blob: 29d40c6036ff35748f5d98fed04b75a9c6668d57 [file] [log] [blame]
* Overview of all methods (functions) of the global object "INDEX"
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* function INDEX.checkReferrer ()
* function INDEX.createIndexOf ()
* function INDEX.getURLQuery ()
* function INDEX.follow ( platform )
* function INDEX.showEventBox ()
* function INDEX.showAlertBox ()
* function INDEX.setRedirect ()
// Object that contains all following methods (functions) and properties (variables).
var INDEX = new Object();
* Create the "indexOf" function when the browser does not support it
* @param: None
* @return: i - The value from the index position of the array
INDEX.createIndexOf = function() {
// Add ECMA262-5 array methods if not supported natively.
// To workaround that MSIE 8 and older do not support this function.
if( !( 'indexOf' in Array.prototype ) ) {
Array.prototype.indexOf= function( find, i ) { // 'i' is an optional parameter.
if( i === undefined ) {
i = 0;
if( i < 0 ) {
i+= this.length;
if( i < 0 ) {
i = 0;
for( var n = this.length; i < n; i++ ) {
if( i in this && this[ i ] === find ) {
return i;
return -1;
* Get the value from an browser URL query
* @param: None
* @return: q_value - The value from the browser URL query
INDEX.getURLQuery = function() {
// Parse the URL for a query if it contains a value that should be used as an language ISO code.
// Does the browser URL contain a query with "?" and "=" characters at all?
if( decodeURI( window.location ).indexOf( "?" ) == -1 &&
decodeURI( window.location ).indexOf( "=" ) == -1 ) {
// If not return an empty string and exit.
return "";
// Create the "indexOf" function when the browser does not support it.
var query = new Object();
var q_pair = 1 ).split( "?" );
var position = 0;
var q_name, q_value = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < q_pair.length; i++ ) {
// Assign the position of the "=" character, so where the name ends and the value starts.
position = q_pair[ i ].indexOf( "=" );
// If the position is not found (-1) then just go on.
if ( position === -1 ) {
// Assign the name of the query pair.
q_name = q_pair[ i ].substring( 0, position );
// Assign the value of the query pair.
q_value = q_pair[ i ].substring( position + 1 );
query[ q_name ] = decodeURI( q_value );
alert( ""
+ "Query pair: " + "\t" + q_pair + "\n"
+ "Query name: " + "\t" + q_name + "\n"
+ "Query value: " + "\t" + q_value + "\n"
+ "" );
// Return the query value.
return q_value;
* Link AOO to a social media
* @param: platform - The social media (Apache Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google+) that the scriping should link to
* @return: None
INDEX.follow = function( platform ) {
_gaq.push( ['_trackEvent', 'social', 'followUs', platform] );
if ( platform == 'ApacheBlog' ) { "", "_blank" );
} else if ( platform == 'Facebook' ) { "", "_blank" );
} else if ( platform == 'Twitter' ) { "", "_blank" );
} else if ( platform == 'GooglePlus' ) { "", "_blank" );
* Show a dialog box helping text and set the document referrer to another webpage to do a redirect.
* @param: None
* @return: None
INDEX.checkReferrer = function() {
// Check the origin of the website visit (document referrer) and decide if there is a need to notify the user and
// do a website redirect.
// Example from 2014-12-03:
// Send the support link of the "Quickoffice - Pro" app to a special webpage with explaination.
// TODO: Finished the work and test if it is working.
// Backup the original document referrer.
var ref_backup = document.referrer;
// Check if the user comes from a problematic webpage (document referrer).
if ( document.referrer.indexOf( "" ) != -1 ) {
// Set a new website to do the redirect.
// location.href = "";
// Notify the user about the reason for the redirect.
alert( ""
+ "Dear Quickoffice - Pro user"
+ "\n\n That app claims to come from Apache OpenOffice, but this is not true. "
+ "It is totally unrelated to the Apache OpenOffice project \"\" and "
+ "therefore we cannot help you in any way. Please report the app back to the App Store. "
+ "\n\n Thank you very much for your understanding."
+ "");
* Show an event box with colored background (e.g., to announce the Apache Conference Europe)
* @param: None
* @return: None
INDEX.showEventBox = function() {
// The text is defined in "/msg_prop_l10n.js".
// Show the event box or not?
if( l10n.index_event_box_show ) {
// Show the banner logo and text with link and cursor as poiner.
document.write( "<div id='event_box' onclick=' \"" + l10n.index_event_box_text_href
+ "\", \"_blank\" ); return false;'>"
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li>"
// Event banner logo on the left hand side.
+ "<p style='float: left;'>"
+ "<a href='" + l10n.index_event_box_graphic_href
+ "' title='" + l10n.index_event_box_graphic_title + "' target='_blank'>"
+ "<img src='" + l10n.index_event_box_graphic_src + "'"
+ "alt='" + l10n.index_event_box_graphic_alt + "'"
+ "height='" + l10n.index_event_box_graphic_height + "'"
+ "width='" + l10n.index_event_box_graphic_width + "' />"
+ "</a>"
+ "</p>"
// Event text on the right hand side.
