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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-110.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2023-02-27 19:45:24+00:00</p>
<p><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>27</strong><strong> February 2023 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity
suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14, as usual available in
41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a>
4.1.14 is a maintenance release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All
users …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/more-than-333-million-downloads.html">More than 333 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2022-08-30 22:32:53+00:00</p>
<p><p>A few days ago we have seen with great pleasure that the bar of more than 333 million <a href="" target="_blank">downloads of Apache OpenOffice&reg;</a> was exceeded. The count is from 2011 until today and it includes all 4.1.x releases.<br/><br/>Please note that there are much more ways to get OpenOffice …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-19.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2022-07-22 17:57:02+00:00</p>
<p><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>22</strong><strong> July 2022 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity
suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.13, as usual available in
41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a>
4.1.13 is a Security release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All
users …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-18.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2022-05-04 21:27:43+00:00</p>
<p><p><strong></strong><strong></strong><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>04</strong><strong> May 2022 </strong>- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity
suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.12, as usual available in
41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a>
4.1.12 is a Maintenance release incorporating bug fixes and other enhancements. All
users …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-17.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2021-10-06 18:04:34+00:00</p>
<p><p><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>06</strong><strong> October 2021</strong>
- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity
suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11, as usual available in
41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a>
4.1.11 is a Security release incorporating other bug fixes and little enhancements. All …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-16.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2021-05-04 12:28:17+00:00</p>
<p><p><b>Wakefield, DE</b> - <strong>04</strong><strong> May 2021</strong>
- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity
suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, as usual available in
41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a>
4.1.10 is a Security release incorporating important bug fixes. All
users of Apache …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-15.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2021-02-08 17:13:07+00:00</p>
<p><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(49,55,57);">Forest Hill, MD</span></strong> - <strong>07</strong><strong> February 2021</strong>
- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity
suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9, as usual available in
41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a>
4.1.9 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes. All
users of …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/new-release-for-apple-s.html">New release for Apple's macOS 11 (Big Sur) - Also with fixes for Linux and Windows</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2021-01-06 23:22:39+00:00</p>
<p><p>Dear Apache OpenOffice&reg; Users,</p><p>Thank you for your interest in Apache OpenOffice and your on-going support over the years. You may have heard (e.g., through our <a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">support forums</a>) that OpenOffice has problems with Apple's new macOS 11 (Big Sur).</p><p>When opening modern Microsoft Office Documents (files that end with …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-14.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2020-11-10 22:30:28+00:00</p>
<p><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(49,55,57);">Forest Hill, MD</span></strong> -&nbsp;<strong>10</strong><strong> November 2020</strong>
- Apache OpenOffice, a leading Open Source office document productivity
suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8, as usual available in
41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.</p><p><a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice</a>
4.1.8 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes. All
users of …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/300-million-downloads-of-apache.html">300 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2020-10-29 23:43:11+00:00</p>
<p><p>With great pleasure we have seen that <a href="" target="_blank">Apache OpenOffice&reg; was downloaded</a> more than 300 million times from 2011 until now, October 24th. Here included are more than 200 million downloads of all releases in the 4.1.x branch. This was reached with our partner <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.<br/><br/>Of course there …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/the-apache-software-foundation-celebrates.html">The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates 20 Years of OpenOffice®</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2020-10-15 22:15:59+00:00</p>
<p><p><b><i>Leading Open Source office
application and personal productivity suite under development as a
community-led Apache&reg; Project for the past 8 years</i></b></p>
<b>&nbsp;MA &mdash;14 October 2020&mdash;</b>
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers,
stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source projects and
initiatives, announced today the twenty-year …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache-openoffice-needs-your-help.html">Apache OpenOffice needs your help</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2020-05-17 22:34:44+00:00</p>
<p><p>The Apache&reg; OpenOffice&reg; Project is on the road to a bigger update for
the leading open source office suite.
<br/>This is your chance. OpenOffice needs people to help in the development
process. Don't panic, you do not need to be a software engineer or
programmer though those skills are always …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/1-6-million-downloads-of.html">1.6 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2019-10-22 18:44:44+00:00</p>
<p><p>On Sep, 21st we have released Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7. Since then we had <a href="" target="_blank" title="Apache OpenOffice download statistics">1.6 million</a>
download requests. And this is only for the newest release. There are
more for other versions that the users download due to their special
needs. And not included are the many others …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-13.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2019-09-21 19:40:11+00:00</p>
<p><p>21 September 2019 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office
document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7, as
usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache
OpenOffice 4.1.7 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some
regressions and delivering the latest English …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-12.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2018-11-18 20:29:04+00:00</p>
<p><p>18 November 2018 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office
document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6, as
usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache
OpenOffice 4.1.6 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some
regressions and delivering the latest English …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-11.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2017-12-30 16:16:10+00:00</p>
<p><p>30 December 2017 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office
document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5, as
usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5 is a maintenance release aimed at correcting some regressions and delivering the latest English …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/open_document_editors_devroom_at_FOSDEM_18.html">Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 18, Brussels FOSDEM is 3-4 Feb 2018</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2017-11-27 07:38:46+00:00</p>
<p><p>FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2018, it will be held on Saturday, February 3, and Sunday, February 4.<br/><br/>As usual, the Open Document Editors DevRoom will be jointly …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing-apache-openoffice-4-1.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2017-10-19 19:44:55+00:00</p>
<p><p>19 October 2017 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4, as usual available in 41 languages for Windows, macOS and Linux.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4 is a maintenance release incorporating important bug fixes, security fixes, updated dictionaries, and build …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/over_200_million_downloads_of.html">Over 200 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2016-11-28 20:04:19+00:00</p>
<p><style type="text/css">
@page { margin: 0.79in }
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }
--></style>Apache OpenOffice
<p>continues to enjoy the user's valuation.</p>
<p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">Recently the new record
mark of <a href="" target="_blank" title="More than 200 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice">200 million downloads</a> was reached. The
downloads are managed by our partner <a href="" target="_blank" title="SourceForge">SourceForge</a> .</p>
<p lang="en-US" style="margin-bottom: 0in;">The high demand of the
most current release 4.1.3 - that was released in …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/open_document_editors_devroom_at_FOSDEM_17.html">Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 17, Brussels 4-5 Feb 2017</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2016-11-08 21:11:52+00:00</p>
<p><p>FOSDEM is one of the largest gatherings of Free Software contributors in the world and happens each year in Brussels (Belgium) at the ULB Campus Solbosch. In 2017, it will be held on Saturday, February 4, and Sunday, February 5.<br/><br/>As usual, the Open Document Editors DevRoom will be jointly …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/note_from_a_satisfied_user.html">'Note from a satisfied user: Congratulations for all efforts of the past!'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2016-10-16 21:42:29+00:00</p>
<p><p>We received the following mail from Mr. Ziegler on the developer mailing list [1] and we want to share it with all of you:<br/></p>
<p>Quote start<br/></p>
<p><i>I was encouraged to leave my aoo forum post directly in the dev mailing
list so that you all can read what I wanted …</i></p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_12.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2016-10-12 21:46:03+00:00</p>
<p><p>12 October 2016 - Apache OpenOffice, the leading Open Source office
document productivity suite, announced today Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3,
now available in 41 languages on Windows, OS X and Linux.
