li>Open standards promote widespread adoption and interoperability.<br/></li> |
| <li>Open standards encourage a market where vendors compete based on features and quality, rather than rely on vendor lock-in.</li> |
| <li>Open standards put <b>you</b> in control of your documents and your data.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>Open standards are what the World Wide Web was built upon, and this openness was essential to its success.&nbsp; Tim Berners-Lee explained why was so in a 2007 interview:</p> |
| <blockquote> |
| <p>It was the standardization around HTML that allowed the |
| web to take off. It was not only the fact that it is standard, but the |
| fact that it&rsquo;s open and the fact that it is royalty-free.</p> |
| <p>So what we saw on top of the web was a huge diversity and different |
| business which are built on top of the web given that it is an open |
| platform.</p> |
| <p>If HTML had not been free, if it had been proprietary technology, |
| then there would have been the business of actually selling HTML and the |
| competing JTML, LTML, MTML products. Because we wouldn&rsquo;t have had the |
| open platform, we would have had competition for these various different |
| browser platforms, but we wouldn&rsquo;t have had the web. We wouldn&rsquo;t have |
| had everything growing on top of it.</p> |
| <p>So I think it very important that as we move on to new spaces &hellip; we |
| must keep the same openness we that had before. We must keep an open |
| internet platform, keep the standards for the presentation languages |
| common and royalty free. So that means, yes, we need standards, because |
| the money, the excitement is not competing over the technology at that |
| level. The excitement is in the businesses and the applications that you |
| built on top of the web platform.</p> |
| </blockquote> |
| <p> </p> |
| <h2 id="how-is-apache-openoffice-involved-in-open-standards">How is Apache OpenOffice involved in Open Standards?<a class="headerlink" href="#how-is-apache-openoffice-involved-in-open-standards" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>We're involved in two ways. &nbsp; First, we're an implementer of several key open standards, including: <br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Open Document Format (ODF), the ISO-approved standard for office documents.&nbsp; ODF is the default document format in OpenOffice.<br/></li> |
| <li>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), the W3C standard for vector graphics.</li> |
| <li>Portable Document Format (PDF), the ISO-approved standard for |
| fixed-layout document representations.</li> |
| <li>Mathematical Markup Language (MathML), the W3C standard for |
| representing mathematical equations.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p align="center"><a href="https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=office"><img src="http://opendocument.xml.org/sites/opendocument.xml.org/files/u2/odf-community.jpg"/></a></p> |
| <p>Secondly, many of our volunteers are actively involved in the creation and maintenance of open standards, especially at OASIS, where the <a href="https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/office/">technical committee for ODF</a> is:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Oliver Rainer-Wittman is a long-time member of the OASIS ODF Technical Committee (TC), and also participant in <a href="http://www.odfplugfest.org/">ODF Plugfests</a>.</li> |
| <li>Dennis Hamilton is a member of the ODF TC and Secretary of the <a href="https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/oic/">ODF Interoperability and Conformance (OIC) TC</a>, and is active as well in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC34/WG6 where the ISO version of ODF is maintained.<br/></li> |
| <li>Rob Weir is Chair of the OASIS ODF TC and a frequent participant in ODF Plugfests.<br/></li> |
| <li>Other OpenOffice Committers are members of the OASIS ODF TC, including Regina Henschel, Louis<span class="gD" name="Louis Su&aacute;rez-Potts"> Su&aacute;rez-Potts</span><span class="go"></span>, Don Harbison and Michael Stahl.<br/></li> |
| <li>Others at Apache are involved in ODF standardization, included Svante Schubert, Committer in the Apache ODF Toolkit Project, who is Chair of the Advanced Document Collaboration Subcommittee, developing enhanced change tracking support for the next version of ODF.<br/></li> |