+ "<p>"
+ "<a style='color: black; text-decoration: none;'"
+ "' title='" + l10n.index_event_box_text_title + "' target='_blank'>"
+ l10n.index_event_box_text_text
+ "</a>"
+ "</p>"
+ "</li>"
+ "</ul>"
+ "</div>" );
* Show an alert box with colored background (e.g., to announce an outage of an AOO service)
* @param: None
* @return: None
INDEX.showAlertBox = function() {
// The text is defined in "/msg_prop_l10n.js".
// Show the alert box or not?
if( l10n.index_alert_box_show ) {
// Depending if link is available, make the whole DIV clickable or not.
if( l10n.index_alert_box_href ) {
// Show the text with link and cursor as poiner.
document.write( "<div id='alert_box' onclick=' \"" + l10n.index_alert_box_href
+ "\", \"_blank\" ); return false;'><ul><li>" );
// Show headline.
document.write( "<h2 style='cursor: pointer;'>"
+ l10n.index_alert_box_headline_text + "</h2>" );
// Show text.
if( l10n.index_alert_box_text_text ) {
document.write( "<p style='cursor: pointer;'>"
+ l10n.index_alert_box_text_text + "</p>" );
} else {
// Show the text without link and normal cursor.
document.write( "<div id='alert_box'><ul><li>" );
// Show headline.
document.write( "<h2 style='cursor: default;'>"
+ l10n.index_alert_box_headline_text + "</h2>" );
// Show text.
if( l10n.index_alert_box_text_text ) {
document.write( "<p style='cursor: default;'>"
+ l10n.index_alert_box_text_text + "</p>" );
document.write( "</li></ul></div>" ); // Alert box.
* Show a redirect box with colored background to give the user a message that a localized NL webpage is available
* @param: None
* @return: None
INDEX.setRedirect = function() {
// The text is defined in "/msg_prop_l10n.js".
DL.NL_LANG = ""; // Set to empty as both variables ...
DL.LANG_SEL = ""; // ... must not be used in following function.
var lang_iso = DL.getLanguage(); // Get the language ISO code from browser guessed data.
var lang_mode = ""; // Customized redirect mode.
var lang_text = ""; // Customized message text that can be shown.
var link = ""; // Override redirect mode.
// Create the "indexOf" function when the browser does not support it.
// Add ECMA262-5 Array methods if not supported natively.
// To workaround that MSIE 8 and older do not support this function.
if( !( 'indexOf' in Array.prototype ) ) {
Array.prototype.indexOf= function( find, i ) { // 'i' is an optional parameter.
if( i === undefined ) {
i = 0;
if( i < 0 ) {
i+= this.length;
if( i < 0 ) {
i = 0;
for( var n = this.length; i < n; i++ ) {
if( i in this && this[ i ] === find ) {
return i;
return -1;
// Fix for Portuguese (European) as they are named only "pt" without region code!
if( lang_iso === "pt-pt" || lang_iso === "pt-PT" ) {
lang_iso = "pt";
// Query if the browser language is one of the released languages.
// The array has 3 elements per language (defined in "/download/globalvars.js"
for( var i = 0, j = DL.SEL_LANG.length; i < j; i = i + 3 ) {
// If the ISO code is found in the language array.
if( DL.SEL_LANG[ i ] === lang_iso ) {
// Query for the redirect method (defined in "/msg_prop_l10n.js", column 0).
lang_mode = l10n.index_redirect_text[ i / 3 * 2 ];
lang_text = l10n.index_redirect_text[ i / 3 * 2 + 1 ];
// Convert the browser URL into a string.
link = String( document.location );
// Does the browser URL contain already a redirect mode?
// If yes, set the new redirect mode to override the customized mode.
if( link.indexOf( "hard" ) !== -1 ) {
lang_mode = "hard";
} else if( link.indexOf( "soft" ) !== -1 ) {
lang_mode = "soft";
} else if( link.indexOf( "none" ) !== -1 ) {
lang_mode = "none";
// Fix for English as main language for the website, it does not need a language code.
if( lang_iso === "en-us" || lang_iso === "en-gb" || lang_iso === "en-uk" || lang_iso === "en" ||
lang_iso === "en-US" || lang_iso === "en-GB" || lang_iso === "en-UK" ) {
lang_iso = "";
switch( lang_mode ) {
case "hard":
// Do not show a message, just redirect. "" + lang_iso , "_self" );
case "soft":
// Show a message and redirect only on user's click.
// Assign the message text that is defined in:
// "/msg_prop_l10n.js", array "l10n.index_redirect_text", column 1),
document.write( "<div id='redirect_box'"
+ " onclick=' \"" + lang_iso + "\", \"_self\" );"
+ "return false;'>"
+ "<ul><li>"
+ "<p>" + lang_text + "</p>"
+ "</li></ul>"
+ "</div>" ); // Redirect box.
case "none":
// Do nothing and show nothing.