<br/> <br/>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 is a maintenance release incorporating important
bug fixes, security fixes, updated dictionaries, and build …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/more_team_mates_needed1.html">More team-mates needed</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2016-09-22 21:04:50+00:00</p>
<p><p><img alt="American Football Team" src="../images/blog/more_team_mates_needed1_American_Football_Team.jpeg"/></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>At Apache OpenOffice we are looking for further team-mates and here especially for developers:</p>
<p> </p>
<li>Are you a software developer with C++ skills?</li>
<li>Or do you have expertise in building software?</li>
<li>Are you additionally experienced as lead technical writer?</li>
<li>Do you like to contribute to open source projects?</li>
<li>And are you …</li></ul></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/stop_the_lazy_season_start.html">Stop the lazy season, start changing</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2016-09-20 19:02:41+00:00</p>
<p><p> </p>
<p><img alt="Keep calm and embrace change" src="../images/blog/stop_the_lazy_season_start_Keep_calm.png"/> </p>
<p>It's time to write about new things that happen here in the Apache OpenOffice project.</p>
<p>At first, we want to let you know about new releases. The first will be the bugfix release 4.1.3 that will tie in directly with the current version. It's already in the cooking …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_extensions_and_templates.html">Apache OpenOffice Extensions and Templates New Sites</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2016-03-24 17:46:34+00:00</p>
<p><div style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px;">Since 2012 SourceForge has been distributing Apache&nbsp;<span class="il">OpenOffice</span> downloads and actively maintaining both Apache <span class="il">OpenOffice</span> <a href="" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">Extensions</a> and <a href="" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">Templates</a> sites. I wrote a couple of short <a href="" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">blog </a><a href="" style="color: #1155cc;" target="_blank">posts</a> about the changes that affect end- users. <br/><br/>Extensions that have not been updated in a while report the following message: "Warning message This …</div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_at_fosdem_2016.html">'Apache OpenOffice at FOSDEM 2016: Submit your talk now'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2015-12-06 00:05:38+00:00</p>
<p><p>FOSDEM 16 will be held at the ULB Campus Solbosch, Brussels (Belgium) on Saturday, January 30, and Sunday, January 31, 2016.<br/><br/>Open document editors are coming again to FOSDEM with a shared devroom which gives every project in this area a chance to present ODF related developments and innovations. The …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_11.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2015-10-28 19:22:39+00:00</p>
October 2015 - The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce the
immediate availability of OpenOffice 4.1.2. You can download it from <a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">the official website</a> <a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
<p><a class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</a> brings stability fixes, bug fixes and enhancements. All users of Apache OpenOffice 4 …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/coming_soon_apache_openoffice_4.html">Coming soon... Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2015-09-27 14:17:07+00:00</p>
A new OpenOffice update, version 4.1.2, has been in preparation for a while. Born as a simple bugfix release, it became an occasion for some deep restructuring in the project: several processes have now been streamlined (and some are still in the works), new people are on board …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/authoring_e_books_in_apache.html">'Authoring e-Books in Apache OpenOffice: An Interview with Jon Swords-Holdsworth'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2015-05-13 11:51:36+00:00</p>
<p><p><span id="docs-internal-guid-37476a48-42f8-a20b-0281-95f5e56df6a8"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> </span></font>
<p dir="ltr" style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;"><font face="Arial"><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">A few months ago we received an email from Jon Swords-Holdsworth, an author of "slipstream and hard science fiction" from Melbourne, Australia. He was finishing up a new volume of short stories, </span><i style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;">Stories of an Awkward Size</i><span style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 20.7000007629395px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> and was seeking permission to mention <a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> in the book's colophon. Since …</span></font></p></span></p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/collaboration_is_in_our_dna.html">Collaboration is in our DNA</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2015-04-13 22:24:27+00:00</p>
<p><p>Apache OpenOffice is living in interesting times, and this is a good moment to reflect on future scenarios.<br/><br/>The old project spawned numerous derivative products and we are proud to see how the OpenOffice ecosystem, taken as a whole, has grown so far.<br/><br/>Apache OpenOffice is distributed under …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_in_2014_a.html">'Apache OpenOffice in 2014: a year in review'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-12-31 18:50:02+00:00</p>
<p><p>2014 has been an exciting year for the OpenOffice project and community.<br/><br/>Click on the picture below to start a slideshow with highlights from 2014. A text-only version is under the picture.<br/><br/> <a href=";font=Bevan-PotanoSans&amp;maptype=toner&amp;lang=en&amp;height=650"><img src=""/></a><br/></p>
<li><b>January</b>: The Apache OpenOffice community starts the year by adding new localizations.<br/>OpenOffice supports 120+ languages, but only …</li></ul></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_apachecon.html">Presentations and videos from ApacheCon EU 2014, Budapest</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-12-24 22:08:53+00:00</p>
<p><div class="sched-container-header" id="2014-11-18">
<div class="sched-container-dates">
<p>ApacheCon Europe, held last month in Budapest, was a wonderful occasion for the OpenOffice community to gather and discuss the state of the project and future developments.</p>
<p>Videos and presentations from the conference are now available. See below for some presentations from the OpenOffice track.</p>
<p><a href="">Pictures</a> are available too, courtesy …</p></div></div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/call_for_talks_open_document.html">'Call for talks: Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 15'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-11-03 22:23:41+00:00</p>
<p><p>FOSDEM 15 will be held at the ULB Campus Solbosch on Saturday, January
31, and Sunday, February 1st, 2015.