| </ul> |
| <h2 id="what-can-you-do-to-help-promote-open-standards">What can You do to help promote open standards? |
| <a class="headerlink" href="#what-can-you-do-to-help-promote-open-standards" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <ol> |
| <li>Use open standards wherever your application supports them.</li> |
| <li>If your favorite application doesn't support open standards like ODF, write to your vendor and request that they add support.<br/></li> |
| <li>When you publish or share a document, do so in open formats like ODF or PDF.<br/></li> |
| </ol> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <ol> </ol> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Call For Designers: Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Brand Refresh Project'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/call_for_designers_apache_openoffice.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-03-06T17:12:31+00:00</published><updated>2013-03-06T17:12:31+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-03-06:/blog/call_for_designers_apache_openoffice.html</id><summary type="html"><p><a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> is looking for a refreshed logo and branding for its upcoming 4.0 release.</p> |
| <p><img align="middle" alt="logo-contest-600.png" src="../images/blog/call_for_designers_apache_openoffice_logo-contest.png"/><br/> </p> |
| <p>This is a tremendous opportunity for designers to get involved in one of the most popular free and open source projects, and to get their work displayed to dozens of million of users: Apache …</p></summary><content type="html"><p><a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> is looking for a refreshed logo and branding for its upcoming 4.0 release.</p> |
| <p><img align="middle" alt="logo-contest-600.png" src="../images/blog/call_for_designers_apache_openoffice_logo-contest.png"/><br/> </p> |
| <p>This is a tremendous opportunity for designers to get involved in one of the most popular free and open source projects, and to get their work displayed to dozens of million of users: Apache OpenOffice just celebrated 40 million downloads in less than ten months.</p> |
| <h3 id="brand-refresh-project-scope">Brand Refresh Project Scope<a class="headerlink" href="#brand-refresh-project-scope" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <p>Required:</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>An AOO Logo</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>Considerations:</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Can be altered for use in splash screens, about screens, publications, website, elements in application icons, etc.</li> |
| <li>Brand proposals that show more than just a logo, considering placement in the areas of focus such as splash screen and websites.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <h3 id="primary-requirements">Primary Requirements<a class="headerlink" href="#primary-requirements" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Logo submissions must include the source.</li> |
| <li>Logos can be as large as the designer wishes, but must be able to |
| scale down and not loose detail. eg.. for website, splash screen, etc.</li> |
| <li>Although text in the logo is optional, any font used must be a free |
| and open font. eg. SIL Open Source Fonts.&nbsp; Any font used in the logo |
| must be disclosed upon submission.</li> |
| <li>Incorporation of gulls literally or symbolically, but not necessarily the existing shape used in current branding.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>If you are interested, please read the full <a href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Apache+OpenOffice+4.0+Brand+Refresh+Project">Brand Refresh Project page</a> (including the "child pages" at the bottom) to get more background, see what other volunteers are proposing and learn how you can contribute!</p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>'Apache OpenOffice: 40 Million Downloads'</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/apache_openoffice_40_million_downloads.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-03-04T14:08:13+00:00</published><updated>2013-03-04T14:08:13+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-03-04:/blog/apache_openoffice_40_million_downloads.html</id><summary type="html"><p>We've reached another big milestone <span class="st">&mdash; 40 million downloads of <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> 3.4.x since the release of 3.4.0 in May 2012.&nbsp; You can view a <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html">detailed chart </a>on our Stats page. </span></p><span class="st"> |
| <p>40 million.&nbsp; A number like this is hard to imagine.&nbsp; With news every day of government …</p></span></summary><content type="html"><p>We've reached another big milestone <span class="st">&mdash; 40 million downloads of <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/">Apache OpenOffice</a> 3.4.x since the release of 3.4.0 in May 2012.&nbsp; You can view a <a href="http://www.openoffice.org/stats/downloads.html">detailed chart </a>on our Stats page. </span></p><span class="st"> |
| <p>40 million.&nbsp; A number like this is hard to imagine.&nbsp; With news every day of government budgets and deficits in the trillions, what does 40 million mean?</p> |
| <p>One way is to look at the value, as free open source software, this brings to the public.&nbsp; We looked at it from this angle in a previous blog post, <a href="https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/21_million_per_day">$21 million per Day</a>.</p> |
| <p>Another way is to think in physical terms.&nbsp; What if the 40 million copies of Apache OpenOffice were distributed on CD ROM rather than distributed electronically (with the generous support of Geeknet and their SourceForge distribution network)?</p> |
| <p>Consider:&nbsp; A CD ROM has a diameter of 120mm.&nbsp; <b>So 40 million CDs, if placed side-by-side, would be 4,800 km (2,983 miles)</b>.&nbsp; That is a distance we can think about and visualize better than the abstract "40 million downloads".</p> |
| <p>Imagine a road trip from Los Angeles to New York City. It is only 2,789 miles, less than 40 million OpenOffice CDs would stretch:</p></span><span class="st"> |
| <p> </p></span> |
| <p><span class="st"><br/></span></p> |
| <p align="center"> |
| <a href="https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Los+Angeles,+CA&amp;daddr=New+York,+NY&amp;hl=en&amp;sll=34.052234,-118.243685&amp;sspn=0.87496,2.113495&amp;geocode=FYqYBwIdm77z-CkT2ifcXcfCgDH0CEYlb98v4g%3BFXFAbQIdK8KW-yk7CD_TpU_CiTFi_nfhBo8LyA&amp;oq=new+york+cit&amp;mra=ls&amp;t=m&amp;z=5"> |
| <img alt="L.A. to NYC" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_40_million_downloads_L.A._to_NYC.jpeg"/> |
| </a></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Or, in Europe, imagine a trip from Lisbon to Moscow.&nbsp; That is 4,575 km, less than our Apache OpenOffice downloads would stretch:</p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <div align="center"><a href="https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Lisbon,+Portugal&amp;daddr=Moscow,+Russia&amp;hl=en&amp;sll=37.904456,-96.124051&amp;sspn=26.56465,67.631836&amp;geocode=FbPmTgIdrGF0_yk78-RhGjMZDTHQNpDkvesABA%3BFQ6sUgMdgBc-AinJsNRz_Eq1RjFMz1dXzNZEPQ&amp;oq=mosc&amp;mra=ls&amp;t=m&amp;z=5"> |
| <img alt="Lisbon to Moscow" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_40_million_downloads_Istanbul_to_Iislamabad.jpeg"/></a></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Or try Istanbul to Islamabad.&nbsp; That is 4,963 km, just a little longer than the CDs would reach:</p> |
| <p><br/></p> |
| <p align="center"> |
| <a href="https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Istanbul,+Turkey&amp;daddr=Islamabad,+Pakistan&amp;hl=en&amp;ll=37.335224,51.020508&amp;spn=26.757286,67.631836&amp;sll=48.253941,33.310547&amp;sspn=22.527318,67.631836&amp;geocode=FdawcQIdQCe6ASlrCGgABKfKFDHQsAG8mP7M4Q%3BFYd_AgIdw9BaBCkvcpF40L_fODG2Ats7XFFZYA&amp;oq=islam&amp;mra=ls&amp;t=m&amp;z=5"> |
| <img alt="Istanbul to Iislamabad.jpg" src="../images/blog/apache_openoffice_40_million_downloads_Lisbon_to_Moscow.jpeg"/> |
| </a> </p> |
| <p>Consider the CD ROM once more.&nbsp; Its thickness is 1.2mm.&nbsp; So if we stacked the 40 million CDs (very carefully!) they would be 48 km high, longer than a marathon, 100x taller than the Empire State Building, 5x taller than Mt. Everest, and higher even than Felix Baumgartner's record-breaking skydiving jump.<br/></p> |