<br/> <br/>Open document editors are coming again to FOSDEM with a shared devroom which gives every project in this area a chance to present ODF related
developments and innovations. The devroom is …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_1.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-08-23 08:00:06+00:00</p>
<p><p>21 August 2014 - The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of OpenOffice 4.1.1. You can download it from <a href="">our website</a>.</p>
<p>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 is a micro update with many useful and critical bugfixes including 2 security relevant fixes (details will come separately …</p></p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem.html">Presentations and videos from FOSDEM 2014</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-07-05 11:44:30+00:00</p>
<a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014a-1024.jpeg">
<img alt="fosdem2014a-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014a-1024.jpeg"/>
<a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014b-1024.jpeg">
<img alt="fosdem2014b-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014b-1024.jpeg"/>
<a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg">
<img alt="fosdem2014c-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"/>
<a href="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg">
<img alt="fosdem2014d-1024.jpg" src="../images/blog/presentations_and_videos_from_fosdem_fosdem2014c-1024.jpg"/>
<p>Presentations and videos from the Open Document Editors Devroom at FOSDEM 2014 are now available.</p>
<p>The OpenOffice presence at the event was strong and well-received, with a number of interesting talks and many visits at the booth. And the devroom was a nice way to get together with other projects …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_3.html">'Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #3'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-05-05 12:24:54+00:00</p>
<p><p>Translations: (<a href="">de</a>)
<h2 id="major-discussions"> Major Discussions<a class="headerlink" href="#major-discussions" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Juergen, our Release Manager, <a href="">announced the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1</a>.</p>
<p>The winPenPack team updated their <a href="">portable version, x-ApacheOpenOffice 4.1</a>.</p>
<p>Marcello has updated the unofficial Debian repository for Apache OpenOffice. It now "<a href="">provides the version 4.1 of Apache OpenOffice with all available languages …</a></p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/the_apache_openoffice_project_announce.html">The Apache OpenOffice project announce the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-04-29 11:23:18+00:00</p>
<p><div><b><i>Improvements to graphics, charts, forms, text annotations and
accessibility feature in this 23rd release of the 14-year old
community-run open source project</i></b></div>
<p><b>29 April 2014&ndash; </b>The Apache OpenOffice project, a Top Level Project (TLP) of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), announced today
the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1, now …</p></div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_2.html">'Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #2'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-04-28 12:22:21+00:00</p>
<p><p>Translations: (<a href="">de</a>) <br/></p>
<h2 id="welcome">Welcome <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#welcome" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Welcome to the second edition of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News.&nbsp; We welcome your feedback and contributions.&nbsp; You can respond with a
comment on this blog post, of course.&nbsp; You can also send an email to
our public mailing list: <a href=""></a>.&nbsp; <br/></p>
<h2 id="major-discussions">Major Discussions<a class="headerlink" href="#major-discussions" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<li>Marcus has …</li></ul></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_weekly_news_1.html">'Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #1'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-04-25 14:04:40+00:00</p>
<p><h2 id="welcome">Welcome <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#welcome" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Translations:&nbsp; (<a href="">de</a>) <br/></p>
<p>Welcome to the first edition of Apache OpenOffice Weekly News.&nbsp; We're experimenting with a new way to give the OpenOffice community a look into the project and what we're doing week-to-week.&nbsp; We saw another Apache project,&nbsp; CouchDB, do <a href="">something similar</a>,&nbsp; and liked their approach.&nbsp; So in the …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_4_2_to.html">Apache OpenOffice 4.2 to Bring OpenCash Support</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-04-01 02:04:52+00:00</p>
<p><p>This is an April Fool's post: it is a humorous work and it does not describe actual developments.<br/></p>
<p>As we on the Apache OpenOffice project put the final touches on our 4.1 release, we've started planning for our next major release, version 4.2, hopefully out sometime mid-year. One …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/seeking_beta_testers_for_apache.html">Seeking Beta Testers for Apache OpenOffice 4.1</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-03-10 18:09:40+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"> <img frameborder="0" height="502" src="../images/blog/seeking_beta_testers_for_apache_cowboy.jpeg" width="640"/> </div>
<p> </p><br/>
<p>We're looking for users interested in test driving our new Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Beta Release.&nbsp;&nbsp; The beta can be downloaded from <a href="">our website</a> (use the yellow box).<br/></p>
<p>We release Beta versions of OpenOffice to get early feedback from users. &nbsp;Beta versions may have more bugs than our final <a href="">GA …</a></p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/international_mother_language_day_2014.html">International Mother Language Day 2014</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2014-02-20 22:56:17+00:00</p>
<p><p>On International Mother Language Day the UN's Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and UN agencies participate in events that promote linguistic and cultural diversity. They also encourage people to maintain their knowledge of their mother language while learning and using more than one language. Governments and non-governmental organizations may …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_in_2013_a.html">'Apache OpenOffice in 2013: a year in review'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-12-31 13:48:18+00:00</p>
<p><p> </p>
<p>&nbsp;2013 has been an exciting year for the OpenOffice project and community.<br/></p>
<p>&nbsp;Click on the picture below to start a slideshow with highlights from 2013. A text-only version is under the picture.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=";font=Bevan-PotanoSans&amp;maptype=TERRAIN&amp;lang=en&amp;height=650"><img align="middle" src=""/></a> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<li> <b>January</b>: Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 is released in 8 additional languages (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Korean, Polish, Basque …</li></ul></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/join_apache_openoffice_at_fosdem.html">Join Apache OpenOffice at FOSDEM 2014 - Submit a talk proposal</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-12-18 00:05:15+00:00</p>
<p><p>Apache OpenOffice and the other Open Document Editors will have a dedicated track at <a href="">FOSDEM 2014</a>, 1 February 2014, Brussels. The devroom is organized by Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice and will give every project in this area a chance to present ODF related developments and innovations.<br/><br/>We invite submission of …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/call_for_comments_apache_openoffice.html">'Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-12-05 14:42:44+00:00</p>
<p><p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly is the leading free and open office productivity suite.&nbsp; We have many millions of users.&nbsp; In the past two years we've seen over 80 million downloads from our website, and millions more from 3rd party websites.&nbsp; </p>
<p>Although most users are able to download OpenOffice successfully …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_4_1_to.html">Apache OpenOffice 4.1 to Bring Enhanced Accessibility Support</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-11-15 14:06:42+00:00</p>