| <p>Of course these are all fun statistics, but our users are much more than just numbers.&nbsp; They are students, teachers, doctors, lawyers, ministers, public servants, and business people from all industries.&nbsp; Many of them choose to engage further with the project, by following us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO">Facebook</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheOO">Twitter</a>, or <a href="https://plus.google.com/+openoffice">Google+</a>, by posting questions on our <a href="http://forum.openoffice.org/">support forums</a>, or by <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/get-involved.html">volunteering to help</a> the project in areas such as <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-doc.html">Documentation</a>, <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-qa.html">QA</a>, <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-marketing.html">Marketing</a> or <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html">Translation</a>.&nbsp; We're happy to welcome new volunteers at any time and look forward to serving many millions of users more in the coming months and years.</p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>Call for Documentation Volunteers</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/call_for_documentation_volunteers.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-02-26T14:25:54+00:00</published><updated>2013-02-26T14:25:54+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-02-26:/blog/call_for_documentation_volunteers.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/7494447314/" title="Mt. Holyoke, Massachusetts - Paper. American Writing Paper Co. Super-calender - putting on roll, starting operation, 1936 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="Mt. Holyoke, Massachusetts - Paper. American Writing Paper Co. Super-calender - putting on roll, starting operation, 1936" height="365" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7135/7494447314_9c83562037.jpg" width="500"/></a></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>As the Apache OpenOffice project gets closer to our big 4.0 release we're ramping up our documentation team.&nbsp; The goal is to have new User Guides ready for the OpenOffice 4.0 launch.&nbsp; If you know something about technical writing, or OpenOffice, or ideally both, we'd love your help …</p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/7494447314/" title="Mt. Holyoke, Massachusetts - Paper. American Writing Paper Co. Super-calender - putting on roll, starting operation, 1936 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="Mt. Holyoke, Massachusetts - Paper. American Writing Paper Co. Super-calender - putting on roll, starting operation, 1936" height="365" src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7135/7494447314_9c83562037.jpg" width="500"/></a></div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>As the Apache OpenOffice project gets closer to our big 4.0 release we're ramping up our documentation team.&nbsp; The goal is to have new User Guides ready for the OpenOffice 4.0 launch.&nbsp; If you know something about technical writing, or OpenOffice, or ideally both, we'd love your help.&nbsp; <br/></p> |
| <p>Of all the opportunities you have to volunteer your time for worthy causes, why should you consider volunteering with the Apache OpenOffice documentation team?&nbsp; A few thoughts on that: <br/></p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>We're a fun, international group of volunteers, with a range of |
| skills and experience, dedicated to free software and spreading the word |
| about OpenOffice.</li> |
| <li>Helping with documentation is a good way to "give back" to the open |
| source community, something that can be done without requiring special |
| technical skills or large time commitments.<br/></li> |
| <li>Contributions are needed from volunteers with a range of experience levels and |
| interests. From authoring, to editing, technical verification, proof-reading, graphic design and tooling, we need volunteers in many disciplines.</li> |
| <li>This is a good way to learn more about technical writing and gain practical experience.</li> |
| <li>OpenOffice is among the most recognized open source brands, up there with Linux, Android and Firefox. Your |
| contributions to our efforts will potentially be seen by millions of users.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <p>&nbsp;If you want to learn more, please see our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-doc.html">Introduction to Documentation</a> page or introduce yourself on our <a href="mailto:doc@openoffice.apache.org">documentation mailing list</a>.<br/></p> |
| </content><category term="blog"></category></entry><entry><title>International Mother Language Day 2013</title><link href="https://openoffice.apache.org/blog/international_mother_language_day_2013.html" rel="alternate"></link><published>2013-02-20T16:31:34+00:00</published><updated>2013-02-20T16:31:34+00:00</updated><author><name></name></author><id>tag:openoffice.apache.org,2013-02-20:/blog/international_mother_language_day_2013.html</id><summary type="html"><div align="center"><img src="../images/blog/international_mother_language_day_2013_logo.png"/></div> |
| <p>(This post is also translated into the mother languages of some of our volunteers, including <a href="http://thewink.in/AOO-IMLD/IMLD-2013.html">Tamil</a> by V.Kadal Amutham, Korean by Jeongkyu Kim, Italian by Fabrizio Marchesano, Asturian by Xuacu Saturio, French by Cyril Beaussier, Spanish by Ricardo Gabriel Berlasso and German by <span class="gD" name="Guenter Marxen">Guenter Marxen.</span></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>The Apache OpenOffice project …</p></summary><content type="html"><div align="center"><img src="../images/blog/international_mother_language_day_2013_logo.png"/></div> |
| <p>(This post is also translated into the mother languages of some of our volunteers, including <a href="http://thewink.in/AOO-IMLD/IMLD-2013.html">Tamil</a> by V.Kadal Amutham, Korean by Jeongkyu Kim, Italian by Fabrizio Marchesano, Asturian by Xuacu Saturio, French by Cyril Beaussier, Spanish by Ricardo Gabriel Berlasso and German by <span class="gD" name="Guenter Marxen">Guenter Marxen.</span></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>The Apache OpenOffice project is proud to help commemorate International Mother Language Day on February 21.&nbsp; Read more about why this day is important, how OpenOffice supports linguistic diversity, and how you can help.<br/></p> |
| <h2 id="why-february-21-was-chosen">Why |
| February 21 was chosen? <a class="headerlink" href="#why-february-21-was-chosen" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>February 21st was declared as <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mother_Language_Day">International Mother Language Day</a> (IMLD) by UNESCO.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IMLD originated as |
| the international recognition of <a href="%20http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_Movement_Day">Language Movement Day</a>, which has been |
| commemorated in Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) since 1952, when a |
| number of Dhaka university students were killed by the Pakistani police and |
| army in Dhaka during the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_Language_Movement">Bengali Language Movement</a>. This is the only event |
| where people gave their lives to preserve the independence of using their |
| mother language.&nbsp; </p> |
| <p>To remember them there is a monument named Language |
| Martyr's Monument (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaheed_Minar,_Dhaka">Shahid Minar</a>) in Dhaka University, Bangladesh. Every |
| year more than a million people give flowers there. This is a big event in |
| Bangladesh. Many foreigners visit Bangladesh just to experience the way the Bangladeshi people give respect to those brave hearts. Every town of |
| Bangladesh has a Language Martyr's Monument, where local people give flowers.&nbsp; A Language Martyr's Monument is also built in Ikebukoro park of |
| Tokyo, Japan. There are also Language Martyr's Monument in USA, |
| UK, Italy and many other countries. Please think about your Mother Language |
| not only on February 21 but also on other days. <br/></p> |