The Apache OpenOffice project is pleased to announce that it has successfully integrated support for the <a href="">Microsoft Active Accessibility</a> (MSAA) and <a href="">IAccessible2</a> interfaces.&nbsp; Support for these interfaces enables screen readers and other assistive technologies to work with Apache OpenOffice, which in turn enables greater productivity by OpenOffice users who are …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/75_million_downloads_of_apache.html">75 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-10-30 19:02:24+00:00</p>
<p><p>We are pleased to report that yesterday, October 29th, someone downloaded the <b>75,000,000th </b>copy of&nbsp; Apache OpenOffice&trade;. &nbsp; The 75 million downloads have occurred in the less than 18th months since the first release of Apache OpenOffice on May 8th, 2012.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly called is the …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_4_0.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-10-01 13:19:11+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center">
<p><a href="" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"><img alt="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC)" height="469" src="" width="640"/></a></p><a href="" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr">
<p> </p></a>
<div align="left"><a href="" title="[Bob Burman, race car driver] (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr">
<p> </p></a></div>
<p>The Apache OpenOffice project (formerly is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Apache 4.0.1.&nbsp; Building upon the success of our <a href="">award-winning</a> Apache OpenOffice 4.0 release, which was well-received by both users and reviewers, the 4.0.1 maintenance update brings new translations, performance enhancements …</p></p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/back_to_school_with_apache.html">Back to School with Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-08-26 12:09:16+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center">
<p><a href="" title="Chesterfield County school bus and students by The Library of Virginia, on Flickr"><img alt="Chesterfield County school bus and students" height="497" src="" width="640"/></a></p><a href="" title="Chesterfield County school bus and students by The Library of Virginia, on Flickr"> </a>
<p> </p>
<p>As August comes to a close it is time for millions of children and young adults to return to school.&nbsp;&nbsp; In preparation, parents empty their wallets for a variety of necessities: clothes, shoes, backpacks, notebooks, pencils, calculators, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp; But with one common back-to-school item parents and students often overpay by …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/developer_in_aoo_1year_celebration.html">Developer in AOO, 1year celebration</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-07-31 15:18:20+00:00</p>
<p><p><font size="4"><b>1 year as developer with AOO</b></font> [<a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a>]<br/></p>
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="table" width="100%">
<img alt="jan1.jpg" height="512" src="../images/blog/Jan.jpeg" width="340"/></td>
<td> <br/></td>
<p>Many of the big open source software packages are to a high degree
driven by developers employed by companies who sponsor manpower. The
sponsorship allows a faster development than otherwise possible which is a
benefit for everybody. There is however a negative …</p></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/interview_with_the_developers_of.html">Interview with the developers of PrOOo-Box</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-07-29 13:31:42+00:00</p>
<p><p>Most of the posts on this blog are about the Apache OpenOffice product and the community of volunteers that develops it.&nbsp; But occasionally we write about interesting things in the broader Apache OpenOffice project, the ecosystem of extension developers, consultants, trainers, etc., that help users get value from OpenOffice.&nbsp; Today …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/a_short_celebration_and_then.html">A short celebration, and then back to work</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-07-23 09:23:23+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><a href="" title="Society of Artists' Selection Committee, Sydney, 1907 / photographer Henry King by State Library of New South Wales collection, on Flickr"><img alt="Society of Artists' Selection Committee, Sydney, 1907 / photographer Henry King" height="443" src="" width="640"/></a></div>
<p> </p>
<p>Cheers to the community on the successful release of Apache OpenOffice 4.0.&nbsp; Full details of release can be found in our <a href="">Release Notes</a>.&nbsp; You can download Apache OpenOffice 4.0 <a href="">here</a>.<br/></p></p>
<p>This was a major release and a major effort for the <a href="">many volunteers</a> who worked on coding, testing …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/rejected.html">Rejected</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-07-16 15:03:53+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><img alt="rejected stamp" src="../images/blog/rejected.png"/></div>
<p> </p>
<p>Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Release Candidate 1 (Build 9702) has been rejected.&nbsp; It was not good enough. Detlef, in our German-language community, first noted the crash two days ago, which was passed on to the developers by Regina.&nbsp; We immediately started further testing to narrow down the problem.</p>
<p>Samer, in …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/facebook_fanpage_and_the_growing.html">Facebook fanpage and the growing fanbase</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-07-05 03:19:58+00:00</p>
<p><p>A bit more then a year ago, we discussed the topic social media on our list. We decided to create official channels on different social media. I jumped in to join the administrator team of the official Apache OpenOffice Fan page. Since then, the number of fans has increased a …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/not_interested.html">Not interested</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-07-01 13:25:57+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><a href="" title="After midnight selling extras. There were many young boys selling very late these nights. Washington, D.C, April 1912 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="After midnight selling extras. There were many young boys selling very late these nights. Washington, D.C, April 1912" height="461" src="" width="640"/></a></div>
<p>We get many emails, several per week, of individuals and companies wanting to "do business" with us.&nbsp; &nbsp; Some of it is obviously spam, but some of it is quite serious.&nbsp;&nbsp; The proposals do not have bad intentions, though they are often incompatible with our status as a non-profit organization.&nbsp; We …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/with_apache_openoffice_you_get.html">With Apache OpenOffice you get what you don't pay for</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-06-17 18:06:36+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><a href="" title="Juichende jongens bij VSV-DFC / Boys cheering when their favorite team scores by Nationaal Archief, on Flickr"><img alt="Juichende jongens bij VSV-DFC / Boys cheering when their favorite team scores" height="465" src="" width="640"/></a></div>
<p> </p>
<p>Apache OpenOffice is and always will be free to <a href="">download from our website</a>.&nbsp; The <a href="">license</a> allows you to use it yourself and share copies with friends and families or even total strangers.&nbsp; You may use it on home machines, in the office, with your small business, school, church, gardening club …</p></p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/when_will_openoffice_version_x.html">When will OpenOffice version X be released?</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-06-10 15:59:11+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center">
<p><a href="" title="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940" height="370" src="" width="500"/></a></p><a href="" title="Grayson, Westley, Stanislaus County, Western San Joaquin Valley, California. Seventh and eighth grad . . ., 05/09/1940 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr">
<p> </p></a>
<p> </p>
<p>I'm always impressed by the enthusiasm of OpenOffice users to try out the next great release.&nbsp; A frequent question is, "When will it be released?"&nbsp; I see this question on <a href="">Facebook</a> and <a href="">Twitter</a>, the <a href="">Forums</a> and <a href="">mailing lists</a>. &nbsp;&nbsp; "When will version &lt;insert next version&gt; of OpenOffice be ready?"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I'd like …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/the_sidebar_new_and_improved.html">'The Sidebar: New And Improved'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-06-04 06:49:57+00:00</p>