| <h2 id="openoffice-and-linguistic-diversity">OpenOffice and Linguistic Diversity <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#openoffice-and-linguistic-diversity" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Today, the risk to Mother Languages is not just from government oppression.&nbsp;&nbsp; As we increasingly communicate and work electronically, the support of Mother Languages in our software is critical.&nbsp; If a language is not well-supported in software, that language and its native speakers are at a disadvantage.&nbsp; This is why at Apache OpenOffice, our <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mission.html">Public Service Mission</a> puts a strong emphasis on supporting linguistic diversity:</p> |
| <blockquote>There are over 6,000 languages in the world, but unless the language is associated |
| with a G20 economic superpower, commercial vendors tend to ignore it. The |
| OpenOffice community has a long standing tradition of supporting a large number |
| of languages, including languages used by smaller populations, minority languages, |
| endangered languages, etc. For example, South Africa has 11 official languages. |
| OpenOffice has been translated to all of them. By supporting languages that would |
| not otherwise be supported we help reduce "digital exclusion" and promote |
| development, local education and administration.</blockquote> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>As a volunteer-run,&nbsp; non-profit organization, Apache OpenOffice depends on volunteers to help us translate OpenOffice.&nbsp; <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html">With your help</a> we can support hundreds of languages.&nbsp; A list of languages we are currently trying to support is <a href="https://translate.apache.org/projects/OOo_34/">here</a>.&nbsp; <a href="mailto:L10n@openoffice.apache.org">Contact us</a> if you can help.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><span class="st">&mdash;</span> text by Khan Md. Anwarus Salam and Rob Weir, logo design by Robin Fowler.<br/></p> |
| <p> </p> <hr/> |
| <p>Apache OpenOffice 프로젝트는 자랑스러운 마음으로 2월 21일 세계 모국어의 날을 기리고자 합니다. 여기에서는 이 날이 중요한 이유와 함께 OpenOffice가 어떻게 언어적 다양성을 지원하고 있으며 여러분이 도울 수 있는 방법은 무엇인지 말씀드리겠습니다.</p> |
| <h2 id="2-21">2월 21일을 기리는 이유<a class="headerlink" href="#2-21" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>2월 21일은 UNESCO가 <a href="http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EA%B5%AD%EC%A0%9C_%EB%AA%A8%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4%EC%9D%98_%EB%82%A0">세계 모국어의 날(International Mother Language Day)</a>로 지정한 날입니다. 세계 모국어의 날은 원래 방글라데시 - 예전의 동파키스탄 - 에서 1952년부터 기념하기 시작한 언어 운동의 날(Language Movement Day)에서 유래했는데, 이 날은 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_Language_Movement">벵골 언어 운동</a> 기간 동안에 Dhaka 대학의 학생들이 파키스탄 경찰과 군대에 의해 사망한 날입니다. 이는 모국어 사용의 독립을 지키기 위해 목숨을 바친 유일한 사건입니다.</p> |
| <p>그들을 기억하기 위해 방글라데시 Dhaka 대학에는 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaheed_Minar,_Dhaka">모국어 순교자 기념비(Shahid Minar)</a>가 있습니다. 매년 백만명 이상의 사람들이 여기에 꽃을 바칩니다. 이는 방글라데시에서 큰 행사입니다. 방글라데시를 방문하는 많은 외국인들은 방글라데시 사람들이 그들의 용감한 영혼에 경의를 표하는 것을 경험합니다. 방글라데시의 많은 도시에는 모국어 순교자의 기념비가 있어서 지역 사람들도 꽃을 바칩니다. 모국어 순교자 기념비는 일본 도쿄에 있는 이케부코로 공원에도 건립되었습니다. 미국, 영국, 이태리를 비롯한 많은 나라에도 모국어 순교자 기념비가 있습니다. 2월 21일 뿐만 아니라 늘 여러분의 모국어에 대해 생각해 보시길 바랍니다.</p> |
| <h2 id="openoffice">OpenOffice와 언어적 다양성<a class="headerlink" href="#openoffice" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>오늘날, 모국어에 대한 위기는 정부의 탄압에서만 비롯되는 것이 아닙니다. 우리가 전자적으로 일하고 의사소통함에 따라 우리가 사용하는 소프트웨어에서 모국어를 지원하는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 소프트웨어가 어떤 언어를 지원하지 않으면 해당 언어와 이를 말하는 사람이 불리한 처지에 놓입니다. 이것이 <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mission.html">Apache OpenOffice 프로젝트의 공적 목표</a>가 언어적 다양성의 지원을 강조하는 이유입니다:</p> |
| <p>세상에는 6,000개 이상의 언어가 있지만 G20 경제 대국과 무관하면 상업적인 벤더들이 무시하기 쉽습니다. OpenOffice 커뮤니티는 소수가 사용하는 언어나 사라져 가는 언어를 비롯한 다양한 언어를 지원하는 오랜 전통을 가지고 있습니다. 예를 들어, 남아프리카공화국은 11개의 공식언어를 가지고 있는데 오픈오피스는 이 언어로 모두 번역되었습니다.</p> |
| <p>자발적인 참여로 운영되는 비영리 기구인 Apache OpenOffice는 자원 봉사자의 도움으로 OpenOffice를 번역하고 있습니다. <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html">여러분의 도움</a>을 통해 우리는 수 백개의 언어를 지원할 수도 있습니다. 현재 우리가 지원하고 있는 언어의 목록은 <a href="https://translate.apache.org/projects/OOo_34/">여기</a>에서 볼 수 있습니다. 여러분의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.</p> |
| <p> </p> <hr/> |