<p><p> Usually the phrase "new <i>and</i> improved" does not make much sense because something either is new <i>or</i> did already exist and was improved upon.&nbsp; For the sidebar the situation is a little different.&nbsp; The core implementation is new but the content, the panels, did already exist.&nbsp; The concept, but not …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_one_year_50.html">'Apache OpenOffice: One Year, 50 Million Downloads'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-05-15 17:19:19+00:00</p>
<p><p>We are pleased to note that yesterday we reached the <b>50 million download mark</b> for Apache OpenOffice 3.4. &nbsp; This milestone occurred within a few days of the first anniversary of the release of Apache OpenOffice 3.4., on May 8th, 2012.&nbsp; <br/></p>
<p>Apache OpenOffice (formerly called is the …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/results_of_apache_openoffice_4.html">Results of Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Logo Survey</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-05-10 12:57:17+00:00</p>
<p><p>A quick update on our recent logo survey for Apache OpenOffice 4.0. &nbsp; We called on community members to submit proposals for a new project logo.&nbsp; The response was huge.&nbsp; We received over 40 logo proposals.&nbsp; To narrow down the choices we sought out feedback from users.&nbsp;&nbsp; We created a …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/with_special_guest_star_apache.html">With Special Guest Star... Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-04-18 16:13:26+00:00</p>
<p><p align="left">Viewers of the hit ABC sitcom <i>Suburgatory </i>may have noticed something special in the season 2 finale last night, in an episode called "Apocalypse Meow".&nbsp; Lead character Tessa (played by Jane Levy) used the free, open source office productivity software <a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> on her Mac, to outline the pros and …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/visualizing_the_aoo_dev_list.html">Visualizing the AOO Dev List</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-04-17 13:54:24+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><img alt="Dev list graph" src="../images/blog/visualizing_the_aoo_dev_list_Dev_list_graph.png"/>
<h3 id="what-am-i-looking-at">&nbsp;What am I looking at?<a class="headerlink" href="#what-am-i-looking-at" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3>
<p>The above image illustrates the social network of posts and responses to the Apache OpenOffice project's main development mailing list, from when it started in May 2011 until the end of March 2013 when this data was collected.&nbsp; (Click on the image to view a …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/welcome_to_gsoc_students.html">Welcome to GSoC Students!</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-04-10 12:19:55+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center">
<p><a href="" title="Coeds with Hoes by OSU Special Collections &amp; Archives : Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="Coeds with Hoes" height="408" src="" width="500"/></a></p><a href="" title="Coeds with Hoes by OSU Special Collections &amp; Archives : Commons, on Flickr">
<p> </p></a>
<p align="left">Once again the Apache Software Foundation is a "<a href="">mentoring organization</a>" in Google Summer of Code, and the Apache OpenOffice project looks forward to this year's program.&nbsp; </p>
<p align="left">We invite students looking to get their hands dirty with real-world code to consider submitting an GSoC application related to OpenOffice.&nbsp;</p>
<p align="left"> Why OpenOffice?</p>
<div align="left">
<li>We're …</li></ul></div></div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/one_year_until_the_end.html">One Year until the End of Life for Microsoft Office 2003</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-04-08 15:36:49+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center">
<p><a href="" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2]" height="369" src="" width="500"/></a></p><a href="" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr">
<p> </p></a>
<div align="left"><a href="" title="Josephine Smith digging a grave at the Drouin Cemetery, Victoria, [2] by National Library of Australia Commons, on Flickr">
<p> </p></a>
<h2 id="the-april-2014-deadline">The April 2014 deadline</h2>
<p>Microsoft has <a href="">announced</a>
that they will end support of Office 2003 and Windows XP on April
8th, 2014. What does this mean? As they describe,
"After April 8, 2014, there will be no new security updates,
non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options or online …</p></div></div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/x_apacheopenoffice_a_portable_applications.html">'X-ApacheOpenOffice: A Portable Applications Version of Apache OpenOffice from winPenPack'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-04-04 12:12:08+00:00</p>
<p><p>We receive many questions from users looking for a portable version of Apache OpenOffice.&nbsp; "Portable Applications"<span lang="en"><span></span></span> are software applications designed or adapted to run from portable storage, like a USB memory stick, without requiring an installation.&nbsp; Such applications allow you to bring your applications, settings and documents with you.&nbsp; One …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/openoffice_and_odf.html">Document Freedom Day</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-03-22 17:25:18+00:00</p>
<p><p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p align="center">
<a href="../images/blog/openoffice_and_odf_large_document_freedom_day.jpeg">
<img alt="large_document_freedom_day.jpeg" src="../images/blog/openoffice_and_odf_large_document_freedom_day.jpeg"/>
<h2 id="what-is-document-freedom-day">What is Document Freedom Day? <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#what-is-document-freedom-day" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>Document Freedom Day, the last Wednesday in March, is a global celebration of open standards, especially ones that are used in your documents.&nbsp; At Apache OpenOffice, we're strong supporters of open standards and we're pleased to join in this year's celebration.&nbsp; But we're much more …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/call_for_designers_apache_openoffice.html">'Call For Designers: Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Brand Refresh Project'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-03-06 17:12:31+00:00</p>
<p><p><a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> is looking for a refreshed logo and branding for its upcoming 4.0 release.</p>
<p><img align="middle" alt="logo-contest-600.png" src="../images/blog/call_for_designers_apache_openoffice_logo-contest.png"/><br/> </p>
<p>This is a tremendous opportunity for designers to get involved in one of the most popular free and open source projects, and to get their work displayed to dozens of million of users: Apache …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_40_million_downloads.html">'Apache OpenOffice: 40 Million Downloads'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-03-04 14:08:13+00:00</p>
<p><p>We've reached another big milestone <span class="st">&mdash; 40 million downloads of <a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> 3.4.x since the release of 3.4.0 in May 2012.&nbsp; You can view a <a href="">detailed chart </a>on our Stats page. </span></p><span class="st">
<p>40 million.&nbsp; A number like this is hard to imagine.&nbsp; With news every day of government …</p></span></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/call_for_documentation_volunteers.html">Call for Documentation Volunteers</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-02-26 14:25:54+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><a href="" title="Mt. Holyoke, Massachusetts - Paper. American Writing Paper Co. Super-calender - putting on roll, starting operation, 1936 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="Mt. Holyoke, Massachusetts - Paper. American Writing Paper Co. Super-calender - putting on roll, starting operation, 1936" height="365" src="" width="500"/></a></div>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>As the Apache OpenOffice project gets closer to our big 4.0 release we're ramping up our documentation team.&nbsp; The goal is to have new User Guides ready for the OpenOffice 4.0 launch.&nbsp; If you know something about technical writing, or OpenOffice, or ideally both, we'd love your help …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/international_mother_language_day_2013.html">International Mother Language Day 2013</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-02-20 16:31:34+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><img src="../images/blog/international_mother_language_day_2013_logo.png"/></div>
<p>(This post is also translated into the mother languages of some of our volunteers, including <a href="">Tamil</a> by V.Kadal Amutham, Korean by Jeongkyu Kim, Italian by Fabrizio Marchesano, Asturian by Xuacu Saturio, French by Cyril Beaussier, Spanish by Ricardo Gabriel Berlasso and German by <span class="gD" name="Guenter Marxen">Guenter Marxen.</span></p>
<p> </p>
<p>The Apache OpenOffice project …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/openoffice_downloaded_once_used_and.html">OpenOffice downloaded once - used and installed as often you want</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-02-19 16:45:02+00:00</p>
<p><p> One major advantage of OpenOffice is that it is open source and that the license allows you to use and install it as often you want. Once you have downloaded OpenOffice you can share it with as many other people as you like or install it on as many computers …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/21_million_per_day.html">"$21 Million per Day"</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-02-12 12:59:33+00:00</p>
<p><p> </p>
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<p> </p>
<p align="center"><a href="">
<img src="../images/blog/21_million_per_day_world.jpeg"/></a> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> is a project within the <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a>, a non-profit organization. &nbsp;We don't charge for Apache OpenOffice; we make it available to all for free. &nbsp; We don't pay developers; we rely on <a href="">volunteers</a>.&nbsp; <br/> <br/>
People need office productivity software.&nbsp; Among our users are students, teachers, doctors, lawyers, ministers, public …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/call_for_development_volunteers.html">Call for Development Volunteers</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-02-04 16:47:45+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><a href="" title="A carpenter at the TVA's new Douglas dam on the French Broad River, Tenn. This dam will be 161 feet high and 1,682 feet ong, with a 31,600-acre reservoir area extending 43 miles upstream. With a useful storage capacity of approximately 1,330,000 acre-feet by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"><img alt="A carpenter at the TVA's new Douglas dam on the French Broad River, Tenn. This dam will be 161 feet high and 1,682 feet ong, with a 31,600-acre reservoir area extending 43 miles upstream. With a useful storage capacity of approximately 1,330,000 acre-feet" height="404" src="" width="500"/></a></div>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>We're looking for a few good programmers, C++ hackers who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The Apache OpenOffice project is an international, volunteer-led open source project.&nbsp; We develop Apache OpenOffice (formerly the award-winning office productivity suite, and the code we write is used by tens of …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_at_fosdem_2013.html">Apache OpenOffice at FOSDEM 2013</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-02-01 15:14:47+00:00</p>
<p><p>Many OpenOffice community members will be attending <a href="">FOSDEM</a>, one of the most important Free Software and Open Source events in Europe, in Brussels next weekend.</p>
<p>Apache OpenOffice has a dedicated track (devroom) on Saturday 2 February, all day. The <a href="">devroom schedule</a> includes talks from experienced full-time developers and new volunteers …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_now_available_in.html">Apache OpenOffice now available in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Korean, Polish, Basque, Asturian and Scottish Gaelic</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-01-30 05:05:42+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center">
<p><a href="" title="Sydney Grammar School's eight-oar-crew, Putney, Sydney, ca. 1932 / photographer Sam Hood by State Library of New South Wales collection, on Flickr"><img alt="Sydney Grammar School's eight-oar-crew, Putney, Sydney, ca. 1932 / photographer Sam Hood" height="377" src="" width="500"/></a></p>
<p>The <a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> project is pleased to announce the <a href="">immediate availability</a> of Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 in 8 new translations:
<p>Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Korean, Polish, Basque, Asturian and Scottish Gaelic. </p></p>
<p> </p>
<p>The <a href="">award winning</a> Apache OpenOffice 3.4 software, <a href="">downloaded over 33
million times</a>, already supports US English, German, Japanese …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/merging_lotus_symphony_allegro_moderato.html">'Merging Lotus Symphony: Allegro moderato'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-01-21 16:40:35+00:00</p>
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<p><a href="" title="April 8, 1926 by National Library of Ireland on The Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="April 8, 1926" height="383" src="" width="500"/></a></p>
<p> </p>
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<h2 id="the-house-lights-flash-please-take-your-seats-the-symphony-is-about-to-begin">The house lights flash; Please take your seats.&nbsp; The symphony is about to begin.<br/><a class="headerlink" href="#the-house-lights-flash-please-take-your-seats-the-symphony-is-about-to-begin" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p><a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> will soon have some new features and other
improvements, courtesy of IBM and their <a href="">Lotus Symphony</a>&nbsp;effort.&nbsp; Interoperability, performance, accessibility improvements, as well as exciting new user interface elements are in the works.&nbsp; Read …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/books_about_openoffice.html">Books about OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-01-11 02:02:51+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center">
<p><a href="" title="Civic library, Newcastle, 18/9/1957, Hood collection by State Library of New South Wales collection, on Flickr"><img alt="Civic library, Newcastle, 18/9/1957, Hood collection" height="367" src="" width="500"/></a></p><a href="" title="Civic library, Newcastle, 18/9/1957, Hood collection by State Library of New South Wales collection, on Flickr">
<p> </p></a>
<div align="left"><a href="" title="Civic library, Newcastle, 18/9/1957, Hood collection by State Library of New South Wales collection, on Flickr">
<p> </p></a></div>
As the leading open source office productivity suite for over a decade, it is not surprising that Apache OpenOffice (formerly has attracted attention from authors of technical instruction books.&nbsp; A search of the catalog of online book retailers shows many titles, including a <a href="">new one on OpenOffice Basic …</a></p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/your_top_questions_answered.html">Your top questions answered</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2013-01-07 14:57:45+00:00</p>
<p><div class="gwt-HTML">
<p><span class="bold">A little over a month ago we asked our users to <a href="">submit questions to us</a>, on any OpenOffice-related topic.&nbsp; Users also had the opportunity to vote questions up or down, so we could identify the questions that were of the greatest interest.&nbsp;&nbsp; We received 274 questions, and 1,743 votes …</span></p></div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/random_numbers_in_calc_small.html">'Random Numbers in Calc: Small Enhancements That Can Make a Difference'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-12-20 18:06:52+00:00</p>
RAND() is one of those barely noticeable functions that seem to be trivial and a given in modern spreadsheets. The truth behind RAND() and other functions that try to simulate the real world in some way is that they are extremely difficult, and maybe even impossible, to do correctly.<br/>Historically …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_asia_road_show_beijing.html">Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-12-10 18:05:25+00:00</p>
<p><h2 id="apache-openoffice-in-apache-asia-road-show-beijing-2012-at-december-13">Apache OpenOffice in Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012 at December 13<a class="headerlink" href="#apache-openoffice-in-apache-asia-road-show-beijing-2012-at-december-13" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<div id=":1xa">