| <p>Il progetto Apache OpenOffice &egrave; orgoglioso di contribuire alla commemorazione della Giornata Internazionale della Lingua Madre del 21 Febbraio. Continuate la lettura per scoprire perch&egrave; questo giorno &egrave; importante, come OpenOffice supporta la diversit&agrave; linguistica e come voi stessi potete contribuire.</p> |
| <h2 id="perche-e-stato-scelto-il-21-febbraio">Perch&egrave; &egrave; stato scelto il 21 Febbraio?<a class="headerlink" href="#perche-e-stato-scelto-il-21-febbraio" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Il 21 Febbraio &egrave; stata dichiarata <a href="http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giornata_internazionale_della_lingua_madre">Giornata Internazionale della Lingua Madre</a> (International Mother Language Day, IMLD) dall'UNESCO. Le origini di questo riconoscimento internazionale risalgono alla Giornata del Movimento per la Lingua (Language Movement Day) commemorato in Bangladesh (in precedenza denominato Pakistan Orientale) sin dal 1952, quando diversi studenti dell'univerist&agrave; di Dacca vennero uccisi dalle forze di polizia ed esercito del Pakistan durante gli eventi dedicati al <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_Language_Movement">Movimento per la Lingua Bengalese</a> (Bengali Language Movement). Si tratta dell'unico avvenimento storico in cui furono sacrificate delle vite per difendere la libert&agrave; di utilizzare la propria lingua madre.</p> |
| <p>In memoria delle vittime &egrave; stato eretto il Monumento ai Martiri della Lingua (Language Martyr's Monument, orig. <a href="http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaheed_Minar">Shaheed Minar</a>) all'Universit&agrave; di Dacca, Bangladesh. Ogni anno pi&ugrave; di un milione di persone vi si recano per deporre fiori. &Egrave; un evento importante in Bangladesh. Molti visitatori stranieri si recano in Bangladesh per vivere l'esperienza dell'offerta del proprio rispetto per queste persone coraggiose da parte della popolazione locale. In ogni citt&agrave; del Bangladesh esiste un Monumento ai Martiri della Lingua, dove gli abitanti si recano per deporre fiori. Un altro Monumento ai Martiri della Lingua &egrave; stato eretto al parco Ikebukoro di Tokyo, Giappone. Altri Monumenti ai Martiri della Lingua si trovano in USA, Regno Unito, <a href="http://rete.comuni-italiani.it/wiki/Bari/Monumento_ai_Martiri_del_Bangladesh">Italia</a> e molti altri paesi. Pensate alla vostra Lingua Madre tutti i giorni, non solo il 21 di Febbraio.</p> |
| <h2 id="openoffice-e-la-diversita-linguistica">OpenOffice e la Diversit&agrave; Linguistica<a class="headerlink" href="#openoffice-e-la-diversita-linguistica" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2> |
| <p>Oggigiorno, i rischi per diverse Lingue Madri non derivano solo dall'oppressione di governo. A causa della sempre maggiore diffusione delle comunicazioni e del lavoro per via elettronica, il supporto alle Lingue Madri nel nostro software &egrave; essenziale. Se una lingua non &egrave; adeguatamente supportata nel software, quella lingua e coloro che la parlano subiranno uno svantaggio. Questa &egrave; la ragione per cui la <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/mission.html">Missione di Servizio Pubblico</a> di Apache OpenOffice attribuisce grande importanza al supporto della diversit&agrave; linguistica:</p> |
| <blockquote>Esistono pi&ugrave; di 6000 lingue nel mondo, ma una lingua non associata a una superpotenza economica del G20 &egrave; tendenzialmente ignorata dai rivenditori di software commerciale. La comunit&agrave; di OpenOffice ha una lunga tradizione relativa al supporto di un gran numero di lingue, incluse quelle utilizzate da minoranze etniche o lingue in via di estinzione. Ad esempio, il Sud Africa conta 11 lingue ufficiali. OpenOffice &egrave; stato tradotto in ognuna di esse. Collaborando al sostegno di lingue che non ricevebbero altrimenti altro supporto, contribuiamo a ridurre "l'esclusione digitale" e a promuovere l'educazione e amministrazione locale.</blockquote> |
| <p>In quanto organizzazione no-profit, basata sull'operato di volontari, Apache OpenOffice si avvale esclusivamente del contributo di questi ultimi per le traduzioni. <a href="http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html">Con il vostro aiuto</a> possiamo garantire il supporto a centinaia di lingue. Una lista di lingue che stiamo attualmente cercando di supportare si trova <a hr