<p> <br/>
Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012 will be held at December 13, and Apache OpenOffice will deliver a session in the conference. In the Apache OpenOffice session, Peter Junge, Apache OpenOffice PMC member, will give a speech to …</p></div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_reached_out_to.html">Apache OpenOffice reach out to the world</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-11-26 14:56:06+00:00</p>
<p><h3 id="call-for-translation-volunteers">Call for Translation Volunteers <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#call-for-translation-volunteers" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3>
<p>The Apache OpenOffice project issues a Call for Translation Volunteers, to help us complete several translations that are nearly done, but need an extra push before we can release them.&nbsp; Languages that are almost done include: Danish, Korean, Polish, Asturian, Uighur, Icelandic, Indonesian, Welsh, Catalan, Bulgarian …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/call_for_marketing_volunteers.html">Call for Marketing Volunteers</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-11-21 14:45:41+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"> <a href="" title="Gifford Park, Edinburgh with large adverts by National Library of Scotland, on Flickr"><img alt="Gifford Park, Edinburgh with large adverts" height="500" src="" width="393"/></a> </div>
<p> </p>
<h3 id="a-call-for-marketing-volunteers">A Call for Marketing Volunteers <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#a-call-for-marketing-volunteers" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3>
<p>This is a call for volunteers for the Apache OpenOffice (formerly Marketing team.&nbsp; We have big plans for our next major release, Apache OpenOffice 4.0.&nbsp; As our development and QA volunteers work on the engineering side of this release, we're also building …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/good_news_libreoffice_is_integrating.html">'Good news: LibreOffice has integrated my SVG import feature'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-11-14 13:51:52+00:00</p>
<p><p>A nice feature I have implemented for Apache OpenOffice 3.4 released in May 2012, the new native SVG Import (see <a href="" title="here">here</a>), will make an appearance to the next LibreOffice version. It replaces the former SVG import greatly improving user experience and
removing dependencies of six external libraries, also benefiting …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_track_at_apachecon1.html">'Apache OpenOffice track at ApacheCon: Day 3'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-11-11 17:52:48+00:00</p>
<p><p>To complete our coverage of <a href="">ApacheCon Europe 2012</a>, here's a brief overview of some sessions and activities from Day 3. Slides, audio and/or video of all sessions will soon be posted on the <a href="">ApacheCon Europe site</a>.</p>
<p><em>See the reports of <a href="">Day 1</a> and <a href="">Day 2</a> for further information.</em></p>
<h3 id="microsoft-interoperability-and-cross-project-cooperation">Microsoft …</h3></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/you_can_help_us_improve.html">You Can Help Us Improve OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-11-09 01:12:39+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"> <a href="" title="Hamilton Watch. Inspecting plate - skilled inspecting job, 1936 by The U.S. National Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="Hamilton Watch. Inspecting plate - skilled inspecting job, 1936" height="355" src="" width="500"/></a> </div>
<p> </p>
<h3 id="a-call-for-qa-volunteers">A Call for QA Volunteers <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#a-call-for-qa-volunteers" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3>
<p>This is a call for volunteers for our QA team.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Apache OpenOffice (formerly project has an ambitious plan for our next major release.&nbsp; But for this plan to be successful we need to grow our Quality Assurance (QA) team to keep up …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_track_at_apachecon.html">'Apache OpenOffice track at ApacheCon: Day 2'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-11-08 14:41:05+00:00</p>
<p><p>Here are a few selected topics from Day 2 of the Apache OpenOffice track at <a href="">ApacheCon Europe</a>.</p>
<p><em>For full coverage, see the reports from <a href="">Day 1</a> and <a href="">Day 3</a>.</em></p>
<h3 id="openoffice-in-the-cloud-online-version">OpenOffice in the cloud: online version<a class="headerlink" href="#openoffice-in-the-cloud-online-version" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3>
<p>Judging by the number of questions made during the presentation and by the number of …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/openoffice_track_at_apachecon_day.html">'Apache OpenOffice track at ApacheCon: Day 1'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-11-08 01:13:24+00:00</p>
<p><p>The OpenOffice official debut at <a href="">ApacheCon</a> was definitely successful, with the big Apache community providing a warm welcome to the Apache OpenOffice folks. All presentations are being recorded (audio and slides) and they will gradually be made available on the <a href="">ApacheCon site</a>, but we are picking a few topics from …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/openoffice_graduates_from_the_apache.html">OpenOffice Graduates from the Apache Incubator</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-10-18 11:06:44+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"> <a href="" title="Columbia, 6/3/14 (LOC) by The Library of Congress, on Flickr"><img alt="Columbia, 6/3/14 (LOC)" height="360" src="" width="500"/></a> </div>
<p> </p>
<p>We're pleased to announce that the ASF Board, at their October monthly meeting, approved a resolution promoting the <a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> Podling to an Apache Top Level Project.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Board also appointed a Project Management Committee (PMC) to oversee the project, with Andrea Pescetti as Chairman.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br/> </p>
<p>Further details on the graduation …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/calling_all_openoffice_consultants.html">Calling all OpenOffice Consultants</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-10-09 22:37:25+00:00</p>
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<p><a href="" title="NASA Deputy Administrator Robert Seamans, von Braun and President Kennedy at Cape Canaveral by NASA on The Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="NASA Deputy Administrator Robert Seamans, von Braun and President Kennedy at Cape Canaveral" height="375" src="" width="500"/></a></p>
<p>Most users are able to download, install and use Apache OpenOffice (formerly, now undergoing <a href="">incubation</a> at Apache) using only freely available assistance: help files, <a href="">online documentation</a>, <a href="">wiki</a> or our volunteer-led <a href="">community support forums</a>.&nbsp; But in some cases, with larger, customized deployments, migrations, more complex requirements, etc., users and …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/use_the_source_luke.html">Use the Source, Luke</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-09-28 15:27:08+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><a href="" title="Space Shuttle Program by San Diego Air &amp; Space Museum Archives, on Flickr"><img alt="Space Shuttle Program" height="394" src="" width="500"/></a></div>
<p> </p>
<p>We take a lot of pride in the success of Apache OpenOffice (formerly, now undergoing <a href="">incubation</a> at Apache).&nbsp; With over 100 million downloads, and a million more downloads every week, our award-winning, free and open office suite has grown and continues to grow in popularity. But this is …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/announcing_apache_openoffice_3_41.html">Announcing Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-08-23 13:58:17+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"><a href="" title="Launch of Friendship 7 by NASA on The Commons, on Flickr"><img alt="Launch of Friendship 7" height="500" src="" width="400"/></a></div>
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<h2 id="apache-openofficetm-341-launches-with-more-languages-improved-performance-and-stability">Apache OpenOffice&trade; 3.4.1 launches, with more languages, improved performance and stability. <br/><a class="headerlink" href="#apache-openofficetm-341-launches-with-more-languages-improved-performance-and-stability" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h2>
<p>(This announcement is also available in <a href="">Italian</a>, <a href="">French</a>, <a href="">Simplified</a> and <a href="">Traditional Chinese</a>.)<br/></p>
<p>The <a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1, the latest release of the free and open …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_conference_within_a.html">'Apache OpenOffice Conference-Within-a-Conference: Call for Papers Open!'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-07-26 13:02:42+00:00</p>
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<p><a href="" title="Physicists at the Seventh Solvay Physics Conference, Brussels, Belgium, October 1933 by Smithsonian Institution, on Flickr"><img alt="Physicists at the Seventh Solvay Physics Conference, Brussels, Belgium, October 1933" height="405" src="" width="500"/></a> </p>
<p>The ApacheCon Europe 2012 team has opened the <a href="">Call for Papers</a>. Deadline for submission is August 13th. This year the conference will be held in Sinsheim, Germany from November 5 - 9. Check out the conference site here:<br/></p>The Apache OpenOffice project team is planning to build …</p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/forums_mid_year_status.html">'The Community Forum: Mid Year Status'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-07-08 20:22:35+00:00</p>
<p><p align="center"><img src="../images/blog/forums_mid_year_status_people.jpeg"/><br/></p>
<p> </p>
<p>The Apache OpenOffice (incubating) English Community Forum has registered its 50,000th member mid-June. However, there are still around 1,800 spam accounts, hence count of true members is still slightly under the 50,000 level. But we should reach it in August.</p>
<p><br/><a href="../images/blog/forums_mid_year_status_forum_usage.png"><img src="../images/blog/forums_mid_year_status_forum_usage.png"/></a><br/></p>
<p>Note: the Y-axis for purple line (spammers …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/how_to_safely_download_apache.html">How to Safely Download Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-06-28 17:49:57+00:00</p>
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<p><a href="" title="Syd Connelly and winning safety slogan by The Library of Virginia, on Flickr"><img alt="Syd Connelly and winning safety slogan" height="371" src="" width="500"/></a></p>
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<p>It happened again today.&nbsp; We received an email from a very frustrated user, complaining that OpenOffice had taken over his browser, installed new toolbars, replaced the browser's home page, was causing pop-ups to surface on every page, etc.&nbsp; To make things worse, none of these programs could be uninstalled via …</p></div></div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/5_million_downloads_of_apache.html">5 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice (incubating)</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-06-20 14:18:37+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center"> <a href="" title="Celebration of Edvard Grieg's 60 birthday by Bergen Public Library, on Flickr"><img alt="Celebration of Edvard Grieg's 60 birthday" height="408" src="" width="500"/></a> </div>
<p>Sometime last night the 5 millionth copy of <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 3.4</a> was downloaded.&nbsp;&nbsp; Over 5 million downloads in 6 weeks.&nbsp;&nbsp; To put this in perspective, <a href="">the population of Norway</a> just hit 5 million earlier this year.&nbsp; That's a lot of OpenOffice!</p>
<p>(Apache OpenOffice is currently undergoing
Incubation at the …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/porting_apache_openoffice_to_solaris.html">Porting Apache OpenOffice (incubating) to Solaris, an interview with Nicolas Christener of Adfinis SyGroup</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-06-18 01:24:10+00:00</p>
<p><div align="center">
<p><img src=""/></p>
<p> </p>
<p>The Swiss company Adfinis SyGroup is active in the <a href="">Apache OpenOffice project</a>, contributing the Solaris build, as well hosting an <a href="">OpenGrok index</a> of the OpenOffice source code.&nbsp;&nbsp; The following interview was conducted via email between PMC member Rob Weir (R) and Nicolas Christener of Adfinis SyGroup (N).</p>
<p>(Apache OpenOffice is …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/openoffice_org_is_now_apache.html"> is now Apache OpenOffice</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-06-04 08:36:02+00:00</p>
<p><p>If you <a href="">download Apache OpenOffice 3.4</a>, or <a href="">browse our website</a>, you will notice that we have a rebranding effort underway. &nbsp;&nbsp; I'd like to offer a few thoughts on what happened, why and what will be coming next.</p>
<p>When the project came to Apache, it started in the …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/an_apache_openoffice_timeline.html">Where did the time go? (A look at the Apache OpenOffice (incubating) timeline)</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-03-13 16:20:56+00:00</p>
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<p><img src="../images/blog/an_apache_openoffice_timeline_email.png"/></p>
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<p>The above timeline shows just some of the accomplishments of the Apache OpenOffice project since we first started <a href="">incubation</a> at Apache<a href=""> last June</a>.&nbsp; I've arbitrarily categorized the items as Infrastructure, Community or Development, knowing full well that any such act of categorization is dubious at best.&nbsp; There is a lot …</p></div></div></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/retirement_of_openoffice_org_email.html">Retirement of legacy email forwarding service</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-03-02 19:28:22+00:00</p>
<h3 id="background"><a name="(Draft)PublicStatementonEmailForwarding-Background"></a>Background<a class="headerlink" href="#background" title="Permalink">&para;</a></h3>
<p>As you may have heard, Oracle contributed the (OOo)&nbsp;
code to Apache in June. As part of this move, we will lose access to the
servers that formally hosted the …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/apache_openoffice_has_been_ported.html">Porting Apache OpenOffice (incubating) to FreeBSD -- Ready to test!</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-02-29 14:52:05+00:00</p>
<p><p>We are pleased to note that NAKATA, Maho and Pedro Giffuni have ported <a href="">Apache OpenOffice</a> to <a href="">FreeBSD</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp; The results of their porting effort are now in the FreeBSD <a href="">ports tree</a>, so everyone can easily build and use it.&nbsp;&nbsp; FreeBSD users are invited to help test this port and report bugs …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/native_svg_support_for_apache.html">Native SVG support for Apache OpenOffice 3.4 (Incubating)</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-01-19 11:02:42+00:00</p>
<p><p>Apache OpenOffice 3.4 supports embedding SVG graphics using a newly created native SVG interpreter implementation. I want to talk about the advantages and some internals of this solution and the necessary changes done.<br/></p>
<p>One reason to do this was IP clearance. It allowed removal of six GPL/LGPL libraries …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/the_community_forum_new_year.html">'The Community Forum: New Year Status'</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-01-12 00:00:00+00:00</p>
<p><p>After 4 years of existence, the <a href="">Community Forum</a> has moved on the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) servers at the end of October 2011 (see <a href="">details</a>).
Here are some figures about how we are doing on the English forum. We will try to make this kind of report on a monthly …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/features_for_graphicobjects_and_oleobjects.html">Features for GraphicObjects and OLEObjects</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2012-01-11 15:42:20+00:00</p>
<p><p>I just wanted to send some notes about added features which are part of AOO3.4 version. This one is actually the result of fixing tasks <a href="" title="#118558#">#118558#</a>, <a href="" title="#118485#">#118485#</a>, <a href="" title="#108221#">#108221#</a> and <a href="" title="#67705#">#67705#</a> which are all about GraphicObjects, OLEObjects (OLE means Object Linking and Embedding) and their geometrical attributes and properties. You …</p></p>
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<h2><a href="/blog/openoffice_grandfather_s_private_thoughts.html">OpenOffice Grandfather's Private Thoughts</a></h2>
<p>Posted on: 2011-12-27 17:55:52+00:00</p>
<p><style type="text/css">
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